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The World Map You’ve Been Taught Is Wrong

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-By Caleb Jones

The standard world map that you were taught to learn in high school, the one up on every classroom in the universe, and perhaps the one on your wall (I have a world map on my office wall) is wrong.

It’s not completely wrong, but it’s wrong.

It’s wrong because it’s a two dimensional representation of a three-dimensional globular object. This means that the relative sizes of the continents and countries on your typical world map are all radically skewed. As just a few examples, looking at a typical world map, it shows that Greenland is almost as big as Africa, and that Russia, Canada, and Antarctica are hugely massive.

And it’s all wrong.

In reality, Africa is huge, bigger than all of North America. Antarctica is only as big as Australia. Russia is nowhere as big as most people think it is.

The closest and most accurate representation of what the world actually looks like is the image at the top of this article. (A larger version is here.) Countries and continents nearer to the equator are actually much larger than you think (Brazil is gigantic and Africa is shockingly huge), and those closer towards the poles are much smaller than you think (Alaska is much smaller than how it appears on a typical map).

If you want to see how certain country’s sizes actually compare to others, go to this web site where you can actually drag countries over others and it will show you their real, relative size.

The reason I point this out to you is to demonstrate yet another way in which Societal Programming fills you with false information, starting all the way from childhood. Sometimes, SP isn’t about various factions of the elites brainwashing you. Sometimes it’s just as simple as science being inaccurate or difficult to explain/represent to children or typical laymen.

While I have the “wrong” version of the world map up on my wall in my office, and I use it often, I also refer to this true world map semi-regularly when planning my travel. As always, I try to keep as close to objective reality as I can to ensure a minimum amount of problems or surprises in the future. I strongly suggest you do the same, not just about this dumb map, but about everything.

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