19 Sep The Surprising True Story of How I Dated a Celebrity

Reading Time – 7 minutes
Because you asked for it, this is the true story about how I hooked up with the most famous woman I have ever been with. Unfortunately, since this person is still (sort of) in my life and because this person is a public figure (very public, far more public than me), there are lots of relevant details I have to leave out of this story. I also have to ensure that I don’t drop any clues about this person’s identity that could lead to anyone figuring out who she is.
In the past, I have been surprised at how quickly nerds on the internet can correctly find out who I’m talking about with just a little bit of info, so I’m forced to keep a lot of details to myself. I wish there was another way, but you guys wanted this story so this is the only way I can tell it.
What I can tell you about this person is that she is famous (and you will have to guess about the nature of her fame and in what area(s) her fame lies), she is what most men would consider a perfect 10 (or beyond), she is old enough to be trusted and responsible (so she’s not like 18 or 19), she is not married (though I haven’t indicted if she is/was single or not), and she is European. That’s all I can tell you.
Several years ago, we met through a third party, which is usually how these events with more well-known people work out. She had no idea who I was before we met and I honestly didn’t know who she was either. Only after I knew her real name and Googled her I was shocked to see how famous she was. Remember, I don’t spend time on regular social media, I stopped seeing movies (for the most part) in 2018, and I don’t watch TV, so I’m reasonably clueless these days about who’s cool or famous in pop culture. Case in point, just today on one of my live streams someone asked me if I thought Drake was an Alpha Male 2.0. I only know Drake by name and know literally nothing about him, so I couldn’t answer the question.
We started texting first. Unsurprisingly, she was extremely cautious. She asked me a lot of questions regarding who I was, how I lived, and so on, and I answered all of them honestly. As always, I do not lie to women since lying to women is both outcome-dependent and beta. I even showed her things like my LinkedIn page and other items like that to calm her fears. And yes, I told her that one of my businesses was teaching men how to have non-monogamous relationships. She thought that was interesting (women these days usually do; what a change from 15 years ago when they would freak out about this).
I wanted to meet up but we were in different locations at the time and she was reluctant. I suggested a video call and she enthusiastically agreed, probably not because she wanted to talk to me but more likely because she wanted to confirm that I was real and was who I said I was (though the fact she was referred to me by a third party she trusted did a lot of the heavy lifting for me).
We scheduled a time to talk and did so several days later. I was happy to see that in real life (at least over a video on my phone) she looked as good as she did in pictures and videos of her online, but I wasn’t sure if she was using some kind of video filter (they have those) and because it was on my phone the small screen didn’t give me as much detail as I would have hoped. But she looked damn good.
She was friendly and very polite (Europeans usually are) but a little guarded. As always, I was relaxed, casual, and slightly playful. When you’ve been on hundreds of first dates, including many with perfect 10s and similar, this stuff is pretty easy. I just treated her like a normal person instead of someone famous; that’s usually the best way to navigate these kinds of people.
I knew I was getting somewhere when she asked for exact dates of when I would be in the country where she was. I told her and she seemed to approve. We only talked for perhaps 15 minutes; I had other business appointments to get to and, as always, I didn’t want the call at this stage to go for too long.
I think we had one additional brief video call before meeting in person, but honestly, I don’t remember. It was a few years ago when I was seeing more women than I’m seeing now, and my memory of all of the names and faces gets hazy sometimes (and I didn’t track this particular item on any of my spreadsheets).
We kept in touch via texting and soon we were in the same city. She wanted to meet me in public in a normal setting with no expectation of anything sexual, the standard model of both women over age 33 and famous women (remember I have not mentioned this woman’s age).
We met at a fancy sushi restaurant. This would not be my choice for a first meet, but these scenarios are different than the norm so I went with it (it was her idea of course). This was during the initial phases of the pandemic (i.e. the worldwide overreaction to a flu with a 1% death rate) so the first time I saw her in person she was wearing a mask, but she did that thing a lot of hot women did back then where she constantly held the mask with her thumb and forefinger pulling it away from her face so it didn’t mess up her makeup. She looked hilarious.
Her outfit was super sexy and revealing. (After our meet she posted a picture of her in that same outfit on social media which gave me a little ego boost.) Once we sat down we were able to take off our masks. Again, I was happy to see that her face looked almost as good as her pics/vids online presented her, just maybe 5-10% less hot, which still kept her at what most men would consider a 10. Her body looked exactly the same as her famous image projected, which made me happy since I’m one of those guys who love pretty faces but consider the body a little more important. For example, I would never have sex with Gal Gadot; gorgeous face but way too tall, tiny breasts, no hips, no ass, no thank you.
The thing that struck me about her, besides how hot she was, was that her personality was noticeably less animated than her famous image projected. I’m a public figure myself and I’m more or less the same in real life as you see me online, but this wasn’t the case with her. She “acted” her famous image or at least aspects of it. I’m not saying she was radically different, just different enough to notice. I wasn’t sure if she was like this because she was nervous and didn’t know me, but later I learned that’s really how she is. Which was fine with me.
