06 Dec A Dragon In Colombia

In working with scores, or even perhaps hundreds of business owners (I never counted) over the last almost 25 years, I’ve noticed that most business owners break down into the following categories. They are listed in no particular order.
The Visionary
Visionaries are guys with huge, grand plans. They are usually extroverts, highly intelligent, super motivated, very well-spoken and do well in front of groups. They are strongly passionate and are very good at getting others excited about their ideas. Many Silicon Valley startup guys are in this category, as was Steve Jobs and Walt Disney.
-By Caleb Jones
The last country on my Latin America tour is Colombia, specifically its primary city, Bogotá. I’m checking Colombia out not because of the usual reasons Westerners come here; it’s not because of the women, and not because I want to live there, and not because I think it’s cheap.
Instead, Colombia has the best prospects for long-term growth outside of Asia, so I needed a boots-on-the-ground visit verify if I want to invest here.
Before I get into this, I need to head off these questions/statements I know I’ll get in the comments:
BD, why didn’t you go to Medellín???
BD, you should go to Medellín!!!
Medellín is awesome and Bogotá sucks! You should have gone to Medellín, BD!!!
For those of you who don’t know, the Colombian city of Medellín is worshipped by white expats and digital nomads all over the world. (The only city on Earth they like more is Chiang Mai.) Yes, yes, I know a lot of you guys have a huge hard-on for Medellín. That’s great. But I have no pressing need to visit that city for two reasons:
1. My priorities are different than yours. As I said above, I’m not a sex tourist nor a digital nomad; that isn’t why I’m here. The only thing I plan on using Colombia for going forward is international investing. I’m not here just to bang chicks or get some super cheap apartment.
2. When I check out a country, I do not want to look at that country’s “best” city. I need to see the “real” country, via its largest and primary city, so I can see both the good and the bad. If you think Medellín is better than Bogotá, that’s wonderful, I believe you, but I can’t judge Colombia on its best city. That makes no sense. I need to see the “real” Colombia.
Therefore I will probably ignore the topic of Medellín in the comments. Cool? Cool. Now let’s go…
The Women
Yep, the rumors are true and Colombia indeed lives up to at least most of the hype. Colombian women are, without a doubt, the hottest women in the entire Latin world, and possibly even the hottest women on the planet depending on your taste in women. As soon as you leave the airport, you can instantly see the difference.
This is a paradise if you’re into curvy women like I am. Tiny, trim, beautiful women with gigantic boobs and massive bubble butts that pop out of their pants like torpedoes. White women just don’t have bodies like this (with very rare exception). It’s just as good as Paraguay except that there are even more pretty women here and, in many cases, the curves are even more exaggerated.
This applies to both younger women and older MILFs. It’s across the board.
Yes, they’re hot as hell here. BUT, I need to give you the complete story, since Colombian women are often over-hyped on red pill and expat websites.
Yeah, they’re hot, but Bogotá is not a place where you have a non-stop horde of super-hot babes walking around at all times. If you want that kind of experience, you need to go to Miami Beach or Tokyo. Those places will blow you away; you won’t believe what you see. But that is not the case in Colombia. Here, there are still hordes of ugly women, overweight women, and average women. There’s just a lot of cuties and hotties mixed in.
Also, there are a lot of women here who have amazing bodies, I mean perfect-10 fantasy bodies… but with average or even borderline ugly faces. You’ll see this a lot; you’ll walk by a woman and see her amazing ass, amazing boobs, amazing legs, perfect trim body… then you’ll see her face and be jolted a little by how unattractive it is, or the harsh Mayan/Aztec features that make it look unusual to Western eyes (but hey, maybe some of you guys are into that).
Another distinct problem here is that, unlike other Latin cities I’ve visited, women do not age well here. There seems to be a wall at about age 50, where as soon as a woman hits it, her skin, body, and teeth just go to shit. I’m betting this is because of the lower standard of living here, particularly the air quality and food quality (both of which I’ll get to in a minute).
So yes, lots of Colombian women are ultra-hot. I was at a mall today and I was stunned. It’s just not the perfect-10 pussy paradise a lot of guys say it is. The non-hot women far outnumber the hot women here as they do in most other parts of the world.
Another interesting aspect is that cosmetic surgery is far more common here in Colombia than anywhere in the West. For example, as you walk around, you will regularly see multiple women with huge bandages on their noises from recent surgeries. Not to mention fake boobs and so forth.
Horrible Air Quality
The air in Bogotá is disgusting. Bogotá has, hands down, the worst air quality of any city I have ever visited in my life, and that includes all the high-pollution Chinese cities I’ve spent significant time in.
As soon as you walk out of a building here, and just look across the street, you see the drab, horrible, smoky, grey air. Then you start walking around, and you can smell it and taste it in your mouth. It’s fucking gross. You know that horrible stink after 4th of July when all the fireworks are done? Imagine that lingering in all the air around you, non-stop, throughout your entire city. That’s Bogotá.
It got so bad that after walking around the city for just an hour, I felt a slight burning sensation in one of my nostrils that bordered on actual, minor pain. (It went away every time I entered a building, so I know it was the pollution outside.)
This really sucks, since I usually spend hours upon hours walking around a new city. I just can’t do this here. It feels like I’m getting cancer every time I walk down the street here, even for about 15 minutes. For the first time ever, when I visited a new city, I found myself not wanting to go outside. Instead of walking everywhere, which is what I prefer, I’ve spent most of my travel here using taxis and Uber.
It’s a real shame.
The Safety Issue
Outside of the women, this is the biggest question most people have regarding Colombia. Is it safe?
The answer is that it’s perfectly safe as long as you’re not stupid. I’ve seen and read about many Westerners encountering crime problems here, but 100% of the cases I’ve seen, and I mean this now, 100% of the time the Westerner in question was doing something stupid that could have easily been avoided with a little beforehand research and common sense. Things like:
Walking around by yourself at night in sparse areas.
Walking around by yourself in notably dangerous neighborhoods.
Blatantly flashing your expensive phone on a selfie stick while taking selfies or vlogs in touristy areas where thieves prey.
