17 Dec Learning/Practicing Game Vs. Just Paying For Sex: Which Is The Superior Path?

Read Time – 13 min
Many of you have pointed out to me that you’ve seen frequent debates online between men who think paying for sex is for lazy losers, betas, and incels, and the other side who think that taking the time and effort to learn game and execute all of the necessary gaming techniques to get to sex without paying for it are complete idiots and/or liars who are wasting their time when they can whip out a few bucks and get from zero to sex far faster and easier.
There’s even a third category of men (usually a subset of the second category above) who think that it’s literally impossible to have sex with a woman without paying some monetary expense somewhere. Even if you have sex with a new girl without literally giving her money, you still, they argue, had to do something like take her out on a few dumb dates and buy her drinks or food or something which still cost you money.
This point is empirically incorrect, since as I’ve reported in the past, around 30% of all the non-sugar-baby women I’ve had sex with cost me literally zero money. I’ve had many first/second dates where we would do something like go to a Starbucks and talk and that’s it without me buying the woman anything, and I still had sex with her. To be fair, these scenarios aren’t typical, but they do account for a decent percentage. Many of you have accomplished similar things in your dating life too; I know for a fact I’m not the only one.
But back to the original point, these debates between these two camps usually descend into emotions, irrationality, and ego-defending rather than making factual and objective points. And I’m talking about both sides here; I’ve seen a lot of bullshit from both.
One side says stupid shit like the only men pathetic enough to pay for sex are those who could never get laid without paying a woman to fuck them.
Uh, okay, then how do you explain men like Charlie Sheen, Eddie Murphy, Donald Trump, and Hugh Grant? These are/were famous, wealthy, powerful, good-looking men with sky-high SMV who could have had sex with any super-hottie they wanted, for free, yet they paid for sex.
Dumb, factually inaccurate point.
The other side says stupid shit like how “real men” are “honest” in their dealings with women and just pay for it instead of using “mind games” to “trick” women into having sex with them.
Some of them also say or imply that by not paying for sex these men are lying to women and/or leading them on because they’re dangling the carrot of how the woman might benefit monetarily “someday” when the man makes her his girlfriend or wife down the road.
Uh, okay, then how do you explain the fact that I (and many other men in the Alpha Male 2.0 community) have had numerous women who had sex with me for years and years on end without me paying them a single penny? If I was lying to them, tricking them, or leading them on with false implied promises, don’t you think these women would have figured it out within a few weeks, or at least a few months? And then angrily dumped me for wasting their time?
Why did they stick around with me for two years, three years, five years, or more while getting zero or near-zero money from me? And if they did eventually leave after years of being with me, why did 94% of them come back to me? Do you think 100% of these women were stupid? Including the ones with high IQs, college degrees, and/or over the age of 35?
Again, a stupid and factually inaccurate point.
So if both sides are completely irrational and stupid about this argument, what’s the factually objective answer?
Well, since I am objective, outcome-independent, don’t have an ego about what you think of my dating life, and have vast experience over a 17-year history in both having sex with many women by not paying for it and a few by paying for it via sugar daddy game, thus being on both sides of the issue, I’m here to provide you that answer, or at least as close to the objective truth as is possible.
I’ll tackle both sides of this.
The Learning and Practicing Game Argument
Why is this important? Why bother reading the books, watching the videos, swiping all those girls, doing all those cold approaches, going on all those first and second dates/meets just to have sex when you can just whip out $80-$400 (depending on where you live and other factors) and get to the sex quickly without doing all of that crap?
It’s a valid question. I have a valid answer.
If most or all of the women you have sex with are only having sex with you because you’re giving them money, how would that make you feel? Stop knee-jerk defending your ego and be honest for a minute. Does that make you feel like an attractive man? Does it make you feel like women really like you? What does that do for your confidence? Self-esteem?
Whether your like it or not, it will subconsciously reinforce the belief that “I am so unattractive that the only reason women will fuck me is because I give them money.” This is dreadful for your confidence and long-term happiness as a man. It’s difficult to think of a worse belief to have regarding women.
