Things I Used to Believe That Were Untrue

One of the most embarrassing things you experience as you get older is realizing the amount of stupid bullshit you used to think was true back when you were younger. Fortunately, the inaccurate things I used to believe didn’t harm me quite as much as most people, since I followed a different path than most men. Regardless, I still had my list of falsehoods I was convinced, or reasonably convinced were true.

-By Caleb Jones

Here’s a list of things I used to believe that are untrue, and in the decade I believed them.

Childhood (age 1-10)

– Getting good grades in school means you’ll get rich when you’re an adult.

– Pretty much everything my parents tell me and all the advice they give me is correct.

– The world is unfair and you have zero control over this unfairness affecting you personally. (I wrote a blog post about this childhood experience right here.)

– The only way to get rich is to work really hard for decades and decades, then you only get the money when you’re really old.

Teenager (age 11-17)

– Girls will want to have sex with you if you’re really nice to them and buy them stuff like flowers.

– You’ll get rich if you’re really good at writing fiction.

– Cool guys are the only guys who get laid.

– The government should pay my bills for me. Why should I have to do it?

Early Adulthood (age 18-24)

– Married people don’t cheat, or at least it’s really rare. That just happens in movies and on TV.

– If you pick the right person to marry, you’ll never get divorced. People only get divorced because they picked the wrong person to marry.

– When women say things, they mean it 100% exactly as stated, and you can rely on it forever.

– Once you’re in a serious relationship with someone you really love, you’ll never want to have sex with anyone else.

– The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.

– Married people have just as much sex as single people, if not more!

– People who have strong political opinions have them because of extensive logical and rational analysis.

– Only good looking guys get laid.

– Moving in with a woman is a really good idea, because then you can get sex whenever you want!

– Cholesterol causes heart attacks.

Adulthood (age 25-35)

– People will vote for a third party as long as you clearly show them the facts and stats demonstrating it would be a good idea.

– People are swayed more by facts than emotion.

– My wife won’t have sex with me as much as she used to because I gained weight. All I have to do is lose the weight, then we’ll be fucking like rabbits again!

– Republicans want smaller government.

– Democrats are for peace and don’t go to war.

– Lifting weights will make you lose lots of body fat.

– Carbs are bad for you.

– Saturated fat is bad for you.

– The key to making lots of money and being happy is to have as large a business and as many customers as possible.

– Having lots of employees will make you happy and feel more like a man.

– A hot younger woman would never have sex with a much older man unless he paid her. All hot younger women think older men are gross.

– Women don’t really want sex. They’ll have sex if they’re bored, want attention from a man, or want babies, but beyond that they never get horny for just sex like men do.

– All men are just like me, in that they need sex three times a week or more.

– All calories from all food sources are equal.

– Debt is awesome. I can buy whatever I want, RIGHT NOW! Cool!

Early Middle Age (age 35 – 40)

– A woman in a sexual relationship with you will probably never let you fuck other women.

– The best way to get laid is to buy dinners for women.

– Women, like men, know exactly what they want in life.

– Women are all gamed the same, age makes no difference. Women are women!

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  • Craig
    Posted at 05:31h, 06 October

    I’d be interested to hear what current beliefs you strongly hold that may turn out to be incorrect in 10 years…

  • Roman
    Posted at 06:21h, 06 October

    Would have enjoyed reading less about politics and more about proffessional and wealth related questions. Other than that, looks great!

  • Al
    Posted at 06:43h, 06 October

    Ain’t this just the truth! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • Cagdas
    Posted at 07:09h, 06 October

    Lifting weights wont make you lose lots of body fat? :S Do you have an article for that Blackdragon?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:16h, 06 October

    I’d be interested to hear what current beliefs you strongly hold that may turn out to be incorrect in 10 years…

    There’s a difference between beliefs and strongly held beliefs. Very few of the beliefs in the above post were strongly held. They were just beliefs.

