26 May For Your Listening Pleasure – Listen To My Interviews and Debates

-By Caleb Jones
I’ve been on various podcasts and radio shows lately. Here’s a few links so you can listen to my sultry, sexy voice. Also don’t forget my own podcasts right here.
Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie (Mode One)
This is a huge discussion / debate I had with Mode One a few months ago. We agree on many things, strongly disagree on many others, and often our debate gets a little spirited. His radio shows are usually 2-3 hours long; this one went on for four hours straight. It only stopped at four because his radio software had reached its limit. I was getting a little loopy at the end because it was late into the evening, but we still had a great time. Mode One is a fun guy.
The radio episode is here. There may be a way to download it elsewhere but I’m not sure.
Girls Chase Podcast
This is an interview I did for Chase’s podcast series a few months ago. We covered most of the open/poly stuff. Podcast here.
The Tom Torero Podcast
I was recently interviewed by one of the best daygame guys I’ve ever seen (I highly recommend his videos). We see a lot of things eye-to-eye and had a very good chat.
The podcast is here, or you can download it at iTunes here.
There are some other interviews I’ve done over the last few months with guys like Glenn PUA and a few others, but for the life of me I can’t find links to those. If I find them I’ll post them here.
Happy listening.
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Posted at 06:28 am, 26th May 2016This Alan Roger Currie needs to let you talk more. I’m a bit over an hour in and I haven’t heard much more than a sentence or two from you at a time — if that.
Posted at 07:32 am, 26th May 2016Podcast #2 has always been my favourite. She”s replaceable. 🙂
Very well told, very funny though with a serious message. All good stuff.
Posted at 08:22 am, 26th May 2016Good Stuff
Posted at 08:37 am, 26th May 2016Stefan Molyneux debate anytime soon?
Posted at 09:07 am, 26th May 2016Downloading the Currie one atm. Haven’t heard many good things about him, hopefully I’m wrong lol
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:01 am, 26th May 2016Yeah he’s a chatty fucker.
Yeah, I would love to do more free BD podcasts, but as usual my schedule is pretty full. Plus I already do podcasts for the SMIC program.
One of these days I’ll get around to doing another free podcast.
“Eventually” might be a better word than “soon,” but yes, I’m still going to do this.
You hate all PUA so of course you won’t like him.
Dude x
Posted at 11:16 am, 26th May 2016Just listened to the teroro episode. good stuff. Thx for posting
Sigma Wolf
Posted at 12:03 pm, 26th May 2016So awesome to see two of my favorite guys get together: you and TT. The guy is seriously legit, in a different yet parallel way to yourself. I’ll check into the others.
Too bad that RSD seems completely clueless on your material. It is the perfect complement to their pickup stuff and hugely solves all kinds of problems they have dealing with relationships.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:34 pm, 26th May 2016Yep. Tom Torero is awesome; a true brother, one of my favorite guys in the PUA / manosphere world. His daygame stuff is some of the best stuff I’ve seen anywhere. He and I will definitely be doing some more things together.
Owen and the RSD guys are aware of my existence and I know many of them have read this blog, but I don’t think their focus is in the same place. They’re hardcore PUA, which is all about getting laid and not much else. (Though to be fair, Owen does talk about relationships sometimes; hell, he has an OLTR Marriage!)
I don’t view PUA as a be-all, nor do I view it as a waste of time. Rather, PUA is a very important first phase in a two phase process. Step one: get laid (PUA). Step two: relationships. Skills in both are critical.
Posted at 05:18 pm, 26th May 2016Hey BD,
Not sure of the best way to ask you questions (for future reference is email better or is this fine?)
Anyway, I just read the GirlsChase’s book review on the book Why Him/Why Her?
It’s a pretty interesting look at personality types, a little different than the personality type classifications we’ve seen before. The review is pretty thorough and explains the concepts well, so if you’re interested check it out.
There is a test here as well. https://idigitalcitizen.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/text-and-instructions-for-why-him-why-her-test.pdf
Anyway, I’m interested in your take on this, because I know that you’ll look at it with discerning eyes I can trust.
The most interesting part to me is on the corresponding brain chemical of each type. I am definitely an Explorer/Negotiator which corresponds to dopamine and estrogen. This boggles me because I am convinced I am into feminine women, yet according to this I am attracted to Directors (who sound like dominants – no thanks).
The thing is I totally match the description. Yet, something doesn’t add up right to me. In my relationships, I wear the pants. And I can’t deny that a OLTR I’m seeing right now is a bit of a director, however I have totally encouraged her feminine side to great success and she is my little kitten. (Note she is definitely an explorer type as well, hence the chemistry according to the concept.)
So I’m wondering if femininity/masculinity is related to the Director/Negotiator spectrum… At first thought, it would make sense, but looking back on my relationships, it isn’t quite so black an white…
I am also actively working on cultivating a lot of the traits of the director, so perhaps there is a bit of a transition?
