With your help, I’m going to create a worldwide online database that will help guys determine which dating sites/apps work best in every major city. I don’t think anyone else on the entire internet has tried this.
What Would I Do If I Had To Start Over?
Over the years, I’ve had several of you ask me the same question: Caleb, what would you do if, knowing what you now know, you found yourself in a new country, with no money, no contacts, and no job?
Older Women
I’m not sure when it started, but I think it started with Raquel Welch. It was the late 1980s and I was about 15 years old…
Announcing Alpha Male 2.0 Lifestyle Course Coming In September
You’re about to get something many of you have been asking about for years.
The 5 Skills You Must Master For Real-Life Dating
This is the next installment in the “5-7 Skills” series. In every area of life, there are usually 5-7 key skills you must master to be successful at it.
The Top 8 Things Guys Do Wrong In Nonmono Relationships
After speaking with hundreds, if not thousands of men over the past decade or so regarding relationship management of nonmonogamous relationships, several patterns have emerged.
How To Turn Your Life Around – Guest Post From A Guy Who Did It
Special treat today. This is yet another example of a guy who completely turned his life around using Alpha Male 2.0. ELT was a fat, poor, sexless, Mexican beta male. Today he’s fit, strong, 85 pounds lighter, getting all the sex he wants, and has his own Alpha 2.0 location-independent business making ten times what he used to make.He is one of many success stories about how you can go from lower-beta to full-fledged Alpha 2.0 (and ELT is modest) if you just put in a little time up-front. But I’ll let him tell you in his words. Take it away, ELT…
The Story of Jason
In the coastal Kingdom of Delasp, several leagues north of Darehold, Lord Voris made his home. It was a small keep, granted to him by King Goldenhelm himself, a prize for his valor during the Nabagest wars.
How To Commit When She Might Leave?
A commenter, Johnson, recently posted this comment below. It’s extremely important since I’ve heard a lot of other men echo his words and feelings…
Why Are You So Jealous?
When I talk about long-term sexual monogamy not working, I, surprisingly, don’t get a lot of guys (or women) protesting that anymore. Many years ago I did, even from PUAs(!).