Alpha Male 2.0

How To Turn Your Life Around – Guest Post From A Guy Who Did It

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Special treat today. This is yet another example of a guy who completely turned his life around using Alpha Male 2.0. ELT was a fat, poor, sexless, Mexican beta male. Today he’s fit, strong, 85 pounds lighter, getting all the sex he wants, and has his own Alpha 2.0 location-independent business making ten times what he used to make. He is one of many success stories about how you can go from lower-beta to full-fledged Alpha 2.0 (and ELT is modest) if you just put in a little time up-front. But I’ll let him tell you in his words.

-By Caleb Jones

Hey, I’m ELT, and BD has invited me to write a guest post here. This opportunity feels surreal—when I first discovered this blog years ago, I never imagined I would ever be featured on it. So, when he asked me to tell my story, I was at a loss. “What would his readership find interesting about me?” I thought. Then I realized that every day there’s a new heartbroken guy who finds this blog and feels he will never be at BD’s level. That was me too. So, if you deeply believe there’s nothing you can do to turn your life around, this is for you. Why can you trust me? Because if a fat, shy, pussy-whipped, poor, Mexican nobody like me could do it, why couldn’t you?* *No, being Mexican is not a disadvantage. So where to start? “From the beginning,” my father used to say. How it all began Four years ago, I had been in a relationship with a girl, I found very attractive at first, but over the years I got overweight and very dramatic. I was not any better myself —250 lb, awful-looking, super-insecure, and in a shitty job after a useless time in college.

We truly loved each other, and we understood each other very well too. We had been together for almost five years by then and for a while I thought the time would come to propose to her. After all, that’s what everyone wants, isn’t it? Does this sound familiar? But something didn’t click. Deep inside, I knew I was not happy. I was very logical about it. “How can I be happy with someone that’s giving me drama all the time? How can I be happy with someone that is getting fatter every year? How can I be happy with someone who is always putting herself as a victim?” I used to feel like crap just for looking at a girl’s butt while being with my girlfriend. But again, deep inside, I knew this attraction to other girls was not because I didn’t love her. “But it must be! A good man only has eyes for the one!” Yeah.

I internally wanted very intensely to be with other girls, while on the outside I pretended to be the nice guy I had been since my childhood. Does this sound familiar? This desire became so strong that I started looking for ways to have at least a date with other girls. I was very beta, and I had been out of the game for a long time, but somehow, I managed to go out with a cute girl on a semi-frequent basis. It took me six months to even consider that if she kept going on stupid, contact-less, dates with me for that long, it was because perhaps she felt attracted to me. Maaaaybe. So one day, after having some beers and a couple of hours listening to her bitching about her boyfriend, I went to the bathroom and I had to fucking read an article on the web to muster the courage to make a move. “Just kiss her,” the article said.

I went back to the table thinking very fearful about it. Then I just stopped thinking and boom, I kissed her. “Amazing,” I realized she hadn’t kicked me in the balls just before storming out in anger and was kissing me back instead. Anything familiar yet? This girl knew I was in a relationship and told me she didn’t like to share. This was a cute, thin, feminine girl, unlike my ex, so no wonder I took this as a direct order. I still don’t know how I grew the balls to do it, but the very next day I ended the relationship with my girlfriend. And that was it… No…Drama, tears and hurt feelings were thrown all over the place. It was truly horrible. But on my way back home, in between all the pain and confusion, I felt something very powerful… I had a choice. This is not the typical “I loved her, and she cheated on me with half the town.” As far as I know, she never cheated, and I never found out about something heartbreaking. This was me not wanting to remain with someone I was not happy with just because society kept telling me to keep her. I chose not to settle for little. Do I sound very confident about it? Well I am now because, believe me, after that I was a mess.
I would cry every day, not wanting to stand up from my bed. I kept communication to a minimum with her, and I pretended to be very calm when we texted, but I was feeling like shit all the time. But here’s the interesting bit. That’s not what tipped me over, but my friends. You know, I had spent all my life only having female friends because I was raised to believe men and women were equal and can be friends just like that. So imagine my surprise when I expected (wanted, needed) the support of my girl-only group of friends only to find out that they were hanging out frequently with my ex in support. I was truly floored. She became part of the group because I made a real effort to make her feel included. And most of those girls spent years talking shit about her behind her back! It’s not that I didn’t want them supporting her (she is actually a very nice person), but why weren’t they supporting me? “After all I have done for them! Weren’t we friends?”

