Alpha Male 2.0

What Location Independence Actually Means

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Location independence, the ability to consistently live your life financially and sexually with zero problems regardless of where in the world you go, live, travel, vacation, or visit, is one of the foundations of Alpha Male 2.0. The problem is that there seems to be a lot of confusion about what location independence is or why one would want it. I’ve seen several comments on my blogs lately asking more or less the same question. This is epitomized by a recent comment by Bluejay: 

-By Caleb Jones

What if I have an extremely well remunerated career that allows me to live where I love, and work with some of the brightest minds in the world? It doesn’t make sense to leave my career just to become location independent. I have a hard time imagining someone being completely location independent. People have ties to a specific location. They’d like to live in a certain place to be close to friends and family. They have a certain preference for the type of weather, politics etc. For example, I know I’d never want to live in Thailand and work from a beach on my laptop. I love working with smart people in an office that overlooks skyscrapers! Anyways, I understand for some people location independence is paramount.

This demonstrates a lot of misunderstanding about what location independence is and why it’s desirable, and Bluejay is not alone. However, as always, I assume that if many in my audience misunderstand one of my core concepts it’s because I have been negligent in properly explaining it. Today I will rectify that.

Location independence means that your income continues regardless of where you are physically located. If you are in downtown Miami, Tokyo, Moscow, or on the beach in the Bahamas, or camping in the Scottish Highlands, none of that matters because your income keeps coming in regardless. You can live in City A and spend three months on the other side of the planet in City B and your income is completely unaffected.

You can’t do this when you have a job, regardless of how much money you make at that job, nor can you do this if you have a traditional, location dependent business.  Instead it means you have an Alpha 2.0 business.

Under an Alpha Male 2.0 context, location independence also means that your woman life also continues regardless of your physical location. You can do this one of three ways: 

1. You have FBs (and possibly MLTRs under certain conditions) in place in multiple cities around the world where you regularly visit. Or  2. You have strong enough dating skills where you can meet and have sex with new women wherever you go, regardless of the location.


3. You have an OLTR who travels with you wherever you go.

This way your lifestyle is completely decoupled from your location. 

That’s location independence. Bluejay and others who are confused about this are actually not talking about location independence. They’re talking about an international lifestyle. These are two very different things. 

Location independence means you have the ability to go wherever you want, whenever you want. International lifestyle means you actually do that, and often. Just because you’re location independent doesn’t mean you have to travel all the time. You can sit exactly where you are in your favorite city full-time if you wish. It simply means you can leave whenever you want and can take huge, long vacations to other locations whenever you want.  

I have a friend who is a location independent Alpha Male 2.0 just like me. He’s 100% location independent both financially and sexually. However, he lives in Panama City full time and pretty much never leaves. He likes it there, so he just stays there. 

I, on the other hand, spend several months of the year outside of the USA on various adventures and I fucking love it. This year, 2020, is my last year living full-time in the USA (thank god). Starting next year after I move, I’ll only spend about 3-4 months in the USA at the very most; I can’t fucking wait. 

My friend is location independent. I am both location independent and live an international lifestyle. Two different things. You may hate living an international lifestyle and that’s fine. But you still need to be location independent if you want long-term happiness. I’ll explain below as I go through Bluejay’s comment. 

What if I have an extremely well remunerated career that allows me to live where I love, and work with some of the brightest minds in the world?

You can live and work where you love without that job. If you had your own Alpha 2.0 business, you could work literally wherever you wanted. Obviously, that would be where you love. 

You can also work with the “brightest minds in the world” in your own business. In my own businesses, I have worked with men with off-the-chart IQs, world-class scientists, and self-made men worth hundreds of millions of dollars. When you have your own business, you can work with whomever you want (once the business is up and running). When you have a job, you work with the people your boss forces you to work with. Some of these people you may love, but some you may find annoying or even maddening. 

Do you think I work with anyone I find annoying or maddening? Ever?