    Most of my strongly held beliefs are based on facts, stats, history, and biology. Long-term monogamy doesn’t work (other than rare exceptions to the rule). The Western world is mathematically guaranteed to collapse (unless someone invents a technological game changer). Etc. I have a pretty good track record of my strongly held beliefs being proven out. But my normal beliefs (Obama will lose his re-election), yeah, they can be wrong and often are.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:32h, 06 October

    I’m going to disagree with the one about lifting weights. The evidence is overwhelming that lifting weights in a certain *manner* (coaches who actually know what they do can teach this) can be extremely catabolic. But I won’t expand because it’s too off topic. I’ll just say that people with massive experience like Christian Thibaudeau, Chad Waterbury and others would do a face palm if they were told that one can’t lose much fat through weights.

  • 66Scorpio
    Posted at 07:51h, 06 October

    Depending on the circumstances and the person involved, school and grades have nothing to do with material success.  One of my best friends has a single year of college and yet is a successful entrepreneur with a six figure income driving a six-figure car.

  • Financier Guru
    Posted at 09:19h, 06 October

    Awesome !

  • johnnybegood
    Posted at 11:24h, 06 October

    A couple off the top of my head for me:


    High school nerd-age

    “Women don’t really like sex. That’s why they need to be convinced, duped, tricked, or paid into having sex with men.”

    Sad but my virgin thoughts until I read Strauss’ ‘The Game’ at age 18 in 2006. Hey, that’s why I’m on this blog, right now (via mASF).

    Pre & during college-age

    “Going to an elite private college like Harvard matters a lot, and is superior to the local state school like University of Illinois – proving my intelligence alone is enough to open doors and get jobs”

    Reality: What you learn, what you know, is more important than your “pedigree.” Actual money making skills are first and foremost. Studying political science or psychology should be … relegated to your free time, maybe. Not dropping $40k on. I’ll take the Lambo next time. (kidding on the last part, but is equivalent to four full years of college).

  • Parade
    Posted at 12:28h, 06 October

    Going to an elite private college like Harvard matters a lot, and is superior to the local state school like University of Illinois – proving my intelligence alone is enough to open doors and get jobs

    This is actually true up until the last part. You don’t go to Harvard for knowledge/to prove your intelligence, you go there for connections. You’re generally not going to meet future hedge fund managers/CEOs/billionaires/children of the previous set at a state school.

    If it’s worth the $ is an open question depending on what you want to do and if you need those connections.

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 12:36h, 06 October


    You got 2 out of the 3 correct. 1. The cholesterol not being a reliable marker for heart disease; Triglycerides and LDL particle number are more reliable. & 2. saturated fat is not bad for you after all; high levels of Omega-6s are. (this myth started back in the late 50s with Ancel Keys)

    3. “Carbs are bad for you”.

    The short answer, yes they are. Obviously the refined sugars, grains, and liquid sources are far more toxic and detrimental than less processed ones. I’m not here to convince anyone, although the science on chronic elevated insulin levels (which is the culprit of many preventable diseases & conditions) is quite persuasive. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate.

    In your blog post entitled, “The Hidden Danger of Recurring Problems in Your Life”, you mention your weight being the last problem in your life. As an avid reader of yours, I would really like to extend some of my knowledge on this topic by recommending a reduction of carbohydrates, particularly the elimination of grains, legumes, sugars (yes fruit too – they have too much fructose), alcohol, and lactose. Safer sources of carbs include: sweet potato, yam, carrot, white rice (rice toxins reside in the bran), taro, cassava, butternut squash, and any low-starch vegetables (which are mostly fiber/water) of your choosing. The reduction of carbs obviously have to be replaced with another macro-nutrient. Good replacements include: eggs, fatty red meat, fatty fish, butter, coconut oil, beef tallow, full-fat cream, etc.

    I think this would shed some of that weight and make you an even happier individual. I hope this is well received.


  • Sunny
    Posted at 13:50h, 06 October

    The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.

    I need some help on this. Could you explain? Sorry.

