Answers To Some Personal Questions About My Life

-By Caleb Jones

I don’t talk about my personal life often, but I think it’s fair that you should know at least a little about what goes on behind the scenes with anyone giving you lifestyle advice. Below are some of the questions people ask me (via email, over Skype, or in person at seminars, etc.) about my life and their answers.

Why did your son go to college when you’re so opposed to college?

Because my son is a grown man (he’s 24), thus he’s free to do whatever he wants. Once your child turns 18, you can’t boss them around like slaves any more; they’re an adult at that point and need to find their own path in life.

I’m an Alpha 2.0, which means I constantly told my kids when they were younger that they should not strive to be clone of me or their mother, but instead find their own path to happiness. This is the opposite of an Alpha 1.0 father, who would strongly urge his children to follow in his footsteps, and get upset and hurt if they don’t. Of course they know all of my strong opinions, but it’s still their choice to make.

My two children will likely make lots of decisions over the course of their lives that I may disagree with. College, monogamy, legal marriage, voting, political activism, drama in their relationships, my kids may end up doing some or all of those things. That’s the way it goes. It’s their life. All I want for my kids is to be happy.

And for the record, my son later admitted that college was a mistake. Father knows best after all.

Will your daughter be going to college too?

No. She hates school more than even I hated school when I was her age, and that’s saying something.

My two children are very different. My son is extroverted, charismatic and active. My daughter is an introverted, artsy skeptic. She’ll be 18 and done with high school in a few months, then she’ll go to work full time.

Do you want your daughter to have an open marriage or OLTR like you describe?

If that would make her happy, yes. Likely it would.

Again, I just want my kids to be happy. As long as they’re happy, I don’t really concern myself with specifically how they go about it. I just know that being monogamously married to some beta who my daughter bossed around would not make her happy in the long-term.

That being said, my daughter is a woman, so she’s not capable of long-term consistent happiness no matter what she does. So with her, my hope is that she can be as consistently happy as is reasonably possible for her gender.

What are you going to do about your kids once you move out of the country?

Nothing. They’re adults now so their lives are their responsibility. Hopefully they’ll be smart and leave the dying West too, but that’s their decision. At the moment, my son is talking about moving to the east coast and my daughter wants to move to New Zealand someday, but my kids are still very young adults so these things are subject to change.

Plus, I’ll be spending 3-4 months per year in the US even after I move my home base in 2025, so I’ll still be spending a lot of time with them and my future grandkids even if they choose to remain in the US. Read my moving out of the country series at my other blog if you want more details on what I’m doing.

Are you going to have more kids?

I’d really rather not and I’m not planning on it, but if some amazing, hypothetical future woman I really like gets on her hands and knees and begs me for kids and she agrees 100% with the child rearing program I describe in my book, then I would possibly agree to it. She’d better be a incredibly impressive, 100% Blackdragon-compatible woman though. I’m not holding my breath.

Regardless, in terms of a possible future OLTR, I always find myself leaning towards either women who already have kids and who some other guy is already paying child support for, or women who don’t want any kids, or women too old to have kids, or women who physically can’t have children. Women who clearly declare they want kids (or more kids) and are still young enough to have them instantly lose about 10 points in terms of OLTR compatibility with me (not in terms of a long-term FB or MLTR relationship though). But again, me having more kids is still technically possible.

How many women are in your life now, right this minute?

Three consistent ones, one very sporadic and inconsistent one, and two more I rarely see. To me that means “three,” which is my usual minimum, since two is too close to one, and one is de facto monogamy and thus unacceptable.

Do the women you date ever read your blog?

The MLTRs, yes. The FBs, not really.

The FBs don’t because they don’t care. Some of the MLTRs and many ex-MLTRs do because I always end up showing them my blogs and books, particularly since publicly outing myself about three years ago. Many of them have left comments on this blog under various aliases.

Most of my women, MLTRs included, don’t care and don’t read the blog even after being shown. Men worry way too much about women finding out about what they do for a living or say on the internet. Trust me, most women don’t give a shit. They’re too busy thinking about themselves.

Do your kids ever read this blog?

My son reads this blog occasionally and has commented here before. My daughter has read maybe two blog posts here but that’s about it. Again, she’s a woman so she doesn’t care.

Does your kids’ mom read this blog?

We don’t talk, so I don’t know but I doubt it. My daughter showed it to her several years ago. Her mom was horrified and sent me a few angry texts, which I promptly deleted. Since then, I haven’t heard a thing about it. Again, she’s a woman so I doubt she cares.

Are your parents still married?

Yes. They celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary in May. My dad has been divorced and my mom was his second wife. They are both in their 70s and I love them very much. My dad used to be a mild Alpha Male 1.0, now he’s an extreme beta (that’s what 45 years of mono-marriage does to an Alpha). My mom used to be a Submissive, now she’s a mild Dominant (that’s what 45 years of mono-marriage does to a woman). Their marriage is exactly what you’d expect with a Dominant married to an extreme beta.

What do your parents think about all this Blackdragon / Alpha Male 2.0 stuff?

My mom is an over-33 woman, so she thinks exactly what you’d expect; that it’s childish and that I should just get married, become monogamous and be miserable like all my other married family members. She’s hilarious. Every time she talks about it I laugh my ass off and she just snorts. I’m taking her to Europe this year to visit her distant Italian relatives in Sicily. We’ll have a lot of fun.

My dad thinks it’s extremely fascinating and we’ve had many deep discussions about it over lunch. He’s a psychologist, so he has some great perspectives on it. He agrees with about 70% of it, strongly disagrees with the other 30%, with his beta and outdated Alpha 1.0 Societal Programming getting in his way. Regardless, he finds it interesting and respects my viewpoints and choices. He has also admitted on several occasions that I am, by far, the happiest of his six adult children (most of whom are married and monogamous).

Assuming you believe in such a thing, have you actually been in love before? If you have, could you describe the woman (or women)?

Yes. I have been in love three times, once as a beta (the woman I married) and twice as an Alpha. Compared to the large number of women I’ve had open/poly relationships with, three isn’t very many, so clearly, falling in love is a pretty rare event for me. I’m not a very emotional guy, I hate even small amounts of drama, and I’m pretty picky when it comes to something like love or OLTR. Worse, the older I get, the pickier I become.

I can’t give you details about these women, because at various points I’ve made promises about what I will and will not say publicly about them. But I can speak generally.

The woman I married was in her 30s when I was 25. She was a hot, blonde, Midwestern, conservative country girl, who was honest and had a good heart, the kind of gal many Alpha 1.0s seek to marry because they think such a marriage will last forever, which it clearly does not. We were married for nine years, seven of them good. We were monogamous during that time, which was painful for me.

The second woman was also in her 30s, also blonde, hot, and from the Midwest like the first one. However, she was far smarter and more sarcastic, and we were much more sexually and intellectually compatible. She was a high-end MLTR, off and on, several times over the last nine years.

The third one was in her 20s and Asian. It took over two years of seeing her consistently for me to actually start to get feelings for her. She was very hardworking, honest, low-drama, and had a ridiculously high sex drive, one of the few women I’ve ever been with who was able to consistently match me in this area, which is one of the biggest reasons we were together for so long. We were together for five and a half years consistently. She was a FB, later upgraded to MTLR, then later upgraded to de facto OLTR.

In the last three years or so, no woman in my life has come close to love. As a 43 year-old man, my guess is that I will fall in love with perhaps another one to three women before my day is done. But that’s just a guess.

You want an OLTR, but are you okay if you never have one?

Oh yes. An OLTR is completely optional. If all I had was FBs and MLTRs (with one “main girl” high-end MLTR in there) and never had anything else for the rest of my life, that would be perfectly fine with me. If I desperately wanted an OLTR right now, I’d have one. There are at least four women I know who would agree to that right this second if I asked them.

Is there a woman in your life right now you consider a strong candidate for OLTR?

Yes. For the first time in quite a while.

No details. Fuck you.

If you had a really serious OLTR who you loved very much and she wanted a wedding, would you do it and just keep the legal part out of it?

Sure. I have a very close relative who pretty much did exactly that. He “married” his girlfriend in a fancy “wedding” ceremony in another country that wasn’t legally binding in any way. So now he’s “married” but he’s actually not. Smart. As long as he’s covered his local co-habitation laws, he’s good to go.

