23 Nov A Dragon In Dubai

Never in my entire life has it taken me so long to visit a desired location. As just one example, I’ve had iconic images of the Burj Al Arab and/or the Burj Kalifa as the background on my phone or my laptop for over seven years. I’ve always wanted to go to Dubai.
The problem is that unlike places in Asia or Europe, Dubai isn’t close to anything else. If I go to Asia, Europe, Australia, or just about anywhere, I can always go to multiple places and get a lot of things done in one trip.
-By Caleb Jones
However, Dubai is a tiny oasis within a land of chaos, surrounded by places too dangerous for me to go (Iraq, Iran, the ISIS faux-caliphate etc) or places I can’t easily go (foreigners can’t go to Saudi Arabia unless invited). So if you go to Dubai from the USA, it’s pretty much the only place you’ll visit, at least easily.
Therefore, this is my first visit to Dubai, as well as my first visit to the Muslim world in general and the Middle East in particular. My expectations were very high. Fortunately, they were met. What a fantastic place this is!
Very similar to China, Dubai has the goal of being the “greatest country in the world” (although it’s not a country) and unlike Collapsing USA or Suicidal Europe, they are very serous about this. That’s why they have (or recently had):
The tallest building in the world (Burj Kalifa)
The tallest residential building in the world (Princess Tower)
Largest man-made island in the world (Palm Jumeria)
Tallest residential block in the world (7 out of the 10 tallest residential buildings in the same block)
The only 7-star hotel in the world (Burj Al Arab)
A fucking ski slope (with snow and everything) in the middle of the desert
Largest mall in the world (Dubai Mall, and no, abandoned malls in China don’t count)
And so on. (Nitpickers are free to fact-check everything above since I don’t care; even if it’s not 100% correct at this time, it was at one time or is very close.)
They aren’t screwing around in Dubai; they’re very serious here. New construction here is insane; you can’t go more than two blocks in any of the downtown areas (and there are multiple “downtowns”) without bumping into a construction site of a new high rise going up. Seriously, the construction is so ubiquitous that it’s actually hard to walk around.
To be fair, much of the money in Dubai is actually money from the real store of wealth in the UAE, Abu Dhabi. So I’m not sure what percentages of all this prosperity and economic growth are from A) real economic growth, B) oil, or C) Abu Dhabi debt. Probably all three.
Anyway, let’s get on with it. This place is awesome beyond belief…
1. The People. If you didn’t already know, Dubai is the primary city in the United Arab Emirates, a very wealthy, but tiny country where its native inhabitants (Arabic people called Emiratis) are vastly outnumbered by millions of foreigners they’ve had to import to support their booming economy. Therefore, only about one-forth of the people you see walking around are actually Arabs. Everyone else are whites, Indians, Pakistanis, dark-skinned Asians like Filipinos and Malaysians, a few African blacks. Much like cities such as Vancouver and Singapore, it’s multiracial as hell, far more so than the melting pot of the USA.
I was surprised to see that there are a lot of white people here. Usually when I travel, I feel like I’m the only one, but there are white people all over Dubai. However, “white” does not mean “American.” I seriously am starting to think I’m the only North American in the entire city. I’ve been here almost a week, been all over the place, and I’m the only white person I’ve encountered who speaks English with an American accent. Most white people here don’t even speak English as their native language, hailing from various parts of Europe or Russia. Only twice have I ran into native English speakers so far (two guys from Australia and an old couple from Scotland).
That being said, everyone here speaks English, and I mean everyone. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the English (even when spoken by the white people!) but the prevalence of the English language here is impressive. I have not encountered anyone here, of any race, who doesn’t speak English. Even cities like Hong Kong can’t say the same.
Many Muslim men here are dressed in those long white gowns (called thobes), and many, though not all of the Muslim women are dressed in the female versions. Some women wearing full-on burqas are present, but not the norm. If you didn’t know, a burqa is a a female-only black robe that literally covers her entire body, head, and face, only showing her eyes, like some kind of weird ninja. For the first day or two, seeing women like this would momentarily shock me until I became accustomed to it. (It’s quite a shock to Western eyes to be in a convenience store and suddenly have a fucking ninja come around the corner.)
Most women are not dressed like this, however. Again, most women here are not Muslims, so they dress as normal and as sexy as they do in the West. Most Muslim women who are dressed in traditional garb wear a hijab, which simply covers their hair and head, but leaves their entire face exposed. Some of these women wear their Muslim-appropriate hijabs on their heads while also wearing tight, sexy jeans and tight shirts with their big boobs popping out. Ah, Islam.
The most hilarious couples I see are when the Muslim wife is covered head-to-toe with a burqa and the Muslim husband is dressed perfectly normal with a T-shirt and shorts. Fucking hilarious. A classic representation of men’s insecurities when it comes to women. Societal Programming is so stupid.
There are a lot of little kids and families here, more so than I notice in other cities. Not sure why, other than the fact that like most Alpha Male 1.0 cultures, bigger families with more kids are probably encouraged.
Speaking of that, the men here definitely have a more confident, Alpha Male look and swagger than those in the Collapsing West. I suppose this is not surprising.
2. The Women. Oh yeah, it’s good. On my city chart of how cities rank in terms of female attractiveness, Dubai places solidly in the low end of the attractive zone, about one notch above Vancouver BC. (As a matter of fact, if I were to describe the women in general, Dubai is much like Vancouver BC, only with more Arabs.)
Low end attractive means that, while not chock full of hotties like places such as LA or Miami Beach, lots of very attractive women are relatively common here in Dubai. Many Arabic women are extremely beautiful. Big eyes, big lips, trim yet curvy bodies, with big boobs and nice round butts. So yeah man, praise be to Allah and stuff.
The Indian/Pakistani/Hindu women are also attractive here, provided they’re young. Like Hispanics, Indian/Pakistani/Hindu women tend to gain a lot of weight very quickly, so by the time they hit their late twenties, they tend to be overweight and more or less unattractive. Not sure if this is a biological challenge with the race or not. Regardless, before they hit their late twenties, damn, they’re gorgeous, almost as good as what I saw in Fiji.
There are a few hot white women here, but they’re pretty rare, as most of the white women here are just average, at least to my American eyes. The one exception to this is at the very expensive hotels, such as the Burj Al Arab, where during the evenings, you’ll see a non-stop parade of Russian and European gold digger babes with their wealthy Arab “boyfriends.”
As usual, overweight women (and men) are rare here (Indian women excepted), something always strange for me to see. Even older women keep their figures very well here. This is a testament, I think, to the higher income and wealth levels of Dubai residents.
I’ve never had sex with a full-on Arabic/Muslim woman so I have no idea how difficult women like this would be to get into bed. Hardcore Christian women the US tend to be sexually easy (as an overreaction to their oppressive upbringings) so my wild guess is that hardcore Muslim women would also be easy, but this is only a assumption on my part. Those of you with more experience dating native Arabic Muslim women are free to describe your experiences in the comments.
3. Incredible Wealth. Dubai is probably the wealthiest nation I’ve ever visited, and I’ve been to some very wealthy places (New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc). I’ve never been to Monaco, but I would be surprised if Monaco matched the ostensible wealth that is showcased in Dubai.
As just one random example, here’s a pic of a typical parking lot in Dubai:
A fucking Aston Martin, next to a Nissan, next to a Porsche, next to a Mercedes. Cars like this are ubiquitous and normal in Dubai.
They made a man made island called the Palm Jumerah, shaped like a giant palm tree, and configure specifically so every house on the island is beach front property. It’s covered in nice homes, mansions, and super expensive resorts. The map looks like this:
I spent an entire day exploring the island, including taking a cruise around it. It’s ridiculous and beautiful. From a distance it looks like this:
There is a lot of money here. As such, there is a lot of demand for adventurous entrepreneurs. When I told people I was a business consultant, they got wide-eyed and eagerly asked for my contact information. (This could also be because I’m a white Westerner; not sure.) I’ll write more about this at my other blog.
Everything about the city is new and clean. All the buildings are new and amazing, or at least look that way, even the old-fashioned ones. This is also the cleanest city I’ve ever seen; it easily ties with Singapore. Trash is virtually nonexistent, and I consciously looked for it.
