26 May Gen Z Isn’t Having Sex – How This Affects You

Reading Time – 8 minutes
Most people have no idea how infrequent young people are having sex these days as compared to prior generations.
My generation, Gen X, was having more sex than the Millennials when we were young, and I’ve commented on that fact several times in the past on this blog and in other places.
However, monk-like Gen Z makes the Millennials look like sex-crazed horndogs.
Here are some of the most recent stats (links to sources included), and remember that “Gen Z” means people aged 12 to 27 right now.
1. 25% of Gen Z adults, who are as old as 27, report that they have not yet had sex[*][*]
Christ. Think about that. That means that 25% of people aged 18-27 ARE VIRGINS. This is insane. Japan’s been like this for a long time, but we’ve never seen anything like this in the Western world. And it’s going to get worse.
2. 30.9% of Gen Z men aged 18 to 24 reported no sexual activity in the past year, compared to only 14.1% of Millennial men aged 25 to 34. One in four Gen Z women also reported having had no sex the prior year.[*]
Remember how, just a few years ago, we all thought the Millennials were a bunch of socialist incel betas? Then Gen Z comes along and says, “Hold my beer.”
I’m going to talk more about this “going an entire year without sex thing” in a few minutes.
3. 30% of teens in 2021 said they had ever had sex, down from 38% in 2019 and a huge drop from three decades ago, when more than half of teens were sexually active.[*]
Yup. I’ve said before that back in my day (Gen X in the 1980s) over 50% of teenagers were having sex, and with virtually no cases of teen pregnancy. When I was in high school from 1986-1990, teenagers were fucking the shit out of each other, fucking each other’s parents (yes, this happened) and some girls were even fucking the male teachers (yes, this happened)
4. Some 31% of Gen Z said the closest they’ve come to sex is sexting, or virtual sex with a partner.[*]
Yup, and the pandemic (aka the worldwide overreaction to a flu with a 1% death rate) accelerated and exacerbated that horrible trend that was already underway.
As I’ve said many times, the Collapsing West has only just begun to pay the heavy price for what it did during the pandemic. The numerous cancers introduced into society during those 2.5 years of authoritarian insanity have not even been felt yet… but they will.
Now I’ll switch gears and tell you what I have personally noticed anecdotally about women in this age range. I’ve been dating and having sex with women aged 18-27 consistently for 15 years (starting in 2009), all the way up to today where I have numerous active FBs in this age range right now, including Americans and Europeans. So I’m in a unique position to compare and contrast the sex patterns of young women from 15 years ago to today.
The first thing I’ve noticed with women under age 30 or so today is that going without sex for a year or so is now considered normal for these girls. It’s not unusual for my infrequent or long-distance FBs, their female friends/family members, as well as other women I know in this age range, to have no sex with any guy for a year or more.
“I haven’t had sex in about a year,” is a statement I keep hearing more and more from many younger women over the past few years. I never heard younger women say that 15 years ago.
It’s so common now that many times with my infrequent or long-distance FBs, I have to be careful during the first few minutes of sex to not hurt them (go extra slow, extra gentle, use extra lube, etc) because I’m the first guy they’ve had any sex with in quite a long time. This includes women who are very attractive and/or have strong Instagram followings.
I can tell for a fact that none of this was happening 10-15 years ago with younger women. Back in circa 2010, if a young cute/hot girl under the age of 28 told me she hadn’t had any sex in a year, that would have been a very bizarre thing to hear and I would have been shocked. Today, it’s almost normal.
Another thing I’m seeing is that the number of sexual partners young women have had has dropped noticeably. Back in 2009, I would talk to girls as young as 16 or 17 who had already had sex with five different guys. I had numerous FBs/MLTRS aged 18-23 back then who were quite sexually experienced despite their young ages, and it was no big deal for girls back then to talk to other girls about the huge amount of guys they’d had sex with.
Today, I’m running into more and more girls who had one or two boyfriends in the past, maybe one or two other guys they hooked up with briefly, and that’s about it.
This stands to reason I suppose; if people are having less sex the people are having sex with fewer partners.
My point here is that lots of guys seem to think that all these hot babes on Instagram or OnlyFans are out banging tons of dudes. This may look like it’s the case, but with most of these girls, it isn’t.
To be fair, there is still a smaller subset of young women who are indeed having a bunch of sex with a bunch of guys. They’re certainly still around, but I’m just saying that these girls are now the exception to the rule whereas 10-15 years ago they were almost the norm. And even these promiscuous girls are almost exclusively running hardcore transactional sugar daddy game for cash. They’re not fucking lots of guys because they like it; it’s an income source for them so they pay their bills (in the case of poorer women or single mothers) or travel and buy nice handbags and clothes (in the case of the more “professional” sugar babies/Instagram/OF girls).