Let’s take it a step further. How would this make you feel about women?
I can tell you for a fact that you would have a skewed, negative view of women and relationships in general, at least eventually, exactly how long-time strippers end up having a skewed, negative view of men. You would come to view damn near 100% of women as whores or gold-diggers, at least on some level, whose only reason for having sex is to suck cash out of men’s wallets. (Thus the false belief I mentioned above about how 100% of sex costs some kind of money for a man.)
This is why only having sex with women you pay is extraordinarily harmful to you.
I can see some of you already typing or thinking of objections, so I’ll address them since I’ve already seen all of the excuses. They include:
- Paying for sex can be fun!
- It’s okay to do it if you want to do it.
- It’s okay to do it if you’re working on your dating skills at the same time.
- It’s okay to do it if you want to get a really hot girl you “can’t” (notice the quotes) get in real life.
- It’s okay to do it if you’re “ugly” (again notice the quotes).
Just because you want to do it, like doing it, or can conjure up a bunch of false reasons for doing it doesn’t mean it’s not harmful to your confidence, happiness, and self-esteem.
If you want to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you could argue that it’s fun, or it makes you feel good, or that you have certain extenuating reasons for doing so. Great, but that isn’t my argument. My argument is that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is bad for you and will make you suffer over time.
Just because you love cigarettes or have other (valid or invalid) reasons for smoking them doesn’t mean you won’t get lung cancer or experience other severe health problems and financial costs. The carcinogens and your cells don’t give a shit about what you emotionally desire or rationalize. Facts are facts.
If you want to pay for sex because you think it’s fun or you have some bullshit excuses, then go ahead. As I always say, it’s your life. Do whatever you want. Get traditionally, monogamously married. Shoot heroin. Pay for sex. Go for it. But don’t tell me these things won’t hurt you. They will.
To be fair, it’s accurate that you won’t damage your happiness or self-esteem if you pay for sex a few times and then stop; that’s fine, but that’s not what the pay-for-it guys advocate. They tell you to do it long-term, possibly even forever. Bad idea.
You could then argue that paying for sex is okay as long as you’re getting it for free somewhere else. Ah, now you’re getting closer to the objective truth. But first, we need to look at the other side of the argument.

The Paying For Sex Argument
Those who are 100% against paying for sex say paying for sex isn’t real game. It’s only for beta male pussies who have no game and no woman skills. It’s only for total losers who can’t man up and get the fucking balls to go out into the real world and pick up a hot girl and bang her without giving her any money. It’s only for lazy soy boy cucks who don’t want to take the time and effort to learn and improve and become true men like us badass Alpha Males who can lay hot chicks without having to demean ourselves by giving them money.
The problem is, it is objectively true that paying for sex does indeed save a lot of time and effort. Time and effort spent learning game, practicing game, failing over and over again, spending massive amounts of time gaming women and going out on dates… you can’t deny that paying for sex doesn’t save a huge amount of resources in terms of time, emotions, and effort. This advantage is significant and can’t be discounted by any rational-thinking man.
Moreover, the more money you make, the more valuable your time becomes, thus the more relevant this aspect becomes for you. I relate to this personally. I make orders of magnitude more money today than I ever have in my life despite making a high income since I was in my late twenties.
It’s one thing for a poor guy with nothing else to do to pay for sex, but what about the busy business owner who works 50-60 hours/week while making a seven-figure income? Doesn’t it make some rational, mathematical sense for a guy like that to pay $300 (or whatever), which is peanuts to him, to save 15, 20, 25+ hours per week gaming women? Yes, it does.
On top of that, you have the old argument of, “I don’t pay hookers for sex; I pay hookers to LEAVE after having sex.” I don’t have sex with hookers, but that is another valid argument. By paying hookers (and certain types of sugar babies) you don’t have to spend any time or emotional resources whatsoever in managing a relationship.
