01 Feb Two Types of Men: Thrill of the Hunt or Pleasure of Sex – Updated for the 2020s

Reading Time – 10 minutes
This is an update to one of the most important techniques and concepts I’ve ever conveyed to my audience. Once you fully understand what I’m about to explain to you, your dating and relationship life with women will be much easier for you. It’s something I’ve never seen discussed anywhere else, which is a shame since it’s foundational to your long-term happiness as a man.
As most of you know, I came out of the pick-up artist world back in the 2000s. During that time I was a prominent character on some of the biggest PUA forums and I was witness to (and participated in) many huge arguments PUAs would have with each other back then.
One of the recurring arguments I saw reared its ugly head when online dating came to the fore circa 2006-2009. For the first time, a community based around picking up girls at bars, clubs, and city streets suddenly had dudes getting laid from these weird new things called online dating sites. It was a strange time, and many people needed to adjust their brains.
These created all kinds of arguments about how online game wasn’t real game. If you had sex with 20 cute girls you met from a dating site, that “didn’t count” because it wasn’t “real game.” The only game that was “real” was real-life cold approach, you loser. On the other side, you had online dating guys scream back at the night game / day game guys that they were stupid and wasting their time. Why the fuck would you stay up until 3 am on a weeknight just to get some pussy when you could just send some openers on a dating site whenever you wanted and get the same result?
Around the same time I read something Neil Strauss (known back as “Style,” one of the most famous pick-up artists in history) said in one of his books that I found as bizarre as it was interesting. He said he tried online dating once, immediately had sex with five different women (including a kindergarten teacher), and then immediately stopped using any dating sites and went right back to meeting girls at clubs.
The reason? The problem with online dating, he said, was it was too easy.
Uhhhhh… what? Too easy? My brain reeled. Don’t we want meeting and getting sex from women to be easy?
I didn’t understand it. It didn’t make any sense.
Until one day, it hit me.
I was watching two distinct and very different types of men looking at the world of women in a completely different way.
Both of these types of men are good. Both have the same goal, that of having sex with women, ideally multiple women, and ideally faster rather than slower. One is not better than the other; it’s all a matter of preference and opinion. There are pros and cons to being either type of guy.
However, the way these two types of men go about how they date, have sex, and have relationships with women is extremely different.
I have always called these two types of men Thrill of the Hunt men (TH men) or Pleasure of Sex men (PS men).
Thrill of the Hunt Men
PS men desire sex. They don’t care how they get it as long as it’s easy, quick, and not a lot of trouble.
For TH men, the hunt is just as important as the sex, if not more so.
That’s really it… but it’s a big difference.
TH men are always pushing themselves to the limit, trying to accomplish difficult lays. Scoring with a girl who was really hard to get into bed, or who many other men want to have sex with is a huge source of pleasure for them. The harder the lay, the more they have to work, the more they have to push themselves to achieve, the better they like it. They get as much (or more) personal pleasure for the difficult accomplishment of having sex as they do from the sex itself.
To be clear, I am not saying that TH men don’t like sex and that only PS men do. I’m saying that PS only like the sex while TH men like sex and the hunt.
TH men love cold approach; things like night game, day game, and sometimes social circle game. TH men with higher SMV love to go after famous actresses, socialites, or Instagram models. They tend to avoid online dating (only doing it when they feel they have no other choice) and often consider doing things like paying for sex only something complete losers do.
Whenever a TH man gets into a relationship, very soon he grows uncomfortable because he’s out of the hunt. Because of this, TH men who do monogamy overwhelmingly tend to be cheaters, cheating on women as a regular practice, even if they truly love the woman they’re with and feel bad about what they’re doing. TH men need to hunt. They always need new women, new conquests, new pussy.If they don’t get that, they feel like something is wrong.
Some TH men master non-monogamous relationships, but for some reason a lot of TH men tend to avoid these, preferring the perceived security of “monogamous” relationships, even if they’re short-term and/or if they’re secretly cheating.
There are pros and cons to being a TH man.
On the pro side, TH men tend to be more extroverted, confident, and/or very charismatic. They often have very strong game. They often have strong Alpha Male personalities (1.0 or 2.0 depending on the guy). They’re hard workers and get shit done. They’re constantly striving to improve and push the envelope, and take great pleasure in their successes. They’re impressive guys.
On the bad side, they also tend to be more emotional, have more drama and conflict, and often lean hard in the Alpha Male 1.0 direction. They get sexually bored with women very fast which causes problems all kinds of problems in their relationships, which usually tend to be either very brief or longer but with more drama (usually due to their cheating and hunting on the side).
Pleasure of Sex Men
The polar opposite of the TH man is the PS man.
PS men just want to get laid. They want to get to the sex as easily as possible without a lot of hassle, even if the methods they use are considered “boring,” “too easy,” “not real game,” or “for simps.” They don’t give a shit about the hunt. Extreme PS men consider the hunt tedious and a pain in the ass. They’ll do it if they have to, but only to get laid. Once they get laid, they’re done hunting “forever” (or so they think), and then they’re happy. Whereas TH men love the hunt, PS men view it as a necessary evil, to get it over with as fast as possible so they can get laid and relax and/or focus on other life areas.
