Mad Max Fury Road Feminism

-By Caleb Jones

No, this is not a review for Mad Max: Fury Road. As I always do, I’ll be reviewing this film over at the CJ blog along with the rest of this summer’s movies. Today instead we’ll be addressing the issue that has so many in the manosphere and the media bent out of shape. I’m a little late to the party on this one, frankly because I don’t care about feminism and think that this battle has already been fought and lost. However, I’m getting a lot of email about this and so we should probably discuss it.

If you didn’t already know, a while back Aaron Clarey (aka Captain Capitalism, to whom I link to on this blog over on the links sidebar) wrote an article on Return of Kings where he stated that the new Mad Max film had clear feminist overtones, and that men should boycott the film. For some odd reason, the article went viral, was picked up by the national media, and everyone on both sides had a panic attack. MRAs, MGTOWs, and red pillers were furious about the fact that Hollywood had dared to put feminist overtones in a Mad Max movie in all places, and the mainstream media were furious at all of these evil misogynists who clearly hate women.

There’s a lot to this. I will do my best to dissect everything based on the facts.

1. I’ve never spoken with Aaron Clarey, but clearly I like his content or I would not be linking to him. I also consider him a philosophical brother and agree with just about every major point I’ve seen him make. (Of course I don’t agree absolutely 100% with anyone, so keep that in mind.)

2. I saw Mad Max: Fury Road, and not only is it a good film, but it’s one of the best action films in the last decade, at least. With the possible exception of The Raid 2, it may be the best action film of the past 10 years. I say that without exaggeration. It really is that good, even with the feministy stuff in there, but I’ll be talking more about that over at the CJ Blog a little later.

3. Are there some feminist overtones in the film? Oh yes. Do they overwhelm the film? No. Do they detract from the quality of the film? No, at least not for me.

4. Was I surprised to see there was feministy stuff in the film or its trailers? Of course not! As I have been demonstrating repeatedly over at the CJ Blog, a significant percentage of today’s big Hollywood movies are clearly left-leaning. This is because, again as I’ve shown many times, the majority of directors, screenwriters and actors in Hollywood are left-wing liberals. Some people deny that, some people try to justify that, some people try to explain it away, but it’s the empirical truth.

I didn’t say that the Hollywood executives or studio heads are left-wing. Most of those guys are apolitical capitalists trying to make money. I’m also not saying Hollywood never makes right-wing movies. Of course, a few of those occasionally slip through the liberalism. I am saying that the majority of directors, screenwriters and actors in Hollywood are left-wing liberals, because they are.

This has been the case since the early 1970s, folks. I’ve been complaining about it publicly since at least 2007, and it has actually become worse since then. I’m really not sure why anyone is surprised about any of this.

You’re shocked or pissed that there’s some feminism in Mad Max? Dude, the left-wing has already defeated the right wing, so you should be thankful that Mad Max isn’t portrayed as a beta male who only eats GMO-free food while cowering from a Strong Independent Wife™ who bosses him around while lecturing the audience on the virtues of socialism. I’m not kidding about this: you should be thankful that Mad Max: Fury Road wasn’t even more left-wing than it already is.

Left-wing liberalism, of which feminism is just one of many slivers, now dominates the public square. This includes movies, my friends. Accept it, be aware of its dark messaging, and do your best to ignore it when you watch movies (which is what I do), or refuse to watch movies.

I don’t like it any more than you do, but those are the facts.

5. I’m still amazed that the culture hasn’t caught on to this, but when you internet-rage about something, whomever you’re raging about makes a lot of money. I relate to this personally. The few times I’ve been bashed by a Blackdragon hater on a site with a decent amount of traffic (and it’s only happened three or four times in the last six years), my ebook and coaching sales spike upwards by at least 18%, sometimes as high as 34%. I love it when people trash me on other sites. I make a lot of money when this happens. Nothing would make me happier than 10 different big-name online guys bashing me all day long. Shit, I could go buy Lamborghini and then a vacation home. If you think I’m kidding, I’m not. Anyone else who makes money online discussing controversial topics will tell you the same thing (though quietly). Negative online buzz = shitloads of money.

