This is the next installment of the book I never published regarding my history with women and the lessons I learned from it.
Announcing New In-Person Coaching Program (With Me)
Today I’m introducing a new program where you can work with me, in-person and in real life, to help get your Alpha 2.0 life to the next level. This is something I’ve done in my consulting business, but I’ve never offered anything like this to the public.
How to Handle Inexperienced Women
Sometimes you will encounter women who are inexperienced with men, dating, sex, or a combination of those. How do you handle this?
Raising Your Kids When You Don’t Live with Their Mom
A decent percentage of you have children and do not live with their mother. If you don’t have kids yet, the odds are extremely high that eventually you will A) have at least one kid *and* B) end up not living with the child’s mother.
Online Dating – What’s Working Right Now: Part 1
Let’s get a consensus on what’s actually working *right now* with online dating.