Bringing a complete stranger woman back to your apartment/hotel room and letting her spend the night with you.
And so on.
I have never heard of a case of a Westerner encountering any crime anywhere in Colombia while behaving intelligently. I was here for several days, went all over the place, and didn’t have a single problem. I just made sure to stay north of La Candelaria, didn’t flash my phone or money in public, kept my wallet in my front pocket instead of my back pocket, and stuck with largely populated areas. Very simple. If you’re not stupid, you’ll never have a problem in Colombia.
The City
The people here, as usual for Latin America, are quite friendly (though not as friendly as Paraguay). Virtually no one speaks English, including some of the staffers at various locations were you would expect such, so if you don’t speak Spanish, you will struggle a little. (Google Translate helps a lot, but it’s still a hassle.)
Side note: I am required to learn at least rudimentary Spanish as part of my residency programs, so I have no excuse anymore to put this off. Honestly, this entire trip, as fun as it has been, would have been much more enjoyable had I known how to speak Spanish.
Again, as usual for Latin America, the culture here is much more fun and vibrant than most Western cultures. It’s very similar to Mexico City in that way. Lots of dancing, celebrating, interesting street vendors, and just overall colorful people. It’s extremely enjoyable and very fun.
Much like Brazil, Colombia is much more hyper-sexualized than the West. Women here dress very sexy, even in scenarios most Westerners would deem inappropriate. The age of consent here is 14 (Jesus Christ, too low, it should be 16) and it’s not uncommon here to see very young girls around age 13 or 14 dressed in too-sexy ways that would surprise most Westerners (myself included), only to be walking next to their mom who has no problem with it. You could argue this is my own Societal Programming, and you’re probably right. Just be aware of this if you’re more traditional conservative, or if you have a daughter. You won’t like some of what you see down here in terms of the younger kids.
Economically and infrastructurally, Colombia is second world, about on par with Paraguay, though Bogotá is much dirtier and trashier. Lots of trash in the streets, lots of the usual graffiti all over the place, and so on. Bogotá also suffers from the same infrastructure problems as Buenos Aries. Constantly leaky buildings, including the newer, nicer ones. Really horrible traffic. Gigantic lakes in the streets whenever it rains. It didn’t seem quite as bad as Buenos Aries, since unlike the Argentineans, the Colombians are at least trying to improve (more on this in a minute).
The food here is not good. They have endless restaurants that are very, very repetitive. It seems like just about every restaurant in Bogotá sells either burgers or steak. Burgers and steak, burgers and steak, over and over again. It gets old. (Though I did have a really amazing piece of pizza here, but it was hard to find.)
The currency here is really confusing for an American, almost humorously so. Bogotá is quite cheap, so that part is great. You can get a taxi ride pretty much anywhere in the city for less than $2 USD. The problem is that $2 USD is over 6,500 Colombian pesos. That means once you get over about $30 USD, everything is measured in the hundreds of thousands of pesos. On top of that, the currency says “mil” on it, which you would think would mean “million,” but no, “mil” is short for… get this… thousands. So a bill that says “30 mil” means 30,000 pesos, not 30 million pesos.
And on top of all that, like many countries, Colombia places the period where we Americans place the comma. So in Colombia, you’ll see 30.500 which as an American you’ll assume is 30.5, but it’s actually 30,500.
All of this oddness created some very funny snafus for me until I got the hang of it. I’m sure if you lived here this would become second nature to you very quickly, but for visiting Americans, it’s weird as hell.
The one place Colombians are not very nice is this very weird thing about how you spell “Colombia.” If you spell Colombia with a “u”, “Columbia”, these people lose their fucking shit. They get so bent out of shape and offended that it’s ridiculous. I’ve even had a few Colombians on my blogs get upset with me about this in the past.
Look Colombians, if you spelled my country name Amerika, I wouldn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t even mention it. This is because I’m outcome independent, I’m not brainwashed by cultural Societal Programming, my priority is happiness, and I don’t fucking care. My country will survive having its name misspelled by foreigners, and so will yours. These Colombians are so consumed with how you spell their country that they go a little insane about it. They even sell T-shirts here that scream “It’s COLOMBIA, not COLUMBIA!” Silly.
One of the great things about Bogotá is that it’s the only city on this entire Latin America trip that isn’t humid! Awesome! Thank the gods! Finally, a place with normal weather! For the first time in almost a month, I don’t feel sticky and disgusting by 2pm (other than the horrible air, that is). What a relief! My understanding is this lack of humidity is because of the high elevation here, but I could be wrong, and perhaps Bogotá is humid at other times of the year and I got lucky with the timing of my visit, but not once was there any detectable humidity during my stay. Awesome.
They’re Trying
The summary statement for Colombia is that they’re trying. Yeah, their infrastructure kinda sucks, but you can tell they’re trying. Yep, they’ve had real crime problems in the past, but you can tell they’re trying to resolve that. Yes, you can barely breathe in Bogotá, but I have a feeling that ten years from now the air quality will be much better, because it looks like they’re trying.
Unlike places like Buenos Aires or Mexico City, where they clearly don’t give a shit about their problems, or Panama, which has already arrived into the first world, or Paraguay which is too small and remote to really want to change anything, being in Colombia, you get the distinct feelings that the Colombians, despite their current flaws, are really motivated to make their country a better place.
That spells good prospects for their future. I guess I will invest in this country after all.
Well, that’s it for my wonderful visit to the Latin world! I had a fantastic time and got a lot of progress done on my five flags plan! This trip has been an absolute win for me in every way.
I will be back in my two favorite Latin places, Panama and Paraguay, in just a few months! Can’t wait!
Now wait a sec. Two quick things before I go…
Ranking All The Country’s Women
Some of you have asked me to rank all the women from all the countries I’ve visited on this trip. Here are my final rankings in order of hotness:
1. Colombia (amazing bodies, mostly hot faces)
2. Paraguay (amazing bodies, cute faces)
3. Panama (sexy, classy women, almost tied with Paraguay)
(a very big space)
4. Argentina (average bodies, average faces, but no one is overweight)
5. Uruguay (problematic to average bodies, average faces)
(another big space)
6. Mexico (problematic bodies, low-average faces)
Now Listen, You Pussies!