I’m sure Aaron Clarey got a nice boost in income from this debacle. I’m sure Roosh did too, just like I’m sure he did when that eating disorder article went viral on Return of Kings last year. If these angry left-wingers, mainstreamers, or feminists really hated things said in the manosphere, they should completely ignore them and keep very quiet about them. Instead they go into internet-rage mode, and provide free traffic, exposure, advertising, and SEO to the very people they hate.

It’s hilarious. I laugh out loud every time it happens. Particularly when it happens to me.

This doesn’t apply to just the manosphere, but to every topic. If you really dislike what someone is saying, the best thing you can do is to never talk about it in public. The worst thing you can do is to go out of your way to discuss them.

There are a few individuals and/or web sites that I think are completely wrong and truly despicable. Guess what? You don’t know who they are. You never will. Because I’ll never talk about them. I don’t want to give them the traffic. See how this works? Very simple.

6. Of course the mainstream media mischaracterized Aaron Clarey as a misogynist and woman-hater, which clearly he is not, which is obvious if any of these commentators bothered to actually watch a few of his videos and/or read some of his articles. But that’s the nature of the internet these days. People (on both sides of the issue) just want to be angry about something. Scott Adams calls these people “outragists,” and that’s the perfect word for them.

7. On the flip side, many of my manosphere brothers are also being dishonest about this. I have seen several posts, articles and YouTube videos where manosphere guys are saying stuff about how Mad Max: Fury Road is “oversaturated with feminist propaganda” and is the “biggest bait-and-switch in cinematic history.” I’m sorry gentleman, but that’s bullshit. There’s some feministy stuff towards the end of the movie, but that doesn’t constitute oversaturation. Yes, Charlize Theron is the defacto main character of the movie, and I agree that sucks and Max should have had more dialogue. Yet, as I’m about to demonstrate in a minute, just because an action movie has a female hero doesn’t necessarily make a movie A) bad or B) a symbol of feminist propaganda. Sometimes it does (Columbiana! Yuck!), but not always. I’ll explain in a minute.

As is usually the case, everyone on both sides needs to calm the fuck down, think rationally, and stick with the facts.

8. So the movie has some feminist overtones and has a strong female character. I agree that I could do without those things in a Mad Max movie, but does that make the movie shitty or subversive?

I have one answer to that: ALIENS. The movie Aliens is one of the best, if not the best, action / sci-fi movies ever made. Yet it stars a tough female hero and one of the main characters is a muscular, roided-up female marine who uses the biggest gun in the movie.

Did Aliens suck because of these aspects? No. Was it trying to program all men with subliminal feminist messaging back in 1986? No. It’s one of the best god damn movies you’ll ever see despite those aspects. Could the film have been better without these aspects? Sure. One of the reasons why some of the more awesome, high-testosterone movies like Glengary Glen Ross, Predator, The Thing, Reservoir Dogs, Master and Commander, Saving Private Ryan, and Lawrence of Arabia are great and relate to men so well is that there are no primary female characters in them. But that doesn’t mean movies like the Aliens or Mad Max: Fury Road suddenly become harmful or shitty because there’s some left-wing bullshit in them (as there is in most mainstream films these days).

This all comes back to what I’ve been saying all along. As much as we all hate it, we now live in a feministy, left-leaning, socialistic, SJW world. The societal crusaders in the manosphere and the men’s rights movement, who I do agree with, are a teeny tiny percentage of the population. They are far outnumbered and out-financed by left-wingers. I don’t like it any more than you do, but that’s how it is. Not only it is not going to get any better, but it’s going to get worse. And a guys ranting on a few blogs and forums (who again, I agree with) aren’t going to fix it.

Therefore, your options are:

A. Be upset about it the rest of your life.

B. Enjoy pop culture as best as you can while doing your best to be aware of it and ignore the left-wing propaganda and Societal Programming that soaks through just about everything nowadays.

