Alpha Male 2.0

The Only Way Trump Can Win

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I’ve said all along that this “Trump will win in a landslide” stuff is all BS. Now, just two months away from the election, I still stand by this. Yes, Trump could win, simply because the Lizard Queen is so universally hated, or some other technicality (like her health problems). It’s certainly possible and for most of this election I’ve given him a 40% chance of winning. But even if he wins, it won’t be a landside in terms of the numbers of people voting for him.

-By Caleb Jones

I’ve discussed many reasons for this here, but today I I’ll describe the biggest one, that of demographics.

According to most national polls, the following groups of people support the Lizard Queen:

Younger People
Older People

The following groups of people support Trump:

White men you see a problem?

White men are the only gender, racial, or age demographic that reliably supports Trump. Every other demographic supports Hillary more, either a lot or a little. White men only make up 31% of the US population. And by the way, 31% is the highest it will ever be. Every year this percentage decreases, both in the US and in Europe. All those other groups make up the other 69%. This means that the only way, and I mean the only way Trump can possibly win is if white men get out and vote on election day in shockingly massive, unprecedented numbers.

This is what the alt-right folks are betting on. That includes people like Scott Adams who have been screaming to the rooftops that “Trump will win in a landslide.” They’re betting on just one thing: that white men are so silently furious at political correctness, being marginalized, and losing their country, that hordes of them will flood the polls on election day, overcome their numerical disadvantage, smack the Lizard Queen upside the head, and give the presidency to Trump.

I agree this is possible. I’m a manosphere blogger, and yeah, white men are really, really angry, to the point of frequent irrationality that I have to deal with on a regular basis. From left-wingers, to alt-right-wingers, to MGTOWs, to Alpha Male 1.0s, damn near all these guys are furious and virtually none of them are thinking calmly and objectively. It’s also possible that even terrified, married, white beta males may vote for Trump while pretending (to their wives and friends) to be voting for the Lizard Queen, thus perhaps rendering some of these polls inaccurate . However, they’re still only 31% of the population. The problem still stands.

It’s also true that the Lizard Queen is so loathsome to her own base that many of the demographics who would normally support her will stay home on election day, or vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein (though that’s much less likely, since Democrats tend to be more collectivist than Republicans, as I’ve analyzed before).

So yeah, it’s possible, but possible does not mean likely. What’s likely is that white men will turn out in typical or perhaps elevated numbers, but still won’t be able to overcome the 2-to-1 advantage women, blacks, gays, Asians, Muslims, Hispanics, younger people, and older people have over them. The Lizard Queen will likely still win, even if just by a little. I think nether Hillary nor Trump will win in a “landslide.” I think it will be close either way, unless something unusual happens in the next 60 days.

“Something unusual” could be all of Hillary’s coughing, wobbling, and stumbling she’s been doing lately. If this stuff continues, yeah, Trump will win. But if that happens, it will have nothing to do with Trump being awesome, or people finally waking up, or white men suddenly taking their country back, or people being fed up, or America suddenly shifting back to the right. Uh, no. It will simply be because the sheeple are uncomfortable voting for someone with a lot of (perceived or real) health problems. Trump just happens to be the only other option.

It goes without saying that the Lizard Queen is the most criminal presidential candidate in my lifetime, and perhaps in all of American history, so hopefully she’s getting what she deserves with all this negative press about her health. However, Trump is still a corrupt, lying, authoritarian piece of shit, who likes socialist programs, and who, I am now convinced, never really wanted to actually win when he started his run last June. Therefore, this country is in serious trouble regardless of which of these two psychopaths our insane and delusional voters make president.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see if white men can indeed make their last stand against the left-wing, corporatist establishment that has already conquered their civilization. Because make no mistake, Trump will likely indeed be their last stand. From here on out, you’re going to see a string of socialist Bernie Sanders types run for president, not fiery nationalists. I guess we’ll see what happens in November. Enjoy the decline!

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