Anyhow, if you’ve read this far thanks for the time and I hope to hear your thoughts!
Posted at 08:18 pm, 26th May 2016I see more similarities with Currie than PUA.
In a generic way:
PUA = Say and do whatever to get laid but mostly indirect, boiling frog, dancing monkey, entertain them methods. Appeals to the masses who mainly seem afraid to even engage women.
Though RSD a getting a little more direct these days.
Mode 1 = Here’s the deal, you in or out? I know many people who got laid often with not much more than “Wanna fuck?”
BD, Torero/Krauser seem to find a good balance of being direct but adding some rapport and at least a type of relationship (hint of provider), well at least from her side. Many women don’t seem to like the words FB cause it’s slutty. And yep, after the second time in their minds there’s some kind of relationship thing going on.
As every man and his dog use the mystery/rsd indirect methods these days (and every girl has read The Game), being to the point and honest is the new “different”.
As BD said, many will come back and say “at least you were honest”.
Posted at 10:46 pm, 26th May 2016Podcasts should be 22 minutes, apparently.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:33 am, 27th May 2016JW – that’s a little off-topic. Send me an email and if I love the question I’ll include it in the newsletter.
It’s funny; most people I’ve seen get laid that way (who were not celebrities) were gay men. I’ve been amazed watching these guys. A gay dude can just walk up to another gay dude, cold, and pretty much say “wanna fuck?” and he’s in.
More or less accurate.
Posted at 12:52 pm, 27th May 2016Currently reading your ebook that I recently bought, good stuff! Things like MLTR, etc. isn’t mentioned by Rollo Tomassi, only spinning plates (which is what I’ve been doing so far) an interview with you both would be interesting. Also, my mate Niko Choski (look him up on youtube, twitter) great guy, open/poly-minded/mgtow/pua-ish, completely unique and authentic. Would make a great and interesting chat…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:35 pm, 27th May 2016I’ll take the time out of my schedule to go on any interviews or podcasts provided the person has a decent sized audience (i.e. about the size of mine or larger). Otherwise I can’t justify the time commitment.
Posted at 04:25 pm, 27th May 2016I can’t wait for a BD vs. Stephan Molyneux debate. I think you are both logical and sharp. It should be big fun.
Posted at 06:27 pm, 27th May 2016I don’t hate all of them, just the ones who think its cool to make people drop thousands of dollars so they can hang out with their “coaches” for a weekend. I don’t like the ones who practice antiquated gimmicky nonsense from a decade ago either. It just to happens that 90% of most PUA organizations fall under that umbrella. I can’t dislike them for making money, but the methods are a bit underhanded. That’s just my $.02.
The ones who look and act normal aren’t even on the radar and they don’t charge crazy amounts for bootcamps. Squattin Casanova is one such individual, he comes across as someone who I would ACTUALLY want to hang out with.
I got through a good half hour of listening to the Currie podcast btw, he runs his mouth a lot and is quite boring lol. Hopefully it’ll get better when you start talking on that podcast lol.
Nick T
Posted at 10:32 am, 28th May 2016Et cetera = Latin for “and more”. Please don’t say ecsetra.
Posted at 05:45 pm, 28th May 2016Value of content over numbers and size, is what I would say.
Posted at 10:50 pm, 1st June 2016I’ll check out Tom Totero’s podcast, but TT lost a huge amount of credibility, when he worked for daygame.com and faked a day game cold approach video, by stupidly hiring a female actor.
It was stupid for him to have done that, as Totero is a day game expert, with genuine game and he has genuine in field of himself.
When the owner Andy learned about it and asked him, he lied and denied it, but it turned out TT really had done it, so Andy fired him for being dishonest. Daygame.com was set up, so any day game cold approach footage shot and put out in their name, had to be legit and genuine, so he damaged their reputation and also his own.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:50 pm, 13th June 2016I can’t listen to the Mode One interview. It keeps saying “loading audio for smooth playback” for about 20 minutes and then it times out saying “the request wasn’t completed in a timely manner.” That entire site is fucked up.
Posted at 06:24 am, 18th June 2016Tom Torero has a huge amount of free youtube videos and podcasts and inexpensive ebooks.
Posted at 07:50 pm, 2nd January 2017I love Alan (Mode One changed my life) but he is too chatty and has an annoying voice imo. Anyway, I’m thrilled you did these. Besides you, there are only 3 other dating gurus I respect and you managed to connect with two of the them (Alan and Tom). The other is David X if you care to know. You all have significant differences in philosophy, but you’re all alphas.
Posted at 02:23 pm, 24th November 2018I love Alan Roger Currie and most def recommend his work. I got the Audio Books from iTunes myself. You will not be dissappointed.. Must Read Material for Alpha 2.0’s