  • FiveSix
    Posted at 20:31h, 06 October

    I suggest adding:

    The money I invest in a 401k will be available for me by the time I retire.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 21:22h, 06 October

    Gil Galad and Anon – I won’t discuss fitness topics here. We’ve discussed the exact points you both brought up to death at my other blog numerous times.

    The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.

    I need some help on this. Could you explain? Sorry.

    The vast majority of people aren’t idiots. The vast majority of people are irrational.

    I used to think that if people were educated as to the real and uncomfortable facts, and thus not “stupid” anymore, they would then start to do the right things. I was wrong. Smart, educated, knowledgeable people are just as “stupid” (i.e. regularly take the wrong actions in life) as average or even dumb people.

    Look at all the high IQ, college educated left-wingers who think Bernie Sanders’ ideas would actually work long-term. Look at all the high IQ, college educated right-wingers who think forever monogamy works great as long as you just find the right girl and be Alpha. Thus my point.

    The problem isn’t stupidity or ignorance. The problem is irrationality. (Stemming from things like Societal Programming, Obsolete Biological Wiring, lack of emotional control, fragile egos, etc.)

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 04:27h, 07 October

    Well you can’t just pronounce something as untrue and not expect whoever disagrees to express it. I made it a point of not rambling and of just citing two references; I only wanted to know if you had any and if they had the thousands of hours of experience plus the awareness of the most recent science. “Weights won’t make you lose much fat” is enormously mistaken, and that comes from a guy who usually likes to temper things with “maybe, relatively, etc”. Normally I wouldn’t care, but you’re a rarity as rationality goes, that’s why I even bother to comment. If you ever publish those before/after videos etc, you’d be the only “everyman” success story I know of that is *thorough*, in that it includes success with finances, women, etc. So yeah I’m very interested in how you handle the rest.

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 06:27h, 07 October

    Gil Galad,

    I couldn’t of expressed it any better!

    I’ve tried to convey this in the past in reference to his post entitled, “Aging is Inevitable, Fat is a Choice”. BD was reiterating the energy balance hypothesis of obesity in that blog post, which I stated to be the wrong paradigm when it comes to fat accumulation.

    You have to treat weight gain/obesity as physiology, not physics. A calorie is not a calorie; calorie math doesn’t work for weight gain or weight loss because our bodies are not bomb calorimeters. People shouldn’t not attempt to dissect complex topics with common sense. In this case, I don’t rely on common sense. I make an attempt to understand data and science associated with hormonal regulation and physiological processes.

    People also mistakenly believe that weight training, or any exercise for that  matter, leads to a “calorie deficit” in order to lose fat (calorie expenditure). This isn’t how it works. It works as follows: weight training exercise = stimulus > acts upon the organism >  adaptive response > more muscle size/strength > builds mitochondrial fitness > fat is oxidized in mitochondria so your body’s cells, muscles, and liver become more insulin sensitized and you consequently lose fat. You can thank effective/intense exercise for the restoration of insulin sensitivity.

  • SuperSlavisWife
    Posted at 07:02h, 07 October

    -everyone’s lives are miserable and everyone suffers, some are just better at hiding it than others
    -adults are more trustworthy and knowledgeable than peers
    -you get out what you put in, nothing more and nothing less
    -impressing people is the only way of talking to them
    -it is desirable and admirable to help others even when it makes no sense
    -humans do not eat animals
    -death is something that happens out of the blue
    -humans should die by 30, extended life is a fluke and an aberration
    -if I’m tomboyish enough, boys will treat me as a boy
    -feminine girls are a waste of air

    -hard work doesn’t pay off
    -knowledge without power doesn’t pay off
    -to be free and happy you need to earn an above average income
    -to have savings you need to earn an above average income
    -to go and do fun things like travel you need to earn an above average income
    -to do anything in life you need a degree
    -meat-free diets “work” eventually, if you’re patient
    -there are no humans on the planet worth interacting with in the flesh
    -there are no people who resemble the fictional characters I would have liked as friends
    -reproduction is expensive and difficult, plus, see above
    -starting a business is expensive and difficult
    -it is normal and healthy to be on welfare
    -you can’t be solitary and actually go out and do stuff
    -you can teach anyone any skill, given enough time
    -Marx was right

