Alpha Male 2.0

Why Personal Attacks End the Conversation

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-By Caleb Jones

The most entertaining moment at the Republican National Convention last week was when the unhinged Alex Jones barged onto a taping of the delusional Young Turks show. As so often happens when you mix the hard right with the hard left, it ended up being a screaming match where absolutely nothing was accomplished except that everyone went away more angry than before. You can watch the fireworks here and here. Pretty entertaining stuff to watch as Rome continues to fall. Things almost came to blows.

So much energy we expend on the false left/right narrative, both of whom are wrong on most issues, since both ideologies involve authoritarian big goverment, as I’ve demonstrated many times at this blog. But I digress.

This altercation is yet another example of one of the standards I hold. That is, when someone is debating an issue, the first person to launch an ad hominem personal attack against the other instantly loses. This not only applies to discussions I have, but also when I see two other people argue or debate about something. As soon as one person launches a personal attack against the other, then in my eyes, the attacker has just lost.

The reason has nothing to do with being appropriate, polite, or thin skinned. (To publicly proclaim the controversial topics I discuss on a weekly basis has made me one of the most thick skinned people I know.) Rather, it’s because if you are presented with a point, and your only response is to insult the other person, then you’ve shown to everyone that you can’t refute the point you were presented with. Therefore, you lose. If you had a way to refute the point you were just given, you would refute it instead of resorting to personal insults.

If you present me with a point that I know is factually incorrect, I don’t have to snarkily insult you personally. Instead, I’ll simply refute your point with facts. It’s not that hard.

The most important part of this Alex Jones / Young Turks altercation is when Cenk Uygur and Alex Jones were debating (somewhat) journalism, and Ana Kasparian suddenly walked in and screamed at Jones, calling him a “fat fuck.”

Boom. Alex Jones instantly wins, at least in my opinion. No, I don’t agree with Alex Jones at all. I think he’s an unhinged though often entertaining psycho. Doesn’t matter.

Note that this is a woman who has numerous times decried how horrible fat shaming is on her show (for women that is; apparently it’s perfectly fine to fat shame men).

Alex Jones then called her some kind of Judy Jihad (I think) and she responded by saying “Shut the fuck up, bitch!”

A few minutes later, another of the Young Turks crew, Jimmy Dore, filled his mouth with tea and spit into Alex Jones’s face. You can see it at 4:12 in the second video. I used to like Jimmy Dore (despite the fact I disagreed with him on politics). No more.

Nice. This is what political debate has become today, folks. Insults and assaults instead of facts, points, and solutions.

Have fun continuing to support this shit show by voting for HillTrump in November.

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