I just spent nearly an entire month in the Latin world, including places pussy Westerners think are “dangerous” like Mexico and Colombia. I walked around cities in these regions for countless hours on end, weeks on end, all by my white-boy self, including late at night, and including the “bad” and poorer barrios.
I did not get murdered.
I did not get shot.
I did not get kidnapped.
I did not get raped.
I did not get robbed.
I did not get ripped off.
I did not get mugged.
I didn’t get any of my organs harvested.
Literally nothing bad happened to me, with anyone. No one even yelled at me or accosted me in any way, except for a few homeless people who asked me for money, which happens in cities in the Collapsing USA all the damn time.
Be smart, be prepared, don’t be stupid, but don’t be scared. The world is your oyster. Take it. Experience it. It’s awesome. Don’t be a puss.
Where am I going to next?
Its a trick quesiton. The answer will surprise you. It’s a very big announcement, coming late next week.
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Posted at 05:38 am, 6th December 2018Still.. It’s Columbia for me.
C . O . L . U . M . B . I . A
–Clean your room, pal!
Posted at 05:50 am, 6th December 2018Great post! Found myself agreeing with most everything you said .. very accurate rundown of the plce.
But .. BD you won’t like this but I have to clear this up. As someone who’s lived in medellin a few times and visited various places in Colombia let’a clear up one thing.
You said “Colombia is often overhyped as far as women” (as a country), then you’ said “bogota is not a place where you see non stop super hot babes” (specifically bogota), and that you have to go to specific cities like Miami Beach or Tokyo for that.
Lets compare apples to apples – bogota is way down the list of the cutest Colombian women as far as cities go, even the women in Colombia will all say that.
If you’re going to pick out the cities in the US and Japan with the hottest women, we have to compare it to Colombia’s best cities. So if you want to compare medellin or cali (and I definitely understand why you didn’t go to medellin, and I wouldn’t even recommend cali), then trust me .. very different story. I’m not going to say that Miami Beach is nothing compared to medellin, but trust me if you spent a few days in the better parts of medellin, given the types of women you like, you’d understand:)
I didn’t even think bogota women were that cute, at all.
Jusf fyi
Posted at 06:07 am, 6th December 2018I think it is important to notice that in bigger countries, different areas can be completely different experiences. Obviously if you go to paraguay or panama, these countries are so small that the main cities are very close and have the same culture and people. Colombia is much bigger and no city, even the bigger and most important one, can represent the entire country. Brazil is another place where each region seems like a different country.
Just look at America. You cant go to New York and write about how life is in America based on that. It is not that representative. Doesn’t matter that it is the biggest and most important city in the country
Posted at 06:57 am, 6th December 2018Very good, interesting and even funny post. Well done BlackDragon!
The age of consent is indeed very low. I live in Europe and was shocked last year to discover that the age of consent in our super-leftist and sensitive Europe is 14 in countries like Germany, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Estonia and is 15 in France, Sweden and Poland. These are not some African (or even Latin) countries. These are EU countries… I wonder whats the reason for that is and also wonder what would a reaction be if my-29-year-old-self would walk around with a 14-year-old gf on the streets of Berlin… It is legal and thus should be socially acceptable, right? Something tells me it is not…
Juan Love
Posted at 07:09 am, 6th December 2018It’s a smallish country but every area seems to have it’s own secluded genetic pool.
Travelling up north to the coast you have bigger hips, smaller breasts and more African facial features/skin. Medellin has more Spanish influence with plain but pretty faces and Bogota still has the nice bodies but with indigenous features coming out stronger in their skin tones and face.
The people from these areas also have different labels: Costenos (Coastal), Paisas (Medellin area), and Rolos (Bogota area) and all have their own particular accents which are easily identifiable.
Looking forward to Blackdragon checking out other parts of the country and letting us know what he thinks, Bogota is a great start.
Posted at 07:19 am, 6th December 2018Hey Caleb, I wish you visit Medellin just because I’d like to know what you think of it. It’s my #1 desired place for moving (permanently) to. I’ve heard from different people that Colombians can be fraudulent. Did you get that impression?
So you applied for residency in all those countries?
Wall around the age of 50? Why do you care?
Age of consent is 14 in Italy too. I once missed an opportunity with a 15 year old who looked 19 because of not knowing this.
Posted at 08:32 am, 6th December 2018lol I should get one of those shirts.
But yeah, its kind of stupid that those people get salty about it haha
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:01 am, 6th December 2018Granted. In those particular sentences I should have said “Bogota” instead of “Colombia.”
Also true. I’ve said this myself several times in these city reviews.
Depends on how post-feminist the country is. If you did that in northern Europe / Scandinavia, you’d have a serious problem even if it was legal. If you did that in Southern Europe, people wouldn’t even notice or care.
It’s all about the culture.
No, but in most second-world countries you’re going to have that problem.
Again, it’s all about the culture.
No no. Just Panama and Paraguay. Colombia was a possible Country D.
I don’t. I’m just reporting it.
Yeah it is in China and several other countries as well. Crazy shit.
Posted at 09:20 am, 6th December 2018WTF?!?!
These Latin Americans are something else.
Posted at 09:30 am, 6th December 2018Africa, the Middle East or Antarctica/The North Pole is my guess.
Posted at 10:33 am, 6th December 2018Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number Three.
Posted at 10:45 am, 6th December 2018Be careful, this conversation could be misleading: in a lot of countries where the age of consent is below the adult age (which is most usually 18), it often comes with major caveats and through some other laws you’re probably still liable of things like statutory rape if you are adult or if the age difference is above a certain limit or if you do not have the prior consent of the parents, etc… I don’t know the specifics of Colombia but in many countries this merely means that 2 minors who are above the age of consent won’t have any legal issues if they have consented sex, whereas adults having sex with minors above the age of consent could still face criminal charges. Or minors above the age of consent with minors below the age of consent could also be in trouble.
Long story short, please do detailed research before banging around 16 years old teenage girls just because the law says she is above the age of consent: well perhaps still not with you though!