4. Is Dubai Dangerous? This was the first time in my entire life where I was actually a little nervous flying out to visit a new land. All the reasons I had were stupid, emotional ones that were more than covered by the 2% Rule, but I’m only human and am still prone to irrational feelings sometimes.
One reason was because I had to fly over the North Pole in order to get here. Most people don’t realize that the Earth is not shaped like a sphere, but more like an oval. This means if you want to fly from one side of the Earth to another “side,” it’s often faster to fly over the top than directly through the equator. Thus, flying from the Seattle airport to Dubai means you’re going to fly over the top of the planet.
I’ve never flown over the North Pole and it felt a little weird. Not sure why this would bother me, since I fly over the Pacific all the time, but again, emotions.
The second reason was that we had to fly through Iranian airspace during the final leg of the flight. I have all kinds of American Societal Programming telling me that Iran is a land of evil, and my child mind summoned pictures of our plane getting shot down by a Stinger missile or something.
On top of that, my Dubai visit was at the same time a coup was occurring in Saudi Arabia, which is just next door to the UAE. And being just a few hundred miles from ISIS-land feels a little weird.
Lastly, over the years I’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about Westerners getting thrown in jail at the Dubai airport for having things like normal vitamins in their bags. When I travel, I have a veritable pharmacy with me. I have 14 different kinds of vitamins, plus my testosterone needles, and all kinds of other crap. What if, I thought on the plane, when I arrive, they search through my bag and get upset and throw me in jail for a month like that one UK journalist I read about last year?
It was all stupid of course. Dubai doesn’t even have a customs to speak of. You just show them your passport, then throw your bag into a quick metal detector (not an x-ray, just a metal detector) and you’re done. Very fast and efficient. As usual, all the nitpickers and hand-wringers were wrong. The supposedly “dangerous” nation of Dubai was the fastest and easiest entry process of any country I’ve ever visited in my entire life, and I’ve been all over the world.
Like I said, Dubai is awesome.
5. The Heat. Awesome doesn’t mean perfect. Now we get to a real problem. Dubai is in the Arabian dessert, obviously. This means it’s around 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celsius) pretty much year round. I came during one of the “cooler” times of the year, yet it was still around 88 degrees every day at least.
The sun is unusually oppressive here, being the desert and so close to the equator, in ways it’s not in other parts of the world. I’ve never used so much goddamn sunblock in my entire life. It was so hot that I had to get a small handkerchief and carry it around with me so my face wouldn’t become drenched as I explored the city.
The good news is that there is very low humidity here, so the air is crisp and dry. There’s also a very nice, near-constant breeze that comes off the ocean, which helps a lot and often feels really nice. When you’re sitting in the shade, it’s actually quite pleasant. Therefore, I place Dubai’s heat in the “irritating” category rather than the “oh my god I want to kill myself” category that you experience in places like Singapore.
I’m not the only one who finds the heat irritating. Very strangely, there are very few people walking around the city during the daytime. There are plenty of cars, but very few pedestrians. Often it’s just you and perhaps one other person walking on a huge sidewalk or open square.
However, as soon as the sun starts coming down, the floodgates open and suddenly there’s mobs of people everywhere, and it’s like this until late into the evening. I’ve never seen this happen in any other city, including very hot cities. Interesting.
6. The infrastructure is fantastic. The airport, taxis, trams, buses, and subway system are all top-notch. They’re not perfect… they’re not as good as urban Asia, but they are light-years beyond anything in the Collapsing West. They even have air conditioned bus stops:
I always gauge a city’s subway system based on how efficient it is, how clear and easy it is to get around if you’re new, and how inexpensive it is. This creates a scale that goes from mind-blowingly amazing (Shanghai) to shockingly and embarrassingly bad (Australia). Dubai ranks up near the top, just under China and Hong Kong and about tied with Japan. I always knew exactly how to navigate the system very quickly, and it was very cheap; about 80 cents US to travel across town in a nice, fast, and clean subway car.
One very weird and stupid thing about the subway system in Dubai though. One day I hopped onto the subway, and noticed that everyone in my subway car was female. I thought it was weird, but then quickly ignored it. Then I noticed that two of the women were giving me strange looks, like there was something on my face. I checked my face to see if anything was there, and nope, everything was fine. Why were they giving me this weird vibe?
I then saw the sign. It said that this entire section was for women only(!) and that there was a 100 dirham fine for any man standing in it(!). What. The. Fuck. I grumbled and moved down a car length to the “normal” section. Sure enough, there was a pink line on the floor saying that only women and children were allowed on “this side.”
Both ends of almost every subway in Dubai are like this. It often creates a weird logjam of crowded men right before the line, and on the other side of the line are women just chilling out with tons of room. What possible fucking reason would Dubai have for this insanity? What a dumb idea.
Anyway, that’s my only complaint about it. It’s a great subway system nonetheless.
7. The architecture of Dubai is absolute amazing and creative, as good as anything in the Rising East. Entire skyscrapers shaped like circles, spheres, sailboats, and all kinds of other crazy shapes, not to mention the tallest building in the world, the Burj Kalifa, a building I spent a lot of time in and around. My apartment was right next to it.
Simply amazing. As usual, buildings like this are rare and unusual in the Collapsing West. In Dubai they are the norm.
I have a lot more to say about Dubai, but I will write about it at my other blog. Other than the heat, it’s an exciting and near-perfect city. I’m having an absolutely fantastic time here, and Dubai now officially ranks as my third-favorite city in the entire world, right under Hong Kong and Shanghai. My stay here is eight days, and I could have easily added an additional two weeks to that and still found plenty of exciting things to do and see the entire time, as well as get some work done and make some money. I will now start visiting Dubai on a semi-regular basis for both financial and recreation reasons, much as I now visit Asia regularly. What an amazing place.
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Posted at 08:42 am, 23rd November 2017Great stuff BD. Been to Dubai twice. Its awesome. No point of game here. The money game speaks volumes. The night life is filled with attractive escorts and gold diggers from all over Europe, the Middle East, Central And South Asia. Very safe place to be in as well and some of the small eateries in Deira are superb. The malls are beyond belief, for better bargains for shopping the Deira malls are better. And virtually zero taxes. The bankruptcy laws are pretty horrible though. You literally have to flee the country within two or three hours in the event of a default. Cheers BD. Enjoy your stay. Also Dec-March is perfect weather for outdoor walking.
hey hey
Posted at 09:45 am, 23rd November 2017I know Dubai pretty well, I’ve been many times and stayed there for about a month each time. There are a lot of things to do in Dubai and you can pretty much fill your days pretty easily if you are outgoing. They even have big Comic Cons. There are Safaris in the surrounding areas and extreme sports. Clubbing/bar scene is one of the best I’ve seen in many countries. Malls are large enough to spend the entire day there. Their airport is friggin huge. It’s fun to be in Dubai, if you have the money to spend though.
It is also separated into different sections Internet City(technological park), Media City And Business City.
Here is the problem with Dubai though: a) When its hot, its HOT. For about 6 months(or maybe more) you can’t go out of the buildings. You can’t breathe easily from the humidity and the hot sun.
b) Their wealth is pretty much fake. I believe Dubai is a collapsing Emirate not one on the rise. They went bankrupt two three times I think in a period of 20 years and Abu Dhabi got them out of trouble. Just imagine that under Burj Khalifa they have a water show EVERY DAY. Imagine the electricity and maintenance of that thing alone. They do a lot of unnecessary stuff just for the show(and the brand). If we take that countries that save are on the rise, Dubai is on the other scale and spends BIG. Right now their real estate business is on the fall. Apartments have a much lower value than 5-7 years ago and they don’t sell easily. I believe Dubai is bloated and doesn’t have many aces on its sleeve anymore. I could be wrong though.
c) Their young women(who actually if you touch can get you into trouble) are thirsty for action and freedom. Literally. And they are hot. They sneak just to go to a club with their sexy clothing and man they are some high class chicks. But as I’ve said you might get into serious trouble if you do anything with them. We started a conversation with some of those in the club(and we didn’t know they were Emirati) and they said they left from another Emirati to be in that club. But imagine having that chick in front of you and know that you can get into serious trouble if you take her with you.
d) They are violating many human rights especially of the indians. They use them for building their extravagant buildings and they let them live in very inhumane conditions. There are areas which are the exact opposite of the beauty of Dubai.
e) Sharia law. That encompasses if you kiss on the street and someone complains then you can get in trouble. They are not that tough compared to Qatar, Saudi etc but they give you trouble. If they also catch you living with a woman that you are not married with, you will get in trouble. But you can have escorts, drink booze at your place(if you do it discreetly that is).
f) If you owe money to the bank and you can’t pay they will put you in jail without informing anyone of your relatives. I personally know stories of this.