I went to a party with one of them and found out they had seen her the day before. As the man-child I was back then, I had a huge Flanders-like over-reaction and just left in anger. Back home, I went to my room where I began punching and screaming and cursing for hours on end. Call me pathetic all you want, but that’s the first time in my life I unleashed (upon my bed, mind you) all the anger I had accumulated for decades. It was painful and it was liberating. I was so angry, I swore I would never put my happiness in the hands of someone else ever again. And then I found Blackdragon. I can’t recall how I came across this blog, but every post had ideas that were incredible to me. Looking at women’s actions instead of their words? Women communicate indirectly, so they seem to speak a different language? What do you mean I’m not independent if I’m broke and living with my mother? But nothing like someone having the balls to tell me that everything in my life is my fault.

I swear to you, looking at that fucking bald man in the picture in that blog article made me feel something down my spine. Then I read the thing and was impressed. They are also not your ex-girlfriend’s fault. Hey, you’re the one who made her your girlfriend. You didn’t have to do that. Yes, it was my fault I stayed for that long and allowed her to give me that much drama; in fact, it was my fault because I was giving her a lot of drama as well. It was my fault I only had female friends because I didn’t have the balls to tell them what I really wanted. It was my fault I was so overweight. It was my fault to be heading nowhere with my life. It was my fault I had no money. It was my fault I was still living with my mother and sister at 25. And so on… So you may assume this is when I tell you everything got resolved right away magically, NO! I began stumbling right away, as I went back with my ex just two months after breaking up. But before calling me a fraud, let me tell you that that’s the point where the struggle started.

Right off the bat, everyone could feel something had changed. And I backed that up with my actions during the last four years. Physically, I started getting into 5 K and 10 K races. After about a year, I also hit the gym. I stopped eating for boredom too. Result? I lost about 85 lb (40 kg) in three years and I feel stronger than ever before. Professionally, I accepted my hatred for being in an office and got an interpreting job I could do from my house. After that, I started a freelance translation business. Now I’m earning up to ten times what I used to earn in my first (and only) office gig.
This has allowed me to have the financial freedom to travel and move from my mother’s house. Socially, I realized the importance of being around men and having true friends, so I got into a baseball team and a soccer team (more exercise!), from which I have developed some good friendships. And female friends? Yes, I’ve got some, but most can be my friends because I’ve had sex with them already so I’m not pretending anymore. With women, I learned dating strategies like shutting up, kino and escalation, instead of talking a lot and not doing anything. You should be an asshole, but not a douchebag. And I did all of this while still being with my ex. But I knew the relationship was holding me back. While I was doing all that stuff, she kept getting fatter, and also trying to show she was “strong” and “independent.”

I kept improving with women behind her back, and I thought it had no effect on me, until I read this… The only way to be happy in the long-term is to do good by others This part from The Unchained Man made me realize that by pretending to be something I’m not, I was harming my girlfriend even if she never found out (and she never did). That was unfair to her, of course, because she was under the assumption that I was monogamous and that I wanted to have a lifetime project along with her when I actually didn’t have the balls to hurt her again by leaving her. This time, however, life was not that kind and forced me into action when April last year my father suddenly passed after developing a very rare kind of rapidly progressive dementia. I realized I couldn’t keep pushing important action till later. What was the point?It was still painful to let her go, combined with the loss of my father, but everything I have achieved over the last four years happened because my commitment to myself was real, not because I pretended with her to be different.

Now, I’m in a mutually-agreed non-monogamous relationship with a nice, caring, and feminine woman. Other women I’ve been with since are also generally hotter, more feminine and from a higher socioeconomic background (which in Mexico it means they are less prone to victimize themselves). And they stay around fully knowing who I am because I don’t lie to them. Thanks to my financial improvement, I’m well on my way to fulfilling one of my lifetime dreams—going to the Olympic Games, including the Opening Ceremony and being in Tokyo for the whole event. And I’ve also got a couple of business projects that excite me and don’t require me to be sitting in a boring office. By living on my own, everything in my home is my responsibility, so now everything in my life is my responsibility too. It can get difficult sometimes, but I feel more in control and it’s all worth it because I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, without asking permission from anyone, no matter if it’s about when I start or stop working, who I hang out with or have sex with, or even at what time I come back home.

Of course, the journey has not been perfect, but remember what I said about the struggle? Other guys in the manosphere and forging my own path have taught me that the struggle is always there, and the most important thing I’ve done is not to stop, even in the face of failure. What you make of it is your choice. So yes, I’m still nowhere near BD’s level, but I keep moving forward. Although I don’t consider myself an Alpha yet, I’ve come a very long way. And you can too. Want to talk to other guys working on Alpha Male 2.0? Join the new Alpha 2.0 Forums HERE and/or join the Alpha 2.0 Facebook Group HERE. They are both FREE to join! I’m coming to a town near you in 2019 to do the least expensive Alpha Male 2.0 seminar I’ve ever done. I’ll be in 18 different cities in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe. If you want to come to a low-cost seminar to learn how to improve your financial and woman life, click HERE and get your tickets! The next cities coming up are Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, and New York! Alpha Male 2.0 World Tour 2019

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