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 07:47h, 07 October


    “The vast majority of people aren’t idiots. The vast majority of people are irrational.” is pretty accurate and very clear in an election year.  Just scroll the facebook feed for a few minutes and it’s painfully obvious.  Both sides of the aisle spout all kinds of trash and are educated, intelligent people usually.  Just saw “if you care about women, you have to vote for Hillary”.  So anything else means I hate women and want them to die clearly-nothing irrational to see here.


    South Park does a pretty good job summing up the insanity by saying “I just don’t understand why every 4 years you people get all freaked out whether to vote for a giant douche or turd sandwich”.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:06h, 07 October

    Well you can’t just pronounce something as untrue and not expect whoever disagrees to express it.

    You’re welcome to express anything you like. I just said I’m not discussing it. Men’s fitness is one of those odd topics where guys get really worked up and repeat themselves endlessly while not having any consensus, causing non-stop arguments. I have no interest in going down that rabbit hole once again. If you seriously think a guy who needs to lose 50 pounds of fat can do it all by lifting weights, that’s great.

    If you ever publish those before/after videos

    I could publish before/after pictures right now and you’d see a clear difference, but I’m waiting until I get down to my goal weight before I do that. As soon as I hit 195 pounds, I promise I’ll post ’em.

    So yeah I’m very interested in how you handle the rest.

    I’m already chronicling everything I’m doing for fat loss in detail over at the other blog, as you already know.

    “The vast majority of people aren’t idiots. The vast majority of people are irrational.” is pretty accurate and very clear in an election year.

    Yes, and the problem is, it’s getting worse.

    Both left-wingers and right-wingers were not this irrational / angry / delusional 30 years ago when we had elections like Bush the Elder vs. Dukakis. Those two sucked too, but not to the degree Trump and the Lizard Queen do.

    Americans have lost their minds. I can’t wait to leave.

  • Sunny
    Posted at 10:48h, 07 October

    Thanks BD. Cheers!

  • Mitch
    Posted at 03:18h, 09 October

    Where can i find the blog where you talk about why fitness and money are important regardless of if you dont plan on having women in your life?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:01h, 09 October

    Where can i find the blog where you talk about why fitness and money are important regardless of if you dont plan on having women in your life?


  • Spinnaker
    Posted at 15:51h, 09 October

    Getting good grades is the surest way of becoming rich but not the only way. The other ways have very low probability of actually happening.



  • John
    Posted at 01:13h, 10 October

    When I was 18-24, I didn’t buy into the “married people never cheat” one because of what happened with my mom and dad.

    And, it is interesting what you said about hot younger women and older men (thinking that older men are gross) because it deals with the age stereotypes that this country likes to reinforce (putting people of the same age in the same boat when everyone is different).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:42h, 10 October

    When I was 18-24, I didn’t buy into the “married people never cheat” one because of what happened with my mom and dad.

    I did, mostly because my parents were both reasonably conservative and had lower sex drives. The idea that one of them would go out and actually get sex from someone else was alien to me. I also had a pretty sheltered childhood.

    And, it is interesting what you said about hot younger women and older men (thinking that older men are gross) because it deals with the age stereotypes that this country likes to reinforce (putting people of the same age in the same boat when everyone is different).

    Exactly. This “younger women think older men are gross” BS is pure American Societal Programming. No other culture (outside of Canada) believes this.

  • Joelsuf
    Posted at 19:33h, 11 October

    The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.

    This is untrue? I find this to be horrifyingly accurate. Only to me that number is right around 10%.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:13h, 12 October

    This is untrue? I find this to be horrifyingly accurate. Only to me that number is right around 10%.

    Read my 2nd comment in this thread.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:35h, 12 October

    The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.
    This is untrue? I find this to be horrifyingly accurate. Only to me that number is right around 10%.

