Alpha Male 2.0

Forbidden Desires – Now It’s Women’s Turn


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I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations lately with women regarding being attracted to very young men.  Because of movies like Twilight and celebrities like Justin Bieber, for the first time in history, women are now experiencing en mass what it feels like to feel sexual attraction to people they’re not supposed to be attracted to.  As in, people around age 16.

-By Caleb Jones

In all honesty, I have trouble discerning what this means in the larger picture.  Why is this happening in society now?

Women of all ages will look at little mister Bieber or “Jacob” from Twilight and think thoughts all the way from “OMG he’s so hot and I don’t care if he’s 16” to “Ew, why am I so attracted to him?  This is wrong!  Must…stop…staring!”

The irony of course as we men have had to deal with dynamic for the last 100 years at least.  Experiencing a quick kneejerk attraction for some 16 or 17 year old girl we see at the mall for a few seconds, than feeling sleazy, frustrated, or confused about what we felt…hell, that’s been part of the everyday male experience for a very long time.

Welcome to the club, gals!  Now it’s your turn!

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