Alpha Male 2.0

The 1 to 10 Attractiveness Scale Is Utter Bullshit, and I’ll Prove It Right Now

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Today, I’m going to explain why the 1 to 10 scale men use to rate women’s attractiveness is complete BS and is almost always inaccurate. I’ve talked about this topic before but never explained the reasons behind it. Though I consciously avoid using the 1 to 10 rating system in my writing, there are times that I have used it. This is because, sometimes, there is no other way to easily communicate certain topics.

-By Caleb Jones

I may still use the 1 to 10 scale in the future, at least a little, but just because I use it doesn’t mean I find it an accurate way to assess how attractive women are. This is because the entire 1 to 10 scale is 100% subjective. There is nothing objective about it at all. What I call an “8” is going to be very different than what you call an “8.” What your buddy across the street calls a “10” is going to be different that what you call a “10,” at least somewhat.

The objection to this statement usually goes something like this: Yes, these ratings are objective BD, because science and biology clearly tell us that all men are attracted to things like facial symmetry and hip-to-waist ratio. But wait a minute. I never said facial symmetry and hip-to-waist ratio is bullshit. I said the 1 to 10 ranking scale is bullshit, because it is. Things like facial symmetry and hip-to-waist ratio have nothing to do with whether or not a woman is an “objective 9.” I’ll prove it right now.

The Experiment -
Take 25 young, hot girls off the street, all of whom are the exact same age, race, height, and hair color (in order to control for these factors), and all of whom have perfect facial symmetry and ideal hip-to-waist ratios for maximum male attraction. Got that? Good. Now, dress up these women in identical white outfits (to control for that factor), and line them all up against a wall in a big gymnasium in a completely random order.

Next, let in 100 random guys off the street and make sure they’re all the same race as the women (to control for that). Give them all note cards and tell them to rank each one of these women from 1 to 10. They can use tenth decimals if they need to (8.5, for example). Gather up all their rankings and enter them into a spreadsheet.

Do you know what you’ll find? There will be NO CONSENSUS WHATSOVER on which women are 10’s, 9’s, 8’s, or 7’s, even though they all have ideal facial symmetry and hip-to-waist ratios. Some of the guys will even rank some of the women as 6’s and 5’s. There will be huge arguments among these men as to which of these girls are 10’s (or 9’s, or 8’s). You’ll even see some men apply rankings of 10 to women other men will apply rankings of 7!

If facial symmetry and hip-to-waist ratio are all that matter, then all these guys should instead rank pretty close to the same as compared to the other guys in the room. But they won’t, because the 1 to 10 scale is completely subjective and complete bullshit, regardless of facial symmetry, hip-to-waist ratio, or any other biological attractiveness factor you can cite.

There is no such thing as an objective 10. If there were, all 100 of these men (or at least the vast majority of them) would select the same exact women as 10’s, yet that would not happen. My guess is about 40% at most would agree, the other 60% would give different rankings (though that’s just a guess based on conversations I’ve seen between men in real life and online).

There is no such thing as an objective 9, or 8, or whatever. These are all subjective within you. As I’ve explained before, 1 to 10 rankings only matter to you, within your own mind. I have my own, internal, 1 to 10 ranking system, as do you. I’m pretty consistent with my own internal rankings, but my rankings will probably conflict wildly with yours, and yours will conflict wildly with your best friend’s. The 1 to 10 scale is bullshit. Anyone saying that there are such things as an objective 10 (or 9, or whatever) is an idiot.

Then Where Do Men Agree?
If the 1 to 10 scale is bullshit, does that mean there is zero consensus among men over what is hot and what is not? Of course not. There is indeed consensus, and things like facial symmetry, hip-to-waist ratios, hip-to-bust ratios, body types, hair length, breast size, race, age, and other factors are indeed real and scientific in explaining what men find physically attractive.

Some men who dislike the 1 to 10 scale take the opposite extreme, and simply use a binary, yes or no system, often called the boner test. Instead of a 1 to 10 scale, these men use two categories, yes or no. Would I fuck her? She’s a yes. Would I not fuck her? She’s a no. Nothing else matters.

These men are doing the opposite of what the 1 to 10 scale lovers do. While the 1 to 10 guys think hard biological factors reliably explain 100% of everything 100% of the time, the binary guys think science doesn’t (or shouldn’t) matter at all. That’s incorrect as well.

I have seen a lot of decent looking guys bang a lot of really ugly women in my day. Seriously, dudes will fuck anything. If you operate under a binary scale only, you’ll likely end up having sex with average or ugly women, which is a bad idea, as I explained a long time ago here.

I have talked to literally hundreds of men on this topic, and if I were to consolidate everything these guys say into a scale that most men would agree on, something that would be closer to being objective (but still not quite), it would be this:

- Ugly
- Average
- Cute
- Hot

While there will be little across-the-board consensus on exactly who is a 10 or a 9, even if you control for all other factors as I did above, most men, not all, but most, will get a decent amount of consensus using the four categories of ugly, average, cute, or hot. These four categories are still technically subjective, but not nearly as subjective as the 1 to 10 scale. Most guys are going to agree on what an ugly woman looks like. Most guys are going to agree on what an average looking woman looks like. When you get to cute and hot, you will start to see more variances, but you’ll still see a lot of consensus.

Here’s an example. Look at pictures of Candice Swanepoel here. How many men are going to honestly consider her ugly? Virtually zero (though there will always be a rare few outliers). How many men are going to consider her average? Again, virtually zero. How many men are going to consider her just cute? Some, but not most. Most men, a big majority, are going to consider her hot.

I personally think she’s too tall, has legs that are way too long, and needs bigger boobs and bigger hips, but even I will admit that she’s beyond just “cute,” which makes her hot. Now, take a poll of 100 men looking at those same photos and ask them if she’s a 10. You’ll get no consensus at all. You’ll get all kinds of answers. Some guys will think she’s a 10. Others will say 9.5, others 9, and yet others 8, 7, or even less.

See what I mean?
With the categories of ugly, average, cute, and hot, you’ll get a lot of consensus. With the 1 to 10 scale, you’ll get almost none. Because it’s BULLLLLLLSHIITTTT.

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