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The President After Trump

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I’ve been saying for years that the problem isn’t Donald Trump, but rather the next president after Trump. I also said back when Obama was president that the USA is approximately two presidents away from a president who is an openly admitted socialist. I stand by that.

-By Caleb Jones

Take notice how the term “socialist” is something the American left used to deny and run away from just a few years ago and yet are now embracing. Just like American conservatives used to embrace, or more accurately, pretended to embrace small government a few years ago, and now the American right doesn’t give a shit about small government and dislikes it as much as the left.  

Both sides move further left. As always.  In 2010 when Pussy Barack increased government spending by $1.2 trillion, conservatives freaked out and called him a socialist, which he denied. Eight years later, Tantrum Trump increased government spending by $1.8 trillion, $600 billion more than Obama did. No one on the right cared at all. Then, in the most recent Democratic debate, moderators asked for a show of hands for who was in favor of giving taxpayer-funded government health care to illegal aliens. All of them raised their hands. 

Both sides move further left. As always. And that is exactly why I’m quite confident we are close to an openly socialist president in the United States.  I won’t be living in the United States by then; I’m outta here in early 2021. Therefore, this is mostly academic to me. These days I view the collapse of the USA as more like an interesting TV show like Game of Thrones. If the vast majority of everyone on both sides of the left-right political debate actually believe a $7 trillion-per-year government (that’s state, federal, and local government spending combined) is too small and want it even larger, then that’s wonderful. They’re welcome to their delusions, but I won’t be participating, nor suffering the massive damage it’s going to cause to a lot of people.  So, with that said, here some basic rundowns on who the next president may be.  

First of all, Tantrum Trump may very well win re-election even though everyone hates him. I already analyzed the data behind that here. I don’t know if that will happen, but it’s looking more likely since, amazingly, it appears the Democrats have learned literally nothing from all the mistakes they made back in 2016 when they A) chose to support the Lizard Queen, the single worst and most unlikeable presidential candidate in my lifetime, and B) focused purely on "Trump is bad!" messaging, which fails badly, rather than a progressive agenda, which today's (socialist) Americans like. Yet, Trump’s possible re-election is irrelevant to my argument. I’m taking about the president after Trump. If that person comes in 2020 or 2024 it doesn’t matter. All I know is that the president after Trump is extremely unlikely to be a Republican. 

Who will that person be? I don’t know, but I can comment on the current contenders, most of which will still be contenders in 2024 even if Trump wins re-election.  If the Democrats choose Joe Biden, Trump wins re-election, period. Biden is both a pure establishment candidate and ridiculously incompetent, having already run for President twice and failing miserably both times. If that’s who Democratic voters choose in the primaries, you’ll see 2016 all over again, meaning Trump will win, but barely (he may still lose the popular vote again, actually that’s quite likely, but it doesn’t matter). The elites would love Joe Biden, but I don’t think that’s in the cards. I actually think the elites prefer someone else I’ll get to in a minute.
Comrade Bernie, Elizabeth Warren (i.e. Bernie Sanders lite), Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang are exactly the type of people I’m expecting to see as our next president. It may or may not be one of those particular individuals. I’m just saying if it isn’t, it will be someone just like them: delusional quasi-socialists who are really bad at both economics and math yet have big ideas today’s left-wing America absolutely loves. And I’m including Trump supporters when I say that. Trump supporters gave Bernie a standing ovation at a recent speech and are praising Andrew Yang’s universal basic income proposals. (Jesus. Just look at the joke American conservatives have become…) 

If the elites can’t get Joe Biden, then they’ll go with their obvious second choice: Kamala Harris. Harris is essentially a more likeable and politically savvy version Hillary Clinton. She’s smart, skilled, a warmonger, a corporatist, a team player, and a liar… everything the elites love, so she has their full backing. In addition, she’s just charismatic enough to convince enough minorities and women to vote for her.   Harris is a distinct possibility as our next president in 2020, 2024, or even beyond. If she becomes prez, this will actually blow my theory since she is not a socialist but rather a big government corporatist like her Lizard Queen mother. Not that it matters, since as I said when Trump was elected, government will continue to grow with or without Trump. (Right now, it’s growing with him.) 

I happen to think that way down the road, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and/or (though less likely) Chelsea Clinton will become president once they’re older. AOC is quickly becoming the left-wing version of Tantrum Trump; an exciting yet woefully stupid showman that really gets irrational people excited. Moreover, she checks all the left-wing boxes. She’s attractive, young, female, Hispanic, and has a hyphenated last name. It’s like a bunch of left-wingers created her in lab as the ideal leftist. She’s the future in our new America. I’d almost be surprised if she didn’t at least get close to being president a within a few decades.  People tend to overreact to the opposite of what they’ve had for a long time. After the milquetoast president George H.W. Bush, voters chose a highly confident, charismatic (though sociopathic), player president in Bill Clinton. After that, the went to the opposite extreme, and chose a traditional, moronic, bumbling president, George W. Bush. After that, they went the opposite again, in the smooth and articulate left-wing (or someone who pretended to be left-wing) Barack Obama. Then they went to the diametric opposite again, the simpleton bulldozer and far-right (or someone who’s pretending to be far-right) Donald Trump. 

If the pattern holds, and I think it will, the next president after Trump will be one of two creatures:  A pretend left-wing corporatist monster and Lizard Queen heir like Kamala Harris. A true-blue progressive socialist or quasi-socialist like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, or someone who strongly holds to these kinds of policies like Andrew Yang.  I can’t see the next president being anything else other than one of those two.  To be fair and objective, as I’ve talked about in the past, American voters have become so irrational over the past 10-15 years that it’s now becoming very difficult to predict this stuff, whereas pre-Obama it was very easy to predict who the next president was going to be with great accuracy. I accurately predicted every presidential election in my lifetime, even sometimes as long as 2.5 years before the election, until the Obama/Romney election of 2012, when Americans actually re-elected a sitting president in the middle of a bad economy, something that had literally never happened before. (Though to be fair to me, Romney only lost by a fraction of one percent in three states.) 

This is why I’ve stopped predicting specific individuals for president; Americans are too insane now so it’s just not doable anymore. Instead I’m sticking to the types of people I think are going to be elected as well as laying odds on certain people as the election gets closer.  

And hey, I could be wrong on even this. Maybe the next president after Trump is yet another corporatist nationalist like Trump. I think that’s very unlikely, but as America and the rest of the West draws closer to collapse, anything is possible.  The only thing that’s guaranteed is that, like Trump, the next president will continue to increase the size and spending of government. You can set your watch to that. 

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