Alpha Male 2.0

Can Societal Programming Ever Be Good?

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One of the over-arching themes to all of my writing, if not the over-arching theme, is that your mind is full of false Societal Programming that seems right, but is actually the opposite to how objective reality operates. Therefore, managing your life in accordance with these falsehoods will create conflict, pain, and unhappiness for you, and often, the people around you as well. This can sometimes lead to the question, is Societal Programming ever good? Or at a minimum, is there some SP that isn’t harmful?

-By Caleb Jones

It’s a valid question that warrants some examination. Here are the times where SP is either good or neutral.

1. When the Societal Programming happens to coincide with objective reality. You may have some strong SP that says you shouldn’t attempt to murder your girlfriend. The SP tells you that if you were successful, you would probably wind up in prison. If you were unsuccessful, the SP tells you that she probably wouldn’t like that and leave you.

In this case, the Societal Programming is still programming from society, but it also happens to be factually and objectively accurate. In other words, it’s SP, but it isn’t false SP. So in this case, the SP is okay. The problem is, as I’ve stated many times and in many ways, for every one objectively true piece of SP in your mind (“Don’t try to kill your girlfriend”) you have 10, 20, or even 30 pieces of SP that are false. The vast majority of Societal Programming is false. That’s why it’s so destructive. The times it’s not false are the very rare exceptions to the rule, so never assume such.

2. When the Societal Programming influences your harmless preferences that are easily satisfied. I love big, loud, brutal, testosterone-filled action movies. It’s a preference I have.

Did I come up with this preference completely on my own? Of course not. My love of action movies is a direct result of Societal Programming. It’s sourced from SP on multiple levels, including SP from my family (my dad liked them when I was a kid), my culture (Western culture), my nation (the USA), and the era in which I grew up (the 1980’s, when films like this were very common and celebrated). All of this programming went into my little brain when I was a kid, so today, it’s rooted within me as an adult; I love action movies whether rational or not. (On my recent flight to Dubai, I watched Ninja 2: Shadow of a Tear on my laptop. Fuckin' badass.)

Is this bad? Well, it depends. It’s simply a preference I have, not something that dominates my life. I’m not going to get married, start a business, move to another city, get a job, make an investment, or make any long-term health choices based on my love of action movies. All this particular SP does is determine which movies I will watch when I choose to watch them. As long as I don’t spend hours on end on a daily basis watching action movies when I should be working on my goals, this is okay.

I also happen to live in a country and in an era where watching action movies is very easy. I can literally click my mouse about four times and watch any action movie I want (since I own all the good ones from the last 40 years; and what few I don’t I can watch online). So my preference is easily satisfied. Therefore, in this one case, the SP that says “action movies are awesome” is okay, and it’s one of the few pieces of SP I left in my brain when I cleaned out most of my SP starting about 15 years ago.
Therefore, this SP is acceptable since it’s 1. Harmless and 2. Easily satisfied When SP is bad is when it influences your preferences that are harmful, or that are harmless but not easily satisfied. If you grew up in a strong Christian family, and now have family and religious Societal Programming that says, “A man must get married, marriage must be forever, must be monogamous, and only a virgin makes a good wife,” that sets a preference in you.

Unlike my preference for action movies though, your preference is both harmful and not easily satisfied. Not good. You’re going to go out into the modern day, left-wing, collapsing Western world and look around for a virgin (good luck) who will never divorce you (good luck) and never cheat on you (good luck) while you try to never cheat on her (good luck) and never get caught (good luck) and never get divorced (good luck). Your life will be a series of up and down failures, huge disappointments, and major chaos. You’ll never be happy. Your SP is dangerous to you, and needs to be cleaned out and/or modified to reflect objective reality instead of some kind of outdated, right-wing Guy Disney fairytale.

The point is, not all preferences are equally harmless. What if it’s harmless, but not easily satisfied? Maybe you have SP that says that the hottest women are tall, white, blue-eyed blondes with big tits. Nothing wrong with that at all, and having that preference is largely harmless… but if you live in the middle of Chengdu, China, you’re in big trouble. Your SP is mostly harmless, but it’s forcing you in a direction that can’t be easily satisfied, thus it is bad.

3. When the Societal Programming doesn’t conflict with your core biology. SP is particularly bad when it directly conflicts with core human biology. However, if it doesn’t, then it might be okay. Maybe. For example, if you grew up in a family with very healthy parents, you might have some SP that says, “Vegetables are delicious!” This doesn’t conflict with human biology at all. Due to the way your body is designed, veggies are very good for you and won’t cause any long-term health problems, even if you eat a lot of them.

However, if you have SP that says, “I am a priest, and priests never have sex,” now we have a very big problem. Human beings biologically require sex, period, end of story. If you have SP that says you should never have sex (like a priest, monk, or nun), or that you should never have pre-martial sex (religious people, Asians), or that you can’t have sex outside of a very serious, committed relationships (many high ASD women over age 33), you have SP that is in direct conflict with your biology, and problems are virtually guaranteed to occur.

This is why you have/had so many Catholic priests rape and molest little boys over the years. These priests are operating under a biological model (no sex ever) that is literally impossible to maintain for the long-term (barring the exception to the rule). But, if you have Societal Programming that is in congruence with your biology, such as “Exercise makes you feel good” or “Meaningless sex is great as long as a condom is used” or “Be sure to get plenty of sleep” then you’re probably okay. As far as I know, those are the only three times were SP can be good or neutral. They are always, always the exception to the rule.

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