Alpha Male 2.0

Imprison The Children To Protect The Children

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Conveniently going along with the "protect the younger woman" theme we've been having here lately, there's a news story that's very instructive on the destruction culture causes to innocent people when we get all uptight about sexual issues. I will summarize what happened...

-By Caleb Jones

Two high school girls in Florida, ages 17 and 14, were dating.
The split second the 17 year-old girl turned 18, the parents of the other girl (now 15) instantly filed criminal charges against her. After all, she's 18 now, she's an "adult" now, and she's having sex with a "minor" who is "only" 15. OMG That's RAPE!  That evil adult is RAPING that poor innocent child. Something Must Be Done™. To Protect The Children™.

The 18 years-and-one-day-old girl, not even done with her senior year in high school, was handcuffed, arrested, and thrown in jail. She is now facing criminal charges. Her "reduced" plea deal includes the fact that she will now forever be registered as a sex offender. That means she will never be able to teach or volunteer with children, cannot live near a playground, etc.

For the rest of her life. Not to mention the fact that if this had happened a few miles away in South Carolina, where age of consent is 16 instead of 18, all of this would have been perfectly fine and perfect legal.

This is the evil that occurs when people get all freaky about PROTECTING THE CHILDREN™. This is what happens when good, honest, "evolved", progressive people get hypersensitive about underage people having sex. This is when liberals (and conservatives too, but most of this outrage comes from liberal moms) end up looking like the Puritans of the 1600s. (Though even the fucking Puritans were more liberal. Puritan women were getting married at around age 13. )

As I've said before, we love to pat ourselves on the back about how "evolved" we all are compared to those cro-magnon religious conservative types of yore. Yet, as I've demonstrated before, in many ways we're actually worse. More conservative. More uptight about sex.

This "underage" thing is a perfect example. If you're 17 years old and have sex with a 15 year old, totally fine. But the split second a certain date passes on the calendar, now you're a criminal and a sex offender. Same goes for if you're a twenty-something guy. Touch that woman who is 17 years and eleven months old, you're a criminal and a pervert and a god damn sex offender, you sick twisted fuck. But just wait a week or two until her 18th birthday, then fuck the shit out of her in every orifice. Totally acceptable, totally legal, good job, high five.

It's insane, we all know it, but no one will lift a finger to change it, because society has become a bunch of politically correct pussies.

Here's what should be done:

1. First item, top of the list, everyone needs to calm the fuck down. The majority of people these days start having sex around age 14. I'm not saying you have to like it, but I am saying you have to accept it and deal with it.

I speak here as the father of a 15 year-old girl. She's going to be having sex very soon (if she hasn't already). If I can learn to deal with that reality (and I have), then you can too. If your teenage daughter has consensual sex with a 16 year-old guy, or a 19 year-old guy, or a 22 year-old guy, or a 25 year-old guy, or 19 year-old girl, none of that makes any difference. The ages and genders are all irrelevant. It's sex.

Calm down. Deal with it. It's okay. The world will not come to an end. No one is going to be irrevocably hurt or damaged assuming the sex was consensual, and it always is in these stupid statutory "rape" cases. (Yes, pregnancy could occur, but I'm more against teenage pregnancy than you are, and I've already covered that topic in detail. We're not talking about babies here. We're talking about sex.)

2. Legal age of consent should be 16. Having age of consent at age 18 is simply insane. These days, by the time the typical girl turns 18, she's already had multiple sexual partners, and is more sexually experienced than I was at age 30. Again, there is nothing you can do to stop this reality. It's happening whether you like it or not, whether it's legal or not. 

So let's be adults about this and have laws that make sense in the real world. Age of consent at age 18 is just as stupid as having marijuana illegal. All it does is waste taxpayer dollars, waste government resources, bring horrific pain and suffering to a lot of innocent people who are harming no one, and let a tiny handful of uptight anal-retentive assholes to use the force of government to oppress everyone else.

3. Have several legal categories that are less than "sex offender". Right now, there is literally no legal status less than "sex offender" in these cases. You're either 100% innocent, or you're a SEX OFFENDER for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. This is insane. (I'm using that word a lot today, aren't I?)

A 23 year-old guy having consensual sex with a 17-year-and-eleven-month-old girl is not a sex offender or child molester or a threat to his community. Nor is this poor girl this news story is about.

Have penalties for violation of age of consent (which should be 16!), be a sliding scale, starting with a very light slap on the wrist when the younger person is almost age of consent. Have punishments get more and more harsh as you approach age 13 or 12. Hey, if you fuck a 12 year-old, then yeah, you're a fucking sex offender and a creepoid. I agree. But a consensual 17 year-old who already fucked eight other guys? Uh, no.

4. The gender of the offender or "victim" should not matter in any way whatsoever. In many states, including California, the gender of the party actually changes the punishment and the crime. To quote NWP, one of our resident attorneys over at Sedfast,

In California, 2 minors having sex is a crime, with the statutory rape charge filed against the minor who was born with a penis (even if he is younger than the minor girl), and a charge of "unlawful sexual conduct" filed against the minor who was born with a vagina. Your respective crimes depend on how you were born!

Again, insane. No law should treat men and women differently. (I'm pretty sure the Constitution has an amendment about that...something about "equal protection under the law"....oh wait....liberals and conservatives both hate the Constitution and only pay attention to the parts they like....yeah, I forgot....okay, never mind.)

This gender thing directly affects this news story. This girl is getting a lot of positive support from all over the internet (including from the Anonymous hackers). This is good and I support it. However! The only reason she's getting this help is because she's A) a girl and B) a lesbian. If this news story was exactly the same in every way except she was a boy, no one would give a shit. People would either shrug or look down their noses at that "sick bastard". And he'd wind up in prison or wearing an ankle bracelet. And he'd be a "sex offender" for the REST   OF   HIS   LIFE. In many ways I'm happy about where society is going sexually. But in a few other ways, we're regressing the other way.

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