27 Jul How To Set Up Health Insurance As An Alpha Male 2.0

Instead of a transcript this time around, I’m just going to summarize the advice in the video. I’ll cover both Americans and non-Americans in terms of how you should handle your health care and health insurance costs in the freest way possible as an Alpha Male 2.0
-By Caleb Jones
Alpha Male 2.0 health care plan for Americans:
- Stop with the bullshit excuses and get your fucking income up to the point where you can cover most “normal” doctor visits yourself instead of having to rely on your corrupt, collapsing government or your rip-off corporatist health insurance conglomerate. Relying on your government or a giant health care insurance company to take care of you in the long-term while the Western world is in a literal state of collapse is the dumbest thing in the universe you could possibly do.
- Get a catastrophic health care plan that has low monthly premiums but will take care of you in case you run into a horribly expensive health care issue like cancer or getting your arm cut off.
- Get an HSA account attached to a debit card.
- Deposit as much as you can per year into that account (up to $3,500) so you can deduct it off of your taxes.
- Use your HSA to pay for your doctor’s visits.
Alpha Male 2.0 health care plan for non-Americans who live in socialist countries:
- Realize that every country is different and I can’t cover all of them so I’m forced to generalize.
- Stop with the bullshit excuses and get your fucking income up to the point where you can cover most “normal” doctor visits yourself instead of having to rely on your corrupt, socialist, collapsing government. Relying on your government with its bankrupt health care system to take care of you in the long-term while the Western world is in a literal state of collapse is the dumbest thing in the universe you could possibly do.
- Set aside a stash of money so you can pay for your own health care visits or needs in case your stupid government can’t or won’t pay for them. Also, set aside some cash so you can actually travel to a different country to get care if your country can’t or won’t provide it.
That’s basically it. The point here is to not rely on some external entity, particularly a collapsing Western government or a brutal, soulless health care corporation to take care of your health in the long-term.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 12:35 pm, 27th July 2020I’m an HSA veteran (in terms of having one, using one, studying it).
I would argue that unless you have a significant cash flow problem or emergency, you shouldn’t “use your HSA” to pay for medical expenses right away.
That’s because you can only contribute roughly $3,500 (IRS increases the limit every year) per year into it.
So after 10 years of maximum contributions, you will have $35,000 (+ returns) in the account.
Most people can’t even spell HSA, let alone have been contributing for 10 years (it’s only been popular the last 5-6 years anyway).
Point is, you have money in a triple-tax sheltered account (in, growth, out). You want to KEEP it there.
Some people keep major medical receipts to “reimburse” themselves later. There is no time limit to when you can do this (provided you have the receipt).
But don’t bother. You don’t think you’re going to blow through $50,000 easily in retirement in medical expenses?
Not to mention it can be used for glasses, contacts, dental visits, and dental procedures (just can’t use it to pay the separate insurance premiums for those).
At worst, upon 65 you can draw from it like a regular IRA for ANY expense. It loses partial tax savings though.
I personally wouldn’t draw money from your HSA at all until you have at least $10,000 socked away in there. If you’re concerned about ‘spending it’ before you die, save major medical receipts ($1,000+) in a drawer for a down the road withdrawal. And watch you 100% tax free account grow in the meantime.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:33 pm, 27th July 2020Your suggestion is only valid if someone can afford to fund 100% of his own medical expenses right now PLUS his insurance premiums PLUS funding his HSA to the max every year, and do all of this literally right now. For for higher-income Americans who are currently in good health, sure, but most guys reading this won’t be able to afford all of that.
Posted at 09:06 pm, 27th July 2020Well put. Sage advice.
Posted at 09:08 pm, 27th July 2020Well put. Sage advice.
Posted at 09:16 pm, 27th July 2020I thought this blog was about women, and the other one was about other life hacks.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:38 pm, 27th July 2020I’m in the process of combining all of my blogs into one master Alpha Male 2.0 blog. Watch this.