C. Completely shut out pop culture from your life as much as possible and avoid it.

So far, I have chosen option B, though option C makes sense to me also. If you want to choose option A, then I guess you can go ahead, but I prefer to be happy. Crazy me.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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  • sanguine sophrosyne
    Posted at 05:51 am, 1st June 2015

    Oh they’re going to just love The Expendabelles!


    Relating to point 5, I see the youtube contingent of the manosphere routinely do the same for feminists, particularly on Gamergate. Seemed like a perfect union of internet trolls and professional victims, the former getting their lulz and the latter getting lots of cash and publicity.

  • CT
    Posted at 09:14 am, 1st June 2015

    After this show, I left the theater thinking it was a solid 2 on a 5 star scale. Yes, the action sequences were spectacular, but that’s it. The plot was thin, the premise was implausible, and the acting from Charlize was not as strong as I expect from her, whom I have a lot of respect for (and she’s hot).

    I could care less about the feminism-socio-political bullshit. That’s certainly not why I go to see movies. For example, I laughed my ass off during The Interview even though it was jammed full of propaganda and negative male stereotypes. Actually, the funniest movie I’ve seen in the last 10 years that also had great action was Tropic Thunder.

    I think it’s relevant to make commentary on films because film and tv have a huge impact on meta-societal thinking. Mass media is the great homogenizer of modern culture.

  • Erin
    Posted at 11:19 am, 1st June 2015

    I saw Mad Max two nights in a row because I liked the action so much. Another friend had to tell me about the controversy about the film and after the second viewing, I guess I saw it?

    Maybe the issues weren’t as obvious to me as a female combat vet. I thought there was even more power to Max for being a man of few words but a lot of action. Sometimes women (ha, should I even say sometimes?) talk too much when actions are what are needed. And Max was the one that led everyone back to the fight rather than riding away.

    I left the theater extremely turned on and jumped on my guy both nights in a row, not because I thought there was a feminist victory but because the traditionally masculine elements made me want some man.

    Love the advice BD to not let it ruin your day/week/whatever. Happiness is the best goal.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:05 pm, 1st June 2015

    Oh they’re going to just love The Expendabelles!

    I’m going to follow the same pattern with Expendabelles (if it ever gets made).

    1. I’ll go see it.

    2. Walking into the movie theater I’ll be fully aware of the bullshit left-wing Societal Programming it’s likely to contain. I will expect it and not be surprised when I see it.

    3. If it contains any of that crap, I won’t let it sink in, and I’ll call it out. If it doesn’t, I’ll enjoy the movie.

    4. If it’s still is a decent action film despite the lefty crap, I’ll enjoy it. If it’s a shitty action film, I won’t.

    I guess I have a compartmentalized personality enough to do the above. I think many guys can’t do that.

    Another friend had to tell me about the controversy about the film and after the second viewing, I guess I saw it?

    Too be fair, you’re a woman, so you’re much less likely to see it unless you carefully look for it.

  • Wils
    Posted at 03:14 pm, 1st June 2015

    It is a great action movie and I loved it. But while watching it, something did feel slightly off. (I wasn’t aware of all the feminist discussions prior to watching it. I went in completely fresh and unaware).

    The main thing is I don’t think they undermined Max. He still seemed to me the most powerful character, and was the one who led the group. Even though the story is about Theron’s character’s, we walked into their lives with Max.

    It was also pretty cool to see Max not shying away from hurting women. When he first met the group, it seemed to me like he was ready to hurt/kill any one of the women. Hell, he fired at a pregnant woman. How many male characters in recent memory can we say that about? I don’t think I can say that about any characters in even Expendables.


  • a Texas libertarian
    Posted at 04:01 pm, 1st June 2015


    I just saw Fury Road over the weekend, and I was blown away by the experience. Ridiculous action, creative vehicles and various weapons of destruction, hot chicks in revealing clothing, a male protagonist who is not overly invincible, but still hard core badass who let’s his actions do nearly all the necessary talking, and a plot that moved along at least somewhat realistically and unpredictably at times, left me with a great overall experience. I may even see it again.