I’m fine with doing that as long as the wedding was inexpensive (or I didn’t have to pay for it) and it wasn’t too girly and gay. That’s a problem because I tend to be most attracted to hyper-feminine, ultra-girly women who are really into all that girly fairytale shit. (A certain someone in my life just bought a new pair of girly shoes, and god damn, she was prancing around for an hour like she had just won the lottery.) I grumble about it sometimes, but it’s legitimately what I’m most attracted to. My own personal paradox. Fuck me.

Do you ever want to retire?

No. I will work for the rest of my life, well into my old age, even if I don’t need to for financial reasons. Working is perhaps my greatest joy in life.

I will probably back off on the work hours as I get much older, but watching my mentors and men I respect as they get older, like Jim Rogers, Brian Tracy, Alan Weiss, Doug Casey, and many others, even that may not happen. Even in their 70s, these men are still working at full-blast and loving it. Moreover, my Mission dictates that the nature of my work will change as I climb into my 50s, but that’s a long way off.

But no, I’ll never stop working. Men are creatures of work. We are objective-seeking organisms. Sitting around in constant leisure does not fulfill us. Work makes us happy, provided it’s the right work and we have plenty of fun and sex mixed in.

How long will you be doing the Blackdragon stuff?

I’m strategic about everything I do. I’m consistent and I play the long game. That’s why I’m successful. This Blackdragon business has always had a 15-year time horizon since I started it in 2009. That means I’ll be here talking about this stuff until at least 2024 before I consider stopping, which is another eight years from now.

I’ll be 51 years old at that time, which is right about when my Mission shifts into phase two. This will also be around when I leave the country (2025). As usual, all of my businesses, business projects, plans, and personal life tie into my long-term goals and Mission seamlessly, which is exactly the way this is supposed to work. Alpha Male 2.0 is the best life you can have, but you’ve got to be organized and think long-term.

Betas and Alpha 1.0s can go with the societal flow, change their minds whenever they want, and suffer all the usual problems men have. But 2.0s must commit to a Mission, set goals, make plans, work hard, and stick with those plans even on days they don’t feel like it. The reward is the best life a man can possibly live.

I highly recommend it.

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  • hey hey
    Posted at 07:28 am, 21st March 2016

    Great post BD. One thing that “stresses” me out is i want to give info to the women about the way of life so that they will understand where i come from. This makes me thinking though as giving too much info and destroy the mystery of it.
    Do you go into details i.e “look im not seeing you every day because apart from me being busy if i haven’t done this your attraction for me would have been near 0 eventually”? Or tell them about how you handled the relationship so that they compare and think about it in a more open minded way?
    So far im avoiding this and it pays well but as ENTP im very straightforward and i feel “unhappy” when i surpress my way of thinking.

  • Tony
    Posted at 08:45 am, 21st March 2016

    I’ve always been curious about your marriage. How long did you date before getting married? How long did it take before she rejected one of your attempts to have sex (this is such an alien concept to me, having never lived with a woman)? How long before you realized you were unhappy in your marriage? Was there anything other than sex that you didn’t like? How long did you consider divorce before pulling the trigger, or did she initiate it? How did she respond when you brought it up (or vise versa)? Would you consider making her a FB (assuming she’s still attractive or improved her looks to be fuckable)?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:13 am, 21st March 2016

    Do you go into details i.e “look im not seeing you every day because apart from me being busy if i haven’t done this your attraction for me would have been near 0 eventually”?

    Normally I don’t because it isn’t necessary. But yes, I have, but I don’t state it what way because your wording is very man-language which would be offensive and hurtful to most women.

    You can still express what you’re doing as long as you contain it in loving, emotional female-language. They still won’t like it, but the odds of them accepting it are higher.

    How long did you date before getting married?

    Not long. It was a very long time ago but I believe 7 or 8 months. I was stupid as shit.

    How long did it take before she rejected one of your attempts to have sex (this is such an alien concept to me, having never lived with a woman)?

    I noticed a difference just a few months after the wedding, but I think it took her about a year and a half before she flat-out said no for the first time. In her defense, during that time I gained a ton of weight, though she would have still started backing off on the sex at the three-year mark if I hadn’t.

    How long before you realized you were unhappy in your marriage?

    Other than the monogamy part which was painful, I was reasonably happy in the marriage for about 7 years. The final two years were very bad.

    My monogamy realization came at about 2-3 years into the marriage. I wish I had a Blackdragon blog I could have read back then.

    Was there anything other than sex that you didn’t like?

    During the first 7 years, not really. She was a good mom and good wife, and we got along well.

    How long did you consider divorce before pulling the trigger, or did she initiate it?

    I initiated it. Being a beta it took me about 1.5 years(?) of stressing about it before I got the balls to actually do it. One day she did something inappropriate that was the last straw for me, I finally had enough, and moved out.

    Me leaving her makes me a statistical anomaly, since most divorces and separations are initiated by the woman.

    How did she respond when you brought it up (or vise versa)?

    I didn’t bring it up because it would just have caused another fruitless meltdown. I just moved out one day while she was gone.

    Would you consider making her a FB (assuming she’s still attractive or improved her looks to be fuckable)?

    Never, even if she was a 10. The dynamic of an ex-wife who is also the mother of your kids changes all the rules and makes what you suggest impossible unless you enjoy drama. There are rare exceptions to that rule I’ve seen other men encounter, but generally speaking the ex-wife needs to be hard nexted if you want to live a happy life. I discuss that in more detail right here.

  • Duke
    Posted at 01:21 pm, 21st March 2016

    Other than the monogamy part which was painful, I was reasonably happy in the marriage for about 7 years. The final two years were very bad.

    What changed the last two years that made it so horrible? I wonder how much you would have lasted if nothing had changed.

    How many days/weeks/months in between times you had sex? Did any of you cheat?

    Also wondering if deciding to get married was a decision you made by yourself or were you prodded/probed into it like a lot guys tend to.

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 01:31 pm, 21st March 2016

    Worse, the older I get, the pickier I become.

    ^^^^^ See, it’s not just women 😉

  • noob
    Posted at 02:06 pm, 21st March 2016

    1)How did the Divorce affect your children at the time and your relationship with them since?  I assume your relationship with them is good/close judging from your posts unlike a lot of children with one parant leaving followed by a long-term distant/bitter relationship.  How did you manage that?

    2)You said you’re by far the happiest within your siblings.  What do they think of your BD/AM2.0 stuff?  Would your brothers be happier if they strictly followed your usual lifestyle advice?  ( I think you need a certain type of personality for that)

    3)When and how did you discover your long-term mission?  How did you cope as a high sex drive young man during that period? (iirc you lost your virginity at 22-23?)

  • Marie Christine
    Posted at 02:26 pm, 21st March 2016

    Hi Blackdragon,

    As a woman and mother of a teenage daughter I must say that I agree with almost all aspects of your philosophy. I have been reading all your posts for the past few years. In fact there is only one thing on which I disagree from you. If I understood you right you seem to think that women cant really learn and get their act together to fix their issues. And sadly you seem to have also apply that way of thinking to your daughter. May I ask if you have at least try to teach her how to be better as a person and in a relationship? If you have tried it and it didnt work or if the mother was pushing in a totally different direction I would totally understand.

    Have you met women in your life that were honestly able to deeply change or am I the only one who managed to do it. Of course this journey has cost me a lot. Right now I am rejected by most women because I am too different from them. Im guessing that most women would instead decide to stick with other women instead of being close to their alpha male. Do you agree with me? Are you aware of any other reasons why women always choose their friends instead of their Alpha.

    Thanks for everything. You have taught me a lot over the years.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:38 pm, 21st March 2016

    What changed the last two years that made it so horrible?

    Extreme drama. And sex went from infrequent to near zero.

    I wonder how much you would have lasted if nothing had changed.

    My guess is we would have lasted perhaps another 3-5 years and then gotten divorced anyway. Monogamy, as well as all the other monogamy rules, was too painful for both me and her (but mostly me).

    How many days/weeks/months in between times you had sex?

    I usually happened about 3-4 times a month. Painful.

    Did any of you cheat?

    No. I have never cheated on anyone in my entire life. I do what I promise. It was painful though. She did not cheat on me as far as I know.

    Also wondering if deciding to get married was a decision you made by yourself or were you prodded/probed into it like a lot guys tend to.

    Good question. She prodded me very hard into moving in together, not marriage. If I recall, actually getting married was my thing. Again, I was stupid as shit.

    See, it’s not just women

    Except when we men do it, it makes sense, since I have much higher sexual marketplace value now than when I was younger. Women have less of that when they get older, not more, so it’s stupid of them to expect more when they (societally speaking) have lower SMV.

