In the coastal Kingdom of Delasp, several leagues north of Darehold, Lord Voris made his home. It was a small keep, granted to him by King Goldenhelm himself, a prize for his valor during the Nabagest wars.
How Would An Alpha Male 2.0 Respond?
Here are several random scenarios in normal, day-to-day life, and how an Alpha Male 2.0 would react as opposed to [...]
Not Losing Your Edge As You Age
Today’s article is for you older guys going after the much younger women, though obviously you younger guys should pay [...]
Playing Life’s Odds
I am an odds player. This alone is one of the biggest reasons for my success in life in all [...]
Purposely Clinging to Your Societal Programming
The worst thing about being a kid is that no one told me the truth about my situation. In fact, [...]
What Location Independent Income Really Means
Just three more days left before I shut off enrollment for the Alpha 2.0 Business Course. We actually exceeded our [...]
Niching Your Alpha 2.0 Business for Maximum Profit
Here is the next installment on how to create and profit from your own location-independent Alpha 2.0 business. Your comments, [...]
How Alpha 2.0 Businesses Are Managed
In this next installment on how to create your own Alpha 2.0 location-independent business, I’ll describe the overview of how [...]
How To Set Up Your Own Alpha 2.0 Business Structure
The countdown has officially begun for the release of the Alpha 2.0 Video Business Course on Friday, October 19th. Over [...]
Is Religion Good or Bad For You?
Obviously, religion is a hot-button topic for many people. Many discussions of religion, perhaps even most, revolve around the topic [...]
Most Men Self-Identify As Uglier Than They Actually Are
As many of you know, when I was younger I was traditionally, monogamous married for nine years. During this nine-year [...]