There are indeed many lazy pussies and betas who use paying for sex as an excuse to not improve. Unfortunately, I have a decent amount of men like that in my audience. They’re the ones who make those stupid paying-for-sex-is-okay-because excuses I listed above. However, at the same time, men who argue that paying for sex at any time is only for lazy pussy betas are completely ignoring the two objectively valid points I just made.
The REAL Answer
So if it is valid to pay for sex under certain conditions but paying for sex will ruin your confidence, self-esteem, and happiness, what is the objective answer to this conundrum?
The answer is to only allow yourself to pay for sex under certain conditions.
This goes back to the two requirements for paying for sex that I’ve outlined before.
The first requirement is that you must have shown you can get sex from women who are at least cute to you without paying them any money. That means that yes, you must take the time and effort, just once in your life, to get decently good at normal game. You don’t need to be an Instagram Chad or pick-up artist who bangs supermodels; you just need to be good enough to have sex with a few cute girls without giving them money. That’s an achievable goal.
Once you’ve had sex without paying for it with a few cute girls, NOW if you pay for sex, it won’t hurt your self-esteem, confidence, or happiness at all. You know for a fact you can get laid without paying for it, you’re not bullshitting yourself about it, and you’re using the pay-for-sex thing as a supplement rather than a replacement.
Do you think that if someone like Charlie Sheen, Andrew Tate, or myself had sex with 100+ cute/hot girls without paying for it suddenly started to pay for it, it would make us feel bad at all about our game abilities or attractiveness to women? Of course not. Knowing you have actually done this without paying for it shields you against the very real negative emotional ramifications of paying for sex.
The second requirement is that the amount of money you are paying for sex is A) something you can easily afford based on your income and B) is a profit center for you based on the saved time.
That means that if you make $35,000 a year you should not be paying hookers or sugar babies $100+ for sex. You can’t afford it, you moron. Get your income up first, to the point where shelling out $200 a few times a month isn’t even noticeable to you.
Also, if you make $35,000 a year your time isn’t yet valuable enough to spend that kind of money to “save” it. It is indeed financially viable for you, at least right now, to spend the 10-25 hours per week getting good at game. You have the time, and spending $200 to save a few hours isn’t worth it since your time is only worth about $15/hour or whatever.
I’m not saying this to be an asshole or to insult you. I’m just giving you the objective data.
As usual, I walk my talk. Today I pay for sex via some sugar babies, but I work all day and all night seven days a week and make a seven-figure income from multiple companies. I’m also Blackdragon, meaning I already had sex with over 100 cute/hot girls without ever paying any of them a penny before I ever started doing sugar daddy game a few years ago. Before about 2018 or so, I would NEVER pay a woman for sex under any conditions… because I hadn’t yet met the two criteria above.
So if you meet the above two criteria, paying for sex is fine. If you haven’t met both criteria yet, paying for sex is bad and you shouldn’t do it.
It’s not that either side of this issue are wrong; they’re both right and both make valid points. The issue is that it isn’t that black-and-white. If you only pay for sex under certain conditions, you can gain the benefits without incurring any of the negatives.
To have your question featured here where I will write an entire article addressing it, click here. You will always remain anonymous.

C.R. Writes:
Hey in ur prev livestream u recommended: “do ur best when u r yung 2 avoid marriage and 2 avoid children”…… do u have any info that causes u 2 disagree with my opinion below?
Disagree on avoiding marriage when young.
In my mega genius opinion it is best 4 man 2 get married in early-to-mid 20s bc then he will be divorced by Late-20s.
In his late-20s he will still have low salary + low assets so he won’t really lose much in the divorce, but he will have gained the knowledge of true female nature in marriage.
lso lower chance of man losing kids + paying child support bc most likely he will wait to have kids until he’s in his 30s, which he will not have reached yet bc he would still be in his late-20s when his divorce is occurring.
Basically since a divorce is going 2 happen anyways… might as well get it over with when potential damage is at it’s lowest pt…which is when the man is youngest.