    How did the Divorce affect your children at the time and your relationship with them since?  I assume your relationship with them is good/close judging from your posts unlike a lot of children with one parant leaving followed by a long-term distant/bitter relationship.  How did you manage that?

    It actually made it better, since my kids did not have to see their parents fight or act cold to each other once the divorce took place.

    You said you’re by far the happiest within your siblings.  What do they think of your BD/AM2.0 stuff?

    I have five siblings so it depends on the sibling. Most of them, particularly the girls, think it’s stupid. One or two think it’s mildly interesting but will never actually do any of it.

    Would your brothers be happier if they strictly followed your usual lifestyle advice?

    Just about all men would be happier if they followed my Alpha 2.0 lifestyle advice. Men are happy to the degree to which they are free (barring the rare exception to the rule).

    The problem is most betas are too scared and most Alpha 1.0s don’t want to because happiness is not their top priority.

    When and how did you discover your long-term mission?

    Towards the latter years of my marriage. I was about 33-34 years old. I read a few books (including How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World), thought really hard, wrote out my ideal life one day at the park, and it struck me light a lightning bolt.

    How did you cope as a high sex drive young man during that period?

    I’ve been a high sex drive man my entire life, just not in my 30s.

    I didn’t cope so much as suffer. Monogamy is a horrible nightmare for high sex drive people, myself included.

    iirc you lost your virginity at 22-23?

    Correct. Until then I was like the typical virgin male and mentally obsessed about sex a lot.

    If I understood you right you seem to think that women cant really learn and get their act together to fix their issues.

    Incorrect. I think women can’t achieve long-term consistent happiness because it’s not what they want. Of course women can get their acts together. I see that all the time. But even these women will have to suffer negative emotions an at least a semi-regular basis.

    May I ask if you have at least try to teach her how to be better as a person and in a relationship?

    Of course. Her and I have had many talks about that. Just last night we went out to dinner and had a long talk about that. She lives with me full-time now so she also sees me happy in my life 100% of the time, including in my relationships with women.

    Have you met women in your life that were honestly able to deeply change

    Yes, but not many. People rarely change.

    Im guessing that most women would instead decide to stick with other women instead of being close to their alpha male. Do you agree with me?

    Interesting question I think I generally agree, yes.

    Are you aware of any other reasons why women always choose their friends instead of their Alpha.

    Because women instinctively know that their current boyfriend or husband is temporary, while their best friend (or sister) is permanent. Women under age 60 always know, deep down, that any man in their life is transitory, as I describe here.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:45 pm, 21st March 2016

    So what was the mainstream’s reaction to your book “The Unchained Man?” How much hate/criticism did you receive? Can you share some of it? What were the consequences of exposing your true identity to the public? Did it lead to the blue pillers finding your other books? If so, how did they react to them? On what scale did you receive any publicity (TV appearances, etc…)?

    Oh yeah, and are you debating Stephan Molyneaux any time soon?

    One day she did something inappropriate that was the last straw for me, I finally had enough, and moved out.

    Can you elaborate?

    I didn’t bring it up because it would just have caused another fruitless meltdown. I just moved out one day while she was gone.

    But surely you must have presented her with divorce papers. Did she sign them right away? How did that work?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:00 pm, 21st March 2016

    So what was the mainstream’s reaction to your book “The Unchained Man?”

    It has not yet really penetrated the mainstream. It’s mostly still within the manosphere market. Later this year is when I push it out into the real world. When I get feedback, and I’m sure I will, I’ll let you guys know.

    What were the consequences of exposing your true identity to the public?

    None. I’m completely self-employed in three different companies and in multiple unregulated industries. This is all by design. My entire financial life is designed to be antifragile. That way I can say whatever the fuck I want.

    I think I’ve had a grand total of two people in my other businesses say something negative about it, but it was just a single comment and that’s it. I haven’t lost any business from them or anyone else. (My other businesses have grown since then, as has this one.)

    Did it lead to the blue pillers finding your other books?

    Oh yes.

    If so, how did they react to them?

    Mildly positive. Like, “Oh, that’s very interesting” type stuff.

    On what scale did you receive any publicity (TV appearances, etc…)?

    None, but I haven’t pursued any of those avenues yet. I’ve been too busy with other proejcts. I’ll be pushing for that stuff later this year.

    I have done full media prep though, in case something weird happens and someone like Dr Phil suddenly asks me onto a TV show. Debating a blue pill TV personality on a national TV show would be a dream come true, namely I’d hand him his own ass and I could easily make half a million dollars in one day, perhaps more.

    Oh yeah, and are you debating Stephan Molyneaux any time soon?

    Oh yes. That’s on the list and I’ll be doing it soon.

    Can you elaborate?

    No. I don’t mind you knowing but my policy is to never violate the privacy of the women in my past.

    But surely you must have presented her with divorce papers.

    No. That’s what I pay attorneys for.

    Did she sign them right away?

    Of course not. She dicked around for months. The legal divorce took two years. Some of that was my fault, some was hers.

  • Duke
    Posted at 04:15 pm, 21st March 2016

    I have done full media prep though, in case something weird happens and someone like Dr Phil suddenly asks me onto a TV show. Debating a blue pill TV personality on a national TV show would be a dream come true, namely I’d hand him his own ass and I could easily make half a million dollars in one day, perhaps more.

    There is no way they will let this happen. Roosh went on Dr. Oz a couple of years ago to talk about fat women, and Oz turned the whole crowd against him. Funny how a doctor will turn a blind eye to obesity to keep his loyal fans and probably his job. Oprah would have fired his ass on the spot if he had agreed with Roosh.

    You would still make money though, so I guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:24 pm, 21st March 2016

    There is no way they will let this happen.

    Wrong. They wouldn’t agree with me 100% but they’d certainly let me be on a show. My message is controversial (ratings!) but without being too anti-woman.

    Roosh went on Dr. Oz a couple of years ago to talk about fat women, and Oz turned the whole crowd against him.

    I know. Roosh was stupidly unprepared for that entire thing and got skewered like a turkey dinner. He did no media prep whatsoever, and walked into the lion’s den completely unprepared. Very, very sloppy.

    I’m not Roosh.

    Oprah would have fired his ass on the spot if he had agreed with Roosh.

    Correct, but again, my message isn’t nearly as angry or anti-woman as Roosh’s or most of the other angry manosphere types.

    You would still make money though, so I guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

    It would be a fantastic idea and I’m going to do my best because I like money. It may take a few years though (if ever).

    Another possibility is for me to be on some higher-profile YouTube shows. Mike Cernovich from Danger and Play was just on the Rubin Report, for example. He did a good job too.

  • Franco
    Posted at 05:46 pm, 21st March 2016


    Oh yes. An OLTR is completely optional. If all I had was FBs and MLTRs (with one “main girl” high-end MLTR in there) and never had anything else for the rest of my life, that would be perfectly fine with me.

    Question about your “high-end MLTR” girls: what kinds of things do you do with these girls? Are these girls allowed to meet friends/family? Do you take them on “bigger” dates at all (i.e. hotel in another city for a weekend, vacation spots, friend/family events?)

    (EDIT: I’m sure if you did, you would split the cost with her of course, or have her pay for it!)

    I realize this might depend on the girl, but I’m curious what types of things you’ll do with her outside of sex and conversation at your place(/her place).


  • cosmococcic
    Posted at 06:22 pm, 21st March 2016

    Can you link to the post where you detail your opposition to college?

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 09:57 pm, 21st March 2016

    Except when we men do it, it makes sense, since I have much higher sexual marketplace value now than when I was younger. Women have less of that when they get older, not more, so it’s stupid of them to expect more when they (societally speaking) have lower SMV.

    Don’t kid yourself.  A man’s “SMV” peaks in his mid thirties and then it goes downhill.  After 40, you aren’t on the upswing anymore.  A woman’s peaks around her mid twenties.  Your “SMV” is probably about the same as a 33 yr old woman’s…..

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:46 pm, 21st March 2016

    Question about your “high-end MLTR” girls: what kinds of things do you do with these girls? Are these girls allowed to meet friends/family? Do you take them on “bigger” dates at all (i.e. hotel in another city for a weekend, vacation spots, friend/family events?)

    Yes to all of that. The only difference between a high-end MLTR and an OLTR is that with the MLTR you’re both allowed to get romantic and emotional with other people. With an OLTR you both can’t; just meaningless sex on the side and that’s it. OLTR is emotional exclusivity, MLTR is not.

    Can you link to the post where you detail your opposition to college?