PS men love stuff like online dating and sugar daddy game (TH men will opt to do salt daddy game instead). Beta male PS men will happily pay for hookers. PS men who are more Alpha or players will optimize online dating and/or social circle game and similar techniques to get to sex as fast and as easily as possible (sound familiar?).
PS men are only in the hunt just long enough to get laid and create a relationship or two, and then they’re immediately done. They usually don’t push for constant improvement in their game skills like TH men.
In relationships, PS men settle in quickly and often get oneitis fast. They don’t get bored with the same woman as TH men do and will often let other women fall by the wayside in non-mono relationships, quickly becoming de-facto monogamous and having all the usual problems. When relationships end, instead of being relieved like many TH men, PS men get upset, even depressed, because they don’t want to be back in the hunt again.
More Alpha Male PS men become non-monogamous relationship wizards and create lifestyles with harems where they get the sex they crave as easily as they like, living much more even-keel lives than their often chaotic TH brothers.

More Differences Between The Two Types
When a TH man encounters problems when trying to have sex with a new woman, he gets excited at the challenge and dives right in. He will happily spend hours upon hours working on one woman, ignoring all others, to win his prize.
When a PS man encounters problems, he might try a thing or two, but if they don’t work, he bails fast and is off to the next woman on his list. Hardcore PS men often get upset with women in general, saying they’re “bitches” or “too much work”. This can often lead to darker areas like MGTOW and black pill.
TH men tend to view PS men as pussies, betas, simps, or lazy. They view PS men as not wanting to push themselves to be better men.
PS men tend to view TH men as immature, validation-seekers, douchebags, or time-wasters. PS men think TH men need to “grow up.”
To repeat, there is nothing wrong with being a TH man or PS man. They are both equally valid. It’s just a matter of preference.
The TH man who is constantly pushing others to strive and improve does have a point. The PS man who thinks it’s stupid to stay up until 3 am at a club on a weeknight just to get laid also has a point. They’re both right; they just look at things differently.
What Am I?
It’s probably no surprise that I’m a PS man. I have strong dating skills built up over many years, but I developed those skills to hit my woman goals, not because I enjoyed the process of online dating, first dates, second dates, sexual escalation, and so on. I viewed all of that stuff as “work” and a necessary evil and I still do.
I’ve said many times that my ideal first date is that I meet a woman at a coffee shop five minutes from my home, spend zero money, talk to her for literally two or three minutes, then we both go to my place and immediately have sex as soon as we walk in the door. Then, after sex, we talk for a bit.
A true TH man would hate a first date like that because it required no effort, but that’s literally my dream first date as a PS man.
I’ve also said, and it’s true, that I would be perfectly happy with having sex with just the same two women for the rest of my life. As long as they were hot forever and never gave me any drama, two women are all I need and I’m being completely serious about this. Unfortunately, women don’t work that way in the real world (they get bored, or start giving you drama, or get fat, or break up with you, etc), so more than two are required, but my core desire is still just two.
A TH man would hate having two women forever, no matter how hot or wonderful they were. Within a few weeks (at the most) he’d start getting restless and need some new pussy. After a few months, he’d be pulling his hair out until he finally had sex with a new third woman, be back in the hunt again, and feel like a man again.
YOU Are One Of These Two Types
You are either predominantly a PS man or a TH man.
No, you are not “both.” Many guys will say, “I think I’m both.” You’re not. At the minimum, you have one dominant and one recessive
If you’re predominantly a TH man, you should always stay in the hunt. Always! The minute you get taken out of the hunt (due to monogamy, complacency, despondency, increased age, or lowered testosterone) is the minute you start to implode, possibly even get depressed. You should also never get 100% monogamous. I mean, no man should ever get monogamous, but TH men really shouldn’t. You’re just setting a nuclear time bomb that will go off in your life later.
PS men should never feel pressured to learn game styles or techniques that seem “cool”. They should do what works for them, not whatever the current internet trend is. More importantly, PS men should never settle for one woman who is Not Like The Rest™, and as a PS man you’ll be very tempted to do this. They should always be aware that ALL RELATIONSHIPS ARE TEMPORARY and you should always be honing your dating skills. Also, PS men should avoid paying for hookers because of the damage it will do to your self-esteem; go the sugar daddy route instead if you absolutely need to do this, since sugar babies are very picky about who they have sex with (unlike hookers who have to fuck you because it’s their job), so some game skill is required for sugar daddy game.
I could write several more articles on TH/PS men. Let me know if the comments if that’s something you want.
Question of the Week: Mother/Daughter Couples
To have your question featured here where I will write an entire article addressing it, click here. You will always remain anonymous.

D.F. Writes:
You said that one of the sexual fantasies you achieved is that you had sex with a mother and a daughter and that you did this more than once with more than one set of mother and daughter.
