Alpha Male 2.0

A Typical Week In My Life

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I wrote a typical “day in the life” and “week in the life” posts several years ago, and one of the guys over at the Alpha 2.0 Community suggested it would be a good idea if I posted a newly updated version of this. Since my life has changed a little in the last several years, I think that’s probably a good idea. What follows is an example of a typical week in my life these days. To make it easier, this is a typical week where I am not traveling. (Obviously a travel week would be quite different.)

-By Caleb Jones

As always, I follow a decompartmentalized lifestyle, in that I don’t consider weekends as “break time” or weekdays as “work time,” nor do I consider 8am-5pm “work time” and after 5pm “rest time.” How stupid. All of that crap is pure societal programming that is greatly outdated from the industrial revolution from about 100 years ago. No thanks.Instead, I live the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle of maximum freedom, which means I work whenever the hell I want and I relax or play literally whenever I feel like it. If I want to work all day on a Sunday, I do. If I want to go see a movie at noon on a Tuesday, or have sex Wednesday mid-morning, I do. I let my Mission, goals, and preferences guide me rather than what society says I should do… not just in my weekly schedule but in all things. Since most normal humans consider Monday as the start of the work week, I’ll map out a typical week in my life going from Monday morning to Sunday night.


9:00am – While I can wake up literally whenever I want, I wake up at 9am most mornings, and never allow myself to sleep past 9:30am, since sleeping past that time creates a sense of lethargy in most people (as I talk about in my book), and I need maximum energy. At 9am I wake up and follow my usual morning routine, which comprises a lot of things and takes about 90 minutes; weighing myself, drinking a ton of water, taking some natural supplements, TRT shots, exercise (cardio and stretching or weights, depending on the day), and shower / dress while listening to audio on my phone regarding business, success, motivation, or investment advice.10:30am – Then begins my morning work routine, which means reviewing the schedule and to-do list for the day, quickly checking on my investments and checking accounts, updating my personal balance sheet if needed, responding to urgent email (not all email, just the urgent stuff), and answering comments on my blogs and forums. This all takes anywhere from 20-80 minutes, depending on the day. After this, if I have no appointments, I work on IIW (Improve Income Work), which means work that improves my income rather SW (Standard Work) which simply sustains my current income levels. Most people do SW all workday long, which is why they can work for years, even decades, and never experience a significant increase income. I, on the other hand, experience double-digit percentage increases in my income most years, because I make sure it happens.

3:00pm – I allow myself a little fun break. I set a timer for 60 minutes, get cozy in my recliner, fire up my game/movie computer on my big TV, and play my third favorite computer game of all time, Civilization V. It’s complicated as hell and I love it; a nice distraction from consulting, writing, and other aspects of real life. I love my work, but human beings still need breaks. There's literally five different ways you can in this game; militarily, culturally, scientifically, diplomatically, and logistically; I'm playing to win militarily (of course). I'm playing as the Assyrians, though with an early 1900's level of technology, and I'm currently at war with Spain. I take over one of Queen Isabella's cities and burn it to the ground, one step closer to her capital. Then my one hour timer alarm goes off; I save the game and get back to work for another hour, before I take my next break.

As an alternative, if the weather is nice (and it usually isn’t where I live), I’ll go for walk while listening to a fantasy novel audiobook, making mental notes regarding the next novel I want to write. I live in a very quiet, low crime neighborhood (by design) and there are three parks all within walking distance. Getting outdoors is important for the modern, technological man.


10:30am – Appointment with one of my local business clients. With 95% of my income being location independent, it’s rare these days I actually have to drive somewhere to see a client, but it still happens sporadically to those few clients who want to pay my high fees to do so. As always, I will only drive between the hours of 9am and 2:30pm, and refuse to drive outside of these hours, since before 9am and between 2:30pm and 7:30pm is rush hour, and traffic is absolutely horrible during these times. Traffic is a worsening problem all over the industrialized world; it's one of the few things technology hasn’t been able to fix yet (mostly because of big government regulations). It is particularly horrible on the west coast of the USA where I live. I don’t have time for it, so I refuse to participate.

My client’s issue is they want to reduce the time it takes for their employees to field calls from their wholesale customers. I suggest setting up a system on their website where their buyers can quickly check their inventory levels, eliminating at least 60% of these incoming phone calls within 40 days. They love the idea and we start implementation. They make money, I make money, and everyone is happy, which is the way capitalism is supposed to work. (It’s a shame my dying culture embraces corporatism instead.)

12:00pm – Lunch with my son. He’s 26 years old now, and I try to have lunch with him at least once a month. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I succeed, since we’re both busy. We meet at one of the weird but yummy vegan places downtown (he's into that stuff, having been born and raised in Portland). The entire 90 minutes is spent talking about money and business, and very little else, except maybe a little politics (both of my children are left-leaning libertarians). When I talk to my daughter, it’s all about feelings, experiences, and nerd stuff like superheroes and sci-fi. When I talk to my son, it’s all business. We’re men.