    @Joelsuf: it’s self-contradictory. By definition (more or less; a statistics expert would cringe but it’s not a big misstep in this context), “average” isn’t going to be the privilege of just 10 or 20%, unless your definition of average is unfaithful to the word, as in “anyone I personally don’t view as an idiot”. Most people ARE in the 85-115 iq zone, and you can see from some of their feats that they’re not idiots. It’s just that the biases and emotions of each person make their use of their intelligence highly contextual. Two geniuses can view each other as idiots because each one sees how the other fares in his weakest areas.
    If you want a spectacular example of just how idiotic we can be when put in a context we’re unused to, check the Wason card test: see how hard it looks in its standard form, and how suddenly it looks easy in the “who’s old enough to buy the drink” version (wikipedia has it all).

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:49h, 12 October

    Edit: I screwed around with this , for the fuck of it, and it turns out that 77% of people are in the 80-120 IQ bracket, and 66% are in the 85-115 bracket.

    By the way, how do I insert a “quote square” inside of another in the comments ?

  • John
    Posted at 08:00h, 12 October

    Blackdragon, it also seems that a fair amount of women believe that tall men (over 6 feet) are always better or something. I am 5 foot 8, but I don’t really feel bad about myself. I like tall women, but I don’t feel that’s a drop-dead requirement. If women have that as an absolute (needing a guy over six feet), they are morons.

  • Anon.
    Posted at 09:57h, 12 October

    it also seems that a fair amount of women believe [some random irrational thing]. <…> If women have [one or more irrational rules] as an absolute, they are hindering their own happiness and you can’t really help them.


  • Matt C.
    Posted at 13:12h, 13 October

    When women say things, they mean it 100% exactly as stated, and you can rely on it forever.

    Man, 18-24 must have been a painful time for you!  How about this:

    When women say things, they hardly ever mean it 100%.

    That’s a little more like it…

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 17:59h, 13 October

    Two geniuses can view each other as idiots because each one sees how the other fares in his weakest areas.

    I know that, I guess I was just arguing that only 10% of people have common sense and an understanding of consequences and stuff.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 18:48h, 13 October

    I feel compelled to make this kind of list myself. Although different than BD it will be evolutionary (kind of) in context. Here goes:

    Stuff I believed in childhood (Age 6 or so to 11):

    God exists, and he/she/it loves us
    -My parents are perfect
    -If you aren’t popular, you are a freak
    -If you don’t play sports, you are a freak
    -If you play video games, you are a freak

    Stuff I believed in during Adolescence (Age 12-14):

    -Jews are still persecuted
    -Israel must be defended at all times and supported by everyone
    -If you aren’t popular, you are a freak
    -If you don’t play sports, you are a freak
    -Elections are decided only by citizens
    -The right wing is evil, the left wing are heroes in politics

    Stuff I believed in during my high school years (age 15-18)

    -If you aren’t popular, you are a freak.
    -Chicks have only one goal in mind: Use as many dudes in as many ways as possible. Unless I have a crush on one, then they are perfect.
    -Dudes have only one goal in mind: Get laid this way people don’t think you are gay.
    -If you are gay, you are a freak.
    -If you are still a virgin after high school, you’ll never be able to have sex ever.
    -Because my parents divorced (and another horrific event that I don’t want to mention), I’m not capable of any significant success.
    -Anarchy is the best form of government
    -Elections and voting are good ways to trick citizens into thinking they are actually in control of who governs them.
    -The more frequently I interact with a chick, the better her chances to go out with me.
    -There is a war against men and masculinity. Chicks don’t deserve half the rights that they have (thanks, alt-right dad of mine lol).
    -Only certain people who were born with the right kind of family and background can succeed. Everyone else can only be mediocre.
    -Atheism is just as exclusionary (and if given the chance, would be just as violent) as western religions. Nihilism is the true belief system of peace.

