Alpha Male 2.0

Growing Your Own Food

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-By Caleb Jones

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this lately. It’s something I've officially added to my medium-term plan.

I’ve never been interested in growing my own food, and to be honest, the thought of it doesn’t sound that fun. However, there are two huge reasons why growing your own food aligns 100% with a long-term happy, Alpha 2.0 lifestyle.

The first reason, and the most important one, is health. Food is healthy to the degree to which it's close to it's original source. In other words, the healthiest food you can eat, by far, is food from sources you farm yourself. Examples would be vegetables from your own garden or chickens or cows you eat that you raise and butcher yourself.

The next healthiest food you can eat would be to get 100% organic, fresh foodstuffs from a farmer who lives right down the street from you, whom you trust is growing/raising the food sources without any chemicals, steroids, GMO’s, pesticides, or any of that garbage. It’s not quite as healthy as growing/raising it yourself, but it’s close.

The next healthiest food is food you purchase at your local grocery store that you pay a lot of extra money for that says it’s 100% organic and cage free or farm raised. This is what I do now. I pay a premium for “free range” chicken and organic vegetables. I don’t know for a fact that what I’m buying is as advertised (it may not be), but I know my odds are better with this kind of food than the standard stuff.

The next healthiest food you can get is the ordinary fruits, vegetables, and fresh meat at your grocery store. It’s not organic or free range, but at least it’s not processed.

That leaves the worst food, which is processed food; food you buy at the store in a can or a package that’s been processed by a big factory. That food is shit, and you should consider food like that only valid for predesignated cheat days.

With my goal of living a very long time and being healthy in my old age, I think growing my own food is a good idea.

The second reason for growing your own food, beyond health reasons, is to be protected in the case of a catastrophe. As I’ve said before, I don’t think the collapse of the Western world, though coming, will be some kind of Mad Max apocalypse. I’m confident no matter how bad things get, people with money will still be able to buy food. Regardless, I can’t deny that growing and eating your own food is another layer of security that’s pretty compelling.

Sometime next year or perhaps the year after, well after Pink Firefly moves in, this is something her and I are going to tackle. I know nothing about this stuff, but my understanding is that it isn’t very hard. I have a huge yard in the back and sides of my house, so I have more than enough room. I may even get one of those small, portable greenhouses.

The idea of eating my own tomatoes, onions, garlic, lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower harvested right out of my back yard is very attractive. Raising my own livestock is probably not something we’ll do; too much work and it’s stinky and messy, but I’ve thought about it. Perhaps I’ll stick with growing my own vegetables, and then focusing on locating and working with a local butcher or farmer who raises their own free range chickens.

Strangely enough, my neighbors behind me, right on the other side of my fence, raise chickens. Every once in a while a chicken will leap the fence and get into my yard, to the great happiness of my daughter and to the disgust of my girlfriend. It’s hilarious.

Maybe I can barter with my neighbors for some fresh eggs and chicken meat. Hmm…

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