7:30pm  - Quick meet with my primary FB, Lunarayn (not her real name, and she doesn’t use that name anywhere online so Google won’t help you). She’s a single mom in her mid-twenties, someone I’ve been seeing for many years and whom I trust. I go to her place, which is good practice for me for when Pink Firefly moves in soon, when my home will cease being an option for FB’s (unless, of course, PF wants one of my FB’s to come over so she can watch me have sex with her, which we’ve done several times already). Lunarayn's son is with her dad today, so she can see me.

Lunarayn is Pink Firefly’s opposite in literally every way, which is perfect for me. Luna has very dark hair, bright eyes, small boobs, big ass, dresses in dark colors, and has a more Dominant, hard-edged personality, which would be unacceptable for a MLTR, but is just fine for a FB. (PF, on the other hand, is platinum blonde, has dark eyes, small ass, big boobs, dresses in bright, girly colors, and is an easygoing sweetheart. You can’t get more opposite. It’s fun.) Luna and I talk for a little bit on her couch, catch up, do the deed, and I’m out of there.

10:00am – Coaching calls for my monthly coaching program. Guys at higher levels in the SMIC program, which I consider the core of my Alpha Male 2.0 / Blackdragon business, get one or more phone/Skype calls with me every month, and I schedule blocks of them throughout the week. In two hours I talk to four different guys from all over the world. The questions I get usually are a 50/50 split between business questions and dating/relationship questions. It’s always fun talking to these guys. They also give me good ideas for future content on my blogs and my books.

12:30pm – Grocery shopping, right in the middle of the day, when not very many people are there. I buzz in and out of there as fast as I can. Free range chicken breasts, frozen broccoli and cauliflower, shredded cheese, a big bag of roasted no-salt no-oil almonds, fresh guacamole, and boom, I’m out of there and back home.

Arriving home, now it’s time to bulk-prep food for the next seven days. I have an Android tablet mounted on my refrigerator, and I fire up a business podcast or video on there to listen to while I work in the kitchen. Clean, trim, wash, and season the chicken breasts, throw them in the crock pot, set for four hours, clean up, done. In four hours, the chicken will be cooked and tender; all I need to do is tear it up with a fork and put it in a plastic container for the refrigerator. For the next week, I can just dump some on a plate with the frozen veggies and a little cheese and microwave it. Fast, easy, and near zero carbs (I try to stay keto whenever I can). I just eat standing up in my kitchen while watching a quick YouTube video.

In the future I want a professional chef to do all of this shit for me; grocery shopping and food prep, so I can save that time. That will cost me more money though, and I don’t spend anything unless it’s in my budget, and nothing goes in my budget unless I know it doesn’t damage my long-term financial goals. Maybe next year. 5:30pm – Phone call with Pink Firefly. We used to see each other during the week, but both of our schedules got way too busy, so now we just stick with weekends, and talk about once a week on the phone instead. She’s extremely feminine, which means she’s very talkative, so she easily does 90% of the talking, going over everything that’s happened to her in the last few days. I mostly just say stuff like “yeah,” or “haha.”


11:30am – Writing time. I write for one hour every day. This can be for a book, newsletter, blog post, whatever. A decent percentage of the income from my businesses is from writing, so I have to make sure I do it every day (or close to it). Today it’s blog posts for the Blackdragon Blog and the Caleb Jones Blog. I finish two rough drafts within 70 minutes and fire them off to the proofreaders, who operate on 24 hour turnaround times, or they’re fired (and yes, I’ve had to fire many). After my final proof, I send them to a virtual assistant who posts the articles to my blogs for me based on a preset posting schedule. It’s nice; all I have to do is write, which is what makes the money. I outsource literally everything else. Alpha 2.0 101.

2:30pm – Skype call with a business contact I have in Australia. I have a tentative plan to expand my I.T. marketing company into Australia in 2019 so the more contacts I can make in this business sector, the better. I will be in Australia and New Zealand in 2018, at least once if not twice, to lay down some more foundations there.

5:00pm  – Video conference call with one of the Asian companies I consult for. I want to shift about 60% of my total business income from the Dying West to the Rising East, a process that will take about four years. (Which is fine; as always, I play the long game; easier to win that way.) This company is a shipping concern based out of Hong Kong; it’s 5pm my time and 9am theirs. I’m talking to four different guys, three of which are Cantonese Chinese but who speak English (thank god; translators are a hassle). I have to remember to speak slowly, which is hard for me, since I think fast and talk fast. We talk for about an hour and get all of our agenda points in.

