Alpha Male 2.0

A Typical Day-In-The-Life – Alpha Male Style

A day at the office

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-By Caleb Jones

Here's a breakdown of my typical Monday. It should give you an idea of how I manage my time, my life, and my women. This is not a literally exact day I've had, but an accurate example of a typical Monday for me.

8:30 am - Wake up. My alarm goes off from my smartphone, and I've made sure to place it across the room so the only way to shut it off is to get my ass out of bed. I'm not a morning person. I shut off the alarm then stagger into the bathroom to take a wiz. However I don't weigh myself yet.

8:35 am - Sit down at my desk in my home office, set a timer on my smartphone for 10 minutes, and review my goals. They're printed out for me on my desk, since I don't want to turn my computer on yet (the computer might suck me in and waste my time...the internet can be dangerous to time management).

I also take a look at a boating magazine I recently would be nice to own a boat again...maybe I could get a big boat, dump my house, just live on the water. Maybe do that for a year and see how I like it? My mind wanders at the possibilities. When the timer goes off I head back to the bathroom to weigh myself.

8:45 am - Go back to the bathroom and relieve myself again, if possible. Then I weigh myself and write down my new weight on my tracking sheet. I weigh half a pound less today than yesterday. Good.

8:50 am - Chug some water, strap on the heart rate monitor, headphones, crank the heavy metal music, and do 30 minutes on the exercise bike, keeping my heart rate at above 125 beats per minute, since that's 70% of my max heart rate based on my age. I warm up for 5 minutes, go full blast for 20, warm down for 5, and I'm done. I'm sweaty now.

I use timers on my smartphone to do all of this, which is charging while I go. Exercise bikes are not a very manly way to do cardio I know, but I can do it quickly, in any weather, without having to drive somewhere, and it won't wear out my knees in my old age like running or jumping rope would. Not only healthy but also very time management friendly.

9:25 am - Set a timer for 15 minutes, grab my breakfast and eat it while sitting at my desk reading a book or some more motivational goal magazines, usually Fast Company or Robb Report. It's my standard weight-loss meal: a small serving of cottage cheese, one yogurt, a handful of raw almonds and about two glasses of water.

(Lately I've been experimenting with swapping the yogurt for a small serving of homemade black beans (not from a can) to avoid the yogurt's fructose.) I'll eat this same meal two more times today. It's the first meal of the day so I also take a huge handful of various vitamins. Within 15 minutes my food is gone and I'm done. This 15 minutes also helps me cool down and stop sweating before my shower.

Note to some of you health purists, because I just know I'm going to get some email or comments from you guys: Yes, I realize my current diet could be better. My goal at this point is not health, nor is it muscle gain, nor is it a balanced diet. It's fat loss. In 6-12 months once I get the remaining weight lost, I promise I will switch to a more balanced and well-rounded diet.

In the meantime, cottage cheese (a complete protein), yogurt or black beans (low glycemic carbs) and almonds (a healthy fat) is what has worked for me so far in terms of getting this dangerous and health-threatening fat off my 40 year-old body.

9:35 am - Take a shower and dress. Walking by the mirror I growl with displeasure at how chubby I still look while naked. Much less fat there than before, but compared to where I want to be I still have a ways to go. Oh well. In a few short months I'll be where I want, and I mentally focus on that day.

10:30 am - Sit down at my desk. I check all three of my primary email accounts, which is the first time I've checked email today. I get about 13 new messages, but don't read any of them. I simply scan the titles and either delete them, drag them to an Action folder for later prioritization, or drag them to an Archive folder. Six get deleted, three get filed, two get postponed for reading/action later, and two do actually look urgent/important enough for me to respond immediately.

One is from one of my best clients in my consulting practice; she's asking a few questions on a procedure we set up last week. Another is one of my buddies in Australia who is helping me set up a Blackdragon Retreat there. I fire off answers to both of them quickly, my Inbox folder empty yet again, and close my email, which I probably won't look at again until later in the afternoon. (Email is just too much of a time-sucker.)

10:45 am - I very quickly check any dating sites where I have been emailing chicks to see if I need to fire off any responses. There are two, both from cute chicks under the age of 23. I schedule a date with one of them and exchange cell phone numbers, but the other gal is reluctant, so I fire off another question or two for her to continue the comfort-building conversation.

10:53 am - Email out of the way, I can now focus on work. I need to devote the next few hours to "Standard Work", the work which pays the bills and puts food on the table. That's usually client work. I focus on working on a patient management system I'm helping one of my clients with. They're a chain of urgent care centers. Some work I do on my own computer and some I do while remotely logged into their systems.