    In the future, just go to and search for “college” in the search field. Anyway, here’s about four of them:

    A man’s “SMV” peaks in his mid thirties and then it goes downhill.

    That’s a completely arbitrary and inaccurate statement. Even if true, which it isn’t, it depends on the man. Hugh Jackman is way past 35 and he’s no where near downhill. I know plenty of men way over 35 who are wealthy and good looking; SMV to the max.

    A woman’s peaks around her mid twenties.

    Are you insane? No it doesn’t. It peaks around age 20 or 21 at the latest. You really don’t understand this whole SMV thing.

    Your “SMV” is probably about the same as a 33 yr old woman’s…..

    Yep, it’s confirmed; you have no idea regarding this SMV thing. I’m a high-income, high-game, confident, charismatic, decent looking, very young looking (for my age) 43 year old guy with a full head of hair and not fat. I’ve got hot women clambering all over me (of all ages, including VYW) like I never had when I was 35, including after my divorce. This is one of the many reasons I’m more picky now.

    But you’re free to make any excuses for over-33 women you like, even if they’re aren’t accurate.

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 11:15 pm, 21st March 2016

    Im 39 and still have tons of men attracted to me. So why should I believe my smv is lower than yours? THAT is ridiculous. Ask any woman whether men are more attractive in their 30’s or 40’s. You will get the same response you would get from men regarding women in their 20’s vs 30’s.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:45 pm, 21st March 2016

    This is my last comment on this subject here because you’ve lost your mind on this.

    Ask any woman whether men are more attractive in their 30’s or 40’s.

    We’re not talking about physical attractiveness. We’re talking about SMV which is different.

    Im 39 and still have tons of men attracted to me. So why should I believe my smv is lower than yours? THAT is ridiculous.

    You’re changing the subject; my vs your SMV isn’t the point. The point is my SMV at 43 is way higher than a hot 22 year old man, and your SMV at age 39 is way lower than a hot 22 year old woman. Thus, it makes perfect sense that I’m more picky about my partners now that I’m much older than the hot 22 year old man, but you being more picky than a hot 22 year old woman doesn’t make any rational sense.

    And you know it Lovergirl, even if you’re pretending not to.

  • Greg
    Posted at 02:49 am, 22nd March 2016

    How and why did you break up with your last OLTR?

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 05:40 am, 22nd March 2016

    I am aware that I was more attractive at 22. As far as men that show interest and attraction to me now vs then, it seems about the same. I get men of all ages still hitting on me. So it really doesn’t MATTER to me at 39. Im not even interested in guys under 30 or over 45 or so, but they still show interest in me, as do guys my own age. This is why I don’t give a lick about “smv” in real life and why I put it in quotes.

    On the other hand, you are the one being delusional about a man’s smv. I see this a lot on the internet, men telling each other that their smv’s skyrocket as they get old and its amusing to me. Women arent saying this about men.

    You are comparing yourself to a 22 yr old man, but Im saying your smv as a man, goes down after about 35. Its a bell curve. It doesn’t just keep going up. Deep down you have to know this is true.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 08:29 am, 22nd March 2016



    Have you heard of this site called The Good Men Project?  It’s beta to the max and I came across this little gem article.   Of course this guy immediately outs himself by saying he just got married so of course he’s excited about his freeing monogamy.  Keep doing your thing-we need this kind of place to balance out the beat crap floating around like the good boy beta men project.


  • Gluteus_Maximus
    Posted at 08:41 am, 22nd March 2016

    Why does lover girl keep coming back here starting shit and overall keeps being fucking annoying. Like on every fucking post it seems. If I wanted, I’d go over to GWG, which I never do.

    Google Paul Chek. He is in his 50s and outperforms athletes half his age. A guy like that will make any other fucking guy who doesn’t have his shit together behave and look like a pussy, no matter how physically attractive they are. Guys in their 20s don’t have their shit together. They barely have their financials together.

    If you want a dependent pussy ass motherfucker, there you go.

    Age is like peacocking except everyone has to go through it. If you can wear the most ridiculous shit and not be phased, it highlights how confident you are. If you can age but still outperform other men younger than you, that highlights just how badass you are.


    It’s not the amount of guys that hit on you, or their age. It’s how many BADASSES hit on you. Any loser guy can hit on any girl. Who gives a shit.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:19 am, 22nd March 2016

    How and why did you break up with your last OLTR?

    The usual reason; she started giving me drama as a pattern of behavior. I started cancelling romantic stuff and she stopped calling me. It was very amicable, there was no drama, and we’re still friends.

    Have you heard of this site called The Good Men Project?

    Of course. It’s basically a manosphere for betas. There intentions are good even if they’re wrong. They don’t bother me.

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 10:24 am, 22nd March 2016

    Google Paul Chek. He is in his 50s and outperforms athletes half his age. A guy like that will make any other fucking guy who doesn’t have his shit together behave and look like a pussy, no matter how physically attractive they are. Guys in their 20s don’t have their shit together. They barely have their financials together.

    I googled him, expecting to see some reasonably hot 50 yr old, but eww!!!  He looks like he’s 70 years old!  At least pick someone with an attractive face, sheesh.  He’s got AGE SPOTS on his head.  I didn’t even know you could get those at 50.

    There are some attractive movie stars over 50, but not very many.  John Travolta is like 62 and still looks pretty good.  He still looked way better in his 30’s though.  His SMV has gone down.

    That’s the point.  Men PEAK in their 30’s, women in their 20’s but we all go downhill after that.  There is a reason 40 is called “over the hill”.  Men claiming that in their 40’s or 50’s they are somehow more entitled to be picky than a woman in her 30’s are deluding themselves.

    It’s not the amount of guys that hit on you, or their age. It’s how many BADASSES hit on you. Any loser guy can hit on any girl. Who gives a shit.

    Lots of baddasses hit on me.  Bad-asses, good-asses, any kind of asses.  It really doesn’t matter.  Still happens….  Men are notoriously NOT picky and many will fuck anything with a pussy.  So women really have no reason to stress or worry about their “SMV”.

  • BlindIo
    Posted at 11:59 am, 22nd March 2016

    Worthless males (not men) will fuck just about anything.

    First time I had the opportunity to get laid I turned them down. Yeah it would have been a threesome and I was not interested. Pulled up my pants (after they pulled them down) and walked out.

    Standards. That’s what defines if being hit on or not counts. And the fact is that when you are over 30, men with better options don’t want you.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 12:35 pm, 22nd March 2016


    “It’s basically a manosphere for betas.” nails it very well.  It doesn’t bother me either but it’s very interesting to read the articles through the lens of the Alpha 2.0 glasses.  You can easily identify what is really going on in most of these cases.  Like the guys who don’t understand why their wife of several years has no empathy for them, nags them incessantly, won’t fuck them as much etc…  The answers are right here for them, not on that site, but I don’t see many of them coming over to this side-way to plugged in clearly based on their writings.

  • Gluteus_Maximus
    Posted at 01:13 pm, 22nd March 2016

    I’d love to give you the benefit of the doubt lover girl but with the comments you’ve been making and your level of inconsistencies, I don’t think you’re mentally capable of discerning between the different levels of a man.

    BD mentioned Hugh Jackman, he’s 47. Brad Pitt is 52. Tom cruise is 53. George Clooney 54. Daniel Craig 48. None of them are in shape like Paul Chek though. Guys in their 20s aren’t in shape like Paul Chek. These kind of guys go to people like Paul Chek for coaching. Top athletes.

    You’re gonna tell me if you experienced a man like this in person you’re gonna be like “eww no gross!”?????


    You women don’t love us guys mainly for our looks. HAH. L M A O.

    And we’re not talking about guys that are lame. That’s what you keep doing. You keep thinking about guys that suck. The first article I read from you, which was also the last one, and why I stopped going to GWG, was how to attract guys that suck.

    Guys that suck can’t get good shit no matter how old they are.

    You forget that this blog is about long-term consistent happiness. You can’t achieve that letting yourself go. Not when you’re 30, 40, 50, 60 and ideally beyond.

    Most men are not going to do this. But you keep including most men.

    Are you fucking dumb?

    I’m just saying out loud what other smart guys are probably thinking.

    I’d say more too, just for kicks, but this isn’t my blog. So I’m gonna stop there.

    You can say whatever you want and I guarantee you I will not respond.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:08 pm, 22nd March 2016

    None. I’m completely self-employed in three different companies and in multiple unregulated industries. This is all by design. My entire financial life is designed to be antifragile. That way I can say whatever the fuck I want.