Posted at 11:06 am, 6th December 2018FYI, since you’re trying to learn Spanish. Mil is the actual word (not short) for thousand.
I doubt this means anything to people who are scared and have written off Latin America already. In their minds, you could have just been lucky.
Posted at 11:22 am, 6th December 2018For everyone freaking out about age of consent, America is the weird one. Seems like every where else age of consent is around 14-15-16, 18 years old is kind of crazy (girls will be having sex for 3-5 years at that point).
If I would create the rules, it wouldn’t be just a simple age restriction tho. It is a complicated issue, and a 14 year old girl having sex with a 67 year old dude is definitely different than a 14 year old girl having sex with an 18-19 year old boyfriend. I wouldnt be happy if I was her dad, but I dont think its the kind of situation you can accuse the dude of being a sexual predator or a sick pedo
Posted at 12:16 pm, 6th December 2018Wow, why can’t the U.S. start requiring this? There needs to be a screening process going on here.
Similarly, I wish our government would just stand up and start requiring survival of the fittest mentality, or whatever you want to call it, from everyone; no more free handouts!
Posted at 12:55 pm, 6th December 2018My current gf is Colombian, ridic body and sweet as pie. The only other Latin girl I’ve banged was Puerto Rican and was also a stand-out experience. These Latinas are giving white chicks a run for the their money IMO. Colombia is definitely on my list of places to visit in the future.
Glad your trip was a success. Were you able to sample any of the women? I don’t recall you ever mentioning it, not sure if you were just focused on the business aspects of the traveling.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:16 pm, 6th December 2018Yeah, they’re sane.
The age of consent is somewhere around 13 or 14 pretty much in every country on the planet, except America, because America was founded by puritans and is now held hostage by “all sex is rape” feminists.
The age of consent should be puberty (age 12 or 13). End of story! If you’re biologically old enough to fuck, then you’re old enough to fuck. Period.
“Oh, but what about emotional maturity?” Fuck that noise! The government has no place in the “emotion business.” In fact, there needs to be a triple thick wall of separation between the physical and the emotional, and the government needs to stay exclusively on the physical side.
A pedo is, by definition, someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children. Once the child turns 12 or 13, the pedophile starts to get disgusted. In other words, a pedophile is someone with a completely different sexual orientation than normal people, and therefore, has nothing to do with this age of consent controversy.
Every sane person fully agrees that biologically prepubescent children must be absolutely shielded from all things sexual and it would be better if we simply put pedos to death. Nothing to do with lowering the age of consent to puberty, which is commonsense pretty much everywhere, except prudish America!
In America, some states have 16 as their age of consent, other states 17, and still others 18. However, in the states where it’s 16 or 17, while you won’t get charged with statutory rape, and therefore, won’t have to register as a sex offender, you may nevertheless get charged with “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” if her parents disapprove and order her not to see you. You may also be charged with kidnapping if she comes to your house against her parents’ wishes and you don’t immediately return her. Absolute insanity!
So it’s 18 here in puritan land for all practical purposes!
Also, the federal age for marriage in America is 14, but the lowest state age is 16, with some states having it at 17 and others at 18. But even if the age for marriage is 16 (or if some states were to choose to lower it all the way to 14), the minor would still require parental consent!
Note: Child pornography laws are even more insane here (18, no exceptions). Any under 18 porn (including a 17 year old girl texting her naked breasts to her 17 year old boyfriend) is legally defined as “child porn” here and can get the boyfriend thrown into a federal prison for 18 years, even if the age of consent is 17 and he’s old enough to fuck her and both their parents have given their blessing. Again, insane!
Posted at 02:49 pm, 6th December 2018Hey Jack, nice debate with Sailor in the other thread. Is the debate over?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:04 pm, 6th December 2018Nah, I’ll get back to it. I just have other obligations at this moment.
Posted at 03:14 pm, 6th December 2018Caleb, since you’ve been to South America for almost a month we don’t believe you didn’t have sex with any women you met there. We want the war stories haha
Posted at 03:43 pm, 6th December 2018I know you don’t intend to live in Colombia but do you consider it livable for you?
Posted at 03:58 pm, 6th December 2018Any revelations on national pride? In spanish, it seems i hear people talk about their countries with confidence like “soy colombiano orgulloso!” But anytime i hear someone say theyre a “proud american” here in US, its some kind of parody “merika” joke. Maybe thats your spelling onservation as an example.
They also love to dance and take serious ownership of colombian style salsa and reggaeton music. Did you notice any different male/female behaviors? I felt like colombian women absolutely loved flirting and being approached.
Colombia has a beautiful landscape and very different range of cities. Bogota more industrial, Medellin kind of like a flyover city in the mountains, Cartagena is the old spanish style party spot in the carribean, and some parts are all jungle.
I will admit, the food sucks. Horrendous and bland. I got excited ordering some “salsa tomate” for my meal, only to realize it was ketchup!
Posted at 04:03 pm, 6th December 2018At the expense of sounding like a trad-con, puberty is too early for a girl. For a boy it might be fine, but 16 should be the age of consent for a girl. 12 for a boy. Girls just get influenced by more stuff when it comes to sex. A 12 year old boy is just horny where a 12 year old girl sees sex in a different way.
I don’t mind what we have here in Florida: Here, the age of consent is 16 if the partner is under 24, 18 if the partner is over 24. To me that seems reasonable enough.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:21 pm, 6th December 2018I know and it actually is short for thousand in certain English applications (certain construction measurements).
Likely, yeah.
Correct. I’ve said this before. Even left-wing Americans are hardcore right-wing Republicans when it comes to the issue of age of consent. That being said, I still think 14 is slightly too low. It should be 16, perhaps 15, but 18 is clearly insane.
I disagree with this as well. You’re not supposed to create laws based on what makes you emotionally uncomfortable. Laws are supposed to reflect facts, science, rationality, and objectivity.
Because America is a left-wing country, thus would never come close to requiring such a logical thing.
There will be more free handouts as time goes on and as the USA shifts further to the left (and collapse).
Yes, but I’ll write a separate article about that.
That topic would have been a distraction in these articles. I’ll discuss that topic in a future article(s) separately.