    Stuff I believed in during my early adulthood (19-25)
    -Chicks only go for good looking dudes with a lot of social value. If you aren’t good looking and have a lot of social value, you’ll be dateless forever.
    -There is no such thing as a female virgin. There are more male virgins than we think.
    -Chicks still don’t have as many rights as they need to be happy (you can thank my social science classes for this delusion lol).
    -If you aren’t what society calls successful by 25, you have failed at life.
    -Both the left and the right are plotting against US citizens to hold them back while the government and corporations continue to run the world.
    -If you are a Nihilist, you are mad at the world. You have to believe in something to be at peace.
    -Israel is just as bad as any other group who desires conquest through violence.

    Stuff I believed in during my mid adulthood (25-30)
    -Dating coaches don’t lie about their success.
    -It sucks that chicks are vilified if they hit on dudes the same way dudes hit on chicks.
    -Chicks are only dishonest if they aren’t decisively attracted to you.
    -You need to do “game techniques” to get with chicks.
    -All chicks under 25 or so are lying, cheating backstabbers who can’t stay in a relationship.
    -Both pro-men and pro-women movements have sound philosophies as well as exclusionary, toxic ones.
    -Involuntary celibacy is a major problem for dudes, as big a problem as rape is for chicks.
    -Success is usually determined in your early childhood. If you weren’t lucky enough to have a decent childhood, you’ll never achieve as much as you want to.
    -Your genetics determine everything about your physical being.

    Stuff I believe currently (age 31-present)
    -As much as dating coaches (and pretty much anyone else who dispenses advice) scam their public, they are still well intentioned individuals. It all depends on the consumers expectations.
    -When getting chicks, you have to take into account your appearance and social status, and go for chicks who “match up” to those levels. If you want to get a traditionally attractive chick, you’ll have to be seen as a traditionally attractive dude.
    -College is a waste of time for the most part. All the stuff you learn in college you can google anyways. The only thing college would be good for is preparing for professional sports. If you aren’t playing a sport in college, you are wasting your time.
    -Anyone can be successful, but its a matter of what you want to sacrifice.
    -Being a nihilist will free you from all kinds of nonsense and social programming.
    -There is no such thing as involuntary celibacy and chicks don’t get raped nearly as much as the media would want you to believe.
    -At least one of the following will be present (in any developed nation not just the US) by the end of the 2020s: Mandatory voting, Curfews, unemployment rate over 25%, and tax rates at least twice as much as they are now (I actually made these predictions in my teen years, but I didn’t give it a time frame).
    -As much as I love my anarchism, I also know it is very much utopian and far fetched.
    -Family members are like anyone else in your life. They have to win you over and keep you won over, and you can drop them at any time if you feel like they are failing you.

  • POB
    Posted at 11:05h, 14 October

    Men’s fitness is one of those odd topics where guys get really worked up and repeat themselves endlessly while not having any consensus, causing non-stop arguments.

    Those fitness “hard truths” were beliefs I discarded as soon as I realized two things:

    1) people are really individuals when it comes to muscle, fat and overall health. You can have the same body type, height, weight and even metabolic rate than me and screw yourself completely if you use my diet and training regimen;

    2) no food is created equal. The apples I eat here in South America are not the apples people eat in the US or Europe. Same with the climate, and so on…so as long as you’re not by my side eating what I eat and living where I live, there’s no point in arguing if what you’re doing is right or not.

    Of course there are some basic blueprint to what fitness and weight lifting is, but that’s it (and every debate about this topic should end there). The rest is endless trial and error till you figure yourself out.


  • carmichael reid
    Posted at 21:01h, 15 October

    Monopolies are good.

    Competition is bad.

  • John
    Posted at 04:51h, 16 October

    College is a waste of time for the most part. All the stuff you learn in college you can google anyways. The only thing college would be good for is preparing for professional sports. If you aren’t playing a sport in college, you are wasting your time.

    I don’t agree with the sports thing, because I am not sure if major college sports should exist anymore (they bring in the money, but there is mass corruption). Everything else I agree with. Most classes don’t help you get a job.