    I’m asking because in 2017 I plan on retiring from my current profession in order to be a full time “Straight Rights Activist” (no joke). I have a very calculated plan on what I wish to do, much of which will remain behind the scenes, but the public aspects will include raising awareness of heterophobia in our culture (especially against men), our culture’s despicable conflation of heterosexuality with rape, stud shaming, slut shaming, and educating the public against all of this bigotry while stressing that there’s nothing shameful about being a practicing heterosexual (this will include a campaign against “affirmative consent”).

    Over the last 7 years I have saved up enough money to be unemployed and comfortable for the next 5-10 years, during which time I still have some concrete plans to make money off the Internet in various ways, but I do need training on how to make my eventual self-employment immune from political attacks from nasty feminists calling me a rape apologist. By the time the money that I saved up runs out  (5-10 years), I wish to have a thriving Internet based location independent business that will not go bankrupt just because a group of feminazis accuse me of eating babies and raping little kittens.

    In 2017, I retire, but I won’t go public until 2018, as I’m still super nervous about being a naked wolf instead of the wolf in sheep’s clothing that I have always been when interacting with the sheeple in real life. I need to protect myself against the sheep forming a stampede and leaving me as roadkill.

    So I’m happy that you’re paving the road ahead of me.

    I have done full media prep though, in case something weird happens and someone like Dr Phil suddenly asks me onto a TV show. Debating a blue pill TV personality on a national TV show would be a dream come true, namely I’d hand him his own ass and I could easily make half a million dollars in one day, perhaps more.

    You would, no doubt, be outnumbered. They would pair you with a “professional sex addiction expert” from the heterophobic American Psychiatric Association in conjunction with the even more heterophobic Sexaholics Anonymous, plus a feminist on the other side attempting to politicize your  so called “compulsion” by illustrating how much suffering men like you bring to women and how you are contributing to “a culture of rape, objectification of women, physically violent brutality, and overt misogyny even if you don’t consciously realize it.”  

    Good luck prepping for that!

    Yep, it’s confirmed; you have no idea regarding this SMV thing. I’m a high-income, high-game, confident, charismatic, decent looking, very young looking (for my age) 43 year old guy with a full head of hair and not fat.

    How much of your sexual success do you think you owe to your high income?

    Of course. It’s basically a manosphere for betas. There intentions are good even if they’re wrong. They don’t bother me.

    The “Good Men Project” is a heterophobic and man-hating hate group which believes (1) that men need a project in order to be good because they are, by default, bad, (2) that masculinity is a toxic and destructive thing, with testosterone being the more evil chemical in the known universe, (3) that if women ruled the world, we would have a perfect utopian society, and (4) that men have a moral duty to change and conform their personalities to the feminine imperative in order to end all suffering in the world, while apologizing for past masculine sins.

    Replace the word “masculine” or “man” with “Jew,” and you’ll see how hateful they are. Can you imagine an outfit calling themselves “the Good Jew Project?”



  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 02:29 pm, 22nd March 2016

    Worthless males (not men) will fuck just about anything.

    First time I had the opportunity to get laid I turned them down. Yeah it would have been a threesome and I was not interested. Pulled up my pants (after they pulled them down) and walked out.

    Standards. That’s what defines if being hit on or not counts. And the fact is that when you are over 30, men with better options don’t want you.

    That’s funny… I would have to look far and wide for a man who wouldn’t fuck me, at 39. 🙂

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 02:36 pm, 22nd March 2016

    BD mentioned Hugh Jackman, he’s 47. Brad Pitt is 52. Tom cruise is 53. George Clooney 54. Daniel Craig 48. None of them are in shape like Paul Chek though. Guys in their 20s aren’t in shape like Paul Chek. These kind of guys go to people like Paul Chek for coaching. Top athletes.

    They were all MORE attractive in their 30’s.  You all keep trying to bring up guys in their 20’s but as I’ve said repeatedly, men hit their sexual market value PEAK in their thirties.  After that, it starts to decline.

    You’re gonna tell me if you experienced a man like this in person you’re gonna be like “eww no gross!”?????

    That is exactly what I am telling you.  The guys I am currently sleeping with are all much more attractive than that guy.

    You women don’t love us guys mainly for our looks. HAH. L M A O.

    Men misunderstand this frequently.  We still want a man to look good.  It’s just that that isn’t the SOLE reason for loving a man.  Its not AS high on the priority list for most women, but its still up there.

    Most men are not going to do this. But you keep including most men.

    BD was saying that women’s sexual market value declines with age and that we are in denial of it, calling us “stupid” and not looking in the mirror at how men do the exact same thing.  I’m simply pointing it out.  You all are more than proving my point.



  • Franco
    Posted at 02:42 pm, 22nd March 2016


    I have done full media prep though, in case something weird happens and someone like Dr Phil suddenly asks me onto a TV show. Debating a blue pill TV personality on a national TV show would be a dream come true, namely I’d hand him his own ass and I could easily make half a million dollars in one day, perhaps more.

    Just a word of caution here (coming from someone who is close to other well-known figures in the seduction community): the media will find any way it can to turn the TV personality into the “hero” of a given scenario.

    If you end up going on Dr. Phil (for example), you can believe that the editing team will have a field day editing all of the footage from your episode, and it will somehow end up with Dr. Phil looking like he had an “epiphany” statement that stomps you while the entire audience is in applause. That’s just how that industry works. I really think you would get the short end of the stick here, and the kind of publicity it would draw to your website would be similar to the type of publicity Roosh draws to his website (a.k.a. negative publicity).

    The problem is, even if you’re “prepared” and you shit all over Dr. Phil, they’ll just remove your episode from the queue and it will never see the light of day on public television. Dr. Phil will basically “next” you (lol) for an episode that doesn’t make him look like an idiot on TV and lose viewership for the show/station.

    I think your website and philosophy is fantastic, and it is one of very few on the internet that is extremely practical in terms of advice and understanding. I would hate to see it turn into some sort of Return of Kings 2.0 with tons of arguing in the comments. But of course, it’s your website, so you get to choose what you do with it. =)

    Quick change of subject:


    You’re kind of right and wrong about SMV. The problem is, SMV is different for males than it is for females. The SMV for males places heavy weight on many more factors than just physical attraction — this is why SMV for males is relatively difficult to pinpoint to a specific age group. Generally, the reason SMV is higher for males when they are older (say age 35-45) is that they are more experienced (both worldly and sexually), more financially better off, and more emotionally stable than most younger men. They also tend to have higher social status value. These traits all play huge factors on the attraction levels received from women, both young and old.

    When it comes to women’s SMV, physical attraction is 95% of the formula. This is why it’s much easier to place an age range on women’s SMV because it mostly pertains to their physical features and how attracted we, as males, find them. That’s not to say that men won’t sleep with attractive, older women (and kudos to those women for remaining attractive well into their 30s or 40s), but in general, younger women are physically more attractive than older women. And this is something all women are consciously aware of — it’s why they often look to lock down a man before they hit 30… and if they don’t, they start going to more extremes to make themselves look younger again (and bump their SMV back up a few points).

    I hope this provides some clarification. =)

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:02 pm, 22nd March 2016

    The problem is, even if you’re “prepared” and you shit all over Dr. Phil, they’ll just remove your episode from the queue and it will never see the light of day on public television.

    Yup! “Dr.” Phil recently did this with MRA Janet Blumfield:

  • Duke
    Posted at 05:07 pm, 22nd March 2016

    On the other hand, you are the one being delusional about a man’s smv. I see this a lot on the internet, men telling each other that their smv’s skyrocket as they get old and its amusing to me. Women arent saying this about men.

    This is some truth to this. I’ve noticed women have been more discriminating when it comes to looks the last few decades. Subsequently I’ve also seen a growing number of men that are tending towards metro sexuals.

    On the other hand women will say stuff out loud that is the opposite of what they like besides the usual “I like nice guys” trope. They say they don’t like black guys or men of other races but when no one is looking who knows.

    I’m sure that if a women that gets seduced via cold approach had been asked if they thought that guy was attractive before hand they might have said he wasn’t. Either way, paying too much attention to what women say will probably hurt more than help a guy.

    @ lovergirl, I’m also wondering how a woman who has had five kids still looks attractive. C-section maybe? Yoga? Cardio? Maybe you just have a very cute face and good skin?

    The only difference between a high-end MLTR and an OLTR is that with the MLTR you’re both allowed to get romantic and emotional with other people.

    So how do you introduce these women to your friends or family? By name only? I would think they would get offended if you called them a friend. IIRC mltrs are not girlfriends, right?