    “Hope is a mistake.” Most memorable line of the film just when we thought the lefty PG feel good moment was about to arrive for Max to console the female protagonist after she had an emotional breakdown. Nope. Badass.

    All in all I thought it was relatively gender neutral. Yes the women seemed to be the more rational ones, while the men were pretty much all psychopathic maniacs, but without Max, the most capable women in the film would have wandered off aimlessly into the desert without a chance of survival (maybe I take back my rational comment). Also the men were the most capable in the film; performing feats of strength (Erectus tears supercharger off engine), coordination (Max and war boy gun and clip fight scene with Theron and breeders), mechanical knowledge (war boy fixing engine while in combat), decisiveness (Max decision to go back and take Citadel), and voluntary sacrifice (Max admittedly impossible blood transfusion scene with Theron). Theron does “out-man” Max a few times though, by nearly kicking his ass in one on one combat, and by out shooting him with the rifle.

    Politically the movie was a great hyperbole of current government. They control the resources and try to train the masses to be less than human and totally reliant on the state. Also the movie exemplified the typical ridiculous use or waste of resources that occurs when one person (or a few) controls everything, such as all the ammo, gas, men, and vehicles wasted trying to keep people from leaving the city. Also this flexing of the government’s muscles in the film ultimately led to its undoing, or at least allowed a shift in the power structure. Throughout the film I kept thinking, I bet they have a mandatory public education system. Praise Valhalla!


  • lazy guy
    Posted at 05:57 pm, 1st June 2015

    I’m intrigued with this trend of people who seem to be addicted to raging with righteous indignation and moral superiority about how “WRONG” something is. It looks like an obviously dead-end self-defeating choice, and yet they seem to be oblivious to their own choice in the pattern. Where/when did Scott Adams label these people “outragists”?  That’s clever. I read his latest book and liked it.

  • evilwhitemalempire
    Posted at 11:05 pm, 1st June 2015

    “Did Aliens suck because of these aspects? No. Was it trying to program all men with subliminal feminist messaging back in 1986? No.”




    Has it not occurred to you that maybe Ripley in “Aliens” was 1980’s era subliminal feminist messaging? Cutting edge leftist agitprop for the period? For THAT time period?




    Messaging that your generation absorbed as the natural order of the universe because of your age at the time?




    And now that Ripley-ish tough girl has long been accepted it’s time to move on to even ‘stronger’ bullshit female tough girl for todays youth?




  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:47 pm, 1st June 2015

    Has it not occurred to you that maybe Ripley in “Aliens” was 1980’s era subliminal feminist messaging? Cutting edge leftist agitprop for the period? For THAT time period?

    You think James Cameron was a feminist back in 1986?

    Messaging that your generation absorbed as the natural order of the universe because of your age at the time?

    My generation didn’t absorb that. I’m Generation X.

    It’s the Millennial generation who went all lefty-feminist, and Aliens predated them. So…yeah, no.

    And now that Ripley-ish tough girl has long been accepted it’s time to move on to even ‘stronger’ bullshit female tough girl for todays youth?

    That I agree with. As time goes on, women will get “stronger” and men will be more pussified in films and TV (though recently we’ve had a resurgence of big Alpha Male characters in movies franchises like the Expendables, Fast and Furious, and comic book movies) .

    But this toughgirl shit has been a cultural-wide shift for a long time, not because of one scif-fi movie back in 1986. You’re attaching way too much importance to Aliens.

  • jay
    Posted at 03:31 am, 2nd June 2015

    ”But this toughgirl shit has been a cultural-wide shift for a long time, not because of one scif-fi movie back in 1986. You’re attaching way too much importance to Aliens.”


    Agreed and this trend is what I find distasteful.

  • David
    Posted at 03:39 am, 2nd June 2015

    Hey BD, I read this article by Jack Donovan shortly after seeing the movie.  I agree with both him and yourself that the movie was awesome, all mildly feminist undertones aside.

    His first bullet point really struck me, regarding “roles of the sexes”.  I’m just curious as to your take on the topic he brings up.