    When getting chicks, you have to take into account your appearance and social status, and go for chicks who “match up” to those levels. If you want to get a traditionally attractive chick, you’ll have to be seen as a traditionally attractive dude.

    This seems too limited to me. The social status thing is true, but it is BS. Men seem to comply to it too much. This seems to be a lot of the “stay in your league” crap.

    Now, don’t get me wrong: I don’t think that fat guys or geeks who don’t care about appearance should chase attractive women (they should improve themselves). However, I also don’t think that hot women should be put on a pedestal.

  • FreddyJ
    Posted at 10:11h, 17 October

    Wow your initial naivety was insane! This post explains an awful lot, I can’t imagine going through life carrying all this baggage.  Feel for you man, best wishes that your recovery continues strong!

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 15:12h, 17 October

    I am not sure if major college sports should exist anymore

    I know that they should. Look at how much money there is to be made off of it! You know what existed before the MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA? Colosseum fights (which we still kind of have today with boxing and MMA) and Opera that literally trained dudes that all they need to do is white knight chicks into bed and chicks to sit around and wait for the perfect dude to come along–so he can white knight her and be boring while they have a shitty relationship. I’ve grown to heavily dislike Shakespeare and other romance playwrights because of this. Although the Colosseum fights I wish stuck around. I would pay GOOD money to see two people try to literally kill each other on pay-per-view. And other people would too.

    At least with professional sports we get to see dudes and chicks do stuff that we know we can’t do (or don’t have the patience to develop). Granted, I only really watch sports I play myself (bowling), but paradoxically, I can see why professional sports are so popular. They encourage competition, something that is a backbone for pretty much any society.

    I don’t think that fat guys or geeks who don’t care about appearance should chase attractive women (they should improve themselves). However, I also don’t think that hot women should be put on a pedestal.

    What I meant with that statement is indeed “stay in your league.” If you want to get traditionally attractive chicks, you must work on being a traditinally attractive dude. There is NO way to get around this. This means you have to be able to be confident in your words and actions, know the difference between approaching and catcalling and the difference between flirting and groping, have a good fashion sense and a decent body, have a job that people think is cool, and have cool friends and a cool community. The height thing I disagree with unless you are criminally under average height like under 5’7” or something. But other than that there is no shortcut. Sure there are other variables as well, but in the theater of cold approaching and online dating, this is pretty much a law. Be as attractive as the chicks you want to get with.

    Neckbeard losers think that just because they read some PUA stuff and watched some PUA videos they can copy what the PUAs do and succeed just like them. And now these individuals feel threatened because they are worried that they might get a harassment charge if they cold approach. Good, its passive eugenics lol.

    One of the biggest lies that PUAfags have told for the last 15 years is “You can get ANY chick you want, bro!!” And then we wonder why there are increased counts of harassment and rape charges etc. Its because if you are a weird, ugly, stupid neckbeard with asperger’s, you aren’t meant to even approach the dimepiece. Look, if ugly, 300 lb ratchets who smell like alcohol and sweat hit on a good looking dude and expected the good looking dude to get with her (which DOES happen, sadly), we would all laugh at the ratchet, right?

    There’s a reason why you see neckbeards bitch about being shot down by every kind of chick except fat ratchets. Its the same reason ratchets complain about getting hit on by scrubs and neckbeards. They don’t understand that they must improve themselves to get with anything other than what they are matched up with like you said.

    You attract who you are. You’ll NEVER hear that out of a PUA’s mouth. There’s not enough money to be made in that.

    I WILL say that a lot of dudes who aren’t neckbeards and are really just common betas sell themselves short which is what I think you may be getting at. They think they are less traditionally attractive than they give themselves credit for. In that case, my advice would be to see if you have successes with the dimepieces.

    Oh and no person let alone good looking chicks should be put on a pedestal. Putting someone on a pedestal creates very unnecessary pressure for the one that is placed on the pedestal. Unfortunately, putting others on pedestal has become the narrative of pretty much all of our actions now, I’d say its close to being coded in our DNA lol.

