Alpha Male 2.0

Getting Horny – The Difference Between Men and Women

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-By Caleb Jones

A while back, I wrote two articles on men’s levels of sex drive and women’s levels of sex drive. I highly suggest you read both of them, as they highlight the distinct differences between the ways in which men and women experience sexual desire.

This article today is both a simplification and clarification of how men and women’s sexual desire is distinctly different. The entire difference between how men and women experience horniness can be summed up in this simple statement:
Men are horny. Women are horny when they’re horny.

I realize that statement may sound overly simplistic, even perhaps stupid, but that really does sum it all up.

Barring the unusual exception to the rule, men are horny pretty much all the time. This isn’t our fault of course; our hard-wired biology compels us to spread our seed and have sex with as many women as possible. Because of this, you’re probably horny all the time, more or less. Even if you’re not thinking about sex during a particular moment, like when you’re focused on some project, if a hot babe walks into the room and asks you to fuck her, you’ll probably say yes (assuming your lifestyle allows this), or at least your answer will be “Give me two minutes.”

Men are down for sex all the time. It’s normal.

What about women? Are women horny all the time like we are? Are women down for sex at any given moment of the day?

Of course they’re not. While men are horny, women are only horny when they’re horny. In other words, under normal conditions, a typical woman is not walking around thinking about sex all the time. If she’s engrossed in a project, and a hot stud walks into the room and asks for sex, not only will she say no, but she’ll probably be at least mildly irritated at the request. If she’s over age 33 and/or has higher levels of ASD, she may actually be insulted and even angered that he’s bothering her with such an “immature,” “offensive,” or “inappropriate” suggestion.

Moreover, women have been trained by society their entire lives to hide their horniness. Men, at least in most cultures, lack this training. That means that when a man is really horny, everyone around him knows it. He shows it in some form or fashion and usually doesn't attempt to hide it. Whereas when a woman is really horny, you might know, or you may have no idea. Often she'll go out of her way to hide it; something she's had a lot of practice doing her entire adult life. I'm sure you've had the experience of when a women tells you of some past time you had with her, when she said was "really horny," and you had no idea at the time.
Most normal, non-red pill men take all of these things into account and draw the conclusion that women aren’t horny at all, or are at least much less horny than men, and that sex isn’t something they’re interested in. They assume that sex is something they “do for men” just to shut men up, manipulate them into relationships, or to have babies.

More woman-experienced men know this is completely inaccurate. Women are just as horny as men, if not more so, but unlike with men, it’s not a constant condition. While men are horny, women get horny. When women get horny, they are just as horny as men.
Some would argue (including me) that when women are horny, they’re even hornier than men. I have personally experienced women doing the most insane, crazy shit in order to get sex when they’re horny in the moment. I’ve seen women who can’t pull their own clothes off of themselves fast enough to get laid. I’ve seen women get visibly upset when I can’t come over to their homes to fuck them. I’ve seen women naked, laying in my bed (or on the carpet, or on my couch) literally screaming at me to “hurry up” and “get over here” because they needed me inside them. I’ve seen women drive an hour across town just to have sex with one of their FB’s; note that this was not a man they were dating or even liked; they just needed the sex. Many women have told me stories about how they get so horny at work sometimes, they sneak into the woman’s bathroom just to diddle themselves to orgasm in one of the stalls.

And so on.

Notice however, that all of those examples were in the moment of horniness. When not horny, women don’t do any of these things. Their minds aren’t even remotely in that zone. Compare that to men, who will constantly do stupid, insane things for women because of their oneitis, at any and all times… because men are horny all the damn time.

Some men argue that often, women experience these extreme bouts of horniness because of purely biological factors, such as ovulation, pregnancy, PMS, and certain aspects of menopause. This is true. It’s also true that many women can get crazy horny for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with these factors, such as slow sex drive women who are very relaxed and get turned on by a man who knows what he’s doing. NRE also creates extreme horniness in women, as does watching a particularly sexual scene in a movie. Even talking about sex, particularly in a very rich, emotional way can make a woman very horny, which is one of the reasons why I recommend doing this on first and second dates, and why guys like Ross Jeffries built an entire seduction system around that concept.

Exceptions to the rules aside, all women under the age of 60 get super horny like this, at least occasionally. (It is true that after age 60, many women start to remove sex from their lives, but even many of these women still get horny; they just don’t use sex to satisfy it.)

You’re horny all the time. She’s not normally horny at all, but when she gets horny, and she will, she’s just as horny as you are, if not more so.

That’s the difference.

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