Bogota? No, at least not at this time (I’m confident it will improve though). I can’t comment on other Colombian cities though.
Absolutely. There is far more pride in Latin countries for the most part.
I don’t consider that a good thing tough. Patriotism is just another form of bullshit Social Programming. As the saying goes, patriotism is the irrational belief that your country is better than others just because you statistically happen to have been born there.
Female ones, hugely, yes, but I’ll talk about that in a future article.
Again I disagree. Laws should not be enacted based on people’s emotions. (Though I know they always will.)
Posted at 09:23 pm, 6th December 2018My Colombian friend who cheated on his wife with another Colombian chick and she divorced him subsequently, says if you want to live in Colombia and/or are just vacationing there, with meeting hot women, you want to go to Cali or Medellin. Bogota is 2.6 km above sea level, so is very cold and people cover themselves up, plus don’t go out as much. Cali is only 100 metres above sea level, so the weather change, changes the clothing in girls. Medellin is considered known the Silicon Valley of South America.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 10:59 pm, 6th December 2018Well, yeah. A millimeter is a thousandth of a meter. You’d need a microscope if it was a millionth.
Posted at 11:18 pm, 6th December 2018Wonder why you didn’t make a stop in Brazil, since you visited many of its neighbors.
If you’ve been in Brazil in the past, where would it fit in your ranking of the Latin women ?
Posted at 01:15 am, 7th December 2018While I haven’t been to either Brazil, or Cuba, since both countries imported African slaves, unlike other SA countries, the women from both countries, can vary from hot, to very average, to really ugly, from those I’ve seen in person and on TV. While Cuba has hotels set up for western tourists, the place has 4th world level infrastructure, so it’d be pretty boring to visit.
Posted at 05:01 am, 7th December 2018Laws are supposed to reflect what is right and wrong. Those concepts are based on moral values from our culture. As both of us came from jewish-christian societies, our set of moral values are similar and we can mostly agree on right or wrong and basic rights. Life, freedom, private property etc. But it all comes from our gut feeling of what is right and what is wrong. I’m getting kind of philosophical here I guess but it will always be what we, as citizens, feel is ok and what we feel shouldn’t happen. Our laws are not laws of nature, they are stuff we create so we feel it is “fair” for those involved. That doesn’t mean it isn’t objective.
For the law to be objective (and I agree it absolutely has to be, but I am an engineer so whatever), it needs to be clear cut about what is right, what we can do and what we can’t, and what policies will be enforced to incentive people to do the right thing. The “why” behind it will always be related to a set of moral values that are, by its own nature, subjective.
On the subject of age of consent, when you say BD that 14 is just too much and it should be 15 or 16, it is based on how you feel about it just as much as when I say it should be less of a problem for a 18 year old guy to have sex with a 14 yo girl than for a 67 yo man to do the same thing. Jeolsuf example of Florida is one of a clear and objective law about the issue. You can disagree, but it is about your emotional response on the topic as much as anyone else
Posted at 09:31 am, 7th December 2018Oh I’m not saying I like it, I just think its reasonable.
Also, consent laws don’t really affect my preference anyways. Unless the chick has lots of experience in sex, I usually go for chicks over 20 anyways. So it doesn’t bother me.
And yeah I also agree that laws should not be enacted based on emotions, but they always were. The foundation of laws as a concept in and of itself was based on emotional reactions that people with “a high moral ground” had, soooooo……
Case in point, way back in the day murder was either punishable by death without a trial or completely legal depending on what kind of status you had and who you killed. I’d argue it is still that way now.
Posted at 09:34 am, 7th December 2018I don’t think that is what most people are worried about (unless it is someone who for some reason likes very, very young women, what is rare and possibly pathologic), I think the problem is when some creepy old dude is trying to screw your naive 13 year old daughter…
Eric C Smith
Posted at 11:55 am, 7th December 2018can’t wait to go 2.0 and see all the babes of the world and more.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:00 pm, 7th December 2018And they shouldn’t, because concepts of right and wrong are usually subjective, as I explained here.
Yep. That’s exactly the problem.
Incorrect. My opinion regarding this issue (not all issues, but certainly this one) is based on facts and reality. I’m not saying I have the objective or “right” answer, because no one has that, but my opinion is not based on my personal feelings despite the fact I acknowledge I have them, as I fully explained here.
Posted at 01:11 pm, 7th December 2018The funny thing is what you write in that article is basically what I’m saying here, with a few adjustments in age groups. I used 19 yo guys and 14 yo girls as ok, you used 16 yo guys and 13 yo girls…. BUT if the guy is over 16 then it is a fellony.
Also you clearly specify in the article that you can’t defend the logical conclusion of age of consent being immediatly after puberty (at age 12 or 13 for most girls) because you feel uneasy about it (and you even comment that the reason is: “this is strictly own feelings and cultural Societal Programming talking, not any objective, scientific analysis.”
Societal Programming, in this case, is the same as the set of moral values I was talking about. I agree with your article about age of consent. It basically express everything I was saying here. So I’m not sure why you disagree with me on that lol
But no problem, let’s disagree about our agreements I guess
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:22 pm, 7th December 2018You forgot to include this quote from my age of consent article:
4. As usual, your feelings regarding this issue don’t matter. Your cultural Societal Programming also doesn’t matter (and is usually false anyway). You should make these kinds of decisions based on facts, not feelings, and not how your culture happens to do it. (Your culture is probably wrong anyway.)
That’s my point.The fact that you (or even I) feel queezy about a 14 year-old girl having fully consensual sex with a disgusting 67 year-old man should have zero, and I mean ZERO bearing on whether or not our government passes laws based on these feelings, where people are fined, or thrown in prison, or branded as sex offenders for the rest of their lives, and so on. This is very serious business.
We all have subjective (i.e. usually wrong) feelings about all kinds of things and subjective (i.e. usually wrong) cultural Societal Programming. Fine, but these should never be the basis for our laws. I know they are, but they shouldn’t be. The age of consent is one area where this is really, really bad (creating dangerous laws using our purely irrational and subjective feelings instead on logic, facts, science, and objectivity).