  • Gary
    Posted at 03:02 pm, 2nd June 2015

    “Therefore, your options are:

    A. Be upset about it the rest of your life.

    B. Enjoy pop culture as best as you can while doing your best to be aware of it and ignore the left-wing propaganda and Societal Programming that soaks through just about everything nowadays.

    C. Completely shut out pop culture from your life as much as possible and avoid it.”


    D.  Spread knowledge and be prepared to engage in revolutionary activities.  America will be the Soviet Union if nothing is done.  And after that, the entire world.  The money financing the SJW’s ultimately come from the international bankers, who are evil beyond your imagination.  Censoring or deleting this post will do nothing to change this.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:32 pm, 2nd June 2015

    Agreed and this trend is what I find distasteful.

    Agree 100%.

    His first bullet point really struck me, regarding “roles of the sexes”.  I’m just curious as to your take on the topic he brings up.

    I read the article and enjoyed it; not sure which topic you’re referring to though.

    D. Spread knowledge and be prepared to engage in revolutionary activities.  

    Nope; that’s the same as option A. We’ve already lost. Read this and this.

    Forget about changing society.  They hate us and don’t want to change. Instead focus on bettering your own life within a bubble of awesomeness that isn’t affected by the crumbling external world.

  • David
    Posted at 05:28 am, 3rd June 2015

    Ah, I should’ve been more specific.

    I was referring to his take on how when some women (namely modern ones) are placed in positions of authority or given leadership roles, most often BY THE MEN, they seek to advance their own goals/agendas and those of their particular gender.  Then, some men are shocked at the “audacity” these women have to do such a thing.

    In the case of the movie, Immortan Joe would have knowingly put Furiosa in a place of power within his group based upon her skills.  But, he likely never saw her as a woman who would empathize with his “wives’s”situation of being basically sex slaves, thus leading her to want to free them from his oppressive behavior.  He’s then shocked by her actions, when in all reality, it makes sense.

    Although, like Donovan pointed out, I’m sure if he’d treated the wives like queens in his kingdom rather than things to play with, the whole escape would never even be conceived as they were well taken care of otherwise.

    And in regards to the first bullet point he addressed, I liked how he made the distinction that, when men own the vast majority of power AND they treat the women with respect, it allows the women to be feminine and soft.  Whereas, if men relinquish that power due to laziness or the need for “gender equality” or whatever, lots of women will begin taking on a harder, masculine edge to survive in the world that’s being created.

    I know you’ve made similar such points in your writings.  It was just interesting to see those same ideas addressed in another article.

  • doclove
    Posted at 09:23 am, 3rd June 2015

    @ Blackdragon

    I will try to see this “Mad Max: Fury Road” movie based on your article here as I haven’t seen it yet. I don’t know how much your real life persona is the same or different to your internet persona. Anyone could say the same of me, a commentator, or any other blog/ internet writer and commentator, However, one thing is clear about your internet persona. Your internet persona is clearly living more “poolside” than almost any other manosphere writer/blogger. I think this living “poolside” internet persona is a reflection of your real life persona. The other manosphere writers/ bloggers may say that they are living “poolside”, but it is apparent to me that they aren’t nearly as much as you are because you are an Alpha Male 2.0 and they are Alpha Males 1.0 in the internet persona thing. It is why you receive less drama and controversy than they do. This article is yet again another implicit subtle example of it. The article which you linked to above called “A Love Letter to Conservatives” is an explicit obvious example of this, Keep up the good work.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:25 am, 3rd June 2015

    In the case of the movie, Immortan Joe would have knowingly put Furiosa in a place of power within his group based upon her skills.  But, he likely never saw her as a woman who would empathize with his “wives’s”situation of being basically sex slaves, thus leading her to want to free them from his oppressive behavior.  He’s then shocked by her actions, when in all reality, it makes sense.

    Yes, and I agree. If you push someone, they eventually push back. It’s not even a gender thing; it’s a human thing.

