Alpha Male 2.0

Designing A New Nation – Part 1

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One of the best science fiction stories ever written was Isaac Azimov’s Foundation series. It takes place in the distant future, in a vast galactic empire (which was the basis for the Empire in Star Wars) and follows a man named Hari Seldon who realizes the empire will collapse in a few years. Instead of trying to save the empire, which he knows is futile, he gathers together scientists, researchers, and other smart people in hidden enclaves to retain knowledge during the phase of barbarism to follow the empire’s collapse. Their goal is to then build the next empire afterwards.

-By Caleb Jones

The first three books in the series are really fantastic and I strongly recommend you read them if you’re of higher intelligence and you enjoy sci-fi. The concept of these books has always intrigued me, more so now, since I myself am living in a real-life collapsing empire that is destined for failure regardless of what anyone does. I’m really not interested in any changes to current Western culture, since Western culture is destined for collapse regardless, both economically and culturally, as I’ve shown at my blogs many times over many years. Changing this law or that, voting in this politician or kicking that one out, none of that is going to accomplish anything other than give certain groups of people emotional warm fuzzies for a while.

That being said, I think it would be a very interesting thought experiment to map out what a brand new nation would look like, if we started from scratch. Now that is an intriguing concept. “Thought experiment” is the important part. I am not Hari Seldon. I’m just some guy with a few blogs who’s written a few books. I’m not trying to save the world here, no do I care. I don’t literally want to start a new nation, nor do I care. I have better projects to work on. I just think it would be a very interesting, thought provoking, and educational thought experiment to describe exactly how to form a new nation if everything was deleted and we could start over, this time doing it right.

I know for a fact that at some point in the next 30-60 years, there will be new nations built from the wreckage of what was once parts of the Western world. There will also likely be virtual nations built in whatever the future version of what the internet will be; some kind of virtual world. So even though this is purely a thought experiment, it’s not completely hypothetical either.

This article is the first in what will probably be a long series of exactly what I, and we, would do if we started a nation from scratch. I say “we,” since I don’t have all the answers, so I’m happy to crowdsource the ideas to you. If you have any ideas on how to make this hypothetical nation a better place to live, provided they're within the following framework I outline, then I will happily integrate them into this plan. Any time I talk about this, leave comments on how you would make this nation a better, more efficient place to live.

Since this is my blog and since I’ll be putting in most of the work here, I will be the chief architect and its chief “founding father,” and I will design a nation based on what I think is best for a prosperous, free society with your input. That means this nation will be a strongly libertarian leaning nation based on small government, free markets, peace, few regulations, extreme personal freedom, rule of law, low taxes, and property rights. The federal government will be tiny, with no welfare state at all, though individual cities can institute their own welfare programs if they wish. Its mandate will be to provide its citizens with the most amount of freedom and the highest level of standard of living by recognizing and avoiding the mistakes made by other nations in the past (i.e. our present).

Therefore, I will only listen to suggestions that are directly compatible with a nation like that. I will ignore any suggestions that make the nation more authoritarian, socialist, communist, welfare state, left-wing, right-wing, theocratic, nationalist, or alt-right. You ardent left-wingers or right-wingers are more than welcome to start your own blogs and design your own nations. I’m for freedom. I will call this nation Ascendia, for lack of a better name. First we have to cover geography. Since Ascendia is a hypothetical nation, it is not located anywhere specific on the Earth, but for the sake of parameters, I will assume the following when designing it:

Big nations don’t work very well, so Ascendia will be a small nation, about 32,000 square miles, which is about the size of Ireland. It’s population will be about 6 million people; a nice, workable number. That’s about the size of nations such as Lebanon, Singapore, and Denmark. I will assume that if there were more people than this within its geographic region, they would create a different sovereign nation. As its founding father, I wouldn’t want Ascendia to have more than about 6 million people, for various reasons I will describe later in future articles. It will have a large coastline for trade, as well as harbor cities, but will not be an island (since it’s statistically unlikely to be so).

I will assume that, since this is a Western Civilization 2.0 nation, the population will be predominantly white. All other races will live there and will be welcome, but assume that at least 70% of the population is white, and this percentage will be reflected in its government as well.  Of all the races in the world, white people are the most statistically likely to embrace a small government, capitalist nation anyway. As to which white race it is, I don’t know, nor care. Assume a mix. There are several different major cities in the nation, as well as rural areas. These will all be “free cities,” able to govern themselves largely independently of other cities and the federal government, a concept I will explain later.

In future articles, I will lay out the following aspects of this nation. Please let me know in the comments if you think I’ve forgotten anything important. Governmental structure / Constitution / Voting Taxes Monetary policy Foreign policy / Military Trade Social issues / laws Business issues / laws Free cities Immigration / residency Welfare / health care Environment

Much more on this to come. This is going to be fun. Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
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