11:22 am - While working I get a text from one of my women, my 22 year-old. She's confirming our "appointment" on Thursday night. I fire off a quick text confirming the appointment, then get back to work.

11:42 am - I get a phone call from another one of my women, my 24-year-old. I don't answer. (I'm not going to interrupt my work.) She does not leave a voice mail. Good. I continue to focus on work.

12:00 pm - I set a timer for 15 minutes and take a quick break for lunch. I eat another standard meal at my desk, though this time I just take a vitamin C and an omega-3 pill instead of the handful of vitamins. I take these two vitamins whenever I eat.

As I eat I watch news videos online. First I watch Bill O'Reilly. My eyes roll at how delusional conservatives are. Then I flip over to the Young Turks on YouTube for the liberal side of the story. My eyes roll at how irrational liberals are. With these two groups in charge, no wonder America is fucked. My food eaten, the timer goes off and I leave for a meeting I'm having with another client.

12:30 pm - Arrive at my client's offices and we have our lunch meeting. I made sure to schedule this meeting well before 3:00 pm, which is when traffic starts to get bad. They serve food there (sandwiches, and they look really good) but I don't eat any of it. One of the women in the meeting, a beauty in her mid-40's with jet black hair, makes my heart pump. However I keep to my rule of never fucking clients. I have all of her personal contact info though; I'll just have to wait until she finds another job, then we can play.

1:15 pm - It was a good meeting. Years ago I downsized the number of clients I work with, just keeping the good ones. These guys are sharp and on the ball. Meeting done, I head back home, listening to an audiobook in my car. This one is Abundance by Peter H. Diamandis. It's very good. I often pause the playback and dictate voice notes into my smartphone whenever I hear a key point. I will transcribe these later.

1:45 pm - Arrive back home, head right back to my home office. My "Standard Work" done for the day, it's now time for my "Get Rich Work", or "Improve Income Work", or "IIW". This is work that increases my income beyond what it currently is even if it doesn't make me any money today. It's very, very important.

I've set a goal to complete three hours of IIW every day, seven days a week. (That's right, even weekends, though I do take a break from Standard Work on weekends). Today I have a choice between working on marketing for new business or writing my Alpha Male book. I choose writing the book. I set a one-hour timer on my phone, pull up the document, and write.

2:45 pm - One hour of writing done, the timer goes off and I take a little breather. I'm getting horny, and I realize I have no women scheduled for this evening. Hm...can't have that. I pick up my phone and fire off texts to my 24 year-old, my 27 year-old, and my 39 year-old.

I don't send one to my 22 year-old because I already know I'm seeing her on Thursday, and I don't see any women more than once a week...that will just cause drama and activate betaization. None of them respond I'm hoping for my 39 year-old because that's just the kind of mood I'm in (great ass), but we'll see. I set another one-hour timer and get back to writing.

3:02 pm - By now all three of them have responded. 39 year-old has to work late, so she's out. 27 year-old is spending time with her mom, so she's out. 24 year-old is available. Coolness. She has no car so I'll have to pick her up, which is fine since she's only 15 minutes away. She wants me to pick her up at 4:00 pm. Uh, no sweetie. Way too early. I need to work. I tell her I'll pick her up at 6:30. She bitches about it a little but then agrees.

During all this my 27 year-old sends a few back-and-forth texts about how bad she's feeling since turning 27. She's so "old" now. I tell her to not worry about it, then I smile and give thanks that I was born a man and don't have to worry about all this aging shit women are constantly freaking out about. As long as you keep your shit together, men improve with age. Boo-ya!

4:00 pm - Another hour of writing done, I quickly check my email. Same email procedure as before. Only one email I actually read. It's my daughter sending me a sample of her writing. I read it and smile. My kids are so smart. I tell her it's fantastic and push her to keep it up.

4:10 pm - Time for another quick break and meal. Sick of watching the news, I eat another one of my standard meals while watching 10 minutes of the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe for some Alpha Male goodness. (I'm sure to set a 15 minute timer so I don't keep watching.)

"Tell us your true name."

"My name is Gladiator."

"How dare you turn your back on me!"


4:25 pm - I quickly hop onto the forums at and quickly read the few threads I'm subscribed to. I respond to one of them. I quickly scan the titles of a few other new threads in my favorite subforums (which are General, Online Game, Poly Relationships, and Off-Topic). I respond to one more thread in Poly Relationships...some guy is screwing up his frame with one of his MLTRs by getting needy and acting too much like her boyfriend. A very common mistake.

5:00 pm - I write a blog post for the Blackdragon Blog and fire it off to my proofreader. I'll actually post it in about a week.

