Alpha Male 2.0

How To Avoid Women’s Negative Aura

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-By Caleb Jones

There's an old saying, “Never stick your dick in crazy.” The concern many men have is that if you have sex with a woman who is real trouble, you’ll end up with trouble in your life. As I’ve discussed many times before, this isn’t an issue if you simply keep these women as FB’s and don’t get serious with them or act like their boyfriends. I’ve had many FB’s in my past who were extremely problematic women, yet they never gave me any trouble whatsoever… because they were too busy giving this trouble to men they were actually dating, including their boyfriends.
The response to that is that you shouldn’t have sex with women who are “dark” regardless. If she is a problematic person (crazy, a drug addict, evil, mental problems, etc), then simply the act of having sex with her constitutes some kind of aura or energy transference from her to you. You will then be “infected” with her darker, more negative energy. Sex is such an intimate act, these people warn, that even if it’s completely meaningless, you don’t really like her at all, and you use a condom, the nature of the act itself somehow draws her dark energy into you, which is bad.
Do I believe this stuff? Partially, but not completely.

I’m about to get a little spiritual on you, so get ready. As always though, I will temper this with objective reality, at least as I’m best able.

I do indeed believe that people have an aura that cannot be explained by our current level of scientific advancement and usually cannot be detected by our five senses. I have definitely had the experience of meeting someone, and before they even spoke, I could feel a darkness within them, even if they were physically attractive. (Britney Spears is a good celebrity example of this that I’ve used before.) I have also had the opposite experience of meeting someone and immediately getting a good vibe/aura from him or her before they ever said a word, even if they were physically unappealing in every way.

(However, most people don’t have any aura at all. They’re just “normal,” no dark or light aura. They’re just “there.”)

I do also believe that it is possible for a person to transfer their dark or light auras to other people they spend time with. If you hang around a dark person, you will start to get infected with their darker energy and start feeling more negative emotions more often. If you hang around a light person, you will start to get lighter yourself and start feeling happier and more positive, at least a little.

I don’t think the act of sex has anything to do with it. I think it has more to do with time you spend with that person. As always, people who put a higher importance on the act of sex, even when the sex doesn’t mean anything, are submitting to cultural Societal Programming whether they realize it or not. In the Western world, this is especially true of of Americans. Because of their puritanical roots, they place a larger sense of both importance and danger on sex than other cultures do, both now and historically.

As difficult as this is for many right-wingers to accept, sex is simply a physical act. There is no functional difference between having meaningless sex using a condom with a woman you just met, and shaking hands with a woman you just met. They’re both physical acts that involve some physical contact. Any difference you perceive in these two acts is purely a result of Societal Programming. Your culture has raised you to believe one act means one thing and another act means another. But, in the objective world, they’re both just simple, physical acts.
It’s true that sometimes you can add in emotional meaning to a physical act. I’ve shook hands with perhaps thousands of people over my working lifetime, and 99% of those didn’t mean anything other than politeness demanded by Societal Programming. However, once I met a very old and dear friend for the first time in many years. When we shook hands, we clasped each other’s hands, both hands, gripped them tightly, had huge smiles on our faces, and held strong, powerful eye contact. It felt really good to see my friend again, and he felt the same. In that case, the handshake meant something. But that doesn’t mean all handshakes are like that. Very few are.

Sex works the same way. If you have a one night stand with a woman you know you’ll never see again, that’s just a physical act. If you have sex with your long-term girlfriend, it probably has great emotional, and perhaps even spiritual meaning for the both of you. But that doesn’t mean sex has great emotional / spiritual meaning every time you have sex with every woman you have sex with. I can tell you for a fact that about 85-90% of all the sex I’ve ever had in my life (and I’ve had a lot of sex, far more than most men ever will) didn’t really mean anything. In most cases, it was a simple, physical act required by my biology.
Therefore, if you have a woman in your life who has a dark aura, that’s not ideal, but if you keep her at the FB level only and follow all the relationship rules for FB’s (only see her a maximum of once a week, never take her out on dates, don’t let her spend the night, etc), you’re probably fine. If instead, you start dating and spending time with a woman with a dark aura (as a MLTR or OLTR), now you’re probably in trouble. I’ve seen many men do this and it’s usually a mistake.

Aren’t you at least taking a risk if you spend any time with someone with a dark aura? Perhaps, but I firmly believe in this rule: The one with the stronger aura wins.
I am, I think, one of those people who have an obvious aura. I’m not sure if it’s a “light” aura, but it’s certainly a positive aura, perhaps a positive/intense aura. My aura is strong enough that if I spend time with someone, they are far more likely to rub my positivity off on them than I am to gain any negativity from them, and that’s even if they have a reasonably strong dark aura. I suppose this might not be true if I started spending time with someone with a god-level of dark aura, like a serial killer or Hillary Clinton, but this kind of human being is rare and I have yet to encounter one in real life.

Therefore, in my case at least, I don’t worry about any darkness seeping out of any women (or men for that matter) in my life and infecting me. If you’re more of a normal person, perhaps this might be an issue, but then your job is to either not spend time with these women or keep them at the FB level and that’s it. Never let any woman with a darkness around her become anything more than a FB. Even making this person a low-end MLTR is a big mistake (I’ve made this mistake in the past).

I frankly think that every man reading these words should work on having a strong, positive aura, but this is done by increasing your long-term consistent happiness, as I talk about in my book. You don’t sit around meditating on your aura; you get your ass to work and make more money, have more sex, get fitter, clean out your anger and negativity, clean out your Societal Programming, and live a better life.

Easier said than done, I know, but more than worth it.

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