Posted at 04:41 am, 28th July 2020Off topic but said I’d post here since you only read comments from the two most current articles. (Not expecting a reply, but do so if you wish)
Regarding OLTR.
PS: I don’t know your spiritual orientation or lack there of but personally mine would include European Paganism/Taoism.
Now regarding TMM, yes I agree it does NOT work. Granted I would attribute this primarily due to the fact that we are a fallen people, in the modern world people exist only to serve themselves, there is no unifying ideal, we are bound up in materialism, man exists to serve principles and through serving these principles he begins to embody them and thus he provides a life affirming vision for a woman to serve in him. Man serves god/spirit and woman serves man.
Now in saying this I still think monogamy does NOT work but not for the same reasons as you might think. My reasoning is that monogamy kills love. True love. The kind of divine madness that stikes unexpectadly. Which is, from a practical point of view, one of the most insane things you can do, or that can happen to you. Because in the eyes of a given woman or a given man, an opposite who go to the eyes of everybody else a perfectly plain and ordinary person can appear to be God or Goddess incarnate.
This love fades you cannot expect a single person to love you indefintely it’s unrealisitic. Hence, TMM does not work, it KILLS love.
Marriage has ONE purpose and that purpose is kids. The family structure I believe is crucial to a stable society. Marriage SHOULD be based on the old idea of mutual agreement to cohabitate and raise kids, who are expected at best to be good friends and to allow one another freedom, thus when love strikes it is tolerated. This agreement is one of mutual responsibility and freedom for the purpose of healthy progeny. The vow of marriage is to be always true to one another, to always be truthful and not pretend that your feelings towards one another are other than what they are.
This does NOT mean the partner should go sleep with whom ever he or she pleases for physical pleasure and base hedonism. Man shouldn’t sleep with a woman unless he was happy if that woman ended up being the mother of his kids, if he was proud that such a woman would resemble his future daughter, a woman with some values, NOT a woman that just looks good but lacks inner beauty. This is a bullet to a mans integrity, such a woman does not deserve your sexual attention.
Posted at 04:58 am, 28th July 2020You always want that one you love to be free and vital, as when you met them for the first time…But by making it a habbit you destroy it. It is paradox as everything that is real in life…
“Man shouldn’t sleep with a woman unless he was happy if that woman ended up being the mother of his kids, if he was proud that such a woman would resemble his future daughter, a woman with some values, NOT a woman that just looks good but lacks inner beauty. This is a bullet to a mans integrity, such a woman does not deserve your sexual attention.”
Okay this might actually be a bit too extreme and pre calculated in hindsight. I think it is possible to LOVE a woman who might not necessarily be a good mother, in the sense your sexual time with her could be “magical” and you love her free spiritedness or whatever but u wouldn’t have kids or live with her. That is true and possible I beleive. Still just say no to sluts tho. Can’t love a slut surely. Then again who knows how life unfolds lmao.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:58 am, 28th July 2020This is too off-topic for me to get into a conversation about, but your final paragraph in your final comment doesn’t conflict with anything I’ve ever said. Don’t love your FBs. Just fuck them. Right.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 04:27 am, 29th July 2020Hey Caleb, I commented on another post, but I guess that post got deleted or hidden due to being about a seminar. Just wanted to give you a heads-up: the Sleek Technique emails have a typo on the subject line (it spells “Technqiue“). Also, keep’em coming, they’re being very helpful with goal setting and achievement.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:47 am, 29th July 2020Already fixed last week. Thanks.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 11:42 am, 29th July 2020You’re welcome, but… You sure? The one I received yesterday still has the typo.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:50 pm, 29th July 2020Yes, I’m sure. The one you’re talking about was already queued up so we couldn’t easily correct it.
Posted at 04:28 pm, 29th July 2020This post is spot-on.
An added benefit of self-pay is, a fair number of healthcare providers will give you a discount if they know you are paying out of pocket. Be sure to ask about this when the staff asks for your insurance info and you tell them you don’t have any.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:57 pm, 29th July 2020Correct and damn, I forgot to mention that in the video and I should have. I’ve received discounts as much as 70% off when I was telling them I was paying myself instead of through an insurance company.