Posted at 01:33 pm, 7th December 2018Yet they are the basis of your own proposed model for age of consent. Because we can’t really analyze it any other way. Even if we go full scientific and say the law should follow the laws of nature, thus allowing sex as soon as capable to reproduce, there is still no natural reason why someone could not penetrate some 11 yo girls vagina. That is something that we, mankind, decided is wrong, because we as a whole dont want that to happen. That is kind of the philosophical reasoning behind every single law; If that means it is subjective, then every law is subjective and there will never be an objective law – because our morals, the base of the law, are subjective. They come from what we as a society mostly agree that is right or wrong (for us jewish-christian westerners, it means that killing is wrong, that we all should have the same rights, that we should be responsible for our offspring etc).
Kevin S Van Horn
Posted at 07:27 pm, 7th December 2018Um… why is that so surprising? “Millimeter” = “1/1000 meter”, “millipede” = “1000 legs”, “mill” = “1/10 cent” = “1/1000 dollar”, “mile” = “thousand paces”, “millennium” = “1000 years”, etc.
Kevin S Van Horn
Posted at 07:41 pm, 7th December 2018I guess it depends on what you’re used to. When I was a kid we had some Navajo students staying with us during the school year, so I was used to Amerind faces. Later when I was 19 years old in Argentina, with another 20-ish American male, we were talking to this delightfully curvy brown-skinned girl our age who had Amerind features. I thought she was hot, but as we walked away he commented on how ugly she was. I thought there was something wrong with his eyesight!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:45 pm, 7th December 2018You don’t understand that it isn’t a binary choice; i.e. either logically-determined sex as soon as you have your first period vs. some completely arbitrary number based on feelings. Logic, rationality, and objectivity do indeed provide several choices in the middle. But I’ve gone way off-topic so I’ll let this go.
Because “mil” reminds the brain of “million” not “thousand,” particularly if that brain is an American one not accustomed to the metric system.
Posted at 03:02 pm, 8th December 2018I STILL think it is hilarious that the US doesn’t use the metric system even though like 85% of the world does lol.
Dave from Oz
Posted at 04:48 pm, 8th December 2018Of course it is! It’s latin. Originally, the USA was to have a dime, cent, and mill which were one tenth, one one hundredth, and one one thousandth of a dollar.
Next news flash: the hot water taps are labelled ‘C’.
Posted at 12:51 pm, 9th December 2018“[I]t’s perfectly safe unless you’re stupid.”
Yep, same as the Caribbean here in Belize as I’m sitting here on a Sunday taking a break from staring at the waves after “Naked Sunday” with the girls.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:53 pm, 9th December 2018Yes, you do sound like a tradcon. More specifically, a female supremacist chivalrist! And it’s disgusting and man-hating.
“Wah, wah….. Protect the fragile damsels because vagina.”
You are a manipulative gold digger’s wet dream.
Did I tell you the story when I was a 16 year old sophomore about my 16 year old girlfriend’s 13 year old sister who was banging her 7th grade math teacher for grades and taking sadistic glee in the fact that people like you would jail him because she’s a “fragile little girl?”
Dude, this chivalry crap is blue pill all the way!
Irrelevant. The government has no business making laws based on how someone subjectively sees something. Laws should be made on the basis of objectivity, rationality, and human biology, not feewings.
And anyone who is under 16 needs to be protected from orgasms because feelings? That’s pretty moronic.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:11 pm, 9th December 2018Agreed!
I would argue that they come from moral values as articulated by the self-evident laws of nature. Sexually penetrating a 4 year old is clearly unnatural as such a young body wasn’t built for sex at such an early age, which is why we have something called puberty.
Nature speaks intelligently to those who listen.
Complete tradcon 1950s garbage.
We do NOT come from any “Jewish-Christian” society. I’d kill myself. The principles of the European Enlightenment, The Renaissance, and sexual revolution guide our society today, not some medieval crap that was institutionally overthrown a long time ago.
No, it comes from that which is self-evident, as the Declaration of Independence articulates in its second paragraph.
Yes they are. Or they should be.
Then the law is tyrannical to the extent that that is true.
Yes there is! Penetrating a prepubescent body is, by definition, unnatural. Otherwise, nature would make babies go through puberty immediately at birth. Use some commonsense!
This shows how grossly out of date and tradcon you really are!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:19 pm, 9th December 2018So, in your opinion BD, what would be a rational reason for the government, in a libertarian society, to make the age of consent higher than puberty?
I’m asking because if you are biologically ready to have sex, the only grounds to forbid it that I can see are the “emotional maturity” arguments, but you and I have both agreed that the government should have no business intruding into the realm of “feelings.”
I am reminded again of this hilarious video:
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:07 pm, 9th December 2018I clearly said above I was done with this off-topic conversation.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 11:14 pm, 9th December 2018The whole idea that childhood extends beyond puberty is a highly culturally specific social construct. it may well be that 15 and 16 year olds in many modern, developed countries are “too immature to have sex” – because they have been trained to be immature. They can get away with being immature. But puberty is a line that can’t be crossed.
Posted at 03:19 am, 10th December 2018Yeah exactly my point.
I am as libertarian as any guy, but any laws will be based on how we feel about it. Libertarianisms basic principle is that every individual is equal. Why? because that is what us libertarians ‘feel’ is the right thing. Most cultures in the world disagree and their laws reflect that.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:55 am, 10th December 2018Absolutely correct!
From the beginning of human history up until the late 1800s, it was understood that adulthood begins when puberty begins. This is why the Jews, for example, celebrate the boy becoming a man at age 12 (bar mitzvah) and the girl becoming a woman at age 13 (bat mitzvah).
Only recently has the fictional concept of “the teenager” been inserted into the matrix. It’s just a method of prolonged control that never existed for the overwhelming majority of history.
Even some 48 year olds can be classified as too emotionally immature for sex. It doesn’t mean there should be laws to stop them. Emotional maturity is subjective and the laws need to be objective; which means, they can’t take feelings into account.
Agreed. Now we’re trespassing into actual pedophilia, which, as I said, is a completely alien sexual orientation that bears no resemblance to this conversation, nor does it have any connection to any age of consent controversy among normal heterosexuals.