They have many good things also like cleanliness, 0 tolerance for booze while driving, very safe etc. All in all is a good place to visit and spend few weeks, but to live there? No way.
Posted at 12:21 pm, 23rd November 2017Hear the economy isnt doing too well. They have been trying to turn it around for the last couple of years. Whats your take?
Posted at 12:22 pm, 23rd November 2017Yes I agree, that :
– the oppressive heat would make living in Dubai quite difficult, even though like in Singapore, everywhere has air con, including bus stops and taxi ranks.
– since they have no oil, Dubai’s wealth is all fake and it’s operating on massive debt.
– unless you’re a very rich guy, it’d be a very difficult place to do pickup, where there’s lots of gold diggers.
I’m not sure if that many people can fluently speak English, but I think Iran would be interesting to visit, if you’ve seen how fucking hot most Persian women are, plus technically it’s not an Arabic country, as they speak Farsi, not Arabic. Iranian people generally are very pro American, even though their government isn’t.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:31 pm, 23rd November 2017Well happy Turkey Day BD………in Dubai, lol.
Man, you’re a much braver man than me. By far. I’d be sweating balls, getting a heart attack over the slightest sound, firecracker, or one of those ninja prudes going anywhere near me. I’d have the irresistible urge to put my left fist into my right hand, bow down Japanese style, and say “konnichiwa,” every time one of them passed by……and then I’d get terrified that their husband will kill me for “talking to my wife as if she’s a whore” or some bullshit!
So yeah, stay safe man, don’t die, and remember, if you ever get into trouble with “the Sharia,” just recite, “there is no god but allah and Mohammed is his only prophet.” That should at least pacify the savages.
Um…….is sex before marriage even legal in Dubai? I haven’t watched that one Sex in the City movie where they go there, so I don’t know, but I don’t think so.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:35 pm, 23rd November 2017Do you want him dead? Is that it?
While he’s at it, why not fly North Korean airlines, generously provided by the Dear Leader?
Posted at 02:57 pm, 23rd November 2017Iran is NOT dangerous! Safest country in the region besides Emirates! Lots of tourists from all over the world going there every year! By the way, the only ones who shot down an Airliner were the Americans. Read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655
Blackdragon, you should check out Lebanon. Beautiful girls, party capital of the Middle East. And around 42% are Christan. Check out this beautiful country here: https://twitter.com/lebanonpics
Posted at 03:04 pm, 23rd November 2017Hey Jack I have a simple question for you if you don’t mind. How often do you travel outside of US and what other countries have you visited?
Posted at 03:19 pm, 23rd November 2017They didn’t go to Dubai in the Sex & the City 2 movie, but to Abu Dhabi, although it was really filmed in Morocco. Not sure why they just didn’t shoot in the real place.
Posted at 03:37 pm, 23rd November 2017I’ve seen women-only subway cars in Shanghai, Tokyo, and Malaysia… some places enforce it more than others. It’s done to give women some kind of security against sexual harassment. It’s easy for men to get away with groping women on packed subway trains.
Posted at 06:07 pm, 23rd November 2017If you want to hook up with a girl whilst visiting Dubai, make sure you are staying at a ‘girl friendly’ hotel. I have read that most hotels are not. There are websites listing the girl friendly ones, but apparently individual hotels’ policies change often.
I had a stopover there a couple of years ago, and had to sneak girls past hotel reception by going through the bar.
Dubai may appear liberal by middle-eastern standards, but the laws are rather anti sex.
Amazing place in many ways, though.
Posted at 06:13 pm, 23rd November 2017Great writeup BD!!!
I feel your excitement from your words.
Posted at 07:09 pm, 23rd November 2017Have you changed your mind about Vancouver since this post? https://alphamale20.com/2013/06/03/a-dragon-in-canada/
Or am I missing something?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:41 pm, 23rd November 2017Happy thanksgiving to my American readers!
We’ve had server trouble all week. We think we fixed it this morning. We’ll see.
My sites are getting so much traffic lately that I’m overtaxing my server and will probably have to upgrade it (again). Quality problem; it makes me smile because I like money.
Correct, as I said in the article, much of the wealth in Dubai is actually Abu Dhabi wealth and Dubai debt, and they indeed had to get bailed out by them back in 2008. But it’s an overstatement to say that most of their wealth is fake or that they’re collapsing. They’re doing just fine (at least for the moment). Booming economies usually go through a stupid period where they over spend (just like China did with real estate) until they come back to a point of equilibrium.
Yes but not relevant to me. Moreover those Indians are there voluntarily so I don’t feel sorry for them. It’s the same with Mexican hard labor in the USA; they’re doing it voluntarily and can stop any time they want.
Yep. But I’m not a citizen there, don’t borrow money there, and will never will, so I don’t care.
I only care about things that affect me and my loved ones directly. Government is fundamentally the use of force against innocents, so almost all countries on the planet abuse their own people on some way, my country included. That’s yet another reason to do five flags in my view.
Agree 100%. Visit there and take only the good, but don’t take any of the bad by actually living there.
They crashed during the GFC a few years ago like most other people, and it was their own fault to due to massive and ridiculous overspending as hey hey indicated. They’ve backed off on some of that crap since then somewhat. Whether its enough economic cooling for their long term future, I’m not sure. I’m much more versed on Asian economics than that of Dubai.
I’m not there now. I’m back home. My blog posts are always written a week in advance.
You’re right. I am braver than you.
That is not on my list. The only other places on my to-visit list anywhere in the region are Jerusalem and Cairo.
I don’t travel for that reason and never have. My life is already full of beautiful girls.
I’m a 45 year-old introvert so no thank you, but other men should probably take your recommendation.
It’s still stupid as shit. As usual, government punishes the masses because of a tiny percentage of assholes. It’s like being in grammar school. It’s insulting and I hate it.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun.
No. Why?
Posted at 02:51 am, 24th November 2017I would have thought you would care about women being groped every day on their commutes. 🙂 It’s obviously not a tiny percentage of assholes. You noticed the overtly oppressed women, imagine how fucked up many men are with Islamic societal programming rampant there. Btw, how many women were there outside their carriage?
And about flying over the North Pole: That has nothing to do with Earth being negligibly oval. It’s because it’s the shortest route on a sphere! Picture it as going sideways around the Earth instead of “jumping over the pole” https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/flight-paths-and-great-circles-or-why-you-flew-over-greenland/
Posted at 08:24 am, 24th November 2017Iran is fascinating to visit. Isfahan and Shiraz contain some beautiful architecture, for example (much more so than Tehran, imo). It is not an Arab country, as someone noted above; neither of course is Turkey, another place well worth visiting once you can get off the well-beaten tourist trail. Of course, both seem unattractive in many ways to “western” visitors just now, but that is not the same thing as saying that they’re not worth seeing. (You can, after all, get tangled up with terrorism while walking across London Bridge on a weekday afternoon, while sipping coffee in a cafe in Sydney at ten o’clock in the morning, or while working in an ordinary office in a tall building in New York…)
I wouldn’t doubt it, Don Q. I’ve experienced the same thing in Morocco, which is very different no doubt from Dubai, but still. A friendly night porter helped on one occasion. But I’m not sure that the problem would arise at some of the glitzier hotels in Dubai?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:46 am, 24th November 2017Yes, I do mind. Because you have implicitly and condescendingly buried your pre-conceived answer within the question. So I’ll let you think whatever nonsense you want about me.
Potato, potato.