    I started cancelling romantic stuff

    Seems like a good way to dump a person. I’m curious as to what kind of stuff though.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:22 pm, 22nd March 2016

    So I’m happy that you’re paving the road ahead of me.

    Happy to help.

    they would pair you with a “professional sex addiction expert” from the heterophobic American Psychiatric Association in conjunction with the even more heterophobic Sexaholics Anonymous, plus a feminist on the other side attempting to politicize your  so called “compulsion”

    They might, they might not. If they did, I would not agree to that. If they tried to trick me into it, I would get up and leave the show.

    How much of your sexual success do you think you owe to your high income?

    Very little, since historically I’ve spent very little on women. That’s my entire dating system; results for very little money spent.

    If you mean the confidence that came with my success, that did help, a lot.

    the media will find any way it can to turn the TV personality into the “hero” of a given scenario.

    Correct, but I don’t need to be the hero to get my point across and make a shitload of money. As long as I make my points and refute the challenges, even if the narrative makes me out to be the bad guy, the upper 10% of men I’m trying to appeal to will be more than happy to purchase my information.

    type of publicity Roosh draws to his website (a.k.a. negative publicity).

    Negative publicity would be wonderful; I could monetize the shit out of that in ways Roosh has not bothered to do (since his objectives are very different than mine). And to state yet again, it’s going to be much, much harder to demonize my information than it is for a guy like Roosh or Heartiste.

    So how do you introduce these women to your friends or family? By name only? I would think they would get offended if you called them a friend. IIRC mltrs are not girlfriends, right?

    You just do it. There’s no technique. You don’t have to call her your girlfriend or a friend. She’s a “girl you’re dating.” That’s not unusual or offensive to anyone.

    I’m curious as to what kind of stuff though.

    I stopped all romantic dates, told her we weren’t going to do anything for Valentines Day next year, etc. I essentially downgraded her to low-end MLTR. She didn’t like that of course, so she left. Which was fine.

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 07:13 pm, 22nd March 2016

    @ lovergirl, I’m also wondering how a woman who has had five kids still looks attractive. C-section maybe? Yoga? Cardio? Maybe you just have a very cute face and good skin?

    I’ve never claimed to be particularly stunning.  I’m just an average 39 yr old mom.  I’m not fat but I could lose 15-20 lbs.  I’ve never had a c-section, though I’m not sure how that would make me look any better, plus I’d have a scar, lol..  I don’t work out nearly as often as I used to, I wouldn’t say I have particularly good skin or even that cute of a face.

    Nevertheless, men seem to be attracted to me.  I’m pretty sure I could be 150 lbs overweight and ugly as all get out and men would still want to fuck me.  I see it all the time….  Men are not picky.

  • Duke
    Posted at 07:51 pm, 22nd March 2016

    I’ve never had a c-section, though I’m not sure how that would make me look any better, plus I’d have a scar, lol.

    It would avoid stretch marks and the scar from c-section is not noticeable after a certain amount of time as it tends to blend in to the surrounding skin. I’m assuming you are put together fairly firmly even without working out. What I can’t stand is flabby loose skin.

    I’d say I’m indiscriminate like the men you describe and find that I’ve particularly gone for plain to kinda cute women that are slightly overweight like yourself; they’re usually more chill and I normally don’t have to apply the BD system on them. My philosophy is “if it goes up it goes in.” I’m also slightly above average in looks and height so I don’t lack options for now. I’m getting older though where money is going to be more important so I need to get with the program.

    It’s funny how on the internet every guy only bangs hot chicks, but then you have threads like this one that are more closer to reality:

  • J
    Posted at 07:59 pm, 22nd March 2016

    I couldn’t find it in the glossary, but does SMV refer only to a person’s fuckability or does is also include other aspects that would make you want something more serious (high-end MLTR or OLTR?)

  • Lovergirl
    Posted at 08:09 pm, 22nd March 2016

    SMV= Sexual Market Value= how sexually attractive you are to the opposite sex

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:08 am, 23rd March 2016

    They might, they might not. If they did, I would not agree to that. If they tried to trick me into it, I would get up and leave the show.

    They will interpret that as you being too scared to debate them because you secretly know they’re right but are afraid to admit your “sex addiction.” Then they will move on with the show without you and talk about your “sex addiction” and “toxic masculinity.”

    Very little, since historically I’ve spent very little on women. That’s my entire dating system; results for very little money spent.

    If you mean the confidence that came with my success, that did help, a lot.

    No, what I meant to ask was: How much has your high income helped you in terms of your social status and reputation with these women?

    I try to hide my money because I want to screen out gold diggers. So far, that has led to every woman rejecting me, except super red pill/super high sex drive women, women in their social circle, married women, and women with boyfriends, which are the types of women that I prefer anyway.

    But single women who aren’t red pill and who are not in the social circle of a red pill woman I’m sleeping with initially think I’m poor (because that’s what I pretend to be at first) and therefore unattractive.

    I’m wondering how relevant this will be for me when the age gap between me and the women I love to sleep with (ages 18-27) widens. I’m assuming that a 45 year old man who works at McDonalds wouldn’t have a chance with an 18 year old girl who works at Burger King. And yet, I don’t want to reveal to new women my true money situation (which is quite decent) due to my fear of status whores.

    So yeah, how has presenting yourself as a man who owns his own businesses helped you? And do you think you’d have as much success if you presented yourself as working for McDonalds at your age?

  • BlindIo
    Posted at 02:58 am, 23rd March 2016

    @Jack, I used to think like that but now my thinking is the opposite. There is nothing inherently wrong with women desiring moneyed men, that’s just how their biology works. Just like we are wired to like pert tits and a firm ass. It would be as foolish to be attracted to poverty as it would to be attracted to 60 year old grandmothers.

    What I do is tell them that I have enough money where I don’t have to work without putting a specific number on it, and let their imagination do the rest. This way I can take my time figuring out what kind of qualities they have as a person, and if they are just gold diggers then at least I get some fun along the way.

  • Anon.
    Posted at 04:12 am, 23rd March 2016

    I plan on retiring from my current profession in order to be a full time “Straight Rights Activist” (no joke). I have a very calculated plan on what I wish to do, much of which will remain behind the scenes, but the public aspects will include raising awareness of heterophobia in our culture (especially against men), our culture’s despicable conflation of heterosexuality with rape, stud shaming, slut shaming, and educating the public against all of this bigotry while stressing that there’s nothing shameful about being a practicing heterosexual (this will include a campaign against “affirmative consent”).

    There’s only one thing you would have to do. This One Weird Trick.

    Coin a term for the above and popularize it.

    That’s all. Like the term “political correctness” has been counteracting political correctness more than anything else. You speak about educating the public, but that won’t work, evidence and arguments will convince only a small portion of people, because only a handful of people are rational and only a small part of those are rational when it comes to topics like relationships. You have to resort to psychological hacks.

    Consider the evolution of PC. First, real issues such as racism and discrimination were identified, laws enacted and PR campaigns started. But then all kinds of nonsense got piggybacked, which one couldn’t really attack. You oppose preferred treatment of people of color? Racist! You dislike a policy of quotas of some kind for women for which there’s no good reason? Misogynist! But if you speak out against political correctness, there’s no label for you, and you can ridicule it as much as you like.

    Same here. Rape is a real issue, but many other things that are benign have been associated with it by means of labels like “rape culture”, and you can’t really fight labels except by making your own.

    Like drama by women, which they know is nonsensical, the public knows well the things you listed above are all stupid and unrelated to each other. But they like giving labels to people and don’t like to admit their own mistakes, so you’d be fighting human nature if you were to attempt to educate the public. Instead, make a label of your own, and what’s the best part, you won’t even have to use this weapon, others will do it for you.

  • Wil
    Posted at 08:21 am, 23rd March 2016


    Now that we’re talking about your personal life, I have a few questions:

    With your MLTRs and FBs, do you let them meet each other? If they did, do you make it ambiguous as to whether or not you’re banging them or do you sub-communicate it that you are?

    Do you invite them to group social events/gatherings? (Group dinner with friends, road trip, BBQs, etc,…)

    Your opinions go against the mainstream views. If you were an employee, you’d probably get flak and worse yet, fired. Does owning a business insulate you from this sort of thing?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:49 am, 23rd March 2016

    No, what I meant to ask was: How much has your high income helped you in terms of your social status and reputation with these women?

    Of course it’s helped me, just like a having big muscles helps a ripped guy or just like being a male 10 helps a good looking guy or just like being 6’3″ helps a tall guy or just like a natural is helped by his skill. Use what you’ve got to get the results you want.

