I am very happy to announce that I have added MORE AWESOME STUFF to my monthly membership, training and coaching program while keeping the price THE SAME.
How To Qualify Women For Certain Relationships
We’re going to talk about your women, the different types of relationships, and also the qualifications for those women to be in certain types of relationships.
How Will The West Collapse?
This is one of the biggest questions I get, and today I’m going to address this in detail. The West is collapsing — but what does that mean? What will happen, and when will it happen?
How To Get Safely Divorced
Today I’m going to show you how to get divorced as safely as possible. If you’re in a traditional monogamous marriage with no prenuptial agreement, this is how you get out of there in the least bad way you possibly can.
11 Great Countries to Move To
This is the article many of you have been asking for. Today, I’m going to cover 11 countries that are good for you to move to as an Alpha Male 2.0.
How To Write A Book – Online Seminar Starts In A Few Hours
How To Write A Book – Online Seminar Starts In A Few Hours
Why Get Married?
Why on earth would you possibly get married? What is the point? I’m getting this question a lot as my audience grows.
Help Me Write The Next Version of My Online Dating Manual
I am now updating and re-writing the Ultimate Online Dating Manual. It’s been three years since I’ve released it so the time has come to update it.
What To Expect When Setting Goals
What can you expect after 30 years of setting goals? I’ll tell you…
Announcing New Online Seminar – How To Write A Book
Have you ever wanted to write a non-fiction book to sell — print book, small book, long book, or ebook? I’ll show you how.
My 3+ Hour Ask Me Anything Video
Here is the 3+ hour (!) video where I answer all of the questions that have come in from you guys over the past few weeks for my AMA. Longest damn video I’ve ever done, by far. Enjoy.