Do they both have sand? Do they both have grown ass men wearing diapers on their heads? Do they both have women in beekeeper suits? It’s all the same when you’re in Mohammed’s (pig vomit be upon him) friendly neighborhood.
I would seriously get a panic attack. I’m not even joking. Muslims and me don’t mix. If you’re a Muslim, just stand over there and don’t move while I back away while maintaining a smile and barely making eye contact.
Anyway BD, back to my question about sex: Did you research Dubai’s sex laws? Is sex before marriage considered a crime worthy of death, or just a fine?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:01 am, 24th November 2017Political correctness and man-hating detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:
Imagine an all white train car designed to give white people “security” against being mugged. Would you be okay with that?
Pretty sexist dude. How about this: It’s easy for blacks to get away with stealing white people’s wallets on packed subway trains. Is one statement more defensible than the other?
So……segregation? What’s your position on separate water fountains? Or separate “white only” taxi cabs so whites can have “peace of mind?”
Man hating.
You mean the Islamic societal programming that dictates no sex before marriage? Muslims are told to only rape women who don’t dress like ninjas. If they cover up, the Muslim man is told to “wait for a whore.” That’s why women in France-istan, Britain-stan, Belgium-stan, German-stan, Sweden-stan and all over Europe are being raped by these savages. But that’s a western problem. Not in Dubai, I would think.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 09:20 am, 24th November 2017Ha! Wait till we start bombing it!
All Muslim countries are, by definition, dangerous (at least to some degree) for the alpha male 2.0 visitor, especially if he plans on being sexually active during his trip. How would that be handled by the “police of vice and virtue” in Iran? I’m guessing the same way as in all these sexually backward shitholes!
Yeah, someone like BD should probably visit before we bomb that architecture into dust (if he feels like taking such a risk).
Why did you put “western” in quotes?
Yeah, but I’ll fight for my home.
This doesn’t mean that if you’re a famous Hollywood producer it’s smart to visit North Korea because, technically, some fat idiot can kidnap you and try to force you to teach him how to make movies in California too!
Posted at 09:59 am, 24th November 2017Two main reasons. One reason is some countries that are called “western” are clearly not geographically in the west (the most obvious examples being Australia and New Zealand, but other countries that are economically and to some extent culturally “western” might include Japan and Singapore, for example). The other is that I was mentioning Turkey and a lot of secular Turks in the large cities of western Turkey (such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir) are essentially very “western” in their outlook and values: Turkey is a culturally very divided country in lots of ways and truly is at a crossroads between Europe and Asia/the middle east (a cliché but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true).
Posted at 10:04 am, 24th November 2017Did you miss the part where it says that most women dress normally?
Posted at 10:35 am, 24th November 2017Fair enough. However to be clear I actually don’t have a pre-conceived answer as I actively try to avoid doing that kind of stuff. I do have a guess that may or may not be true which is why I asked. It is true that my comment did come out more condescending than intended but it is what it is.
Posted at 10:42 am, 24th November 2017I was really amazed the only time I was there.
It was just a 15 hour stop on the way to Thailand, but nevertheless it gave me a great overall impression! I made my mind to go back some day for the exact reasons you pointed out on your post.
Hope you’ll talk more about the food too!
Posted at 11:49 am, 24th November 2017Ah, what a nice respite from the trite Thanksgiving sentiment and Christmas commercialism. Glad you shared your experience there. I may have to put Dubai on my short list of places to visit in 2018.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:22 pm, 24th November 2017Of course I care, but big government is not the answer. It almost never is.
Your data to support this?
In the areas close to their carriage, zero.
Holy fuck fantastic food! The best meat I’ve ever tasted in my entire life. The kabobs are fucking insane. I had them several times when I was there and they got better every time. (Though sadly the last time I ate some, I had some kind of allergic reaction and had some fun diarrhea for a few days when I got back. The price of being a world traveler I guess. The good news is that’s the first time I’ve ever had a negative reaction to any foreign food I’ve ever eaten, and I’ve eaten a lot of crazy shit in my day, including lots street food.)
Well, to be fair, Dubai is awash with commercialism too. Definitely no Thanksgiving or Christmas stuff though; it’s a 95% Muslim country.
Posted at 03:22 am, 25th November 2017Hey BD,
Congrats on a successful exploration.
Could I add some background?
While Dubai is modernizing, it’s native population still follows Sunni Islam (the Saudi Arabian kind) by a large majority. The very fundamentalist Wahhabist sect of Sunni isn’t as big in Dubai as in the KSA, but it still has a large numer of adherents everywhere in the Emirates.
Wahhabists enforce all the fundamentalist shit westerners have come to associate with Islam, and two of the things they insist on are very strict veiling of women, i.e. the women going around in niqab (ninja) outfits.
Sunnis in general, and Wahhabists in particular, insist on strict separation of the sexes. Fundamentalist Muslims demand that women not associate with, or even be near, males who are not husbands or other relatives in public. This is what’s behind the women-only areas of subway cars, not a particular abundance of gropers.
You’ll also find other separations. Most pools, for example will have times when only women are allowed in. As an interesting aside, you’re starting to see this in the USA and Canada, where SJW airheads are accommodating demands from Muslims to have women-only times at swimming pools. A hundred years ago fundamentalists in the United States and Canada campaigned to stop the evil spread of “mixed bathing” and tried to keep women-only swimming enforced, but they were soundly defeated. And now the SJWs are bringing this very thing back in to appease the Muslim fundamentalists.
Note that if security or the cops caught you in the women-only area you would get a fine and a warning. If an Emirati guy, who’s supposed to know the deal about staying away from Muslim women, were to get caught in there some seriously nasty shit would happen to him.
Concerning PU in very conservative, religious societies, I have done it, and I know a guy who has been very successful at bedding women in Pakistan, which is almost as Sunni and Wahhabist as Saudi. (He uses Secret Society techniques, for those who are interested.)
What is interesting to me is that women in some conservative countries have high libidos, possibly because of a reaction to the oppression of their fundamentalist upbringings, like you say about American women from fundamentalist backgrounds. Morocco, in particular, stands out for me. As a western guy, if you have even the smallest amount of game you can get women literally throwing themselves at you.
The downside of these places is that you literally have the woman’s life in your hands (especially Pakistan, where there are hundreds of honor killings a year, let alone the beatings and disfigurements that take place when a woman is accused of sexual impropriety.)
There was a whole thread back in the day on mASF about how to keep women safe in these kind of places, maybe that would be worth a few discussions. Basic security things like no PDAs, staying in a place where you can bring the woman in without her being identified. There’s more. The bottom line: don’t ever be irresponsible enough that you end up having some woman’s beating, or worse, on your conscience.
Don’t let any of the above get you down. These countries can be amazing places, and they are serious about good food! Just be aware of how much more extreme the influence of religious fundamentalism can be at times and you’ll be good.
Oh, and don’t crash a car into an Emirati in Dubai. Just don’t do it.
thomas osgoode
Posted at 06:01 am, 25th November 2017Interesting post! I contemplated visiting UAE, namely Dubai & Abu Dhabi. My friends who have been there say it’s crap and not worth flying over there just to visit. Apparently, Dubai is just a hub city.
Then again, most people are morons and best to experience travel places yourself!
Gil Galad
Posted at 01:09 pm, 25th November 2017I am from one of those countries and I still consider it too risky. I have a dry spell every time I return there to see my family. Granted, sex outside of marriage is pretty common there but it remains taboo and it’s very dangerous to get caught. Those who have it easiest are those with a car and a secret house/apartment where they can bring the girl, and even then you’re screwed if neighbors report you. Arab girls living in the West however are a much safer bet, but if you want to reduce the risk of complications and religion-related drama and mind games, go for those who don’t wear a veil (in North Africa overall perhaps half of Muslim women don’t wear it; those tend to be the less traditionalist types) and drop some subtle bait to see if she stays cool when vaguely “infidel” stuff is said in front of her. Who knows, you might even bump into a closeted atheist, I really sense there’s many of them. Also the not-waiting-for-sex-beyond-3rd-date rule helps further weed out those who take religion too seriously, which lower the odds of other types of trouble.