    In my books I talk about having an attractive persona. Rock Star Guy, Hipster Guy, Mafia Guy, Ripped Guy, Business Guy, etc. Pick one and assume it, and make it work for you. I could never be a Rock Star Guy or Ripped Guy (for example), so I’m Business Guy. The specific persona doesn’t matter, just as long as you pick one congruent to you.

    The Rock Star Guy (for example) doesn’t have any money, so it’s not about money. It’s about something attractive to women.

    With your MLTRs and FBs, do you let them meet each other?

    If they ask, sure. They never ask.

    One time, many years ago during my crazy phase, for just a few minutes I had four women in my house whom I had slept with at some point. Some of them were related. To this day I kick myself for not taking a picture.

    If they did, do you make it ambiguous as to whether or not you’re banging them or do you sub-communicate it that you are?

    I would either verbalize it or subcommunicate it, but most likely they would already know. I happily show women pics of my exes if they ask (it’s great social proof, because I’ve been with some really beautiful women).

    Do you invite them to group social events/gatherings? (Group dinner with friends, road trip, BBQs, etc,…)

    The one high-end MLTR only (if there was one). The rest, no.

    Your opinions go against the mainstream views. If you were an employee, you’d probably get flak and worse yet, fired. Does owning a business insulate you from this sort of thing?

    Yes. Not just a business, but an unregulated business. And not just a business, but one that doesn’t require any one, big single client or corporate sponsorship. And not just one business, but three of them, all in completely different industries.

    You cannot be free (and truly secure) if you have a job, or even one source of income (like a company that has one big client). Read this.

  • Duke
    Posted at 10:59 am, 23rd March 2016

    Forgot to ask this one the past few days. Is Caleb Jones a pseudonym? Just wondering since Jones is a surname of Welsh origin and you claim that you are Italian.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:41 pm, 23rd March 2016

    Caleb Jones is my real name. I don’t hide.

    My grandfather on my dad’s side was adopted as a child and assumed the surname Jones; it’s not his blood last name. My mom is Sicilian, my dad is a mix of German, Welsh, Russian and Italian (I think). When I say I’m “Italian” I mean I was raised Italian (food, traditions, Catholic, big family, etc) and hereditarily I’m about 40% Sicilian. I have pale skin and blue eyes but other than that I look and sound very Italian (dark hair, thick stocky build, loud voice, big gestures, love food, etc).

  • Chris
    Posted at 05:09 pm, 23rd March 2016

    Had no idea you’re only 43. For some reason I thought you were in your 50s.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:35 am, 24th March 2016

    @Jack, I used to think like that but now my thinking is the opposite. There is nothing inherently wrong with women desiring moneyed men, that’s just how their biology works.

    Apparently that’s not how a red pill woman’s biology works! In fact, in my experience with super high sex drive female red pillers, the more sexually enthusiastic they are and the more bisexual they are, the less they care about a man’s money. The more a woman connects money with sex, the more she sees her having sex as “giving” it to the man instead of receiving. Hardcore gold diggers are the lowest sex drive women on the planet.

    So no, I don’t believe it’s genetically determined for all women. In fact, the higher her sex drive (and the more bi she is), the less relevant money is to her (when it comes to sex). The only exception I have found is if she is a hardcore exerciser of the “alpha fucks, beta bucks” philosophy, thus explaining the married women and women with boyfriends who have been in my bed while financially satisfied by their primary partners.

    Just like we are wired to like pert tits and a firm ass. It would be as foolish to be attracted to poverty as it would to be attracted to 60 year old grandmothers.

    No one said anything about being attracted to poverty. I said: The more sexually open minded and/or bisexual a woman is, the more her relationship with sex runs on a completely separate mental circuit from her relationship with money.

    No one is attracted to poverty. They just view it with indifference or consider that to be a subject that is completely separate from sexuality. The reason they think this is because, as high sex drive women, they view sex as something they “receive,” not something they “give.” As such, they don’t see themselves as having any leverage over men in that sense. So they know they must make their own way in life. This is why women who are self made, have careers, or are rich (preferably richer than me) tend to have the highest sex drives and are the most open minded. Gold diggers tend to have little creativity or imagination, which accounts for both their lack of sex drive and lack of ambition, so they leverage their only asset because they see sex as more “giving” than “receiving” anyway, so they might as well make a profit off of it.

    This works out great for me because super liberated and bisexual red pill women who don’t mix money and sex have always been my sexual bread and butter (plus married women and women with boyfriends who have satisfied their money problems through their primary partners).

    I’ll leave the lower to medium sex drive women who are attracted to money to other men. You can have them!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:53 am, 24th March 2016

    There’s only one thing you would have to do. This One Weird Trick.

    Coin a term for the above and popularize it.

    That’s all. Like the term “political correctness” has been counteracting political correctness more than anything else. You speak about educating the public, but that won’t work, evidence and arguments will convince only a small portion of people, because only a handful of people are rational and only a small part of those are rational when it comes to topics like relationships. You have to resort to psychological hacks.

    Sorry, I was speaking in blue pill language. Yes, of course, by “educating the public” I meant using “psychological hacks” as you call it to emotionally influence them away from their sexually squeamish attitudes. Good point.

    Consider the evolution of PC. First, real issues such as racism and discrimination were identified, laws enacted and PR campaigns started. But then all kinds of nonsense got piggybacked, which one couldn’t really attack. You oppose preferred treatment of people of color? Racist! You dislike a policy of quotas of some kind for women for which there’s no good reason? Misogynist! But if you speak out against political correctness, there’s no label for you, and you can ridicule it as much as you like.

    Yes! And the new buzzword for sexually prudish people should be “heterophobe.” It worked for Muslims with their “Islamaphobia” horseshit! There’s no reason it can’t work for high sex drive straight people! I am going to try organizing a campaign against “heterophobia in middle America.” “It’s a serious issue that can happen to you. Have you been the victim of heterophobia? Most have and don’t even know it.” Cue melodramatic music. Don’t worry, I know how to do this. 🙂

    Same here. Rape is a real issue, but many other things that are benign have been associated with it by means of labels like “rape culture”, and you can’t really fight labels except by making your own.

    Rapeochondria – (1) the imaginary fear that you have been raped via consensual sex. (2) an unhealthy obsession with rape; a constant and non-stop preoccupation with sexual assault which lends itself to a broadening of definitions or a disrespect of the dictionary. (3) the blurring of rape with non-violent sex. (See also Feminist) 🙂

    Do you, or someone you know, suffer from rapeochondria? Symptoms include…..

    Like drama by women, which they know is nonsensical, the public knows well the things you listed above are all stupid and unrelated to each other. But they like giving labels to people and don’t like to admit their own mistakes, so you’d be fighting human nature if you were to attempt to educate the public. Instead, make a label of your own, and what’s the best part, you won’t even have to use this weapon, others will do it for you.

    Completely agree! I’m on it!

  • BlindIo
    Posted at 12:50 pm, 24th March 2016

    Sure, if a woman already has money sorted then obviously it’s less of an issue. But for those who don’t, money is an attractive quality and a lack of money is repulsive.

  • Wil
    Posted at 09:40 am, 25th March 2016

    The one high-end MLTR only (if there was one). The rest, no.

    Is there a reason that you don’t let your FBs or low-end MLTRs meet your friends? Would doing so subcommunicate that you are more than friends or MLTRs? Or is it just your personal preference?


    Yes. Not just a business, but an unregulated business

    How much importance would you put on the fact that it is unregulated? Right now, I am halfway done my Engineering degree but I am also doing a side business which is not really regulated. My plan is to finish my Engineering degree and if I’m making a good amount of money in my side business I will scale it up and go full time while using the Engineering degree as a backup, or just do both. What are your thoughts on this?


  • Wil
    Posted at 09:43 am, 25th March 2016

    One time, many years ago during my crazy phase, for just a few minutes I had four women in my house whom I had slept with at some point. Some of them were related. To this day I kick myself for not taking a picture.

    Wow that must’ve been really awkward for them… If not, then you could’ve had a 5-some…?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:09 am, 25th March 2016

    Had no idea you’re only 43. For some reason I thought you were in your 50s.

    That’s because I’m so wise. 🙂

    Wow that must’ve been really awkward for them…

    Not at all. Only one was slightly uncomfortable. The other three didn’t give a shit and were more concerned about each other than me. They were arguing with each other (as women always do with other women) about something that had nothing to do with me.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 12:40 pm, 25th March 2016

    Sure, if a woman already has money sorted then obviously it’s less of an issue. But for those who don’t, money is an attractive quality and a lack of money is repulsive.