5:30 pm - I get a phone call from my mom, talking about the schedule this weekend with my daughter. I don't communicate with my ex-wife so I make all arrangements with either my mom or my daughter directly. I can't wait for my daughter to turn 16 in two years so she can get her own car and driver's license. It will make logistics much easier for me and her.

I also listen to my mom lament about various problems my sister is having and my grandfather's health problems. I'm polite and nice but offer no advice. Like all women, my mom just needs to vent sometimes.

6:00 pm - Time to go get my 24 year-old. I text her that I'll be 15 minutes early and she's happy.

6:15 pm - Pick her up. She gets in the car and immediately starts talking about her day, her family, her friends, and various other irrelevant feminine shit. She's very girly and very talkative. I just listen quietly and occasionally ask questions. It's actually quite relieving to have such a simple conversation after a day of such intense thinking, writing, and business conversation.

6:30 pm - We get back to my place and get right to the good stuff. She's recently hurt her knee so I can't be as rough as I like, which sucks. But I'll be seeing at least two other women this week so it's no big deal.

7:30 pm - About one hour and two condoms later, I'm naked on the floor with a big dumb smile on my face. She watches one of the many Snow White remakes on the living room computer (since I don't own a television; with computers what's the point?) while I relax and chug some more water (which is the only liquid I drink).

She looks over at me with big eyes, her red hair flashing from the light of the TV in the dark room. "You really like fucking me, huh?" she asks. "Yes I do," I say. Even though she's 24, she looks and acts like a woman about five years younger. She starts talking about some big event she's having at her church with her family, and I tune it out. Then she starts whining about my "stupid diet" and that if I wasn't eating all that yogurt and cottage cheese, her and I could go out and eat some "real food".

I hear this a lot from my gals. They hate my diet with a passion. Why is it all my women want to keep me chubby? Ay caramba!  Anyway, going out is not in the cards tonight. I need sex and some youthful feminine energy to enjoy, relax and recharge me, not food.

8:30 pm - After relaxing, watching TV, talking, and playing around a little more, it's time for her to go. I quickly rinse off in the shower, throw on some shorts and a T-shirt, and drive her home.

8:45 pm - Arriving at her place, I drop her off on the corner so she can walk the rest of the way home. She doesn't want her family to know she's fucking a 40 year-old man, especially one who doesn't believe in Jesus. Fine with me. If I never have to meet her family it prevents that much more provider/betaization behaviors from her and keeps her jealousy levels low. Perfect.

9:00 pm - I get back home and realize I've only put in two hours of Improve Income Work so far today. I need three before I can call it a day! After stretching and relaxing for a few minutes, I set another one-hour timer and write.

10:10 pm - I text one of the two new gals from the dating site and confirm our first date for early this Friday evening. Then I make some travel arrangements and plan for my next big international trip.

10:50 pm - Time to start winding down for bed. I ignite the fireplace and curl up with a fiction book and read for about half an hour. This book is The Blackhearts, a simple but fun hack-and-slash sword and sorcery novel. The novel helps me take my mind off work and relax before bed. If I come across any unusual medieval or old-English words I don't understand, I pause and make a note of them in my smartphone for looking up later.

11:30 pm - I get a sexual text from my 39 year-old. Damn she's horny. Older women usually are. Such a shame she won't be seeing me for very long. Her over-age-33 ASD ruleset about sex will eventually tear her away from me unless I get monogamous (or at least very boyfriendish), which of course I won't.

(If she had an actual boyfriend or husband and I was the guy-on-the-side, then this would all be "okay" according to her societal programming and chick logic, and I could fuck her for much longer, perhaps even years, but alas, I'm the only guy in her sex life at the moment.) Oh well. We back-and-forth just a little while I read. She says she wants to see me and I pencil her in for Wednesday night, being sure to keep the weekend free (since that's my kids-time or alone-time, both of which I cherish).

I like her a lot. Wednesday will be nice.

11:35 pm - I'm a little hungry so I eat a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese, just enough to satisfy my hunger. This stuff is awesome. I can eat quite a bit of it and never gain weight, and it more than satisfies my cravings for fatty-tasting food.

11:45 pm - I make sure to glance at my primary A1 goal on the wall in my office to imprint it into my brain before sleepy time. Then I leap into bed. It was a good day. Exercised twice (the bike and sex), got my Standard Work done, got three hours of Improve Income Work done, got laid, and stuck to my eating regimen, which means I'll likely weigh less on the scale tomorrow than I did this morning. Also scheduled a first date with a new gal. Not a bad day at all. Thinking thoughts of freedom, goals, and sex, I doze off to sleep.

Life is good.

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