As soon as I hang up, I glance over at a picture on my desk that reminds me of one of my most exciting business and lifestyle goals; a permanent office in Hong Kong, my favorite city in the world and the center of those rivers of new money in Asia. I clench my fist and say "YES!", pumped as hell about that goal. Hopefully by 2020, if not sooner. Man, I can't wait! 6:30pm – I go see a dumb action movie. I usually like to see movies during the daytime since I can avoid the crowds, but this week I decide to go see one in the evening, which is okay as long as it isn’t a weekend. Sometimes I just prefer going at night; more cozy that way.


11:00am – Get a text from one of my backup FB’s (i.e. not Lunarayn). She wants to hang out today. Most of my FB’s these days are young, since the younger they are the less they’ll care if I have a girlfriend. The problem with younger FB’s is that they can’t schedule anything in advance because that’s not how they think; they always want to hang out last minute. I’m seeing Pink Firefly tonight, and I’d rather not have sex with two women in the same day (though I have many times in the past), so I tell her that I’m not free today but that I could see her Monday or Tuesday (all of my FB’s know I can’t see anyone on weekends since that’s Pink Firefly time). She says that’s fine. Odds are only about 40% I’ll actually see her next week. Again, younger women.

11:30am – Focused IIW writing time. I put my head down and blast out two or three uninterrupted hours of writing my next Blackdragon book (The Ultimate Younger Woman Manual).

2:30pm – Briefly meet with one of my attorneys to finish up my paperwork for Pink Firefly’s move-in and eventual marriage. I have to make 100% sure, no, 200% sure our finances will be completely separate and rock-solid before she moves in, after she moves in, and both before and after the wedding ceremony next August. Today is the last day with the final set of signatures on the giant stack of legally-enforceable documents. I breathe a sigh of relief; my finances are now protected, and one more project is completed and done. My attorney comments that I am probably the most careful client he’s ever worked with regarding co-habitation / marriage financial protection. You’re god damn right, pal.

7:30pm – Once traffic has died down, I head out to Pink Firefly’s apartment, my overnight bag pre-packed as usual. Earlier, she would come to my place on weekends, but since she moves in at the end of the month, it makes more sense for me to come to her so she can spend the weekend packing, with my help. I walk into her apartment and give her a big hug and a big kiss; I haven’t seen her since Sunday so seeing her again is always fun. I love her so much! My primary love language is physical touch, so I spend the rest of the evening sporadically holding her, hugging her, squeezing her, or playing with her long hair. We don’t go out; it’s not in the budget (hers or mine). We just talk, relax, watch an episode of Breaking Bad (we’re slowly going through the entire series), talk some more, have sexy time, and then go to sleep.

I spend the entire day with PF at her place. Usually, the day goes something like this. Wake up, immediately have sex again, shower, talk for a bit, then I work for a while on my laptop while she gets ready. Today, she packs most of the day and I take the bags of trash out of her apartment down to the trash bin (she lives on the third floor with no elevator so it’s a lot of stairs to walk shit down), as well as run to Home Depot to get more moving boxes. At around five, we go out to eat somewhere cheap and healthy like Sweet Tomatoes. PF is already very skinny and tiny (we're phyiscal opposites), but she’s trying to lose weight before the wedding even though it’s not for another eight months. Jesus. Hot girls are always paranoid about their weight. I’m so glad I’m not a girl.

After we get back, we have another brief segment of our “move in talk,” a talk I need to have with her that I’ve broken up into several parts for easy swallowing. Relationship talks are always hazardous, and can create betaization and/or drama if they last too long or if you have them too often, so I buzz through it as fast as I can. She mostly agrees with everything I bring up, disagrees on one or two points, we compromise, and then we’re done. Watch another episode of Breaking Bad, have sex again, go to sleep.


3:00pm – After another relaxing day with my lady, I leave PF’s apartment and head back home. On the way home, I get a text from that same FB who contacted me on Friday. Let’s call her “Jasmine.” She says she can’t hang out tomorrow but can on Tuesday. Perfect; I just saw PF today so I don’t need to see anyone tomorrow; Tuesday is much better. I put her in the schedule, always remembering there’s at least a 30% chance she’ll cancel. Not a big deal; there’s always PF and Lunarayn if I don’t end up seeing her this week. As usual, the Alpha Male 2.0 is all about redundancy.

Makes life easier.5:00pm – More SMIC coaching calls for about an hour, then I plan out the week, noting when I need to exercise, appointments (business or otherwise), when I’m going to have sex (I need to have sex about three times a week for maximum happiness), which tasks need to be done this week, and which projects I want to focus on. That being done, I play another hour of Civilization V and then go to bed about an hour later. I try to be in bed by 11:30pm most nights so I can get a full nine hours of sleep, but often it’s not until 12:00am or 12:30am, which is fine, since that’s still about eight hours; far more sleep than the typical American receives.That wraps it up for the week. Since I know some of you are going to ask, Pink Firefly moves in with me this New Year’s weekend, December 30th. At that time I will make a big blog post here about my objectives and plans for our new live-in relationship. Stay tuned.

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