Edit: that being said, there’s the problem that those among them who are more sex-positive also tend to be leftists, sometimes hardcore, just like with Western women. But I wouldn’t generalize.
Posted at 04:33 pm, 25th November 2017Can confirm as an Iranian, people here worship westerners in general. Heck a few years back during a school field trip, an asian-looking reporter and her cameraman visited the Kakh Sa’d-Abad complex and my classmates (roughly 35 people) literally surrounded her within personal space.
So yeah, they think of the west and foreigners in general (to a lesser degree) as an interconnected super society filled with super people. Mostly as an overreaction to the government demonizing the west. That’s because the government is the butt of many jokes in hushed conversation.
I’ll be sharing what I know for a tourists’ perspective for those interested, even though I seriously doubt you should or even want to come here (Considering the embargoes, bussines is a no-no). My social circle is mostly colleg-aged people and I lead a mostly introverted lifestyle in Tehran (capital city) so keep that in mind:
1. Iran is not nearly as fucked up as North Korea, although it might be on the road to becoming the next North Korea, in the context of its relations with America. But most of your fears fall well under the two percent rule.
2. As a third world country, it’s pretty good. Seriously, reading BD’s article on Italy, I’d say it’s almost as “good” as Italy.
3. English is a problem with day to day interaction. If you want to go beyond asking for directions, then forget it about it. Even most students can’t hold a conversation to save their lives. That’s becuase they learn from school textbooks. Here’s a categorising bulleted list:
.People who don’t know shit (Some)
.People who understand “apple” and “cat” (majority)
.People who can pick apart slow english and some writing (Mostly pretentious folk, uncommon among students)
.(Big fucking gap)
.Me (Few people I’ve met were close and people who actually travel outside the country)
.Gods of English who know about it more than you do. (some English teachers, professors, extremely rare)
4. foreigners are extremely rare here even in the capital. Bush did his job well.
5. Muslim countries have seriously retarded sensibilities in general. I’m not sure about Turkey but the rest of ’em enforce Islamic principles and guidelines where they doesn’t belong. (Like gender politics and governments)
Interesting little tidbit, Islam is dominating by nature. The Qur’an insists on an Islamic government. Ya might have to say goodbye to european democracy once the muslim population reaches the point to show its ugly side.
6. Women. Iran (and especially Tehran) is not as strict as Arabic countries when it comes to mingling before marriage (And certainly not as savage as Pakistan). But it’s generally looked down upon and it could technically get you in legal trouble up to jail time. That said, the women are NOT the innocent virgins you might make them out to be. Things can get especially wild in the private party scene coupled with alcohol and drugs. And lastly they are many gold diggers. A white guy could seriously pull just based on that merit, provided he keeps it discreet and makes some adjustments. Even though the risks are not worth it long-term.
@ Jack Outside the Box
You might want to calm down. No one doubts the fact that you is GRONK the Alpha pack leader and can crush rock with bare hands and stick fork in eye to make stronger, k?
And you spend too much time watching Rekt feminazi compilations and browsing the manosphere.
Be careful, your American is showing. And people wonder why muslim terrorists have a fetish for white people.
lol, I generally support your view of Islam though.
Posted at 12:27 am, 26th November 2017There are few people here look like hating Islam. You are free how you think or feel but I must say you have zero knowledge about Islam/Quran, and you become a little funny talking about something that you know nothing about. Someone said Islam says “Muhammed is the only prophet”, which is wrong! he is the “last” one. Even the Iranian guy visiting Italy probably didn’t probably ever read Quran completely and saying “Islam is dominating by nature. The Qur’an insists on an Islamic government.” , which is completely wrong!
He cannot show even one word in Quran talking about “government”. Quran never talked about government. By the way, I must also say many governments including Iran call themselves Islamic but that doesn’t make them Islamic. Many of these governments and especially politicians don’t follow Quranic principles( I can give lots of examples), and in fact if they purely apply it, many of them should end up in jail or punished because of corruption, bribery, violating human rights, dignity, and so on.
I can agree with many of you and I feel the same way, there are many muslims I completely disagree with, but I can easily distinguish how far away they are and their view from Quran. There are good ones too.
Posted at 07:07 am, 26th November 2017Indeed. The Shahada (as it is called) is typically rendered into English as “There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet”, though there are other ways in can be translated, but these differ only in detail, not in meaning. There is no question that Mohammad is the only prophet in Islam; there are many prophets according to Islam, including Jesus, though his story as portrayed in Islam is different in important respects from the Jesus of the New Testament and Christian teaching. (The Arabic for Jesus is often transliterated into the Latin alphabet as “Isa”.) The vast majority of Islam’s prophets have their story told in the Bible too, the majority in the Old Testament or Hebrew scriptures, but three (I think) in the New Testament (John, known to most people in the West as John the Baptist; Zechariah, John’s father; and Jesus). As Yavuz points out, Muslims regard Muhammad as the last prophet, and the greatest one.
In my experience, some non-observant Muslims are not always very happy if their religion is misrepresented. (Some of course are not bothered, and some would not even know.)
Posted at 10:14 am, 26th November 2017Yavuz:
1. Are you a Muslim?
2. Please answer honestly. Do you think it is a good thing for a country’s laws to be based on Sharia?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:32 am, 26th November 2017Who me? I’m just a fluffy little bunny hopping along the grass and eating some humble carrots.
HAHA! You make me blush.
I’ve never once seen a “Rekt feminazi compilation,” nor do I even know what that is, but maybe I should.
Most of the manosphere is dead to me. It’s filled with tradcons, puritans, and conservative Christians. Yuck.
No. You be careful. You’re the one living in a country where you can be put to death for your words on the Internet.
Thank you! That’s probably the highest compliment an Iranian can possibly give me. I hope to show more. No, but seriously, I’d say you have less than two years before we start bombing your asses if things keep going the way they are. Spend some time with your loved ones.
I have never wondered, nor do I give a flying fuck, why Muslims have a fetish for white people. It is Muslims who should start wondering why we have a fetish for bombing them and do their best to change their ways, not some guy like me who is merely telling the truth about these sick people.
Careful. I think you just violated one of your country’s anti-blasphemy laws. I hope you haven’t been arrested.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 11:25 am, 26th November 2017No, I don’t “look” like I hate Islam. I DO hate Islam. Let’s be clear.
HAHAHAHA! Tell me another one.
Oh excuse me! Yes, the last and “most perfect man who ever lived.” A sick pedophile who regularly raped a 9 year old girl and would be under house arrest and wearing an ankle bracelet just for that if he were alive today is your “last” and “most perfect” prophet. A mass murdering/genocidal, slave owning, Hitler prototype with massive sexual insecurities is considered “the most perfect man possible.”
But yeah, last, not only. Sorry. My mistake. Are you fucking kidding me?
Your religion is a totalitarian cancer in every place on the planet that your religion exists. When the Koran is interpreted through the lens of the Hadiths and the Sunna, it becomes clear that world domination is what Mohammed (pig vomit be upon him) wanted and what your garbage “Allah” commanded.
The entire Koran is “government.”
Great. Thanks for reminding us that they could be worse. Did you hear about the anti-pedophilia law in Pakistan that was struck down for being “anti-Islam?”
Well, at least they have that to be proud of. They’re not completely insane!
HAHA! What do you know about human rights? Based on what? Sharia? When Mohammed (pig vomit be upon him) was raping and brutalizing a 9 year old and calling her his “wife” like the clinical psychotic that he was, where were her human rights?
The only “good” Muslims are theologically bankrupt hypocrites, much like liberal Christians. The “good” Muslims interpret the Koran through the lens of human conscience. But real Muslims interpret the Koran through the lens of the Hadith and the Sunna, which analyze Mohammed’s (pig vomit be upon him) sayings from the historical context of his life, which gives you a more accurate picture of what he meant and how this “most perfect man ever” lived. He was a brutal savage, an inhuman monster, and trash under the feet of any decent human being.
Also, as Ali Sina (an ex-Muslim) said in his extra-ordinary book – “Understanding Mohammed and Muslims,” – available in fine bookstores everywhere, the “good” Muslims are like pit bulls. They can be friendly, liberal, laugh, drink alcohol, have sex before marriage, and be the “anti-Mohammeds,” until something snaps in their brain and they become the most ruthless terrorists (more ruthless than Muslims who were never hypocrites) just out of guilt.
