19 Dec The Life-Long Evolution of What I Find Attractive And Why It Evolved

Reading Time – 5 minutes
I was born in the 1970s, but I grew up in the 1980s. That’s usually how it works; you “grow up” in the decade after you were born because you’re usually too young to remember anything during your birth decade.
During the late 70s and pretty much all of the 80s, the societal programming of the time taught men that what was attractive was women with big hairdos, blonde hair, long legs, and big tits. Not every sex symbol of the era had all of these things, but you could almost guarantee that every one of them had at least three out of the four. So many examples: Farrah Faucet, Lynda Carter, Dolly Parton, Heather Thomas, Ellen Barkin, Loni Anderson, Bo Derek, Madonna, Christie Brinkley, Heather Locklear, Raquel Welch, and so many others of that era. Big tits, big hair (which was usually blonde), and/or long legs.
The blonde hair and big tits societal programming definitely worked on me. While I’m attracted to lots of different types of women, including Asian women (more on why this is in a minute), my favorite kind of girl is the Barbie blonde with big boobs. I’ve also told the story about how I first started noticing blonde girls, especially short ones, when I was about 14 years old and how that archetype got wired into me as something sexually attractive, which is why the “long legs” aspect of the 1980s didn’t click with me (I like really short women, the shorter the better).
At my blogs I’ve also talked about (damn, I’ve covered a lot of ground at my blogs over the years) that once you really got into the 80s, like 1984 or so, societal programming started to teach people that in high school at least, the hot blonde girl is always the evil, stuck up cunt from hell and the nice, good girl you want to date and take home to mom is the cute-but-not-too-hot brown-haired girl-next-door. This trope in movies, especially teen movies, stuck to Western cinema like glue for almost 30 years. Parts of it persist even to this day.
This one absolutely did not work on me, for whatever reason. Since I was about 12 years old, whenever I saw any teen movie where the hot blonde was portrayed as the evil bitch, and there were/are truckloads of movies like this, I always wanted to date/marry/fuck the evil hot blonde and was almost always turned off and bored by the good-girl main character who the audience was supposed to sympathize with.
When I was 25 I very stupidly got monogamously married to a, say it with me, shorter blonde woman with big tits (and as a bonus, a big ass). I was very happy for about a year, living my little fantasy. But since 25 is way too young to have a girlfriend or a wife, and since long-term monogamy doesn’t work, I was divorced nine years later and, thank god, converted to Alpha Male 2.0.
The very first women I started going out on dates with were, yup, blonde women with big tits.
The first woman I had sex with after my divorce was, yup, a blonde woman with (very) big tits. Halleluiah.
The first woman I had a real relationship with during this time was a short blonde woman with a big ass.
Definitely a pattern forming here.
But then I started branching out a little. I started dating women with black or brown hair, and I liked it, as long as they were decently hot and had big boobs or a big ass.
Then I started experimenting with dating women as young as 18 or 19. Since (back then) it was harder to date women that age when you were much older, I couldn’t be too picky about things like hair color and chest size. So the first 18-year-old I had sex with had big tits (good) but short red hair (bad) and a small ass (bad). The second one had brown hair (bad), a flat chest (very bad), but a huge ass (very good). But hey, I was quite happy with these women so I continued seeing women like that.
But I would still date blonde women with big tits when I could.
Then I had sex with my first Asian girl. I had never looked at Asian women sexually or romantically before that, but this girl had something Asian women rarely have: big tits. And she was 18. So said, “Well, shit, okay, why not?”
We had sex. To my surprise, was absolutely fucking amazing.
Suddenly, overnight, I started looking at Asian women very differently. I immediately added Asian girls to my list of types of girls I liked, as long as they had some curves, at least a bigger ass or bigger boobs, which again, is really hard to find with Asian girls but it’s doable with a large enough sample size, which I had in Portland back in those days before it became a shithole like most other American cities.
My first real long-term girlfriend-like relationship back then was indeed with an Asian girl, a Filipino with big full lips who looked Japanese and had a big ass. A girl who looked Japanese but had the sex drive of a Filipino was pretty much perfect for me. But I was still non-monogamous and I was still seeing other women, and most of them were blondes with big tits and/or asses, including one or two Russian girls.
I also hooked up with more Asian girls via my Asian girlfriend and Referral Game. Praise the lord. Or the universe. Or the simulation.
So then my little brain came up with this hierarchy for what I was sexually attracted to physically, in this order:
1. Ideally shorter-than-average Barbie blondes with either big tits, a big ass, or both.
2. Asian women with either big tits, a big ass, or both (Japanese and Koreans preferred, but I was/am open to several other Asian races too).
3. Very short, non-blonde women with either big tits, a big ass, or both.
4. Medium height non-blonde women with either big tits, a big ass, or both.
No one else is allowed; I will not have sex with any women who aren’t in one of the above four categories no matter how hot. And yes, I have acted on this and turned women down, including hot ones.
None of this was conscious or purposeful on my part. It just evolved organically based on my societal programming and my sexual experiences.
