Alpha Male 2.0

College Students Are From Another Planet

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It's gotten to the point where every time I talk to college students or recent college graduates, it's like I'm speaking with someone from another planet. Being left-wing is one thing; I have many left-liberal friends and co-workers and that's fine, but the things that come out of these college student's mouths is beyond comprehension. The strength, eagerness, and conviction with which they say things full of insanity, illogic, and absurdity...again, it's like I'm listening to alien from another world.

-By Caleb Jones

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Take a look at the above video. It's about a new college word called "microaggression." It's the diametric opposite of free speech. It means that if I make certain sounds with my mouth and you hear them, I have actually committed an act of aggression against you. This is, of course, insane...on planet Earth. But on planet College, this make perfect sense.

Here are some of the things you'll see these aliens say. Pay attention not to just what they say, but the fervor with which they say it, particularly the female students. They really believe this stuff:

- Asking an Asian person where they were born is an act of aggression.
- Telling a black person they're articulate is an act of aggression.
- Qualifications for the job aren't the only things you should consider when hiring someone.
- Saying "bless you" after someone sneezes is an act of aggression.

Moreover, most of these aliens think all of above is free speech. Such a bizarre world planet College is.
To be fair, one alien did admit that she hated free speech and that free speech "enables the powerful." Or something. Again, I don't speak alien so I really don't know what she's talking about. (Maybe I should go to college to learn alien.)

40% of millennials think the goverment should enact laws preventing any offensive statements made about minority groups. Expect this percentage to grow. And grow. And grow. Then expect goverment laws to start preventing other speech that has nothing to do with minorities, a process that has already begun. I made this prediction a very long time ago and I'll be right. Give it a decade or two.

The most important part of this video is at the very end, at 7:47. The interviewer asks a college student if saying "god bless you" after someone sneezes is an act of aggression. Watch with sadness as this poor bastard tries hard, oh so hard, to resist his false Societal Programming and left-wing brainwashing. It actually looks like he's in pain as he tries to use logic and reason to overcome his indoctrination.

After a moment or two of internal agony he finally says, "I want to say no, but I guess it would count."
Societal Programming wins. Logic, rationality, and reality all lose.
As is usually the case.

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