Posted at 07:25 am, 30th July 2020Personally I’m loving the new content! Keep it up!
Also would you care to elaborate on why you decided to merge all your blogs and content? Isn’t that a bit on the wrong side of your niching advice?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:45 am, 30th July 20201. Alpha Male 2.0 is a comprehensive program, not just women and not just entrepreneurship. That’s what makes it different and unique. Having two completely separate blogs feels really incongruent to this goal and feature.
2. I’m going to stop talking about pop culture, politics, theory/philosophy, etc, which means one of the blogs will lose almost 50% of its content.
3. It is a massive pain in in my ass to manage 2 separate blogs these days with everything else I need to do. I need to simplify.
There’s niching your market and niching your offering. Merging the blogs really strengthens the niche of the market even if it possibly weakens the niche of the offering, which is a trade-off I’m willing to take. I already made that decision way back in 2014 when I decided to start merging my dating content with my business content, a gamble that worked.
Posted at 11:03 pm, 30th July 2020I enjoyed some of those posts. I thought since it’s approaching your Phase 3 (Experimental) you would be talking more about your personal feeling/theory/philosophy/opinion instead. You don’t want to talk about them publicly anymore, or you just don’t have time for them, or they are reserved for short Youtube/Insta clips now?
I still find this a bit hard to grasp, please do an article elaborates on this. Thx.
Posted at 09:36 am, 31st July 2020Well I said unless you have significant cash flow problems. High ded health plans still have max out-of-pocket limits of various amounts.
An HSA is the best possible retirement account, as at worst, it’s a tIRA, and at best, it’s 100% tax free growth forever.
It’s not for the super wealthy.
It’s for anyone not living in abject poverty.
Your other retirement accounts should be pulled back (fewer contributions) before raiding your HSA (except for employer matching). It’s counter-intuitive, but mathematically correct.
If you have cash flow problems where you cannot even save $3,500 per year for retirement (or even the medium term) , you have BIG problems. (That’s 5% of a 70,000 income).
Yeah again, maybe not for everyone but it’s far more than the super-rich keeping their HSA stocked. It’s anybody middle-class and above who hates paying taxes.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:18 am, 31st July 2020No no no. My Phase 3 is a binary on or off thing, not something I’m gradually sliding into. I am still in Phase 2 so I am 1,000% focused on making as much money as humanly possible until I hit Phase 3 in 4-5 years. My personal opinions on politics, pop culture, philosophy, etc get clicks and attention but make no money, so there you go. What makes money is talking about how to make more money and how to have sex with girls. That’s what my one blog will be about.
All of the above.
I don’t think you read my comment. A typical middle class American would not be able to do what you’re suggesting. (But I don’t want to argue about it. Feel free to disagree.)
Posted at 05:59 pm, 1st August 2020Yeah I hear a lot from anyone over 25 that an HSA is not for them since they intend to have medical costs. They are wrong.
Go to any early retirement or finance forum like bogleheads or mr money mustache and they’ll advise not to raid the HSA if you want to maximize your assets and tax avoidance.
Again if you can’t afford to save $3500 a year, you have severe personal finance issues.
Just trying to be helpful and to you as well. Even if you have large medical costs it would be prudent for someone with high income not to actually withdrawal any money from the HSA until as long as possible. Save the receipts for a huge withdrawal at age 60 if need be.
Posted at 03:32 pm, 7th August 2020I just had emergency surgery recently, for something entirely unexpected. It cost $73,000. That’s not including visits to the doctor and follow up. I’m generally pretty healthy and don’t get sick often. I don’t know that would be enough insurance. You just don’t know what to expect with health care.
As a business owner (like you suggest Alpha males should be) you can get group insurance if you have anyone working for you. You may have to pay W-2 instead of 1099. You may need to join a local chamber but I’m hearing (since I just opened a business) that the insurance options are great for small businesses like that.