Ali Sina himself admitted that after choosing to do what many Muslims won’t – study his religion very carefully so he can be the best Muslim possible – he realized that he must either become a terrorist or leave the religion. He chose the latter and has dedicated his life to destroying Islam, helping non-Muslim wives escape Muslim husbands, and converting Muslims to sanity!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 12:47 pm, 26th November 2017And the man with the worst moral character of them all. Go figure.
Say what you want about the genocidal tendencies of Moses, at least he condemned pedophilia with death, unlike Mohammed (pig vomit be upon him) who actually practiced it.
The only ones misrepresenting Islam are the liberal Muslims themselves. They are mostly cowards and hypocrites who want the benefits of western cultural and technological modernity, while keeping their Muslim identities and tricking themselves into thinking that those two can co-exist by creating Allah in their image.
But they may be the key to destroying Islam. Just like with the Christians, we must target the Muslim family unit, break it up, institute no fault divorce, empower Muslim women via “feminism,” get the teenage kids interested in sex upon puberty, and introduce drugs, prostitution, pornography, Muslim dating sites, and other “haram” things into Muslim communities.
Essentially, Islam can only be destroyed when we rip out its heart (which is the family), which will require a long march through Islamic culture and a systemic dismantling of all its social institutions, which may take three generations at least.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:02 pm, 26th November 2017The western definition of “normally” is not Dubai’s definition. Okay, so maybe they don’t necessarily wear that ridiculous ninja outfit, but they still dress fairly modestly by western standards. A Muslim woman in Dubai dressing wildly would be the equivalent of how a conservative Christian woman would dress here. So a “wild” and “liberal” Muslim woman is still in no danger of being raped.
Muslim savages only start going on rape sprees when they come to the West and see all the women, in their words, “dressed like whores.” Their primitive Muslim brains snap and they turn into predatory animals.
But in Dubai, this is not the case. The motivation to segregate the sexes has nothing to do with sexual harassment or any PC nonsense and everything to do with Muslim heterophobia which dictates that men and women shouldn’t be “tempted” by each other. The purpose here isn’t to avoid rape. It’s to avoid consensual sex.
Posted at 01:04 pm, 26th November 2017Nature doesn’t care about individual happiness. Just that you survive and breed. Societal programming is just a mass delusion to ensure you reproduce. The ideas that will win over the long term are the ones with the most believers and hence ideas that convince people to reproduce. And if Islam keeps people breeding, it’s a winning idea. The universe doesn’t care about happiness or purpose or civilisational peaks and all that delusional crap. Just whatever keeps us passing on our genes. Societal programming is a form of mass experimentation with the winners passing on their genes until we eventually go extinct.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:31 pm, 26th November 2017Correct. It’s funny how westerners love filtering Islam through a PC SJW construction. “Jihad is really an inner spiritual struggle.” HAHAHA! No Muslim will ever hear such an absurd interpretation unless they come to the West and start conversing with Marxist college professors.
Which, in America, violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Private, for profit, swimming pools are not allowed to discriminate against their customers based on sex. If the owners of these pools had balls, they’d tell the Muzzies to go fuck themselves. Or as Dennis Miller said to the king of Saudi Arabia when he demanded that women not be allowed to land his flight here – “Hey Abdullah, when you’re here, you’re on our turf. So pick up the fork, and go with the flow!”
Yup. By the Civil Rights Act.
SJWs are regressive mental midgets. Their time will come.
But why would any seducer risk his life by trying to seduce third world primitives? Sounds like a scarcity mentality to me. You have all these incredible western women who love sex. They’d be more than happy to ride your dick on the first date. But no, you want the rejects from the 14th century who telepathically communicate with their imaginary friend five times a day. I’ll never understand this sexual fetish for savagery!
Still too risky. I have no patience for pretending to fit in with neanderthals, and when her big brothers find me, it’ll be a choice between my throat slit or a bomb placed in my car. No thank you. I’ll stick with civilized and enlightened western women only.
Yeah, gold diggers.
Actually, they sort of have your life in their hands too. What’s the penalty for “turning our daughter into a western whore?” Again, why deal with this garbage at all? Just stick to civilized western women.
I’m more afraid of my own beating and stoning just because I violated the sensibilities of a 7th century diaper head wearing clown. I’ll say it again: THE WEST IS THE BEST!
Posted at 02:08 pm, 26th November 2017Dear Blackdragon,
On the ‘Sexual Compatibility’ thread, I read through the comments to find useful information, and was aghast to see that the last 30-odd comments are about nothing more than anal sex and feces. It was nauseating even for the few seconds it took for me to see that nothing of value was being discussed.
I am sure that violates a lot of your comment policies, so you may want to delete those comments in the ‘Sexual Compatibility’ thread.
This comment was OT in the hopes of purging a much worse OT.
Gil Galad
Posted at 02:48 pm, 26th November 2017Yes they do. That second religious meaning of the word jihad is learned by hundreds of millions of Muslims at school. Last time you “corrected” my knowledge of Islam by sending me a Wikipedia article you hadn’t even read, as evidenced by the fact that you were shown wrong from the introduction of the article alone. I’ve never seen someone with so much disregard for fact checking. Just being aware that a given ideology or religion is dangerous doesn’t give you a licence to lie or to make unchecked claims about it; it undermines your credibility everywhere else. Do you even care if something you say is true, or are you just like those SJWs who would ironically encourage lying about harassment to “get people to take harassment claims more seriously”? I’m beginning to get Joelsuf’s point: you’re all the same in that once given that X is bad in your narrative, every negative claim about X must be true and fact checking be damned.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:51 pm, 26th November 2017Correct. That’s why if you wish to be happy, you must consciously resist both Societal Programming and Obsolete Biological Wiring.
1. Off topic comments are allowed here, as long is the topic doesn’t get completely derailed.
2. A discussion about anal sex is not wildly off topic to a discussion about sexual compatibility.
3. None of those comments violate the Five Rules.
4. I don’t delete comments just because I don’t like them or don’t agree with them. (Note all the uttery stupid and insane ranting about Islam above, on both sides. Notice I didn’t delete those.) Every other manosphere blog / forum constantly deletes comments / bans users they don’t like. I do not (unless I absolutely have to). I am a free speech absolutist. If you don’t like that, this is not the blog for you.
5. If you get squeamish about reading about certain sexual acts, then this blog is not for you. This blog is for tough men who can discuss difficult topics. It’s not for prudes or snowflakes.
Posted at 03:58 pm, 26th November 2017I ate three meals there and all of them were great!!!
Not only the meat, but the spices were on point too!
Posted at 11:24 pm, 26th November 2017As a Muslim and a fan of Blackdragon’s work, all I can say is that maybe some of you guys should read Rumi and the great Sufi mystics. You’ll find a vision of Islam that you will really like — compassionate, universal and gentle. The Sufis are the ones being killed by ISIS and the Wahhabis, because they are the greatest threat to fundamentalism within the Muslim world. Ask the poor 200 Sufis blown up by fanatics this weekend in Egypt.
Salaam (which means Peace),
Posted at 05:17 am, 27th November 2017Hey BD,
There’s some serious world-changing shit happening with a Dubai-based company that might be relevant to readers of your other blog where you talked about the huge opportunities available in parts of Africa.
DP World (http://web.dpworld.com/) is a port operator that operates the Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) in Dubai (there’s more to Dubai than just offshore finance and expat partying.)
Now DP World is going to open a new free port in Somaliland using Jafza as a model
Obscene amount of money are going to be made in this place.
WTF is Somaliland, you ask?
Anybody with the right amount of drive will get on the search engines and find out.
All I will say is that the peoples of Eritrea, Djibouti & the breakaway region of Somaliland, have very different culture from that of the “southerners” in Ethiopia and Somalia. they’re entrepreneurial, value education, and somewhat libertarian in that they really can’t be bothered will laws and regulations as much as long as people are getting along and making money (and they hated anal-retentive “Southerners” who want to tell them what to do, and were skimming money from their much more productive regional economies) i.e., the Eritreans broke away from Ethiopia in the 1980s for reasons pretty similar to why the Somalilanders have recently broken free of Somalia.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:33 am, 27th November 2017Probably the most massive oxymoronic contradiction ever!