When the relationship with the Asian girlfriend was over, I decided I was ready to settle down. Since I could attract any type of woman I wanted, I had to make the decision on which of the four above types it would be. Of course, it would be my favorite. So a few years later, I married (OLTR Married in my case) Pink Firefly, a super hot Barbie blonde who is shorter than average and has really big tits. Boo-ya.
As I started traveling the world and having sex with non-American women, my four attractive archetypes didn’t change at all. Indeed, they held and solidified. The only difference was that the faces became prettier and the boobs and butts became even larger.
The crescendo of this was the Instagram models, some of whom have boobs as big as an H-cup, or 1200 ccs, with huge asses that protrude outwards like a black girl, only on a (usually blonde) white girl’s body. At one point, I had the opportunity to be with women with even bigger boobs/butts than this, but I turned it down because, at that level, shit starts to look truly inhuman (and borderline stupid), which didn’t sexually attract me. I guess even my dumb, horny lizard brain has limits.
Even today, this model holds for me. My Paraguay PDM is blonde, very short (5’1”) with a tiny little body but a gigantic ass. My (prospective but not yet official) Dubai PDM is blonde (usually; she changes her hair color often) with a huge ass and average-size boobs which, living in Dubai and not wanting to be left out, she is going to upgrade in February (and no, I’m not paying for it) to big boobs. Praise Jesus and Allahu Akbar. Can I get an Amen?
Even what few FBs I have left (in all of my countries) after my purge all have blonde hair and either a big ass, big boobs, or both, with only one exception who has brown hair.
So my life-long evolution of what I find physically attractive in women worked like this:
1. Societal programming from my pre-teen and teenage years.
2. Branching out with sexual experience with other types of women.
3. Doubling down on what I like and increasing its size and quality.
Will my tastes keep evolving? No. I’m in my early fifties now so I’m quite sure what I like is hard-locked into my brain at this point. I’m also actively reducing the number of women in my sex life so I can focus more on my work and my Mission, so new types of women are no longer part of my life, which is fine because I’ve done everything and have no need to repeat it all.
The evolutionary process was interesting though; I didn’t anticipate any of it.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Dandy Dude
Posted at 08:09 am, 19th December 2024Hey Caleb, what’s a PDM? This isn’t in the glossary and I don’t remember you ever writing about it before.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:06 pm, 19th December 2024Watch this:
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:03 pm, 19th December 2024No disrespect intended, Caleb, but instead of making us sift through a two hour long YouTube video, can’t you just tell us here what those three letters stand for? Much appreciated.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:29 am, 20th December 2024I just added PDM to the Glossary. But I will answer no follow-up questions here, which you will definitely have, because I already answered all of them in that video.
Posted at 11:47 pm, 20th December 2024I’m sure I’m not the only one Caleb but you’re hilarious, just naturally fucking funny, I catch myself giggling at a ton of things you say in the videos and writing. I guess it’s natural and also watching all the influence from stand-up comedy. Being a happy Alpha 2.0 also helps I presume.
And nothing against Dandy and Jack but these comments are classic modern-day laziness and instant gratification / quick dopamine addiction shit at play. 2 hours is really not that fucking long. You can even skip ahead, Google, use the search bar, etc. Not sure what’s so hard. Competition is so low these days.
Posted at 01:11 am, 21st December 2024@Jack
I can give you a quick summary. PF hated living in Dubai and gave Caleb a lot of “drama” so she has moved back to America and they only see each other a few weeks a year. So his OLTR ended as a failure (didnt last 7 years).
Caleb now has two other women he calls “wives” – one in Dubai and one in Paraguay. He met both of them through girls he met at sugar baby websites. (He admitted 5 years ago virtually all other women outside of PF he meets through sugar websites or via women he meets there) – so these “wives” are both sugar babies.
He claims he loves all three women now and pay them all some kind of allowances. He is “exclusive” to these three and wants to keep them around for “the rest of his life”. He calls this “new” platform no one has ever tried “PDM”.
He gets very defensive when people call his new dating style sugar dating.
2 hours is too long so I did skim through the video. If I got anything wrong feel free to correct me.
Posted at 10:29 am, 22nd December 2024It is pretty much the only type of online dating that still works well nowadays. As I recall Caleb doesn’t do day game or night game.
So this is expected on that grounds alone. It also reaffirms my observation that “normal” online dating does not work anymore (for the normal guy).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:55 pm, 22nd December 2024What the fuck are you talking about?
Dude, I was only asking about three letters! THREE FUCKING LETTERS! No one should have to watch two hours just to know what three letters stand for! If someone were to ask me what three letters stand for, I would just tell them. How long would it take to just say the three words? Not sure what’s so hard. Three words don’t warrant a YouTube video! At least he put them in the glossary now!
Ummm……….I’m not in competition with Caleb, nor have I ever been! Are you okay?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:12 pm, 22nd December 2024I was only asking what three letters stand for. That’s all.
I’m pretty sure they’re still married.
So he’s one of those rare people who can be in love with more than one person at a time. This is called “pure polyamory,” or “non-hierarchal polyamory,” or “horizontal polyamory.” It’s rare, but real.
Sad, but true.
I doubt that.