    More importantly, as I’ve been saying for a long time, the problem with all this domineering behavior is that it takes too much time and energy away from other productive tasks and happiness in your life. Going along with the movie example, just look at all the time, effort, “money,” energy, emotional energy, trouble, and death Immortal Joe went through just to boss his women around. He could have been much happier and wielded greater overall power he had loosened his grip and been a little nicer (while still maintaining a strong, confident, outcome independent Alpha frame).

    I don’t know how much your real life persona is the same or different to your internet persona.

    My two personas are the same except in real life I’m about two notices nicer. In my normal day-to-day life I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, so more chill than I normally am on this blog.

    Your internet persona is clearly living more “poolside” than almost any other manosphere writer/blogger. 

    Very true. My goal is personal happiness, not trying to save an already fallen world that hates me and doesn’t want to be saved.

    I think this living “poolside” internet persona is a reflection of your real life persona. 

    True again. If you’re read my relationship stuff you know I don’t boss anyone around, and don’t want to, and usually don’t even care enough to do so. I’m too busy living my Mission and being happy. 🙂

  • A.B Prosper
    Posted at 03:28 pm, 3rd June 2015

    I kind of think taking Approach 3 is the best one especially with the Internet enabling a higher degree of political screening , that is, its pretty easy to ask trusted people what meets muster and what doesn’t.

    Also with smaller publishers like Castalia House supplementing old standbys like Baen its getting easy to find entertainment and to support like minded persons. while cutting out the other parties to a degree.

    I’m never bored though I basically never watch TV or movies. way too many things to see and do.

    Now doing this, making every act of commerce a little political is a learned skill though, the Right is soaked in economic liberalism and free market ideology and it just feels Leftist to avoid doing business with people you don’t like.  Its still a good idea when possible.

    More on topic, I haven’t seen Fury Road but not on the grounds of its feminist content though that was my first excuse.  I kind of realized just don’t care that much for dumb action, explosion and car chase  movies.

    I even examined the trailer for  The Raid 2 and thought. “‘I’d be bored silly.” Guess I’m getting old or have developed the dreaded internet attention span or something.

    Blackdragon as  an aside I thought your point about “not gripping so hard” was a fine one. Very applicable and well worth reiterating. Its advice people often miss even though they’ve  seen  variations of it made in Star Wars Leia’s “more you tighten your grasp” speech  to Tarkin among other places

    Honestly from what you said Immortan Joe could have done to read the Gor  pastiche/parody “Hitchhikers of Gor” before he set out , not that he could have gotten it of course . In that the protagonist  realizes quite quickly  that having all those slave girls is more trouble than its worth and is in fact its stops being fun and becomes a  huge expense and a chore .

    In real life  having several women for anything more than casual pickups  or worse even if it was legal bigamy would be awful One woman is draining enough much less several .

    I suppose a man could manage two but I sure couldn’t. Anyway fun article and if I should every decide to go a-watching movies again, I’ll consider Fury Road and count you as part of the reason.





  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:07 pm, 3rd June 2015

    Blackdragon as  an aside I thought your point about “not gripping so hard” was a fine one. Very applicable and well worth reiterating. Its advice people often miss even though they’ve  seen  variations of it made in Star Wars Leia’s “more you tighten your grasp” speech  to Tarkin among other places

    There’s an old saying, and I think it’s an Indian one: “Running a country is like holding an egg. Hold on too tightly, the egg will crack in your hand. Hold on too lightly, it will slip from your grasp and crack on the ground below. One most hold on just right.”

    Just replace running a country with holding on to a woman, and there you go.

    In real life  having several women for anything more than casual pickups  or worse even if it was legal bigamy would be awful One woman is draining enough much less several .

    I suppose a man could manage two but I sure couldn’t

    Agree completely. Polygamy, actually having multiple wives, sounds like a living hell.

    I had a wife once, I know that it’s like. But fuck, having two or three wives? Might as well shove an icepick in your ear.

    The best (or should I say, “least worst”) long-term relationship model is to have one serious OLTR you love and take care of (if you want) and one (or two at the most) FB on the side. Very simple.

