
These ebooks have helped thousands of men all over the world improve their confidence, social skills, and skills with women. They will help you too. All ebooks come with a 100% lifetime money-back guarantee, so there’s absolutely no risk to you.

The Unchained Man: The Alpha Male 2.0 

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This is the digital version of my paper book, which is only $9 for over 400 pages on exactly how you can design a life of freedom and happiness. Hardcover and softcover versions are also available at the linked page.


Dating Ebooks

Dating Women – Getting To Sex As Quickly As Possible

This ebook is packed with specific, proven, real-world, step-by-step techniques, that will help you you get from meet to sex in four hours or less.



Younger Women

How To Attract And Date Younger Women

Written specifically for men over 30, this package of several ebooks has all the specific, tested, proven principles and techniques I use to easily attract and date beautiful women 20+ years younger than me. If you ever wondered if it was possible, or how to do it, this is your answer.


Online Dating Ebooks

How To Fill Your Calendar With Dates Using Online Dating

This ebook is the culmination of six years of experimentation and tracking. It’s best, most effective techniques for bringing beautiful women into your life using online dating. Using the same techniques you will learn in this ebook, I can fill my entire week with first dates with attractive women, literally whenever I want. With this ebook, you can too.


Improve Your Online Dating Results

On the dating sites but not getting the results you want? This ebook will boost your response rates and dates to levels you never thought possible. Jam-packed full of proven field-tested techniques that will work for you, and work fast.

Open Relationship Ebooks

How To Create And Maintain Open Relationships With Women

Would to like to have a girlfriend who lets you sleep with other women? Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to take any woman and create a long-lasting open relationship with her.


How To Create Or Convert To An Open Marriage

If you’re married, or live with a full-time girlfriend, or are soon to be married, you need this ebook. It teaches you step-by-step how to convert your monogamous marriage to an open one, and how to maintain an open marriage for the long-term.

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