Okay brother I want details. You’re probably going to say that you can’t give us public details but tell us as much as you can. Did you have sex with both of them at the same time? Did they both know about the other? How did you do it? Any techniques you can share? Was there any drama? I’m sure I’m not the only guy who wants to know the deets!!!!
I gave some details about one of these in “My History With Women” article series at my older blogs, but I’m happy to summarize that and another scenario here. And you’re right; I can’t give you all the details but you paid for this answer so I will go through my old spreadsheet dating records and give you as much as I can.
In one scenario, which started about 15 years ago, I dated a super cute 18-year-old (who I’ll call her “daughter”) as an MLTR for a long time. I eventually met her mom (who I’ll call “mom”) who was 39 and just as hot (in some ways maybe even hotter) than her 18-year-old daughter.
Nothing happened while I was actively seeing daughter that first time and eventually she left. Since I have a 94% return rate, she came back to me two years later, now at age 20. I even let her spend a week at my house while she was in between apartments. I met mom again as she dropped some stuff off at my house for daughter. Mom and I started flirting and we continued our conversation over private social media DMs. Once daughter left my house, I met up with mom at a local college where she was taking continuing education classes and where I picked up my mail. We had a long talk. One week later mom was over at my place and we were having sex.
I didn’t see mom very long but I continued to see daughter for many years off-and-on. Today, daughter is in her thirties and we’re still good friends. I’m pretty sure her mom eventually told her about us but daughter has never brought it up with me.
In a completely different scenario, one of the hottest girls I went to high school with (way back in the 1980s; I’m old) I had as friends on my private social media (we never dated in high school or did anything; I was a beta back then). I met her again about 15 years later (both of us were in our mid-30s at the time) when we were with a group of mutual friends. She was still smokin’ hot. We talked and hit it off but nothing happened because she lived out of town and went back home (and my dating skills back then weren’t as honed as they are today).
Over time I saw she had a daughter who, by the time she was 18, was even hotter than she had been. One day I was on a certain dating website and saw a 19-year-old whose picture looked very familiar to me; I wouldn’t quite place it. Then I had a flash and went back over to social media to look up the woman I went to high school with, and sure as fuck, it was her daughter. (Portland is a small city, or at least used to be.)
I sent an opener to daughter and long story short, I met up with daughter and we became FBs for about two years. I even told her about her mom and me going to high school together, which she thought was funny. Mom, now well in her 40s, lived far away but once came to visit so I immediately hit her up over private social media, met up with her, and did the deed with her as well. Mom told daughter about it, but mom had no idea I was seeing daughter (though I’m pretty sure she knows now). Daughter moved far away a few months later.
Those aren’t the only two examples and I could say a lot more, but there you go.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 05:35 pm, 4th February 2024I’m a TH dominantly, it was great in pre-Tinder era. Now I only hit girls spontaneously, world has changed just like with blog-Youtube. Nice seeing blog again.
Posted at 07:15 pm, 4th February 2024Thanks Caleb. Glad to see some of your stellar, real-world, actionable advice on women and sex is back.
Posted at 02:09 pm, 7th February 2024Caleb,
I really like this topic and would love to see some more content on this.
I’m currently reading “The Game” by Neil. In reading it, I think it’s good for everyone to attempt to learn some cold approach game. The reason is that it will increase your skills in other areas of your life. For example, if you’re a somewhat introverted person you will become more able to be extroverted. This is good for business and so on. I’m not saying you have to enjoy it, but it’s good skill to have for all areas of life.
Online dating is not what is use to be. There are far, far more men on these sites today and while I don’t know the actual statistics, I would think back in 2009 there was more of a balance on the men to women ratio.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:15 pm, 9th February 2024I don’t disagree with anything you said, but daygame is harder than it used to be also.
Posted at 01:37 am, 16th February 2024“Beta male PS men will happily pay for hookers.” – you cannot call this shit beta any more when you now have guys handing over money to women on OnlyFans and not getting any pussy in return. Even the elites (like guys in the WEF) pay for hookers and those are some of the most powerful men on the planet
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:09 am, 16th February 2024Men who pay women on OnlyFans are not PS men – they are losers. And powerful elites can be PS men; I agree that not 100% of men who use hookers are betas, but that’s the exception to the rule.
Posted at 04:44 pm, 29th April 2024Th males are narcissistic for assuming it is even their place to coach men into becoming more like them. I don’t want to be anything like them. Did they even bother asking me if I wanted to change in the first place??? They are all really toxic. We should respect people for who they are, or leave them alone.
Posted at 04:40 pm, 2nd May 2024funnily enough I always thought I was a TH guy after reading ur articles on this topic 3 years ago. But reading this one makes me think I’m actually more of a PH dude. I think ur further emphasis on TH men enjoying the hunt made me realise I don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I did. It’s just a ‘necessary evil’.
however I’ve still got a lot of the tendencies the behaviour patterns that u listed were TH traits. So ild say I’m still fairly central on the TH-PS spectrum
Also, even though I now think I lean towards PS, ur idea of 2 hot girls being enough for u for the rest of ur life if they stayed and stayed in shape etc, sounds crazy to me. For me I still think I would want more variety. But I could be speculating