We talked for a bit and we got along. Like so many other first dates I’ve had over the past 17 years, towards the end of the meet she was much more comfortable with me than at the beginning. About halfway into the meet, she did something I really don’t like, but I can’t reveal what that was because it would give you another clue as to her identity. I’m just saying she did something I didn’t like but that I don’t consider a showstopper. I’m outcome independent so I don’t let details bother me.
Following my standard fist-date model, I made sure she did at least 80% of the talking and tried to keep most of my 20% to ask questions, thereby keeping her talking. We talked about her life, her history (including some of her relationship history, which was quite colorful), and a little bit about her career as a famous <blank>. She asked me a little bit about me, but not much, since most of the questions she had about me I had already answered over our texting and video calls. I had already passed all of her tests to make it this far, so she was relaxed.
We ate a little sushi and then wrapped things up. Again, following my first date model, I did not kiss her nor do anything physically sexual (not that I could since we both had to wear masks on the way out). I gave her a quick hug at the end, told her that she was very nice (which she was), that I was impressed with what she had done with her career (which was true), and that I would text her later. I did not compliment her appearance at any time throughout this entire process, and I’m pretty sure I never have even to this day.
We met again about 10 days later and did the funky funky. I can’t tell you where we met other than it was not where I was staying. When we met up she was very comfortable with me at that point and it almost seemed like she was relieved to be comfortable, especially with a man. I guess putting on an act or an image for most of your life can get exhausting.
We sat and talked on the couch for a while and I asked her more questions about her career. I found all of her answers interesting and got quite an education. Soon, we retired to her bedroom. I can’t give you any sexual details other than to say it was very good and we were both happy.
She went on to become a sporadic FB for me for many years now. Since then I have learned much more about her professional life and personal history. We’ve even discussed topics about Western collapse and she agrees with my analysis, being able to see society from a very different angle than myself. We’ve become friends. As of this writing, I haven’t seen her in a bit, but we texted about a month ago and I could easily see her again if I wanted. She is a very capable, smart woman and I think she has a bright future, even after she really starts to age, because she’s one of those hot girls who fully understands she can’t rely on her looks forever and plans accordingly. Thus, she has started investing her income in intelligent ways.
I showed Pink Firefly who she was, and PF started following her on social media. There have even been at least two times when PF had a question about a certain topic this person knew about, and I relayed her question to this person via voice note texting right in front of PF to get the answers, which this person provided in real-time. She’s nice like that. (Yes, of course this person knows I’m married; I tell women that right from the get-go and show them pics of PF and I.)
That’s as much as I can tell you. The bottom line is that once you have a decent level of woman experience and build up your outcome independence, you can pull things off like this relatively easily. Honestly, none of this process was difficult, and she’s not the only famous woman I’ve been with. Happy, chill, outcome-independent Alpha Male 2.0s are at a premium in the sexual marketplace right now, because all other men the hot women have access to are either slobbering betas (who hot women find unattractive) and Alpha Male 1.0 Andrew Tate-types (who hot women will date for a few short years before getting exhausted with men like this and never wanting to go back these kinds of guys).
So this really is achievable for you guys in ways it wasn’t 20 years ago.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 10:29 am, 19th September 2024Why did you not sex talk on the first date? Didn’t you say that being sexual (like kino or sex talk) is mandatory on the first date? Because we want to get laid not liked?
How can we get into woman’s pants at all without being sexual at all on first and maybe second date as well?
Posted at 11:51 am, 19th September 2024I seem to recall that you wrote up an article or ebook or did a video some time ago on how to hook up with mildly famous women (known within certain circles but not to the general public). I can’t seem to find it now. Can you tell me where to find it?
Posted at 12:12 pm, 19th September 2024“Gal Gadot; gorgeous face but way too tall…”
Interesting difference in perspective. For me the tall ladies are like that special treat you can rarely find. Even though they’re not your thing, I’m sure you’d find a good market if you did an affiliate deal with someone who could give good advice on finding and meeting tall women.
Edward C
Posted at 01:39 pm, 19th September 2024Caleb can correct me if I’m wrong but the reason he didn’t explicitly talk or act sexual is because it was implicit in this encounter. The third party who connected them didn’t do so to create a new friendship between Caleb and this woman. In fact being famous like she is would push her away more so than the average woman if you had sexual talk. Curious if I’m right at all.
Posted at 01:49 pm, 19th September 2024What are the requirements to be able to date girls like that. you need to be famous, handsome, rich, you can be ugly and still do it?
Posted at 06:34 pm, 19th September 2024Caleb, at the end of your first date with her you told her “ I will text you”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought statements like this during your first meet are discouraged and that it is displaying too much interest too soon.
So am I wrong about this assumption or did you break one of your own rules because of her unusually-high status?
Posted at 08:22 am, 20th September 2024If you’re an overweight, non-famous guy, I promise you you’re not getting access to true famous 10/10s without paying thousands of dollars through sites like Seeking Arrangement.
Read between the lines guys.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:19 am, 20th September 2024Because it’s recommended but not mandatory. I don’t know what my specific reason was in this case.