What is truly sickening is the blue pill world demonizing normal people who are sexually attracted to other adults for the crime of also being attracted to biologically fertile and physically developed underage teenagers.
The red pill truth, of course, is that someone commenting that a 14 year old is hot is precisely evidence that he is not a pedophile, as pedophiles would be disgusted with her breasts and other developed features. Being attracted to underage teenagers as well as adults is simply evidence of normal heterosexuality that no one should feel guilty for (but, of course, you’d be an idiot to act on it, given the legal climate).
Nevertheless, the blue pill world lumps these two opposite things together and puts men found guilty of “statutory rape” (just because they fucked a horny teenager) in the same therapy sessions as actual pedophiles who would be turned off by that same horny teenager due to her fertility.
Actual pedophiles who prey upon biological pre-sexuals should be executed. Period. There is no room for them in any civilized society (or even in the animal kingdom, for that matter). But let’s not lump them with normal people who are naturally sexually aroused by visual signs of biological fertility, regardless of whether that fertility is displayed by underage teenagers or not.
Making a scientific distinction between the two groups is the first step to getting the laws changed. Until then though, we all need to stick to 18 year olds and above. Luckily, every time the sun comes up, another girl turns 18.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:14 am, 10th December 2018The difference is that I use that logic to precisely advocate for the lowering of the age of consent to puberty, whereas you seem to be against it.
I’ve already answered this feelings crap above. It’s not based on how we feel. It’s based on the self-evident laws of nature. My feelings on the subject didn’t just come from nowhere. They came from a rational and objective observation of nature and the animal kingdom.
Actually, on the age of consent issue, most cultures and their laws agree with me. America is virtually the only country which disagrees. Mexico has its age of consent as 13, for fuck sake (same as the Vatican, although Vatican law states that you have to be married because they have that stupid Catholic thing going on).
Except America, most countries see puberty (or around there) as the true age of consent. Only the U.S. rejects commonsense on this issue and insists that consent be 18.
Posted at 04:34 am, 10th December 2018Yes. But your logic is flawless. While BD pretends to operate under the same logic but actually disagrees with you and agrees with me lol
Ok you dont like the word ‘feelings’, I get it. It wont change the facts that the morals that base the laws are not principles of nature, but principles of humanity.
You’re getting stucked on the terms and words. idc if you call it jewish-christian or based on ‘The principles of the European Enlightenment, The Renaissance, and sexual revolution’ .
The fact of the matter is that what we consider right or wrong is (or at least to some extent) a result of the culture we’re born and raised. It is not the laws of nature. Just look around to different cultures in the world today and how many different views there are. Muslims are everywhere and their basic morals are quite different (and often the opposite) of the typical westerner. That reflects in the laws of muslim countries.
Laws of nature are not what rule society. By the laws of nature you can go and kill someone else as long as you’re stronger for example.
I’m not saying that this or that law should be based on subjective morals. I’m saying all laws are (and it doesn’t matter if we think it should be like that or not. They are what they are). Society is not a natural thing.
Duke Royal
Posted at 08:24 am, 10th December 2018This is not an “age of consent” or “best political organizational structure for government” article.
This may shock a few of you, but many if not most of us actually want to discuss BD’s travels and thoughts in this articles, especially those of us actually applying what he writes about in the real world. Every country he is writing about except Paraguay is on my list.
Yes, people REALLY LIVE LIKE HE DESCRIBES. Never met the man or even spoken yet our lives are surprisingly similar. Right now, I am typing this while drinking coffee on the porch of a beachfront cabana with palm trees, beach and humming birds flying around the flowers here in Belize.
One key difference: I paid a whole lot more for the education on all of these things you guys get for pennies on the dollar compared to my educational investment. Best results for me came from 1) live events; and, 2) personal coaching. Slight hint – if you were to ask me for coaching (please don’t, not interested) and I lost my mind and agreed to it (won’t happen), there would be a zero or two added.
Pontification won’t make you free. It will only make you say “fornicate” or “deity damnation” in a more common manner at higher volume while your blood pressure skyrockets. Not worth it.
Invest between your ears, quit whining and live where and how you want with a lifestyle that works for you. This blog amazes me because 90% of it is stuff I learned the hard ($20,000 for one business course alone) way. Correct me if wrong, but this blog wasn’t available when I started this journey in 2005. Read it regularly because I still learn things from it and it can be summed up in two words: Added Value.
Quick snapshot of Belize:
Language: English is the official language with amazing ocean front. Spanish is common and it’s pretty clear it will be my third language, but it isn’t necessary.
Women: The women are mostly attractiveness disadvantaged, gravitationally enhanced (although not North American “affects the rotation of Earth” sized) but extremely nice. This isn’t a big dea for me since I’m in a “V”, so just imported girlfriend and FWB. Dating apps of all kinds are dead here and population is low. Poor gender ratio on this beach but don’t know about the others. Generally, if looking for hookups, not the place to do it. Mine are working on their online businesses next to me and… did I mention the stuff he teaches about online businesses, remote lifestyle, foreign residency and consensual nonmonogamous relationships actually fornicating works? Wanted to make sure I covered that.
Investments: Disappointing so far investment-wise, but really just came for the beach and won’t go back to Florida short of gun point. Lots of retail pseudo-investments but the good deals should come with the next recession. Lots of aging gringos trying to cash out and will be caught in the next crash. Coastal areas were hard hit by sargassum sea weed earlier in the summer and the government response was too slow. That being said, not enough time for a full investment picture but not a problem with sea weed during the winter. Will impact future investments on the coast in a big way.
Cost of Living: Belizian products of all kinds are a good buy compared to anything imported due to taxes on imports. Local rum drinks run around $3USD but imports of any kind are expensive. Same drink goes to over $8-10. You eat plantain chips instead of French fries in the restaurants, which are inexpensive. You will get Gringo Priced if unwary or spend all of your time in expat areas. Beachfront double cabana completely furnished with gas grill, palm trees, hummingbirds, bicycles, decking, pier – the works: $1,200/month. Meanwhile, those who failed to educate themselves are paying that much for a week in the village with no view.
