26 Sep Getting Women: How To Use Your Age As An Advantage (Older or Younger)

Reading Time – 7 minutes
I’ve heard older men complain that they can’t get hot girls because they’re too old, and how it’s so much easier for younger men to hook up with attractive women because they’re better-looking, have more energy, and don’t have to overcome the age difference factor as a barrier.
Then I’ll hear, sometimes in the same week, younger men complain that they can’t get hot girls because all of the older guys are taking all of them away, and how these young men can’t compete against older men because older guys have more money, SMV, and confidence.
In other words, today men of all ages are fucking pussies who just like to sit around and complain.
But you already know that.
For those of you who aren’t whiners and complainers, today I’m going to show you how to use your age, no matter what it is, as a “DHV” (what the pick-up artists used to call Demonstration of Higher Value, meaning a trait that makes you more attractive to women than other guys). No matter what your age is, you can position your age as something attractive to women instead of yet another bullshit excuse as to why you “can’t” get laid.
Most of you know my experience with women in the past and today because I’ve told that story many times in great detail. But to summarize, I didn’t lose my virginity as a young man until I was 22 years old (thanks to a mom who was a former nun, extreme Catholic societal programming, plus my introverted personality), dated a little in my twenties, got stupidly monogamously married at age 25, divorced at 35, had sex with hordes of women of all ages (18-55) in my late 30s and 40s before slowing down a little (but never doing monogamy, because that doesn’t work) in my late forties when I got OLTR married, and continue to have sex with my wife and my FBs all over the world in my fifties.
However, the reason I didn’t get laid a lot as a young man wasn’t because I was young. Between the ages of 14 and 25, I knew many guys who were my age or younger who had tons of sex with tons of girls without working hard at all, and this was before the internet or cell phones. Many of these guys, and this is an important point, were uglier and/or shorter than I was.
While I was making excuses about why girls didn’t like me, these guys were using their age as an advantage and getting laid.
The same goes for those men I know today who are in their 50s and 60s, even late 60s, who are getting laid left and right with attractive younger women and many of them aren’t paying for it and aren’t doing any sort of sugar daddy game.
So, as always, there are no excuses. Here’s how to use your age as an advantage, regardless of how old or young you are.
NOTE: If you read your age category and want to comment something like “But Caleb, that’s not right, because I’m not like that, I’m like this instead…” then for the love of God, please don’t. I know this is shocking, but you do not represent 100% of all men in your age group. There are always exceptions to every rule. Regardless, what I’m going to describe below is generally true for most men in these age ranges, not all men.
Men Aged 18 – 20
You young guns have the hardest, strongest cocks of any other age group, by far. Cougars in the know about this joke that men this age “have penises like pencils,” and they’re right. While older men are struggling to get hard, stay hard, and orgasm, you guys have dicks that get 100% hard and stay 100% hard until the job is done. Use this to your advantage. Tell women this, or at least imply this. It’s huge!
You’re also going to be the least overweight age group of men by far, which means you’re going to look pretty decent. If you don’t, just go lift some weights and your young body will respond almost instantly.
Another advantage you have to hot older women is that you guys are teachable. If, during sex, a woman starts instructing a 40-year-old man on exactly what to do, he’s going to just snort and keep right on doing what he’s doing. But you super young guys are going to salute, say “Yes, Ma’am!” and instantly obey. Women LOVE that shit. If she tells you to, you’re going to get down and lick her pussy for 20 minutes straight until her head explodes, something many men her age aren’t going to do.
Say or imply to women that you will do whatever they want and make them feel good in exactly the way they like. And flex a little bicep while you’re doing it.
Men In Their Twenties
While not quite at their physical peak as the men aged 18-20, most of what I said above applies to you men in your twenties, especially early-to-mid-twenties, and if you take care of your fitness and health you can extend this into your mid-thirties. So let women know (imply) that your physical abilities during sex are going to kick the ass of most men 20-30 years older than you, which is the truth.
You also have young, tight skin and strong muscles, another thing most older men lack.
Another great thing women like about men in their twenties is that they have no “agenda” when dating. Older men, much like older women, have a very specific and rigid picture of what they want and don’t want. “I’m looking for a woman I can marry in the next 12 months.” “I’m looking for a serious, long-term girlfriend who never wants any kids.” “I just got divorced so I’m only looking to play around and get laid, I don’t want anything serious.” And so on.
But you twenties guys are super flexible and down for anything. Casual, serious, or something in-between, you guys are down for it all. You’re young enough to not give a shit about any of that. You’re flexible, and flexibility is the greatest superpower of the younger man.