And remember, everything I sell is at store.calebjones.com
Again, I honestly don’t remember why I didn’t do that, but yeah, perhaps I was playing it a little safe since women like this have had more than enough sex talk in their lives already.
I’m not handsome and I’m not A-list famous.
The requirements are:
1. VERY strong game skills (lots of woman experience).
2. LOTS of outcome independence.
3. You don’t have to be good-looking but you need to look presentable (you can’t look like a pile of shit).
4. Need to have some money (because it will definitely cost you some).
You are wrong. You can tell a woman at the end of a first date something like “I will text you.” Lots of people say that and never text. On first dates you can’t say shit like “You’re so beautiful” or “OMG you’re amazing” or “I really like you.”
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:25 am, 20th September 2024Factually incorrect. I indeed spent some money, but it was no where near “thousands of dollars.” And I didn’t meet her on Seeking Arrangement. And I’ve sex with many women like this without spending that kind of money.
This is definitely a form of sugar daddy game so you’re absolutely going to spend some money, and I did, but it sounds like you’re not very familiar with my content; normal everyday guys vastly underestimate how little money “famous” women make. If you’re a guy they like, trust, and are not repulsed by, you can have sex with these women for far, far less than “thousands of dollars.” (And just to be clear, this woman was not an A-list Hollywood celebrity like Margot Robbie. There are levels of fame.)
I have never in my entire life spent “thousands of dollars” to have sex with a woman one time (or even two or three times) and would never do such a thing because I’m already have sex with attractive women for free.
Posted at 11:12 am, 20th September 2024Can you tell us approximately what level of fame that girl had? Maybe her number of followers or compare it to someone or something?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:15 am, 21st September 2024No, for reasons I stated in the article.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:15 pm, 21st September 2024Hey Caleb, just a heads up:
I wanted to re-read your blog post from December 2011 titled “How to Translate Woman Language into English” because it was such a good read the first time and men really need to read it. Unfortunately, it’s gone. 95% of it has been replaced by a blank page.
Also, I reread your “The True Story About How Women Age” post from September 2011 (also brilliant), and you’re going to laugh here. Guess what happened: The last sentence of that blog post reads – “She’s the happiest she’s ever been.” That completely changes the point you were trying to convey. The real last sentence, which has been deleted for some reason, used to be – “Until she’s on the phone with her friends a few years later, complaining about how boring he is.”
Just thought I’d let you know.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:37 pm, 21st September 2024There are various little formatting problems all over many of the older articles. As I’ve said before, the only way to fix them is for me to pay an admin person to read over 1,000 articles and fix all of these little issues, and my old blog articles don’t make me enough money for that expense to make sense. It would be quite expensive for little or zero ROI.
So for now, everyone’s going to have to just put up with the formatting problems on the old articles, unless you have a better idea.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:18 pm, 21st September 2024Like I said, I just thought I’d let you know. I’m only trying to be a good Caleb Jones blog citizen. Maybe you’ll send me a fruit basket someday. HAHA!!
By the way, I managed to restore the text on your woman language to English post. All I had to do was highlight the blank page and keep it highlighted, and the text magically returns. I hope everyone who wants to read it keeps that in mind.
Posted at 11:53 pm, 23rd September 2024“normal everyday guys vastly underestimate how little money “famous” women make”
This is confusing. Are you saying the women DO NOT make much money?
How is this a form of sugar daddy game? Are you saying you had a sugar baby and she did the referral?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:50 am, 24th September 2024They don’t nearly make as much money as you THINK they make. The example I’ve given on YouTube many times is that guys see a perfect 10 Instagram model with 4 million followers always hanging out at exotic, expensive resorts and they automatically think, “Wow, with that lifestyle and all of those followers she’s famous so she must be making a lot of money.” No, she’s not. She’s make some money. Not a lot.
Because I gave her some money (but not a lot) therefore by definition it is sugar daddy game. I can’t give any more details about how I met her.
Posted at 10:51 pm, 25th September 2024Just went through your “get her back” mini course.
Have you ever met a girl that didn’t have social media or rarely used it? How do you know what she’s up to? I met a few girls like this.
Also, to keep 2 active girls, how many girls do you need in your roster?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:25 pm, 26th September 2024Yes, a few.
You can’t. You’ll just have to text her in 6 months and ask her. Unless you know mutual friends.
Depends on many factors; your game skill, your relationship skill, your SMV, if you’re doing any sugar daddy game, and what country you live in.
Posted at 04:54 pm, 27th September 2024You mentioned that you tell women you are married from the get-go. Is this during the dating phase or during the relationship phase after lock-in?
Also, is it you who brings it up during conversation or do they ask?
Finally, does it make LSNFTE happen faster than say when you were not married?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:23 am, 28th September 2024Dating phase for me, always by the end of the first date at the very latest.
Women virtually never ask if you’re married so do and I segue it. I always talk about THEIR relationships first, then my relationship is an easy segue.
I don’t lie to women like a beta so I have never tested not telling them while we’re in a relationship, so I have never tested this (nor will I).