22 Apr Female Sex Robots

I have said often that over the next 50 to 60 years, society is in for changes so massive, it is nowhere near ready for them. While it will be exciting to see these changes, it will be terrifying to watch an unprepared population deal with them.
One of these changes is sex robots. To bring you up to speed if you were not aware, for almost ten years now, I have made the following predictions…
-By Caleb Jones
Prediction One: At some point, technology will be able to make robots that are essentially indistinguishable from real human beings, or at least close to it.
Prediction Two: The first major, open-market use of these robots will be for men to have sex with them.
Prediction Three: The initial sex robots will be extremely expensive and thus unavailable to most. Regardless, they will sell like hotcakes and fly off the shelves. They won’t be able to manufacture them fast enough. Soon a saturation point at that price level will be reached. This will drive prices down at a rate faster than people expect, as is always true with mass-market technology innovations (excluding those made by Apple, of course). Soon, most men will be able to afford them.
Prediction Four (the most important prediction by far): Once the sex robots’ price gets down to the $500 – $1000 range, placing them in range of just about any guy who is not really poor (and even those guys will be able to rent them for a few hours), you will see the greatest shift in sexual power ever experienced by the human race. It will be equal to or greater than the upheaval during the Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s.
When any man can go home and fuck his Scarlett Johansson robot or Kim Kardashian robot (or whichever celebrity will be considered super hot at that time), and he can do so without her demanding dates, free dinners, a sounding board for her drama, marriage, monogamy, picking up his socks, or refraining from burping at the table, and he can fuck Ms. Robot bareback to his heart’s content without ever needing to worry about pregnancy, child support payments, or catching an STD…oh, when that happens…you will see, for the first time in human history, women lose most (if not all) of their power over men.
“Oh c’mon! Not ALL men will go for that! Some men want more than just sex!”
Yes, some men do, but even the men who want more than sex still want sex, and even those guys currently don’t get sex without doing shit they don’t want to do to satisfy certain irrational female desires. But you know what? Let’s leave that argument for another time since it’s totally irrelevant. Know why?
Because even if only 20% of men do this, it will be a game-changer unlike anything anyone in our generation has ever seen. Women will have no power to compete with perfect-looking, totally compliant sex robots who will do whatever men tell them to do without argument.
It will be a massive game-changer in man-woman sexual relations.
It will be a massive game-changer in dating. Just watch what will happen when women try to demand dates from guys who have a sex robot at home, who is a 10 in looks and will never age, and who never demands any dates or money spent on her for sex.
It will be a massive game-changer in marriage. If you’re married: Wife being a bitch? Won’t put out? Fine. Head to the closet, power up Dolly Parton (1982 Version) and away you go. It’s not a person, so it’s not cheating! Man, I can’t WAIT for women to try to make THAT argument. Oh, this is going to be so fun to watch!
If you’re unmarried: Can you imagine a woman demanding you to commit to her or marry her when she knows you’ve got Britney Spears (Hit Me Baby One More Time Version) at home waiting for you? It gets better. Can you imagine some bitchy girlfriend (who is no where near as hot as Britney Spears) demanding that her BF doesn’t fuck his Britney robot any more? (“Or what, Jennifer? You won’t fuck me any more?”) Oh, this can’t happen soon enough!
Yes, there will always be some pussy guys who will relent, but as I said that doesn’t matter. When an entire swath of the male population finally says no to women’s demands and requirements to get into their pussies, you will see women freak like you’ve never seen women freak before. When their sexual power over men vanishes, it will be the most terrifying thing women in the modern era have ever experienced. It’s going to be ugly. And utterly fascinating to watch.
The most interesting thing in the above video was not the ugly Japanese robot. It was comparing the man’s reaction to the story to the woman’s. He was happy and excited. She was upset, negative, and even if she tried to put on a happy face, a little scared. Oh, you should be, Sweetie. You should be.
I figured it would be a good 20 years before prediction one would start to come about.
I was wrong. It’s going to happen much, much sooner.
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Posted at 04:10 pm, 22nd April 2011I have my own thoughts on this, but not to lead your mind with them, why won’t women be able to do this symmetrically? Why won’t a girl be able to use a male sex robot to the same effect?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:44 pm, 25th April 2011Of course they would, but there would be some big differences. First, it would not catch on as fast with women; they’d feel much more “weird” about fucking a robot than a guy would. Second, women might want sex but they still want to be provided for. A studly hot manbot can’t give you babies, buy you dinner, pay your bills, or give you child support or alimony, no matter how well he does in bed. That said he certainly could kiss your ass do some chores around the house…so there might be something there.
