Alpha Male 2.0

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict

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This is an issue in which both sides are hyper-irrational and can’t think clearly. I’m pretty lenient about the insanity people say on my blogs, but I will delete any comments that go too insane on either side. Please, for the love of god, try to control yourselves. I know it’s hard, but at least try. Thanks in advance.

-By Caleb Jones

What follows is an objective, non-biased, rational viewpoint of the seemingly endless conflict in the Israeli region between the Jewish Israelis and the Arab Palestinians. It is unlikely you will read such an unbiased account anywhere else.

You live in your house that you’ve lived in your entire life. Your house, and your entire neighborhood have been inhabited by your family and ancestors for several hundred years.

One day, I come to your house with a machine gun, point it at you, and tell you to get out. I tell you that this is my house, not your house, because my religion says so. You protest and say that you and your family have lived in this house for hundreds of years. I say that I’m very sorry, and that I will try to help you, but this really is my house, and you need to get out. You can move across town. I’ll even help you move. But I’m pointing a machine gun at you as I say this. So you move out with your family to the crappier part of town. You’re furious, you’re insulted, but you have no choice.

For many years, you seethe with anger at what I’ve done. One day, you decide to make me pay. You get a sniper rifle, and as my children are playing in my back yard (formerly your back yard), you shoot my small daughter in the head, killing her. She was an innocent civilian and had nothing to do with the decision to kick you out of your house, but you’re so angry you don’t care.

I walk out into my yard, see my small daughter bleeding and dead on the grass. I look up, and see you far away with your rifle. I fly into a rage and run back into my house, headed towards my weapons locker. I have far more money than you, higher technology than you, and much better weapons than you. So instead of a sniper rifle, I grab a rocket launcher.

In retaliation for killing my daughter, in a red-hot fury, I drive over to your part of town, find your house, and launch a rocket into it. You’re not home, but your wife and kids are. They all die in the explosion. I’ve just killed more innocent civilians, but like you, I’m so mad that I don’t care. Now you’re even more angry than before, and continue to kill my family members with your sniper rifle as I continue to kill yours with my rocket launcher. On and on this goes, forever.

Now here’s the question: Who is the bad guy, and who is the good guy?

It’s a trick question, because there is no good guy. We’re both pure evil, gleefully murdering innocent civilians and children who had nothing to do with any of this, then we both turn around and give speeches about how righteous we are, when in fact, we both belong in hell.

The insane left wing takes your side, and says that you’re just an innocent victim. The insane right wing takes my side, saying that I’m just defending myself. Everyone’s insane. Everyone’s angry. No one is thinking straight. Everyone is justifying the murder of innocent children. And the violence continues.

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