Alpha Male 2.0

Fun With Theory: Dancer Sex

Dance Class Game

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This is the first in a series of blog posts called "Fun With Theory".  They will be the opposite of another series I have going, which is "Fun With Logic".  In the "Theory" series, I'll be letting my imagination run wild (tempered by INTJ logic and rationality of course) and will be musing about hypotheticals.  It's one of those rare times I'll be completely KJ (KJ - Keyboard Jockey, giving advice on something you have no real experience in).

-By Caleb Jones

So I'll start this with a disclaimer:

I have never actually done what I'm about to talk about.  It's only a fun hypothetical theory to discuss.  However, I have seen other men do this or similar and achieve results with it.  It also matches everything I know about how women operate, so I see no reason why it would not work. 

Today I'm going to talk about a sure-fire method for you to get laid very easily that has been completely ignored by the seduction community.   It should work as long as you're not super overweight and a decent amount of flexible time in your schedule.  Of course, it's just a theory, but I think I'm right.  Read on and you be the judge.

Observation Number One: Over the course of my life I have met several guys who lay TONS OF CHICKS who are more or less AFCs.  Ugly or average-looking, no real game, no real appeal, no seduction skill whatsoever, needy, pussified, just like every other AFC out there. How did they fuck all of these chicks then?

The answer is: they're dancers.  Actually, calling them "dancers" might be too kind.  Some of them are dancers, but most of them just go to dance classes a lot.  Sometimes they're students, sometimes they're instructors, but they're always at these god damn dance classes and it's a big part of their lives.

At these classes, they meet tons of chicks.  I'll be honest, most of these chicks are not super hot, but many of them are cute and ALL of them are physically fit.  These women also tend to be outgoing, relaxed, fun, and sexual.  Just through dancing with these chicks, these dorky beta males get laid like rock stars, often without even trying.

Moreover, I've seen things like men over age 40  lay chicks as young as 19, with the girls' excuse of "Well, normally I wouldn't go for a guy that old...but he can dance!"  It really is amazing to watch and frankly, I've often been shocked at the sheer quantity of physically-fit pussy these dorky AFCs end up with.

Observation Number Two: I have talked to many non-dancer normal people who will start going to a regular dance class, only to be turned off because, and I quote, "All they do is fuck each other," and "It seems like everyone in the class has slept with just about everyone else in the class."

Hmmmm.  Are your wheels turning yet?
Observation Number Three: Most people don't know this, but there is an entire dance class subculture. These people dance with each other during class, then go out on the weekends together and dance at dance clubs and bars and fuck each other like hippies in a 1970's commune.

I have a good female friend who is heavily involved in this subculture and I've talked to a lot of her friends, plus I've talked to a lot of other "dance classers", both male and female.  I constantly hear comments from these women like "Well, you can't NOT fuck your dance partner."

Another commonality I've noticed: These people, the men and women both, often have had huge numbers of sexual partners.  People who have had 30, 40, 60, or more sexual partners are not unheard of at all.

"Dance Class Game"
Alright, I'm done trying to convince you.  Let's turn this into action now.
Here's is your step-by-step guide on how you (hypothetically) get all the women you want by doing "dance class game".

1. Use Google, Facebook, Craigslist,, and friends you know and locate a number of regular dance classes in your area.  Every major city has tons.  Focus on in-style dancing like salsa dancing, tango, country western dancing, etc.  Avoid classic/conservative stuff like ballet or ballroom dancing (though I have a feeling even that would work too).

2. Narrow down the classes that are made up mostly of unmarried women under the age of 33.  Talk to the dance instructors, who are almost always female, to get this kind of information.  They'll be more than happy to talk to you all about it.  (By the way, you can fuck them too.)

3. Whip up $15 to $80 and sign up for at least two different classes that meet at least once per week.  Three or four classes would be better.  These classes are often very cheap, and it will easily be the same or cheaper than buying drinks for chicks, buying food or drinks on a bunch of first dates, or paying cover charges for clubs.  As an extra benefit, you get to learn how to dance, which can only help your game.

4. Before attending each class, pay close attention to your appearance and dress and look and as good as you possibly can, just as if you were going out sarging.

5. Go to class and dance.  Even if you suck at it, show a strong desire to learn and get better.  That's all that matters with these people, believe me.

6. Make and implement a plan to meet, dance, and flirt with every fuckable woman in every one of your classes.  If you're a nerd at heart like me, make a spreadsheet so you don't forget anyone.

7. Use your skills you've learned from me and other guys in the seduction community on these women.  Push/pull, kino, sex talk, confidence, outcome independance, etc.  The works.  Isolate, escalate, and fuck as many as you can. Many of these women are DTF already because of their dance class subculture and attitudes.

8. Rinse and repeat with other new dance classes once you've fucked everyone you can.  Or game the new arrivals to your current classes as they arise.

Dude. This should be like shooting fish in a barrel.
I'm serious, I bet these damn dancer guys are doing their best to keep this technique a secret from us.  If I had the free time, which I don't, I'd try it myself.

Is there any reason why this technique would not work? (By the way, if any of you are adventurous enough to actually try and really make an effort at this, comment or email me, keep me in the loop, and I'll devote a blog post or two strictly to you and your progress and results.)

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