However, even the sugar daddy girls are not fucking lots of guys these days. Most of them find one sugar daddy and blow off all other men, in an almost monogamous arrangement, until the sugar daddy moves away, dumps the girl for a new girl (which happens a lot with hardcore sugar daddy guys; they get bored quickly), or he gets caught by his wife and has to end the relationship (also a very common occurrence; ah, monogamy).
Something else I’m hearing about but have less direct information about is teenage girls doing a lot more of this virtual sex stuff online. If what I’m hearing about is accurate, this is becoming very, very popular. Moreover, it is, as the above stats show, actually replacing real-life sex instead of acting as a supplement to it like it was in the old days. I honestly think it’s becoming the female equivalent of beta/incel guys getting addicted to internet porn.
Remember “phone sex” and “cyber sex?” People used to do that, but they did that with people they were also fucking in real life or they were doing it while they were fucking someone else (ah, monogamy). They weren’t doing it instead of having any sex.
If you’re a right-wing tradcon, you might view all of this less sex stuff as good news. However, you’re forgetting about one thing: these women aren’t having sex which means they aren’t having babies, a fact that drives you tradcons insane. If you’re concerned Westerners aren’t having enough children now, holy shit dude, wait until you see what happens over the next ten years. Your fucking head will explode. But that’s a topic for another time.
So how does all of this affect you, the Alpha Male 2.0 (or beta/Alpha 1.0 on his way to becoming 2.0)?
Here are the ways, and it’s almost all good news.
1. There is much less male competition. I’ve been saying this for almost 20 years. Less and less men in the dating pool mean more hot girls for us, even if the amount of women in the dating pool also decreases, since A) young women are always having more sex than young men and B) a lot of these sexless younger women will have sex with a confident, outcome-independent, Alpha Male 2.0 with strong game who never gets upset at her, never judges her, never tells her what to do, and makes her orgasm every time she has sex.
So, as always, it’s a buyers’ market for us.
2. The women on the dating sites/apps are the ones who are having sex, or at least are open to doing so, at least in most cases. Yes, there are always scams and fake profiles; that’s part of online dating. I’m saying that the real women on the dating sites/apps right now are those who are down for having sex.
3. Referral game effectiveness has skyrocketed. This is huge. If you didn’t know, “referral game” is a type of game I invented where you have sex with the female friends and family members of women you’re already having sex with, usually with their permission and assistance. In an era where lots of young, low-ASD women aren’t having sex, they are far more likely to have sex with a guy if a close female friend recommends a guy (or paying sugar daddy) to her to have sex with.
Referral game has always been effective for me but in the last few years, I have been utterly shocked at how easy it has become (as long as you do it correctly!). My primary and favorite FBs in Dubai, Paraguay, and the UK I all met via referral game. None of them have ever been on a dating site or app in their entire lives. This would have been unheard of 15 years ago.
4. For you older guys, sugar daddy game is more effective AND cheaper provided you follow the correct dating models. This is despite the fact sugar daddy game has been saturated by massive amounts of low-skill beta males. Less women willing to have “normal” sex plus the collapsing economies and rising prices all over the Western world means that more young women are willing to go the sugar daddy or salt daddy route with less resistance and less money than before.
5. There are fewer women under 30 in the dating pool, so you do need to be on your game. This is the one piece of bad news. With fewer young women available to have sex, you can’t wing it. You need to fully execute correct dating, game, and relationship procedures at all times to separate yourself from all the slobbering, needy, unattractive beta males and the loud, angry, intimidating Andrew Tate-type Alpha Male 1.0s. You need to have your confidence, outcome independence, and emotional control on at full blast.
Like I’ve said before, back in the 1980s you could be an average guy and get laid pretty easily. No longer.
Instead, be Alpha Male 2.0, and, as always, take advantage of the collapse of the West instead of getting thwacked by it.
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Question of The Week
Women Who Are Interested But “Too Busy”
P.V. Writes –
I’ve got two women (one FB and one MLTR) who keep messaging me but never seem to have time to hang out. And yes, before you ask, I’ve already slept with both of them and they’re both under age 33. They text me all the time, but when I try to make plans, they always have some excuse about being busy with work, friends, or family. It’s always, “Maybe next week or the week after.”
Have you ever been in this situation? What do you do about it? I really like both of these girls.
First of all, THANK YOU for clarifying that A) you’ve already had sex with them and B) whether or not they’re over or under the age of 33. (For those of you in the audience, when you give me more detailed and clear information like this, it makes it easier for me to give you an answer that will actually help you; lots of you leave too many important details out of your questions.)
Secondly, be very careful about statements like “I really like this girl/girls.” That creates outcome dependence (which is unattractive to women and damages your frame) and eventually leads to oneitis, the number one killer of men.
