Alpha Male 2.0

Dominant Bitchy Women Are Good to Date? Uh…No

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-By Caleb Jones

Get ready to puke up your lunch. We’ve got a Dominant writing a cute little article about how great it is to date a woman like her. She’s going to teach us the important selling points of dating an Alpha Bitch.
Some men like their women submissive, sweet, feminine, and nurturing - and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that woman is certainly not an Alpha Female.

Now, for my Alpha Females out there, you badass bitches know who you are, it takes a very particular man to be able to handle you. Yes, you might as well admit it now: you are a handful.
This is the sort of black-and-white thinking embraced by Americans in particular (because of our insane two party political system).

Look at what the implication is. As a man, you have only two options: a submissive wimp woman or a high drama badass bitch.

How about a woman with a high self-esteem and very low drama?

Or how about a more submissive woman who is also very smart and successful in her career?

Or a truly Independent woman who is very easy to be with because she doesn’t care about your opinions of her opinions?

But, no. According to this gal, we have only two radical options. This is a common tactic: strawman one other option than the one you are proposing, then define it as something horrible and extreme.

1. She will challenge you. Not only will she challenge you, but she probably won’t forfeit too easily; she will be persistent and insistent. She will debate with you over anything from de Blasio’s new policy, to the actual color of a tennis ball (green? or yellow?), and she expects to win.

Woman translation to English: I’m a high drama bitch. I’m loud and argumentative.

Some advice: challenge her back.

Woman translation to English: As a woman, I love drama. GIVE IT TO ME! Later, I’ll lie to my girlfriends about how much I “hate drama,” but I’ll be full of shit. I drink that shit up!

2. She don’t need a man to make it happen.

That’s right! I don’t need a man. I just need child support, alimony, food stamps, welfare, subsidized housing, goverment healthcare, affirmative action laws, sugar daddy arrangements, men to pay for dates, and live-in boyfriend or husband to pay most of my bills.

All of these things are mostly paid for by men, but I don’t need a man!

If you’re the kind of guy who loves to feel needed all the time, this gal just isn’t for you. She is fiercely independent and prides herself on being self-reliant and self-sufficient: Miss Outta My Way.

I’ve already explained what women mean when they use the word “independent.” Read it right here, and be sure to read the comments made by women there as well.

The great thing about being with an Alpha is that you won’t feel tied down

Yes, you will, because she’s a Dominant who will run your life.

 because she doesn’t need you, she wants you. help pay her bills.

3. She will be straight-up with you. If your Alpha has a problem, you will most likely know about it.

This is fine. If a woman has a legitimate problem and she’s an MLTR or OLTR, I would like to hear about it so that it doesn’t fester and become a drama explosion later.

If all she said was this and then moved on, I would have no problem with it and agree 100%. But she does go on, to demonstrate exactly the one thing I dislike most about women:

You can’t expect her to be too gentle with her words, so hopefully you’ll understand that she isn’t trying to be mean - this is just the way she is.

I have had women complain to me about the technique of soft nexting. These women say things like, “Oh, so a woman isn’t allowed to bring any problems in the relationship to your attention? Nice, BD!” or “You’re going to temporarily kick a woman out of your life just for expressing her emotions?!?”


As I’ve explained many times before, any woman in a relationship with me is more than welcome to bring a problem to me, provided she’s being a calm, rational adult using a normal tone of voice and not throwing around insults (including veiled ones). I’ve never had a problem with that and never will. Moreover, since my goal is always long-term relationships, I want her to want her to bring such a problem to my attention so we can resolve it together.

The challenge comes when a woman comes to me with a problem while, as this woman says it, “not being too gentle with her words.” If a woman comes to me with a problem while being a hysterical, insulting bitch, then that’s unacceptable Sweetheart, and you’re goddamn right you’re going to get soft nexted (if not hard nexted). And you fuckin’ deserve it.

At no point in the last ten years or so have I ever, ever raised my voice to a woman in anger or insulted her personally, including when I’m bringing a problem in the relationship to her attention. I expect the same consideration.

Calming down and thinking before you speak is not that difficult. If you can’t do that, get the fuck away from me and come back when you’ve taken a few anger management classes and have learned to behave like the adult you want to be treated as. Justify your childish behavior all you like; I’ll be busy having sex with some younger and/or hotter women until you shape up.

4. She’s a do-er, not a talk-er. Alpha’s take action, so if she says she’s gonna do something - you bet your ass, she’s gonna do it. She probably expects the same in return: if you say you’re gonna do something, you sure as hell better follow through. And if ya don’t, she don’t miss the boat, Mister. Hop on!

That’s good. I always do what I promise. This is why I’m extremely careful about what I promise, both in my personal life and in my business life. I learned a very long time ago that long-term happiness comes to the man who doesn’t promise very much.

However, I view that as common decency, not as something you should be bragging about. Being a person of your word should apply equally to everyone, of both sexes, not just an Alpha Bitch.
5. She doesn’t wear her Alpha on her sleeve.

Then what is this entire fucking article?

Chocolates? Flowers? One of those Hallmark cards that have a cute pun about how much you love her? Yeah, these things will probably make her vom a little in her mouth before it makes her heart melt.

I won’t be getting you that crap anyway, so no problem.

Not that she’s a total cynic, but she’s used to the doting - the lovey dovey crap that every girl wants - and in order to get her attention, you’ll need to come up with something a little more original.

As long as it doesn’t cost me any money, sure.

Wait, what? You don’t like that, Sweetie?

But I thought you “don’t need a man?”

6. She's not easy. If you think loving an Alpha Female is easy, you're wrong.

Sounds GREAT. A difficult woman? Yay! Sign me up!

She’s difficult, competitive, and probably complicated.

OMG this sounds wonderful! The perfect woman to be with! I’m cumming in my pants!

She gets off from being free, being in power, and will step on any man who gets in her way. She is, in fact, ab. So. Lute. Ly. Impossible.

Wow! She wants to be in power? She steps on men? She’s impossible?

Woman. Of. My. Dreams.

You should put that shit on your online dating profile, Kitten. You will be mobbed by the highest-quality men you’ve ever seen. Seriously, do it.

7. But she’s definitely worth it.
Oh yeah!
Her my-way-or-the-highway attitude and complete self-competence will, at times, make you feel small.

I’m falling in love! I’ve always wanted a woman to make me feel small! Doesn’t that sound great, guys?

Instead, let it empower you.

Yes! Let a dominant, high drama bitch from hell empower you, guys!

Why the hell would you want a nice girl? Fuck no! Give me one of these Alpha Bitches! I’m still trying to talk down my raging boner!

Let it strengthen your weaknesses, and let it feed your drive to success. She will help you learn about yourself; she will push you; she will change you; she will impact you. Overall, she will make you a better man.

Yes! Yes! A woman who is difficult, competitive, loves drama, who is yelling at me, complaining often and stepping on me will make me a better man! I’ll look better, feel better about myself, be a happier man, and make more money in my career!

This chick has totally turned me around! What the fuck have I been doing all these years dating happy, low-drama women? What a fool I’ve been! I need one of these Alpha Bitches to step on me and make me feel small!

Future dream woman, here I come!

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