In other words, false!
Sufis are the pot smoking hippies of Islam. Even a two year old child reading the Koran will be able to tell you that Sufis aren’t true Muslims – their stupid LSD trips and moronic mental gymnastics notwithstanding.
Actually, that’s a threat. According to Islam, peace comes only from Allah. Islam claims that there are two spiritual states of consciousness – dar-al-Islam (the house of Islam/submission/peace) and dar-al-harb (the house of war – anything that’s not Islam).
So if you’re not Muslim, you are in a state of war, according to Islam. So by offering me Salaam (peace), which only comes from Allah, what you are really doing is threatening me with conversion or death, thus ending my war against Allah and offering peace (submission to him).
Therefore, every time a Muslim says “Salaam,” or” peace,” they are making a direct threat against you. I don’t want your “peace.” Your idea of “peace” is me “ending the war with Allah by submitting to him.” Don’t ever threaten me like this again. Your “Salaam/peace” can go to hell and so can your stupid Allah.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:48 am, 27th November 2017If you’re going to refer to my opinions as “insane,” “utterly stupid” and “ranting,” can you at least elaborate on why you think that, or where you think I’m wrong? Otherwise, you’re just doing a drive by.
See, this is why I respect you BD. You have zero PC. Every time you piss me off, you end up mitigating it by saying something awesome like this! 🙂
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:55 am, 27th November 2017Purging speech, you say? Have we entered into our Stalinist phase today?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:11 am, 27th November 2017My source for that was Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has made the claim multiple times (most notably on the Bill Maher program) that the concept of “jihad” as a spiritual battle was an interpretation that she was not familiar with until she escaped to the West and started talking to “western Marxists.”
She claims that such an interpretation of jihad is mostly only a western concept designed to make PC intellectuals feel better about letting in the savages. But if she’s wrong, so be it. Maybe she meant that that spiritual version of jihad wasn’t taught in her portion of the Islamic world, but may well be taught in other Muslim countries. Fair enough.
Islamic banking doesn’t allow interest. Forgive me for thinking that Islamic countries follow Islam. Yes, I did read the article, but I didn’t take into account the secular portions of otherwise Muslim cultures not following Sharia law. My bad.
I’d call that a rather hysterical interpretation of the situation.
Two potential mistakes does not constitute evidence of deliberate deception. Calm down. I’m an atheist, or a sane person. Sometimes, I get lost in the crazy.
Now you’re just giving in to hysteria.
HAHA! You’re more than welcome to believe that. I’m so done arguing with you and your garbage assumptions about me and my brain.
Gil Galad
Posted at 07:15 am, 27th November 2017and
No, you specifically said that banking interests were forbidden “in all 57 Muslim countries”. My interpretation is not an exaggeration, you enthusiastically and consistently throw very confident and factually incorrect claims with fully unambiguous wording. Saying you “get lost in the crazy” makes *your* behavior hysterical of your own admission, not mine.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:58 am, 27th November 2017Consistently? Well please, give us the top 10, so that everyone here can see what a liar I am.
I meant when a sane person researches insane things, he sometimes gets tripped up by all the insanity and will make a mistake. Nevermind.
Gil Galad
Posted at 08:46 am, 27th November 2017Haha, no, I can find a better use of my time. Everyone here slips every now and then when it comes to checking one’s claims, the fact that you do it way more often is exactly why I noticed it and exactly why I immediately remembered a second example. It also helps that I’m an ex-muslim and know BS when I see it in this area, because I value truth even about ideologies that I dislike, that ruined my early life, and that I’d rather never hear of again.
I knew what you meant. I’m not wasting more time re-explaining what I meant.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:32 am, 27th November 2017Yep, I’ve said before that succession is a fantastic way for nations to solve their problems. I wish more nations had the balls to do it.
No. Your comments are too long to read and I don’t give a shit about Islam. It’s your emotional over-reactions that are insane. You’re not going to live a very long life if you fly off the handle at things constantly. (Not that I think you care.)
Posted at 08:01 pm, 27th November 2017Victor, same question for you, and please answer honestly. Do you think it is a good thing for a country’s laws to be based on Sharia?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:55 pm, 28th November 2017You don’t think I care about living long? I care very much. Especially for the sake of my children whom I’ll have. That’s why I make sure to laugh every day.
If you’d care to speak on the phone sometime, you’d find my disposition rather friendly and cheerful.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:07 pm, 28th November 2017Then you’re not effectively achieving that goal.
I’m sure you are, on the phone. That doesn’t offset any of the psychotic rage you regularly feel and demonstrate online.
But I’m not going to argue with you about this because it’s stupid. If you seriously think you’re a chill, relaxed, low blood pressure guy, feel free to believe whatever you want, and I’ll feel free to laugh.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:14 pm, 28th November 2017The reason I mentioned the phone is because it is literally impossible to tell the difference between healthy passion and “psychotic rage” on the internet.
But if you want to continue believing that I’m some psychotic rage maniac who might snap at anytime, you’re welcome to that belief. Most people who know me in real life though would laugh.
Posted at 05:32 pm, 30th November 2017Wow these comments….. ffs
Posted at 05:55 pm, 1st December 2017Yet another one.
I know this technically is part of the 2% rule. But the amount of these that happen in Dubai seems to me to raise it a little above 2%. Simple stuff that wouldn’t be an issue in Western countries and most other countries can go extremely pare sharped over there it seems.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:02 pm, 1st December 2017Seems doesn’t matter, only reality does. How many Westerners visit Dubai per year on average? How many of those people are thrown in jail on average? Get that percentage. You’ll find it’s far below 2%. It’s probably not even close to 2%.
Posted at 09:21 pm, 1st December 2017Well, if you don’t do stupid shit like take selfies with homeless people in them, you won’t get in trouble with the law. This only happens more than 2% of the time if you have no manners or decorum and do stupid shit, knowing that its stupid. Its like that anywhere.
Posted at 12:50 am, 2nd December 2017Obviously you didn’t read the article. She wasn’t the one taking the selfies or involved in the fight. She happened to come out and witness it after hearing the commotion. Basically an innocent bystander. But the preps have fled and she is being held.
Which is my point. If you do stupid shit in places like Thailand etc you will end up in trouble. But a lot of people have been caught out in Dubai when they are innocently caught up in something not their fault. Eg women who have been raped and then they are the ones who get thrown in jail for committing adultery.
While I understand BD’s strict application of the 2% rule. My point is the amount of people who get thrown in jail or in severe trouble for no fault of their own in Dubai. Millions of people travel to Thailand, China, lots of other countries and you don’t hear a lot of these stories. Mostly its people in trouble who deserve it and are being treated fairly by the law. Even if the law is slightly different. Dubai there are many many stories every year.
Like a poster above said. “Don’t get in a car accident there with a local.” Why should you be scared of that. Most other countries that’s not an issue if its an innocent accident?
Posted at 03:29 am, 3rd December 2017Anon:
Yes, I’m a proud muslim. As I said westerners know very little about Islam. I’m not sure if you know what Sharia means. It means law. Every country should be governed by rule of law. As every country has different law, every muslim country has different view of law and practise as well. There is no one form of practise, so much different via necessities, traditions, ethnicities, ..
When you hear a rule that some country applies, I can easily show you another scholar or country that oppose that view. some basic beliefs are common but in practise there is so much variety.
By the way, I follow BD blog because more than %90 is consistent with my faith. Quran didn’t impose monogamy, it gave so much freedom to men. I know no friend of prophet who was monogamous. They all had multiple women with consensual relationships, which is natural. I live in the US and system and law is more than %95 is consistent with what Quran teaches. I see US a more muslim (as adjective) country than any other county that call itself muslim. in my opinion none of the muslim countries qualify as more muslim (as adjective, in terms of principles) than US. noun, what you call doesn’t matter, qualities matter.
Believe it, many muslims are normal people and very very similar to westerners. there are outliers, but especially those who grown or live in west digested and with no conflict with majority of western values, which majority has no conflict with Quranic principles.