  • Adam
    Posted at 02:03 am, 4th June 2015

    Aliens as an example doesn’t make your case stronger; it makes it weaker. As someone from Gen X, we loved the Alien movies. We thought that Ripley was kick-ass. And my friends and I cannot imagine for one second anyone else taking her place.

    So if a movie was released called “Aliens 4 – Ripley wins again”, and it actually turned out to have a completely different main character, perhaps a male who spends the whole time saving Ripley’s butt while making her look stupid, then we would be pissed. Because we would have been deceived.

    If on top of that we got a political message shoved down our collective throats, well … things would probably go ballistic.

    We know the left won the cultural wars. But that is no excuse for rolling over and continuing to take it up the butt.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:24 am, 4th June 2015

    So if a movie was released called “Aliens 4 – Ripley wins again”, and it actually turned out to have a completely different main character, perhaps a male who spends the whole time saving Ripley’s butt while making her look stupid, then we would be pissed. Because we would have been deceived.

    Holy crap, what are you smoking? You’re absolutely and completely wrong. If back in the 80s they had made an Aliens sequel directed by James Cameron but starring someone like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, or Steven Seagal, where Ripely got killed in the first five minutes and the rest of the movie was Schwarzenegger (or whomever) kicking ass, I would have been the happiest motherfucker on Earth and so would you (hopefully). It would have been a much better movie.

    Holy shit, that would have been great.

    We know the left won the cultural wars. But that is no excuse for rolling over and continuing to take it up the butt.

    That is precisely what I already said. Be aware of the bullshit and don’t let it program you, or purposely boycott the the bullshit.

  • lifeofalovergirl
    Posted at 10:05 am, 4th June 2015

    I saw Mad Max and hated it. It was way too demented and violent for me. It was just one disturbing scene after another. I almost walked out and was not happy with the guy who took me to see it, AFTER I have told him I don’t like violent movies. Feminist? Maybe, but all the scenes with the modelesque women were definitely more for the men, almost in a misogynist way. Blech. Total man movie. Thumbs down!! :p

  • Wils
    Posted at 04:43 pm, 5th June 2015

    Thinking about it further:

    Living in comfort in a locked room, forced to sexually serve an ugly man:

    Is a terrible hell to women. Terrible, even when the entire world is a god damn wasteland and everyone else had to starve for food and water.

    They were kept health, clean, well fed and safe. But locked room and forced sex, is hell.

    I wonder if the same message still comes through if Immortan Joe is a handle alpha played by someone like Brad Pitt or something.

    Because right now I’m feeling perhaps the major problem here is that Joe is just too damn ugly for the women.



  • SteinK.
    Posted at 04:44 am, 9th June 2015

    ‘The left wing has already won.’

    So Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump should go tell the Republican party to close down all its offices and shut down all websites.  Alpha males like them have to fight for their rights.  The right wing can win again, why else would all these intelligent men bother spending years of effort preparing himself as a Republican presidential candidate then?  Because they believe they will lose?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:33 pm, 9th June 2015

    So Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump should go tell the Republican party to close down all its offices and shut down all websites.

    No. That’s not what I said.

    But I will say, and I’m right, that going forward it’s going to be almost impossible for a right wing Republican to ever be elected to the presidency in the United States ever again. The only chance a Republican has is to go more left-wing (but then he’s not right-wing any more, is he?).

    The right wing can win again,

    No it can’t, not in any big way that is.

    Not until states start seceding from the union, which I hope will eventually happen.

    why else would all these intelligent men bother spending years of effort preparing himself as a Republican presidential candidate then?

    Because by running they can massively increase their speaking fees, book deals, and notoriety for future office (not President), political movements, and business ventures, even if they lose.

    And they’re right. Way back, about 15 years ago when I was still married and normal, I was seriously looking into running for Governor for the state of Oregon for the exact same reasons. Not to win, but for other beneficial reasons.

  • Shanghai Bobby
    Posted at 12:33 pm, 4th February 2016

    Don’t forget Resident Evil – Alice is fucking awesome!

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