Men In Their Thirties
Men in their thirties are almost the perfect place for women.
Men in their thirties today have almost all the advantages of younger men (youth, health, vitality) while still having many of the advantages of older men (career, money, direction, confidence). It really is a sweet spot. Let women know this!
I have also said many times, and I’ve got lots of anecdotal experience from others that back this up, that men in their thirties are the most physically attractive of all other masculine age ranges. Age 37 is the peak age for physical attractiveness for men in my view. My objective is to try to look as close to 37 for as long as I possibly can. Not 20. Not 25. Not 50. 37.
Leverage this, take advantage of this, because being in your thirties doesn’t last very long.
Men In Their Forties
While the thirties is where a man’s physical appearance peaks, the forties is where he peaks overall. Honestly, and I’ve said this many times before, unless you really fuck up your life, forties is prime time for a man. It’s peak man. He’s got lots of money, status, confidence, emotional control, and experience. At the same time, he’s not old, at least not yet. Men in their forties who haven’t let their looks go are indeed at the top of the SMV scale for men.
So if you’re in your forties, you need to flaunt the fuck out of this. I’ve said many times that the entire decade of my forties was a fantasy dream come true beyond my wildest expectations, both with women and with money. A man in his forties really is the superior man, and he needs to use this superiority over younger men AND older men.
Honestly, forties is the easiest time to get women (again, unless you’ve let your looks go to absolute shit, which lots of beta males in their forties have, but hopefully you aren’t in that category).
Men In Their Fifties
The great thing about being in your fifties is one word: cash. You’ve got way more money than those younger guys, and even if you don’t spend it (I don’t spend mine) you have the status and the bearing that money and financial success bring to a man. There’s a reason why many younger women are flocking to men in their forties and fifties these days, and this will increase as the economics of the Western world continues to collapse.
If you also haven’t let your looks go to shit and you’ve been taking care of your health and anti-aging, you also don’t look or act “old” while still having the success of an older man, just like a guy in his forties. (This is where I am so far in my early fifties; I can easily pass for a guy in his early forties so I get the benefits of my forties in my fifties.)
Just like with your thirties, don’t waste time in your fifties. You need to really leverage your SMV in your fifties in your woman life, because honestly, fifties is the last decade of any relative youth you’ll ever have.
Men in their Sixties and Seventies
The great thing about men over age 60 for women is that like men in their fifties, you’ve got money (likely, more money than those guys) but unlike men in their fifties or forties, you likely have a lot more flexible time, just like those guys in their twenties. Men in their forties/fifties have money but they also are usually working their asses off trying to do things like save for retirement, pay off their alimonies, get their kids through college, pay off their house, or hit some kind of big financial goal.
As a man over 60, you’re past all of that crap, or at least most of it, offering women not only the status of a high-income/high-net-worth man but also the flexibility of a man who can set his own schedule and spend as much time with the women in his life as he wants. The forties/fifties man doesn’t have time for her but you can take her out on nice three or four-day vacations to distant parts of the world whenever the hell you want. Men over 60 don’t have that irritating (to women) intensity lots of men in their forties/fifties have.
Also, like men in their fifties, if you’ve kept your health and fitness up, as a man over 60 you do look older, but a hell of a lot of hot women (especially those over 30) won’t care because of your muscles, confidence, and status. I have many men in my audience over 60 who have kept up with their fitness who absolutely slay when it comes to dating multiple attractive women.
(What about men over age 80? There aren’t many men in my audience this old, but just to preempt the comments asking about guys this age, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any easy answers for you. Alpha Male 2.0 confirmed works until you are age 79 but I don’t have a lot of data for men after that age. Hopefully, you’ve got an OLTR wife nailed down by then and/or will be doing a lot of sugar daddy game with your money.)
So there you go. No matter how old or young you are, you have very specific and powerful attractive advantages over other men younger/older than you that women will like. Use these advantages as superpowers and attractors rather than bullshit beta male excuses.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 02:45 am, 27th September 2024Hey Caleb thanks for your post. How do I play the dating app game? I’m 38 but regularly get told I look like I’m 26-28, regularly work out, decent physique and a full head of hair, I’d say I’m relatively good looking. I got off a long term relationship recently and don’t know where to begin on the dating apps and this whole dating thing, it’s like I’m trying to restart my life. I’ve been using escorts in the interim and would like to meet some younger women. How would you advise setting up a tinder profile and looking for younger women? Many thanks.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:55 am, 27th September 2024This is a very broad question so you just need to get these two books: