Alpha Male 2.0

Things I Used to Believe That Were Untrue

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One of the most embarrassing things you experience as you get older is realizing the amount of stupid bullshit you used to think was true back when you were younger. Fortunately, the inaccurate things I used to believe didn’t harm me quite as much as most people, since I followed a different path than most men. Regardless, I still had my list of falsehoods I was convinced, or reasonably convinced were true.

-By Caleb Jones

Here’s a list of things I used to believe that are untrue, and in the decade I believed them.

Childhood (age 1-10)

- Getting good grades in school means you’ll get rich when you’re an adult.
- Pretty much everything my parents tell me and all the advice they give me is correct.
- The world is unfair and you have zero control over this unfairness affecting you personally. (I wrote a blog post about this childhood experience right here.)
- The only way to get rich is to work really hard for decades and decades, then you only get the money when you’re really old.

Teenager (age 11-17)

- Girls will want to have sex with you if you’re really nice to them and buy them stuff like flowers.
- You’ll get rich if you’re really good at writing fiction.
- Cool guys are the only guys who get laid.
- The government should pay my bills for me. Why should I have to do it?

Early Adulthood (age 18-24)

- Married people don’t cheat, or at least it’s really rare. That just happens in movies and on TV.
- If you pick the right person to marry, you’ll never get divorced. People only get divorced because they picked the wrong person to marry.
- When women say things, they mean it 100% exactly as stated, and you can rely on it forever.
- Once you’re in a serious relationship with someone you really love, you’ll never want to have sex with anyone else.
- The vast majority of people are utter idiots. What they call average intelligence is only about 20% of people.
- Married people have just as much sex as single people, if not more!
- People who have strong political opinions have them because of extensive logical and rational analysis.
- Only good looking guys get laid.
- Moving in with a woman is a really good idea, because then you can get sex whenever you want!
- Cholesterol causes heart attacks.

Adulthood (age 25-35)

- People will vote for a third party as long as you clearly show them the facts and stats demonstrating it would be a good idea.
- People are swayed more by facts than emotion.
- My wife won’t have sex with me as much as she used to because I gained weight. All I have to do is lose the weight, then we’ll be fucking like rabbits again!
- Republicans want smaller government.
- Democrats are for peace and don't go to war.
- Lifting weights will make you lose lots of body fat.
- Carbs are bad for you.
- Saturated fat is bad for you.
- The key to making lots of money and being happy is to have as large a business and as many customers as possible.
- Having lots of employees will make you happy and feel more like a man.
- A hot younger woman would never have sex with a much older man unless he paid her. All hot younger women think older men are gross.
- Women don’t really want sex. They’ll have sex if they’re bored, want attention from a man, or want babies, but beyond that they never get horny for just sex like men do.
- All men are just like me, in that they need sex three times a week or more.
- All calories from all food sources are equal.
- Debt is awesome. I can buy whatever I want, RIGHT NOW! Cool!

Early Middle Age (age 35 - 40)

- A woman in a sexual relationship with you will probably never let you fuck other women.
- The best way to get laid is to buy dinners for women.
- Women, like men, know exactly what they want in life.
- Women are all gamed the same, age makes no difference. Women are women!

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