Posted at 02:40 am, 26th April 2011I don’t agree with your point.
I really don’t believe that robots that are indistinguishable from humans will exist in the next fifty years. Maybe they will look alike at first, but movements, gestures, etc will be harder to copy. And let’s face it: artificial intelligence is largely about recognizing patterns. When it comes to creativity, spontaneity i.e. all the things that make up a personality as far as I know very little progress has been made.
So I find it hard to believe that fucking some android will be much more satisfying than watching porn and masturbating. At least for me, knowing that it is an actual person I’m with and that person has free choice, but chose have sex with me and surrender sexually to me is what makes it fun. A robot won’t be able to give me that.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:40 pm, 26th April 2011You’re probably right about the gestures/movements thing. But since there are plenty of guys out there who fuck sex dolls now, I don’t think that will matter as much as you might think. Let’s say you’re really, really horny and have Scarlett Johansson in all her glory ready to fuck you, but her movements are way off and somewhat artificial-looking. Is that really a complete deal-breaker for you at that point? Maybe, maybe not, but you see my point. And no, sex with a hot robot will not be as good as with a real woman. I’m saying it’s going to be a fantastic backup and second option, especially for more pussy/AFC/provider guys, and that’s where you’ll see this societal change I’m talking about.
Posted at 02:25 am, 27th April 2011Truth is, as every experienced lover knows, that sex is a positive feedback loop thing. I believe some clever engineering will be more than enough to give a feel that rivals good to very good real people, and we’ll need the general AI only for strong superhuman ability.
AI might be weak on general reasoning, but the way it specializes is amazing.
Posted at 05:17 am, 18th July 2011I just subscribed. Great stuff man!
Posted at 01:29 am, 24th April 2012HAHAHA! Great analysis and predictions. The female reporter is DEF thrown off by the concept of this – omfg sex with robots how sad – yet western society is totally down with dildos and vibrators, as seen on pop tv shows, e.g. sex in the city.
bad genes
Posted at 03:51 pm, 3rd December 2012Can’t wait for female robots, the next step in masturbation …remember in this life there is no fairness ….thats why all is fair in love and war, it means if you are lucky enough to have good genes the opposite sex will come running to you female models are a great example, some or most are not worth the time of day except for what they look like!
Tom likus said it best about guys, guys that get rich get women….women dont care what you look like if you have lots of money….so if youre not rich or dont look liike Brad Pitt, you poor schuk…you get nothing BUT when there are female robots who screw then thats where id be… this is a very unfair world, good looking people like each other because they are good looking, can have nothing to do with being a good person…..robots will make it fairer!
Carlos Danger
Posted at 06:43 am, 20th October 2013Feminists said pretty much the same thing about vibrators in the 1970s as you are saying now about sex robots: That when women have unfettered access to machines that can give them orgasms one hundred percent of the time, any time, then they will no longer want sex with men and won’t have to put up with their bull shit any longer.
As we know, this prediction did not come true. While most women these days own vibrators (and other more advanced sex machines), they still crave sex with men very much. My humble prediction is even if men did have a Scarlet Johnson whoever cyborg at home to ‘fuck’ whenever they wanted, they would still crave sex with real women very much.
Like the song says, “Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:37 pm, 20th October 2013Except vibrators can’t provide other things women want from men, like incomes, free food and drinks, and babysitting services. All they provide are orgasms.
Female sex robots will be able to provide all kinds of things men want from women above and beyond sex. Like housecleaning, cooking, babysitting, attention, validation, and at some point the robots will even be able to carry on a conversation with a man, so add social interaction to the list. You can’t compare a vibrator to a fully functioning hot-chick robot.
Some men yes. A lot of men, as in millions and millions, no. Especially when these robots get to the point where they can carry on a real conversation.
Regardless of what happens, you’ll see a massive reduction in the amount of men “available” to women.
Posted at 04:30 am, 24th December 2013BD, I’m with FlowofSoma here in regards to how difficult(unlikely) it is to create a 99% indistinguishable human figure. Especially to use for skinship/sex, you would not only need visual aesthetics: you’d have to emulate to a micro detail level of hair, skin, wrinkles, nails, eyes…on top of that texture(softness of skin, lips, inside pussy), body temperature, lubrication etc. I mean, who knows what will be possible 50 years from now but that sounds like serious non-biological human cloning. But just for the sake of this topic, lets say this *did* become a reality in the distant future, which then I have to ask:
How is this any different than going the hot prostitution/escort/hooker route, which is already available today? You even say ‘(and even those guys will be able to rent them for a few hours)’ <- which is the same as paying a escort for sex no?