    You’re reversing cause and effect. If a woman has a low sex drive, money will be an attractive quality to her because she’d rather have a man provide for her than work hard. This is due to the fact that a low sex drive woman sees sex as “giving,” not “receiving.”

    But a woman with a high sex drive, who sees sex as her “taking it” or “receiving” will not consider money an attractive quality because she’s not going to “give” sex for it (it’s not how she thinks). So because she has no leverage over men, she has no choice but to make her own way in life and even get rich by working hard.

    So high sex drive women who never cared about a man’s money in the first place tend to be financially successful themselves. Low sex drive women will see money as an attractive quality because she sees herself as generously “giving” sex in exchange. The only time these women become high sex drive is when they are already getting their money needs met by a beta. That’s when they give themselves permission to be free and enjoy themselves with an alpha on the side.

  • Duke
    Posted at 03:56 pm, 25th March 2016

    One thing I’ve always wondered about you BD is that of passive day game opportunities. Personally, I don’t do online or have an extensive social circle so all I have is opportunities that come up during the day when I am running errands.

    I go to grocery stores several times a day to get one or two items; I try to go to Starbucks or other types of coffee shops; I have about bank accounts at five different banks and visit them pretty frequently just to see if there is any talent or try and work girls slowly between multiple visits.

    I know you are a busy man and have more than enough girls from online and social circle , but I’m curious if you run across girls that you find attractive in your daily routine, especially secretaries, clerks, and other female workers. Surely you must flirt with some of these girls and I’d find it hard to believe if you hadn’t slept with at least a couple of these girls.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:28 pm, 25th March 2016

    I know you are a busy man and have more than enough girls from online and social circle , but I’m curious if you run across girls that you find attractive in your daily routine, especially secretaries, clerks, and other female workers. Surely you must flirt with some of these girls and I’d find it hard to believe if you hadn’t slept with at least a couple of these girls.

    I do and I have. I’ve always called that on-the-fly daygame. I never talk about it because:

    1. I don’t consider myself a daygame expert.

    2. I think it’s a huge mistake for men to rely on on-the-fly daygame as an actual source of sex. It’s not. It’s cherry on top of the sundae. It’s about the sundae, not the cherry. The actual sundae is much bigger and tastes much better, and if you rely on just eating the cherries on top of sundaes you’ll never get anywhere.

    I’ve seen many guys in the PUA community defend on-the-fly daygame as a real way to get laid. Bullshit. It isn’t. Unless you like to have sex with a new woman every year and a half or so.

    That’s why I don’t talk about it. If you want to do daygame as a real source of sex in your life, you need to get your ass out there 3-4 times a week for hours at a time and hit it hard. The on-the-fly stuff isn’t going to cut it.

  • itdoesntmatter much
    Posted at 05:52 pm, 25th March 2016

    Thanks for doing this. I recently came across your blog and have been doing a lot of reading. I don’t even remember how I got here- probably from a post on Reddit about “red pill” and bad marriages or a comment on another “manosphere” blog.

    I had been curious about your marriage and kids. I can relate to you a lot (I’m self-employed, seem to have similar political views, etc), but I’m where you were a decade  ago on the “relationship” side. I’m 37. When I was 25 I married a 31 year-old single mom. I became Dad to her son and we had a daughter. She was hot for me, “good” person, pleasant enough. Eventually all that turned and we’ve been resentful roommates for awhile. I have clung to the idea that marriage is ideal for the kids and that monogamy (which in practice becomes celibacy) is the “right” approach, but lately I’ve become a lot more open-minded. It still hurts me to think of “leaving” my sensitive daughter.

    Your posts and general lifestyle and philosophy have given me a lot of hope for a future that includes sex/affection without a toxic marriage. I am young-looking, good-looking enough (but beta/lacking confidence), self-employed, location-independent, etc. I hope I can get things together enough to take advantage of that.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:36 pm, 25th March 2016

    When I was 25 I married a 31 year-old single mom. I became Dad to her son and we had a daughter.

    Weird. That’s literally exactly what I did, same ages and everything.

    Eventually all that turned and we’ve been resentful roommates for awhile.

    Unacceptable. Time to get some balls and either get divorced or convert to an open marriage. Sitting around in misery is bad for you, her, and your children. All of you will be happier once you divorce or convert. Believe me, I know.

    I have clung to the idea that marriage is ideal for the kids and that monogamy (which in practice becomes celibacy) is the “right” approach, but lately I’ve become a lot more open-minded.

    You’re half right. Long-term, co-habiting pair-bonding is indeed best for raising kids, but actual sexual monogamy has absolutely nothing to do with proper parenting provided you’re both discreet. You quietly getting a little on the side sexually doesn’t make you or your wife worse parents in any way whatsoever, and anyone who suggests otherwise is peddling BS right-wing puritanical SP.

    By the way, good quote about monogamy becoming celibacy. I’m going to steal that.

  • Anon.
    Posted at 04:48 am, 27th March 2016

    I am going to try organizing a campaign against “heterophobia in middle America.” “It’s a serious issue that can happen to you. Have you been the victim of heterophobia? Most have and don’t even know it.”

    Or actually, you could flip the script by agreeing-and-amplifying. I once read something that was described as a highly potent method for causing a girl to dump her boyfriend, and it did seem realistic. Basically, one highlights (and somewhat overstates) to her his socially acceptable but attraction-killing features, with which she feels compelled to agree. “He’s such a great friend for you!” “He loves you so much because he knows he could never find another girl like you!” “He’s so happy to oblige!” “He’s such a nice guy!”

    If you call it love-phobia, passion-phobia or something along those lines, you could ask women to imagine their Prince Charming, rather than sweeping them off their feet with passion, coming to their castle as a sheepish nice guy, asking for consent all the time etc. Thus the same emotional, irrational parts of the brain that feminists exploit will be turned against them.

    Of course, give them a single opportunity to associate yourself with things like rape or domestic violence and that’s what you’ll be labelled, so you’d have to be very exact in everything you say. But it should be doable.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:16 pm, 28th March 2016

    Or actually, you could flip the script by agreeing-and-amplifying.

    That only works if you’re trying to seduce an individual girl. But when you’re trying to launch a political campaign to stop this garbage on the macro-scale, you have to turn it against them.

    For example, feminists dictate that women are “strong and independent ™” and “don’t need a man ™.” But affirmative consent – a feminist invention – dictates that all non-violent consensual sex is rape if the man didn’t get a literal verbal “yes” after verbally prompting her with the “is this okay” question. So feminists are saying that women are such weak damsels in distress with small brains that they can’t even exercise their own free will and assert themselves because they’re “too intimidated ™” unless the big strong man verbally prompts them. 

    Thus, affirmative consent needs to be framed as anti-feminist, anti-female, pro-misogyny, and heterophobia if it is going to be taken down in the court of public opinion, thus preempting attacks and false accusations claiming that you’re a misogynist, rape apologist, and all the rest.

    It won’t hurt to label pro-affirmative consent people as autistic or severely lacking in social intelligence either. Frame affirmative consent as a very reasonable and compassionate accommodation for the mentally ill and brain damaged, but undignified for normal people!

    Of course, give them a single opportunity to associate yourself with things like rape or domestic violence and that’s what you’ll be labelled, so you’d have to be very exact in everything you say. But it should be doable.

    They’ll label me that anyway because they broaden the definitions of words to absurd extremes. That’s why I need to make sure it won’t work. Most feminists are super liberal and hate that people are put in prison for non-violent offenses like smoking weed. But than she says that rape doesn’t have to be violent. So you say, “Oh great, so you want MORE non-violent offenders crowding our cruel and unusual prison system? What kind of a progressive are you?”

    Same thing with “domestic violence,” which feminists even define as “dirty looks” and “coercive control” (nagging) from the man. The public must be taught that violence is NOT on a spectrum, with persuasion (seduction) being just one step away from force. Rather, they must be taught that persuasion is the opposite of force – psychological dominance makes physical violence unnecessary and vice versa. If they’re against psychological dominance (masculinity) – which they are – then we need to accuse them of being in favor of physical violence against women!

    I’m still working on the framing, but I think I’ve got the basics worked out.

  • Jacqueline
    Posted at 05:17 pm, 18th May 2016

    I’m curious to know if you have read “The Superior Man” by David Deida, and if so, does your conception of the Alpha 2.0 incorporate any of those ideas?

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