  • John
    Posted at 21:57h, 17 October

    I know that they should. Look at how much money there is to be made off of it!

    Yeah, but look at all the BS that is going on in the name of football (like at Penn State, for instance). That is beyond horrible. And, it wouldn’t surprise me that it happened somewhere else, but we never heard about it. I think that college sports are way more evil than we know.

    One of the biggest lies that PUAfags have told for the last 15 years is “You can get ANY chick you want, bro!!”

    I don’t think that all of them are like that (at least not the ones I have seen, like Social Kenny and the people at Love Systems and on the Attraction Forums. Those are the only PUA’s I look at).

    There is NO way to get around this. This means you have to be able to be confident in your words and actions, know the difference between approaching and catcalling and the difference between flirting and groping, have a good fashion sense and a decent body, have a job that people think is cool, and have cool friends and a cool community. The height thing I disagree with unless you are criminally under average height like under 5’7” or something.

    Except for the job thing (in this current reality, jobs aren’t easy to come by) and the friend thing (cool friends aren’t always easy to find), I agree with that, especially the height thing.

    On You Tube, there is this guy that says that he has Asperger’s or something (I don’t know. He seemed fairly normal). In school, he said he was stereotyped out because he was 5’7″ (an inch shorter than I am, BTW). That is crazy. In my school, I knew guys that were an inch or two shorter than him that got babes. Heck, my senior year, some girl I liked (way too much. However, I didn’t know any better. There were no websites like this to go to 25 years ago) said that she thought this one short guy (around 5’5″) was hot.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 21:26h, 26 October

    there is this guy that says that he has Asperger’s or something (I don’t know. He seemed fairly normal). In school, he said he was stereotyped out because he was 5’7″ (an inch shorter than I am, BTW). That is crazy. In my school, I knew guys that were an inch or two shorter than him that got babes.

    Yup, dudes get “short shamed” all the time. Similar things happened to me at my first job from 19-20. I was the shortest dude there at 5’8” and yeah I was left out of shit too. But the thing is that I already had a really good group of buddies that I hung out with outside my job (that I have maintained since) so I didn’t need to worry about such things.

    Also really, if boys want to grow vaginas and scream about being “short shamed” while everyone else looks down on fat shaming that’s their funeral. I personally don’t give a shit. My circles don’t give a flying shit about how short I am.

    the friend thing (cool friends aren’t always easy to find)

    I agree, but its necessary now more than ever with everyone being on the internet all the time. I was lucky enough to find and maintain partnerships that have lasted 15, 20, even 25 years. I still talk to all my best buddies that I met over a decade ago. Most of them have dumbshit leftist or alt-right political belief systems but I really don’t give a shit.

    The best way to meet cool new buddies is to become involved in a community of some aspect. Recreational sports leagues, frequenting a dive bar, poker tournaments, and environment where you can just chat with others. But leave the shit we talk about here out of it no one’s ready for that ever lol.

  • John
    Posted at 05:23h, 27 October

    The best way to meet cool new buddies is to become involved in a community of some aspect. Recreational sports leagues, frequenting a dive bar, poker tournaments, and environment where you can just chat with others. But leave the shit we talk about here out of it no one’s ready for that ever lol.

    I do have some people already that I play touch football with (I was the one on the post about adults acting like children, just to let you know. I said that I played Madden occasionally. We had a run in a week ago). One is a friend of mine, and the other two are twenty-somethings. We also played a touch football game every Sunday at 1 p.m. until this year. I am also probably going to take up hockey again.

  • Mnae on
    Posted at 12:07h, 12 December


    Smart, educated, knowledgeable people are just as “stupid” (i.e. regularly take the wrong actions in life) as average or even dumb people.


    Even more so, since intelligence aliments vanity, and vanity finds its satisfaction in adhering & showing adhesion to whatever cultural fads look like the “winning” “ideas” at the moment.

    Gang wars done by “values”.

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