Is it cost effeciency? Investing in a onetime android HB10 for $1000 is probably cheaper than a real hot young prostitute so that is a point i guess but my point still remains.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:18 pm, 24th December 2013What if I want back in time just 15 years ago to the 1990s and said that in just 15 years you would have a little machine on your person the size of your wallet that would hold every song you’ve ever listened to in your entire life, and you could ask it just about any question on any topic known to man and instantly get your answer within about 5 seconds. And it would also be a full-featured phone, camera, GPS, computer and movie player. And this thing would be less than $300. Would you believe me?
STDs. Plus often there are other physical risks to using a hooker (like a guy waiting in a closet with a baseball bat who wants to take whatever’s in your wallet). And, the robots will be much hotter and/or can look like your favorite celebrity. Etc. And…
Bingo. I was about the bring that up. Far, far less expensive.
Eric Heide
Posted at 02:26 am, 1st December 2015Sex dolls.
I’ve had this thought that this could be done for nearly 30 years now and with the ability and advancements in robotics it is actually possible to do this and you know what, given that men and women are having less sex its actually going to be likely the first sexual experience some guy has in the future once these are mass marketed.
Its won’t be as good as the real thing, and there will eventually be a market for women as they won’t be getting any either.
This will definitely get interesting once it does go mainstream. I think it will take while, where all the beta testing (so appropriate a statement in this case) would take place, then all the Betas would get some on a regular basis.
I think that once fully developed these would have not just a sex doll but for the most part one’s live in domestic as well, minus perhaps cooking. It could easily be configured by software to clean and organize large objects, or even move furniture based on some geometric analysis, so while you’re out it could clean and organize. At that point all the Betas can put them into French Maid outfits and act out whatever fantasy they want with said “woman” of their choice (customizable personality programming)
I think its only limitations at this point could be cooking and filing paper work. Robots are unable to differentiate and could very well shove all one’s paperwork into the compactor and toss it out, even if intructed to filoe various documents. And the food would likely be burnt.
Posted at 12:51 am, 13th January 2016While the Japanese are pouring a lot of money into robotics to service their aging society, as far as sexual satisfaction goes, I think Virtual Reality is going to be the way to go, with a suction cup attachment and maybe some tactile gloves :() We’ll see in the next year or so, since the sale of the Occulus Rift sets will spawn a lot of innovation, much of it pornographic.
Lil Mouse
Posted at 11:07 am, 31st August 2016BD,
It’s coming:
Robot brothels
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:15 am, 31st August 2016Haha! Yes it is. And sooner than we all think.
puf fup
Posted at 05:11 am, 6th September 2016Can’t women get their robot replica of Ricky Martin as well?
I still see your point… Ricky Martin robots don’t shell out money for dates, nor engage in submissive narcissism-feeding flattery.
But women want sex too. If men leave them for robots, women will buy man robots.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:23 pm, 6th September 2016Women want more than sex. What are the going to do if they want to get married or have a serious boyfriend?
k StaR
Posted at 01:22 am, 19th September 2016I think that with the ability to grow skin in lab it is very possible that the second generation of sex robots will have organic skin over endoskeleton. Synthetic skin might thought become refined enough so that it is indistinguishable (or very nearly so) from human skin. I think you’re very optimistic re your lowball price as a robot is a lot more material than a smartphone or laptop. I see it more like being akin to car prices & like cars quite a variance in price according to brand, quality, programming, model (i.e. which actress/singer etc imaged on or whether custom-built and lowpaid/unemployed guys would rent/lease hire by the hour or buy a used model from a used-robot lot. Also the sex robot revolution will depower women but it will also give many a new job/income line from licensing their image/providing voice template/motion-capture
Tyron Trist-Mager
Posted at 08:30 am, 11th May 2017https://www.theguardian.com/technology/video/2017/apr/27/rise-of-the-sex-robots-video
Jennifer Mayer
Posted at 10:02 am, 29th August 2018It’s funny looking at how bad these sex bots from 2011 (when this post was written) are compared to the ones we have now. It’s insane how realistic sex bots/sex dolls look now. And unlike most women I fully support the entire sex bots thing, so I think it’s cool how far they’ve come with them in only a few years.