Alpha Male 2.0

Racism Is Societal Programming

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-By Caleb Jones

I usually avoid talking about racism because its one of those issues that neither the right nor the left can think rationally about. Both sides hear the word and then go crazy, making rational discourse almost impossible. It’s irritating, which is why I dislike discussing it.

Yet, I need to clarify one thing, since in the past I’ve said that “racism is Societal Programming.” When some people hear this, they think I’m saying “there are no biological differences between the races.”

I didn’t say that. I said that racism is Social Programming, because it almost always is (and yes, there are unusual exceptions to every rule; we’ll cover those in a minute). It’s also true that there are real and factual differences between the races. Science has shown us that there are differences in things like temperament, average IQ, lifespan and health issues.

But that doesn’t mean that racism isn’t Societal Programming. It still is.

If you think SP has nothing to do racism, then that means you think a white person is raised to love black people just as much as white people, and over the course of his life he views white and black people exactly the same. Then one day, when he’s about 30 years old, he looks at some racial IQ studies on the internet, sees that blacks on average score lower than whites, and then suddenly says, “Oh! I didn’t know that! Okay, now I hate black people!” Boom, he’s a racist.

That’s not how it works.

In the real world, it works just the opposite. A racist white person is usually raised by either somewhat racist parents or in a somewhat racist part of the country (or world). Or perhaps he hangs out with racist friends, either in real life or online. Over time, he learns to dislike, or at least be uncomfortable with, people who are black. This is called Societal Programming. Then, when he’s an adult, he seeks out information on how blacks are biologically different than whites to use as fodder for arguments against left-wingers. He finds the racial IQ studies and says, “Ah HA! See??? I told you!”

The point is that the Societal Programming came first. The biological differences didn’t come into play until he was already a racist. The biological differences don't turn non-racists into racists (barring unusual exceptions).

This is how I can acknowledge those same IQ studies as scientifically accurate, yet I’m not a racist. I was not raised with any racist SP (beyond the usual hidden stuff in normal media messaging). Even though I'm white, grew up in a predominantly white suburb, and tend to be attracted to blonde white women, my best friend in high school was half black, my son is black, and in my past I've dated women of all races and loved them all. My longest consistent relationship (other than my marriage) was with an Asian woman. One of the closest relationships I've ever had was with a Hispanic woman. Etc. Race is just not something I give a shit about.

The fact that I can acknowledge all of the biological facts about how the races are different yet not be a raging racist shows that these biological facts are not the cause of racism. SP is (among other things).

It’s only fair to point out the exceptions to the rule. I’m sure there are some white people who were raised with zero (or near-zero) racist SP, then moved to a big city, had a few negative experiences with black people, and then slowly became racists because of it. Statistically, I’m sure there must be some people like this.

But again, these are the exceptions to the rule. The vast, vast majority of people who strongly dislike other races, whether it’s white people who hate black people, black people who hate white people, Asians who hate everyone not Asian (Asians are far more racist than white people; it’s not even close), or anyone else, are like that because of their Societal Programming, even though there are indeed biological differences between the races.

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