All the crap you see in the media or some countries do is just the garbage(women can’t drive, one group kills other), has no basis in Quran. Media by its nature show the negative side most of the time. There is so much beauty in it for someone who can see, both spiritual(sufi traditions), social, and sexual. For ex, I don’t think any other religion or belief system is more close to BD model. You should have an open mind . If you follow SP in muslim countries, SP in muslim groups, you end up with monogamy. After reading the main sources, I got rid of SP, I started applying BD model in my life. It will be fantastic:)
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:40 am, 3rd December 2017I feel like a mosquito at a nudist colony. Where do I begin?
More than you, apparently!
Don’t be pedantic! Everyone with half a brain knows what Sharia law entails.
We’re discussing Muslim Sharia, not law vs. anarchy! Don’t be obtuse.
So there’s no difference between Muslim law and non-Muslim law? Then what defines a specific law as Muslim?
What is the Muslim position on sex before marriage? Is there variety on that?
It did for women. No?
But not women. What is your position on your woman being allowed to have sex with multiple men? How do you feel about female sexual liberation? Is there Muslim variety on that?
Do you know any friend of the prophet whose women weren’t monogamous to him? Also, what is your position on marrying and raping 9 year old girls? Your “prophet” loved it.
But if one of their women slept with another man, what would happen to her? Be honest now!
You can’t be serious! Sex before marriage is Muslim? “Dressing like a whore” is Muslim? Going to bars and nightclubs is “Muslim?” Drinking alcohol is Muslim? A woman sleeping with multiple men and enjoying her sexuality is Muslim? Homosexual rights are Muslim? Gay marriage is Muslim? Trans-gender activism is Muslim?
You are lying through your teeth!
So every country in the world calling itself Muslim just happens to be a totalitarian piece of trash? LOL! What a strange coincidence!
Would those countries which call themselves Muslim be more or less Muslim if they allowed sex before marriage and gay rights? Would they be more or less Muslim if they showed 6th graders how to put condoms on and teach them about abortion like they do here?
What is those Muslims’ position on abortion, homosexuality, sex before marriage, and women sleeping with multiple men?
Unless your teenage daughter has a threesome with two men. As a Muslim, are you okay with that?
Does beating your wife have a basis in the Quran? Does your wife sleeping with other men in an open marriage have a basis on the Quran? Does gay marriage have a basis in the Quran? Does abortion have a basis in the Quran? Is a woman’s testimony in court being worth half that of a man have a basis in the Quran?
What’s the positive?
Can a woman sleep with more than one man at the same time?
What does BD teach about your woman sleeping with another man? What does Islam teach?
No, you end up with polygamy, in which the wife is murdered if she sleeps with me and so am I.
Until your woman has sex with another man. Then what? ALALALALALALALALA!!!!!!!!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:47 am, 3rd December 2017To anyone who might be potentially brainwashed by Yavuz’s garbage, please watch this:
Posted at 06:54 am, 3rd December 2017@Marty
It says right out of the gate that she was an accomplice and was with them. If you are WITH people doing stupid shit, then you’ve done stupid shit just like they have. I don’t like it either, but that’s what we have to deal with. That’s what being a police state is all about. This happens in other places too. But currently, like BD argues, its 2%. It will not be for long, however, as we will continue to embrace police states. But that’s not my thing to fix.
Posted at 07:59 am, 3rd December 2017Yavuz, let’s be specific. For example, 5:38 is very clear as to what punishment is appropriate for theft. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for a country’s laws to be consistent with said verse of the Quran?
Posted at 03:05 pm, 3rd December 2017@joelsuf
You need to learn to read.
Just because it was her friends doesn’t mean she was with them. In fact it clearly says she wasn’t as she had to come back to see what was happening after she heard the noise. So she obviously wasn’t WITH them when they did it.
Since when is it right to punish people for the stupid shit their friends do?
Posted at 07:05 am, 4th December 2017It is OK to detain people for the stupid shit their friends and possibly they did though. However on the other hand, keeping someone in custody on allegations of “taking pictures of him and for being rude” is too much, that should be reserved for violent crimes, for people likely to attempt to intimidate witnesses etc.
Posted at 12:41 am, 6th December 2017Anon:
This is not a philosophy or religion blog. So, I don’t want to write more on this topic. I don’t look at it as a set of rules. Billions of people nowadays and lived in the past considered it as an inspiration and a source of knowledge. Anything impactful in life have lots of followers/lovers as wells as haters. just fact of life. There is some hate speech above. Love and hate cannot be in the same person at the same time. Hate is destructive and damaging first to the person himself.
I am personally open to anything I can benefit from, any idea, philosophy, etc. and I don’t hate anything although I may disagree
Posted at 10:07 am, 6th December 2017However crazy Jack might be, his point seems valid: that any Muslim is dangerous because there’s no Islam without Sharia. It’s a 2-in-1 deal.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 10:57 am, 6th December 2017Typical Muslim cop out. You people love not answering questions when you’re cornered.
Then you are not Muslim.
Billions of people throughout history believed the Earth was flat.
Anything that’s not impactful has the same. Not an argument.
HAHAHA! Your PC language will profit you less than dog shit here! Yes, there is a lot of hate speech here, but not nearly as much as you deserve. Hate speech against Muslims is just called truth. We need much more hate speech against you and your kind if humanity is ever going to outgrow its barbaric infancy.
That is blasphemy! According to your religion, Allah hates the evil doers, but loves his servant Mohammed (pig vomit be upon him). Such blasphemy can get you stoned in some places. Be careful.
More blasphemy!
But Allah says, “hate the infidels, the disbelievers!” Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve.” – Quran 8:55.
Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise – Quran 4:56
Do you know how to read?
So am I.
Then your place is in the lake of fire, according to Allah, if you do not hate the evil doers, strike at their necks, and find them and kill them wherever you see them.
If you don’t hate anything, and therefore, stand for nothing, your place, according to the Quran, is in the lake of fire where your skin will boil and then be replaced with new skin to boil again!
Happy Ramadan!
Posted at 08:56 pm, 5th February 2018I’ve been reading your “A Dragon In” series lately. Going way back to 2011, China and Japan.
Just curious, where is The Dragon going in 2018?
Posted at 09:58 pm, 16th February 2018Greetings from Taipei. When is the Dragon visiting China WITH Facebook? Dubai is on my travel list, but I cant decided between Dubai or Tokyo as the next destination.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 08:20 pm, 25th May 2018I’m surprised you said that UAE isn’t on the way to anywhere. I guess it depends on where you’re starting from and where you want to go next, but it’s a major transit hub. I’ve passed through there about three times on the way from Asia to Europe. I’ve been tempted to get off the bus and have a sniff around, but I’ve never got around to it.
I’ve traveled to other places in the region, including Turkey, Iran and Saudi. All extremely interesting, all extremely different from each other. Saudi is my idea of a dystopian hell on earth. Iran is gorgeous, lovely people, great food, hot women. Unless you live there and know the ropes, you’d be advised to wait until you meet them outside the country before hitting on them. But they’re generally up for it. Notorious for it when they are on holiday. I’ve met a few backpacking around SE Asia. Turkey is also great, Istanbul is one of the great cities. But then, I’m more of a grungy urban streetscape person than a skyscraper guy. Whatever works for you.
Posted at 03:50 pm, 28th May 2018“Jack Outside the Wards” it seems, chill a bit and stop wasting everyone times with layers of bullshit just to get off by the illusion of winning something on the internet. It’s pathetic to see honestly. Muslim are as much accepted on this blog as any religious dude from any background
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:22 pm, 28th May 2018I’m not wasting anyone’s time. No one asked you to read a single word of what I said.
Do you have a counter-argument? If not, saying it’s “bullshit” is a nonsensical cop out.
I believe I did win the argument. Why is that an illusion?
Then don’t look. Problem solved.
You have zero authority to make this statement. Stop talking like the owner of the place.
Also, the statement contradicts the very mission of this blog – to free people from societal programming and sex-hating garbage. Muslims are the most sex-hating human beings on the planet. They are thus incompatible with this blog’s mission. Just saying.