Security: please just read his stuff about not doing stupid stuff. Seriously. If you want to get mugged, you don’t need to travel to accomplish this dubious goal. Instead, just walk around Joe Bob Town, USA, by yourself waving your brand new iPhone attached to an Attention Whoring Wand in a sketchy area with bad lighting around midnight.
Customs: Remeber his excellent article on Paraguay? The unprepared freaking out because they didn’t have $20 bills? If you are prepared, it’s easy. First trip, and I even brought my dog. Went through immigration, customs and animal control easily.
BD, question: are you looking to do a Winter/Summer rotation or stay in one place and do short term travel? This winter, we’re just pirates in the Caribbean but are probably going to rotate between Montréal and ___?___ with June – end of September in Montreal and eight months in Central or South America. If you have answered it somewhere in the blog, apologize for missing it.
Thank you for writing what I needed in 2005 so that other guys can benefit. Lots of added value here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:30 am, 10th December 2018Yes. My current plan is to live in my primary home (Australia or New Zealand) for six months, then live in Hong Kong for three months, then stay in the USA for three months to visit family, then repeat every year. So yes, I will be doing a rotation.
The only question is where in the US Pink Firefly and I will stay when we visit here. If we stay in Portland, our USA months would have to be in the northern hemisphere summer (June, July, Aug) since that’s the only time it’s nice in Portland (it rains nonstop the rest of the time). However, we both just got back from Scottsdale and both really love it. If we stayed there instead, our USA months would have to be in the northern hemisphere winter (Nov-Jan) since that’s the only time it’s nice and not scorching heat. And so on.
I have yet to determine those details, and my final deadline for leaving the USA is January of 2021, so I have two years to figure this out.
Posted at 10:00 am, 10th December 2018Age of Consent is like the sorties paradox.
Just because there is no clear distinct line, doesn’t mean there SHOULDN’T be a line somewhere.
It’s hard to establish an exact line (because emotional and physical maturity is a gradual process that is diverse even between individuals) — but that doesn’t mean we throw up our hands and say there should be no line, since there is no logical clear one.
I for one don’t care so much about 18 being the line. Many states in the US it’s 16-17 which isn’t a tremendous philosophical difference but whatever. Personally it’s not an issue I care about — however I will point out that I believe the US may have certain laws that prevent you from certain underage “sex tourism” abroad & thus the jurisdiction of the US somehow expands beyond its physical borders, if you ever plan on returning. I could be wrong there, but I have heard that.
That said, I’ve barely spent any time in Latin America (only the touristy parts of Mexico where its mostly Americans at the resorts) — but you’re definitely making it sound pretty nice. South America may have to be the next continent on the list.
Oh and I will say, when I was in Beijing, there was at least one day where the pollution blotted out the sun. It was not cloud cover. It was a brown haze and you could still ‘sorta’ see the sun behind it. I wouldn’t live in Beijing and expect to have a long life expectancy. Unless I bought 5 Honeywell titan sized air purifiers in my apartment running 24-7.
South Dude
Posted at 05:05 pm, 10th December 2018Yes, spelling it as Columbia is very humilliating in Colombia and in south america in general. I think this problem goes decades back. It seems north americans cannot learn to spell proper country names in decades. Also your country name is not America. It is United States and even though you are american, all habitants born in the american continent are also americans.
Posted at 06:22 pm, 10th December 2018If you did this you would be able to look at being on the Gold Coast/Brisbane during winter. As per the other thread, you really should check out the weather here during that Mar – Aug or even Apr – Sept time frame. Got to be one of the nicest places on earth weather wise during those times. Mild to warm temperatures, very little rain and crystal blue sky’s all the time.
During summer it can be really hot, lots of clouds even if its not raining, big storms all the time. Even if its blue sky its got a bit of a haze to it. Then around the end of Mar early Apr its like a switch gets flicked and all of a sudden the crystal blue sky’s start, the rain stops, the heat and humidity disappear and its just a totally different place. I love it every year when it starts. You know its started when all of a sudden you get that first 2 to 4 week stretch of nothing but Blue sky.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:04 pm, 10th December 2018Yeah, I definitely will if I decide to go the Scottsdale route.
Posted at 07:34 pm, 10th December 2018I am in Bogotá as I write this. I come here about once a month to hang out with a lady friend. You are dead on about the air quality….terrible. Taxi rides can be terrifying at times, as the drivers are much more aggressive than in Boston or NYC. The sidewalks are terrible…holes all over and high curbs.
If you know where to go, you can get good food in Bogotá. I have eaten in some very good restaurants here, and I am in Italy yearly to compare. Leo Cocina is very good, as are the two main restaurants on Monserrate. There are also good ones in the north, near Parque El Virrey and Parque 93.
I like the people here and agree that if you use common sense, you will have no trouble with crime. There are many attractive women here and the women seem to hit Tinder hard. I get hundreds of likes from women each time I’m here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:02 pm, 10th December 2018I really hope you don’t travel to far for that. I’m sure there are tons of hot women where you already live.
Posted at 03:44 am, 11th December 2018BD, I realize that it was not smart. I am working on a number of local women now to ward off the creep of oneitis. I didn’t find your blog until after I got into the situation.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:49 am, 11th December 2018Then get out of the situation. You can do so tomorrow morning.
Posted at 12:42 pm, 11th December 2018Ahhh… the good and old “America is not called America”. Yeah it is dude. It is not “United States”. Just like the ‘Republica de Colombia’ is not called ‘República’, it is called Colombia. ‘Republica Federativa do Brasil” is called Brazil. ‘United States of America’ is called America. Live with it.
This bs you’re talking about is some “anti american imperialism” strategy from communist educators on latin america. They tried to teach me the same bullcrap. Stop believing in these hacks
Posted at 12:43 am, 13th December 2018Eugend:
What do you mean? Are they shittier?
Posted at 09:19 pm, 24th December 2018Done. Not easy, because I have been a beta bitch and I am 54,while she is 25. I get lots of hits on the apps for women who are 50+ and have not aged well. Very few twenty somethings with taut bodies. I need to get over my SP and other crap which turned me into a pussy and kept me from exploring more convenient options.