The summary answer to your question is that there is nothing you can “do” about this and that you need to render women like this as low-end back-ups in your life. I know that’s not the answer you want to hear, but that is the answer.
The bottom line is that these women like you, but you aren’t a priority to them. I work about 11 hours a day 6-7 days a week and live a life that is far more complex than a normal human, and even I can make time for certain people who are priorities to me. (Sometimes this is difficult, but I can do it, and I will.) So when someone says they are “too busy” what they’re really saying is “I like you, but I have other things to do that are more important to me, sorry.”
You’re not going to change this.
What you could do is have ONE, QUICK conversation (in person) stating that you’ve noticed she’s been unavailable lately and that you have to make a judgment call about the people you spend time with, and if she continues to be this unavailable you won’t be able to see/talk to her as often. Odds of success: about 20% or less.
You know what I do when I have this problem?
I go get more women who are less “busy” and give more of a shit about me. Problem solved.
And if you don’t want to do that, you have oneitis, which is an even bigger problem.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 06:34 am, 27th May 2024Something to say about traditional dating apps is now they are becoming useless not because of the users but because of the scam features they implemented. I noticed that on tinder nowadays they force you to pay for very expensive boosts (which make sugar dating sites cheap in comparison) else you dont get matches at all, and I have tested that with exact same stuff that worked very well before.
Also auto swipers dont seem to work anymore – they shadowban or ban for that now.
I would like to hear suggestions which platforms work nowadays other than sugar daddy sites.
Posted at 07:47 am, 27th May 2024I also see a % of the young women being on anti depressives is off the charts. To my its obvious its connected with them not having sex. So do we realize women need it too after all?
Posted at 11:17 am, 27th May 2024Going to repost my last comment. Looks like using angle brackets between the word “QUOTE” didn’t work
Then “virtual sex” isn’t sex at all, it’s just girls scamming dumb beta male guys out of their money.
The sugar daddy thing will transition to straight up prostitution within a decade or so as Western economies become increasingly worse. If things get bad enough, more Western governments may be forced to legalize/decriminalize prostitution regardless of if they want to or not (really they’d be doing it to appeal to women and the LGBT mafia, it would never be for men’s benefit). There’s a YouTuber I follow called Coach Greg Adams, who says that within a few years that “women will be selling p-sleeve (pussy) for a bottle of water”.
BTW Caleb, what’s your opinion on Coach Greg Adams?
Yep, this is a direct result of declining birth rates and aging populations, not just in the West, but globally. You’re going to have an increasing pool of older men compete for a decreasing pool of younger women as time goes on.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:10 pm, 27th May 2024Some still do; they just do it slower and with less frequency.
If these things bother you, stop using Tinder; that’s the worst offender by far. Bumble isn’t nearly as bad.
Then start using Instagram as a defacto dating app; that’s more effective these days.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:11 pm, 27th May 2024Yes that’s an additional contributing factor I didn’t mention, but it’s not one of the primary reasons. I’ve known many sexually active women who were taking these drugs.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:19 pm, 27th May 2024Because you need to say blockquote, not quote. This is WordPress.
No I’m not talking about webcam shit. I’m talking about girls doing this virtual stuff for no money (instead for enjoyment and attention).
Yes, that’s very likely.
Even if that doesn’t happen, sugar daddy stuff will become more accepted into normal society (it already has) just like posing nude has (OnlyFans).
Never heard of him.
Yup, but the good news is that in general, older men are even more beta and unattractive than younger men (which is saying a lot since younger men are awful), so for us, these older men aren’t competition.
Posted at 06:11 am, 29th May 2024quote
Then start using Instagram as a defacto dating app; that’s more effective these days.
I dont get still how this is supposed to work because as far as I can see you cannot search by age, sex, location etc so it seems you would have to spend endless hours to even find girls to message and then you have no idea if they actually live anywhere near you or not.
What am I missing.
By the way could you remove the annoying I am not a robot thing from here for posting? Or at least simplify it so we dont have select “traffic lights” every time?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:59 am, 30th May 20241. You focus on recommended people “you might know” which solves for most, but not all of those things, in addition to spend more time.
2. Correct, Instagram game is less efficient, takes longer, and requires more patience, as I’ve said many times. Yet lots of guys are getting laid on there right now.
No. When it wasn’t there we were getting thousands upon thousands of spam comments from AI bots. Putting it there instantly solved the entire problem.
Posted at 09:22 am, 30th June 2024Based on your point number 5.
Do you think Tinder and dating apps overall have become niched now or are about to become so?
With the usage of AI, do you think that online dating sites will be artificially pushed through the five phases quicker? I.e: It’ll take months instead of years for online dating sites to change phases.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:43 am, 2nd July 2024Now, no. Later, perhaps.
Yes, that’s very likely.