I know nothing about this new arrangement of his, and I haven’t watched the video, apart from a few minutes, but I would imagine that there’s a difference between an “allowance,” and a married couple sharing their assets with one another like a family.
I think you mean emotionally exclusive to all three. I assume he’s still sexually inclusive, as he can have one night stands and casual fuck buddy arrangements with others if he wants, and so can they.
Poly Domestic Marriage, as if any marriage can be anything other than “domestic.” I don’t know what a foreign marriage or a wild marriage would be. Weird acronym.
Sugar dating is just straight up prostitution dressed up to look fancy and respectable. But then again, so is traditional marriage in which one partner is the other one’s provider and that other one stays home and makes no money. But I don’t think that is what Caleb is doing. Either way, I have zero experience with non-hierarchal poly, so I won’t say too much.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:29 pm, 22nd December 2024Plenty of people have tried it. Polygamy was the norm prior to the advent of Christianity. Men have always had multiple wives whom they were both sexually and emotionally exclusive with, and the wives were both sexually and emotionally exclusive to their one husband.
Polygamy is still the norm in diaper head countries, and Caleb lives in a diaper head country. The main difference seems to be that they’re not sexually exclusive. He can fuck other women as casual fuck buddies and the wives may have male fuck buddies as well if they choose. That’s why his arrangement seems to be more of an inclusive hybrid between traditional polygamy and non-hierarchical polyamory.
What I find the most curious is that he doesn’t live with any of them. What kind of a marriage, or serious relationship, can you have if you’re spending the majority of your time away from your partner on the other side of the planet? Long distance relationships don’t work, not even in Disney movies.
I’m also curious how Pink Firefly will cope with being a sister wife. She told me on this blog years back that the reason she wants to marry Caleb is because without a marriage, she’s just, in her words, “another girlfriend,” and she wants to be special and unique. In other words, she wants to be a wife, which she designated as special. But now, she’s just one wife among three. I’m curious if she’ll be the bridesmaid, or even attend the other two weddings. Now that should be on YouTube, but it won’t be.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:44 pm, 22nd December 2024For fuck sake! Why do these prostitution apologists always claim that nothing works, except prostitution? That it’s either prostitution or celibacy? Online dating works great if you know what you’re doing, which most men don’t. Plenty of horny women who want to get fucked hard! Saying that things don’t work other than prostitution is to be indistinguishable from an incel.
Online dating has never worked for the normal guy. In fact, nothing has ever worked for the normal guy, beyond paying money for sex, either to a prostitute or a traditional housewife. That’s why the trick is to not be a normal guy.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:55 pm, 22nd December 2024Here are some I’m sure you didn’t answer:
1. Do all three of your wives have the same rights as you? Meaning, are they allowed to fall in love with other men and have multiple husbands?
2. How is PF holding up.?
3. Will PF attend your weddings as a bridesmaid or a guest?
4. Do you believe that long distance relationships are viable now?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:14 am, 23rd December 2024@Jack I answered all 4 of those questions in the video. Stop wasting my time.
Posted at 06:25 am, 23rd December 2024“so is traditional marriage in which one partner is the other one’s provider and that other one stays home and makes no money.”
Yes, if she does not do houseworks. If she does then its a different story because being a full time housewife implies not having time to have a job and so its the only way to make things work. If she doesnt do houseworks then its sugar dating.
“For fuck sake! Why do these prostitution apologists always claim that nothing works, except prostitution?”
Nope, daygame works. Social circle game works. Online dating just does not work anymore except for sugar dating sites, and you can find normal girls that you don’t need to pay anything to on sugar dating sites – as I have. That is what I meant. Also, if your excuse for online dating still works is that you need to pay for premium membership AND spend lots of money on boosts or similar then thats gonna be way more expensive than sugar dating websites and way less effective.
“Online dating has never worked for the normal guy.”
In early days of online dating and early days of Tinder you could easily get layed without special techniques or paying for boosts.
Posted at 02:32 pm, 26th December 2024“Suddenly, overnight, I started looking at Asian women very differently.”
Have anything similar happened to you for another case? For example: I think you’ve said that black women disliked you or wasn’t attracted to you. But what about mixed black women? (since mixed is a league of their own) Might be an attraction loophole?
“I guess even my dumb, horny lizard brain has limits.”
I assume hentai proportions? I can see your brain going [Abort Mission!] [ABORT MISSION!!!]
“3. Doubling down on what I like and increasing its size and quality.”
Which personality types from myers briggs does your PDM’s have? And have you noticed yourself going for a particular set of personality types as you’ve become older apart from the big boobs and asses? For example: ESFJ, ISFJ, and ENFJ?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:06 am, 27th December 2024Not that I remember.
That has nothing to do with me not knowing I liked a type of woman before I had sex with them. And FYI I’ve had sex with black women now… just not American black women.
Yes I’ve had sex with several of those. Never had a problem with them.
PF is an ESFJ
Not sure on the others but Paraguay girl is probably an ISFP, Dubai girl could be one of several things.
Yes, all of those. I’m very attracted to very feminine, emotional, girly women. But that’s nothing new and has never changed.