My Answer
Let’s look at the sheer number of factually incorrect assumptions you are making to make your point (which itself makes no sense):
1. A man MUST, 100%, at some point, get legally married at some point in his life. A man can’t “not” ever get married. (Factually incorrect.)
2. Being legally married for a few years teaches a man “true female nature.” (Factually incorrect.)
3. The only way to know “true female nature” is to get legally married to a woman. (Factually incorrect.)
4. If a man gets married in his early to mid-twenties and gets divorced before he turns 30, he probably won’t have any kids with his wife during this time. (Factually incorrect.)
If you are so societally brainwashed into thinking the above four falsehoods are true, then yeah, it would be a really good idea to get married in your early twenties and be divorced by age 30.
But the problem is that none of those four items are true. Let’s examine each:
1. You’re assuming that a man “must” get legally married to a woman at some point in his life and that he somehow has no choice. Actually, in the modern era, a man can go through his entire life not ever getting legally married to any woman. He can instead have girlfriends and/or live-in girlfriends and never legally marry any of them.
This is already happening. Around 20% of American men age 40+ have never been legally married in their entire lives, and this percentage skyrockets every decade. Very soon it will be 50% and more.
So, a man doesn’t “have to” get married. He can move in with his girlfriend and never marry her (also never get monogamous to her if he’s smart) and just break up later and move out. There is no divorce, alimony, or communal property because there never was a marriage.
2. Being married to a woman doesn’t teach a man “true female nature” simply by the sheer number of divorced beta males in society who are completely clueless about women, dating, marriage, and relationships, despite already being in a marriage. I know tons of these guys and I’m sure you do too.
As a matter of fact, the vast majority of men I know over the age of 35 are divorced beta males. They were married for years, got divorced, and are just as clueless about women as they were before they got married. They spend the rest of their lives making the same mistakes with women over and over again. I’ve profiled these men on my blogs in the past; the frequent example of the beta male who gets divorced and quickly (within 2-3 years or less) jumps right back into another fucked-up marriage with a bitchy Dominant is as common as breathing.
3. There are many ways to understand “true female nature” that don’t involve getting legally married to a woman. You can date many of them in long-term MLTR or OLTR relationships. You can have several long-term monogamous girlfriends (though I don’t recommend that for obvious reasons). You can live with a woman for a few years under an OLTR Marriage where there is no legal marriage and an enforceable cohabitation agreement. And so on.
4. Statistically speaking, a man who gets married in his mid to late twenties and gets divorced by the time he turns 30 is extremely likely to have kids with his temporary wife at some point during that marriage, and both the statistical data and your own anecdotal data point to this.
And this makes perfect sense. Is a young man who gets legally married in his twenties a tough, strong, independent Alpha Male? Of course not. He’s a pussy beta like most other young men (or old men, for that matter). This guy is going to acquiesce to the demands of his wife to have babies, which is the primary reason women get married that young; to have babies and to have it be considered “okay” by society because she’s married (even if the young couple can’t afford it and/or are not anywhere near emotionally mature enough to be parents).
You know damn well that this kind of young beta is not the kind of man who’s going to tell his little oneitis wifey-poo to shut the fuck up and wait ten more years to have kids when she’s stamping her feet demanding he impregnate her. Even if he argues a little bit he’ll good little pussy and follow instructions when she screams, yells, cries, and/or threatens to divorce him, fuck his brother, or cut off sex (techniques women successfully have used against men for decades). So when they get divorced, the odds are very high that there will indeed be kids involved, and now he’s slapped with child support for the next 18 years and goes to prison if he doesn’t pay it. Great plan.
This is a very nice way of saying that your entire point is insane and nonsensical and assumes at least four things that are true that aren’t.
Men should not get monogamous, ever.
Western men should not get legally married, ever.
There is no reason to do either in the modern era (with very bizarre 2% rule exceptions).
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Hunter Uprising
Posted at 10:19 am, 24th December 2023Great to have you back writing Caleb! The quality of your writing really shines through, it’s really your thing. 100% agreed with you. Not even sure how this is a debate. Super logical to go from 1/ getting good with women and sex without paying to 2/ becoming a busy / high income / older guy who pays just because it’s a better use of time. But what’s new – people just want to stay irrational and believe what they want to believe in. It is what it is. More for us.
Posted at 07:32 pm, 28th December 2023Alright I Emailed caleb@draxx.com and theonlyblackdragon@gmail.com about Y my Comment wsn;t Showing Up…and I was Ignored by Both of Them…..so here is My MEGA GENIUS Comment:
All Men PAy 4 Box with either Time, or Money, or Both….BlackDragon does as well.
The Only Replenishable Resource of those is $$$.
I also Agree with CoachGregAdams that it is Cheaper 2 Pay on the FrontEnd than on the BackEnd.
[around 30% of all the non-sugar-baby women I’ve had sex with cost me literally zero money.]
U Paid w Time, BD…..a Non-Renewable Resourse.
[Uh, okay, then how do you explain the fact that I (and many other men in the Alpha Male 2.0 community) have had numerous women who had sex with me for years and years on end without me paying them a single penny?]
Simple…U Paid w Time…..All Men PAy 4 Box with either Time, or Money, or Both.
[I’ve had many first/second dates where we would do something like go to a Starbucks and talk and that’s it without me buying the woman anything, and I still had sex with her.]
Ok, Looks like U Do No U Pay 4 Box w Time….Unless U Don’t Recognize this Starbucks Date as “Paying 4 Sex with Time”…..but that’s Exactly what it is.
[have vast experience over a 17-year history in both having sex with many women by not paying for it]
Again, U PAid w Time.
[(Thus the false belief I mentioned above about how 100% of sex costs some kind of money for a man.)]
True Belief: 100% of Sex Costs some Kind of Money OR TIME 4 a Man.
[1. The first requirement is that you must have shown you can get sex from women who are at least cute to you without paying them any money. That means that yes, you must take the time and effort, just once in your life, to get decently good at normal game.]
[2. Once you’ve had sex without paying for it with a few cute girls, NOW if you pay for sex, it won’t hurt your self-esteem, confidence, or happiness at all. You know for a fact you can get laid without paying for it, you’re not bullshitting yourself about it, and you’re using the pay-for-sex thing as a supplement rather than a replacement.]
100% Agree w those 2 Requirements^^.
Pay w Time 1st w Multiple Different Cute Girls…..then Pay w Money 4 Women ThereAfter.
[Do you think that if someone like Charlie Sheen, Andrew Tate, or myself had sex with 100+ cute/hot girls without paying for it suddenly started to pay for it, it would make us feel bad at all about our game abilities or attractiveness to women?]
Ur Simply Switching from PAying w Time 2 PAying w Money.
[Knowing you have actually done this without paying ($$$) for it shields you against the very real negative emotional ramifications of paying for sex (w $$$).]
100% Agree.
[The second requirement is that the amount of money you are paying for sex is A) something you can easily afford based on your income and B) is a profit center for you based on the saved time.]
[I’m also Blackdragon, meaning I already had sex with over 100 cute/hot girls without ever paying any of them a penny before I ever started doing sugar daddy game a few years ago.]
BD Revealing his # 4 the 1st Time.
U Paid w Time 4 those 100+ Cute/Hot Girls tho.
[Before about 2018 or so, I would NEVER pay a woman for sex under any conditions… because I hadn’t yet met the two criteria above.]
U Paid 4 Sex w/ 100% of the Women b4 2018…..U Paid w Time.
All Men PAy 4 Box with either Time, or Money, or Both.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:39 am, 30th December 2023Your first 2 comments were spammed, not held for moderation. You probably used words WordPress didn’t like.
Correct. It costs time or money to get laid. I never said otherwise.
The goal is to have it cost the minimum time (or money) via dating skills.