It doesn’t make sense to leave my career just to become location independent

Correct and that’s not why you would leave your job. You would leave your job to be free. To set your own schedule, live and travel wherever you want, work with whomever you choose, and work on projects you enjoy. I would never recommend to anyone that they quit their job just to be location independent. I’m telling you to (eventually, when it makes sense) quit your job to be FREE. 

I have a hard time imagining someone being completely location independent. People have ties to a specific location. They’d like to live in a certain place to be close to friends and family. They have a certain preference for the type of weather, politics etc.

This is a mix up of location independence and an international lifestyle. If you don’t want an international lifestyle, then don’t do that! I know many men would be very irritated with the international lifestyle that I lead. And some would love it. Both good 

Instead, get location independent and then stay in the city that you love. Once you’re location independent, that’s perfectly fine. Many Alpha Male 2.0s do this.  

Now you’re probably asking, “What good is location independence if I’m going to just stay where I am?” The answer is: Just because you like where you are doesn’t mean you should be FORCED to stay there at all times for the rest of your life. Here’s why: 

1. You love your city now, but you’re convinced you’re never going to change your mind? Ever? You’re going to live many more decades. You’re telling me you’re 100% sure you’ll never want to leave your city (or region, or country) at any time in the next 57 years? Really? Wouldn’t you like the freedom to change your mind whenever you want? I have that freedom. You don’t. 2. What if something happens to your city or your country down the road which would make a it bad place to live? Or a place you weren’t excited about anymore? Millions of people in the UK thought the UK was great… but then Brexit happened, and now many of these people are angry and terrified (especially after the recent election there). They’re stuck because they’re not location independent. Germany used to be a great place, but now it’s collapsing before our very eyes, and many Germans admit this but complain they’re stuck there because they’re location dependent.
I’ve talked in great detail at my other blog about how the USA, Europe, and many other regions of the world are going to collapse in our lifetime. This is to say nothing about natural disasters, hurricanes, and so on. Wouldn’t you like the mental peace of mind and security knowing that if anything bad happened to your region you could just fly somewhere else with your family literally whenever you wanted and have no disruption in your income or sex life? I have that security. You don’t. 3. You want to be close to your family, and I think that’s great. But again, you’re not thinking long term. I’ve got news for you. Your parents are going to eventually die. Your kids are eventually going to grow up and move away. Then what? Wouldn’t you like the flexibility to just go somewhere else (or spend lots of time away) when these changes in your life, which will happen, occur? I have that flexibility. You don’t.

For example, I know I’d never want to live in Thailand and work from a beach on my laptop. I love working with smart people in an office that overlooks skyscrapers!

Guess what? Me too! I would never live in fucking Thailand! I have nothing against Thailand (it’s one of the best growth economies in the world) but I would fucking hate it if I had to live there. I like high-tech offices that overlook world-record high skyscrapers just like you, so I spend time in fancy offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dubai, and kickass places like that. 

If you wouldn’t like to live in Thailand with your laptop, then don’t fucking do that. I sure as hell don’t. Go to the best place (or places) in the world where you want to go. Right now, you can’t do that! You’ve got a gun to your head (not literally, but you know what I mean) that is forcing you to stay in the skyscraper city you’re in right now and you can’t go spend any significant time in any other skyscraper cities which are probably superior. As I’ve demonstrated many times, the skyscrapers in places like Asia are far superior than the old, ugly, worn-out skyscrapers of the Collapsing USA or Suicidal Europe. It’s not even close. 

And of course, for those of you who would love to live in Thailand and work on the beach with your laptop, do that!  

Do what you want! Don’t do what you would not want. That’s Alpha Male 2.0 at its core. The problem is if you’re not location independent, you can’t do whatever you want, and you lack all kinds of security and flexibility in your life.  

Location independence doesn’t mean you have to travel all over the world all the time. It means you can. 

The newly updated and expanded online video Alpha 2.0 Business Course is where you will get step-by-step instructions on how to start or improve your own business where you make $75,000 per year or more on less than 30 hours per week completely location-independent! Get it during its 12-day launch for a huge discount and extra videos and audios for FREE. Available here on Thursday, March 5th at 4pm EST. Mark your calendar!

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