If you’d like to contact me, use the form below. I personally read and respond to all of my email, with the following caveats:
– Limit your messages to me to four sentences or less. If it’s longer than that I won’t read it or respond to it. I’m a busy man.
– Make sure to whitelist or allow the email address theonlyblackdragon at gmail dot com to any spam filter you may be using, if you want to ensure you get my response. If you have no idea how to do this, the Stronglifts guy made a handy set of instructions right here.
– I do read dissenting emails, but I don’t read hater/troll emails. Once I’m about three or four words in, if it’s clearly a hater/troll message I instantly stop reading and delete it. If you disagree with me and are trying to describe a specific view, backed by specific points, that’s perfectly okay. I’m talking about obvious drive-by hater email; those I just trash unread. I’m a busy man.
–  Unless you’re a paying customer of mine, please allow for up to a week or two for a response. I do respond, but it takes me time. I’m a busy man.
– Any question you ask me over email might be reprinted either on one of my blogs or in my email newsletter. I will keep your name anonymous though. If you use your real name, I will only use your initials.
– Remember that instead of (or in addition to) an email, you’re also welcome to comment on this blog, contact me at my Twitter account, comment on my Facebook page, or post at our online forum.
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