06 Mar Addressing The Arguments Against Sex Robots Being A Thing Soon

Reading Time – 7 minutes
I’ve spoken about sex robots entering Western culture soon many times, going back more than ten years at my blogs.
Every time I do so, I get people arguing with me saying things like:
We’re nowhere near that kind of technology. It will be 50 or 100 years before we have anything like that.
These robots won’t replace sex with most men. Most men want a real woman.
This isn’t going to happen any time soon (or ever) because if you look at the sex dolls now, they don’t look that great.
This isn’t going to happen any time soon (or ever) because the sex robots won’t look/feel/move/speak exactly like a real woman.
Wait a minute! How is this going to happen if America is going to collapse??? That makes no sense!
This won’t ever happen because the feminists/socialists/left-wingers will make it illegal.
This won’t ever happen because the sex robots will be too expensive for normal guys. Just millionaires/billionaires will have them.
Every one of these arguments is incorrect. I will refute each one of them right now.
To be clear about my argument, I’m not saying sex robots will replace women and dating any time soon. It won’t happen this year, next year, and not even in five years. The technology involved will take time, including with AI, because of the robotics and other physical tech that must be improved first.
However, I am saying this will happen soon after that, within 10-15 years or so, where “normal” men will be able to have sex with these things, and when this happens it will be the largest shift in sexual and relationship dynamics between men and women since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s.
It’s going to be massive.
This will absolutely happen in your lifetime and you’re going to see it happen, just like you’ll see the Collapse of the West. Indeed, these two things may even occur around the same time, which would be very interesting. (I’m sure glad I live in Dubai.)
Here then are the arguments against this prediction and why they are all wrong:
“We’re nowhere near that kind of technology. It will be 50 or 100 years before we have anything like that.”
This is one of the most common arguments and unfortunately it’s one of the dumbest ones.
If you really think it’s going to 50 to 100 years before anything like this happens, you are clearly, absolutely, 100%, not paying any close attention to:
A. How insanely fast AI is improving.
B. How insanely fast robotics is improving.
C. How good many of these sex dolls already look right now.
Seriously, go do a Google image search for “sex doll” or similar and take a look. Yes, many of them look stupid. But a hell of a lot of them, a shocking amount in fact, look pretty damn good.
Yes, they’re still dolls and they can’t move in any reliable way, but many of these dolls right now are far better looking than what the average beta male can get in terms of a real woman.
And that’s just RIGHT NOW. Just imagine how good these things are going to look after five years of ultra-rapid technological advancement in all of these areas. Then think about ten years.
I don’t know exactly when this is going to happen, but I promise you this is going to happen well within 20 years or less. It will be nowhere near 50 years or whatever.
“This won’t replace sex with most men. Most men want a real woman.”
What you’re saying is that YOU want a real woman. But most men aren’t you.
Lots of guys project themselves upon every man in the world. They think something like, “Well, I would never have sex with a doll or a robot. That’s just silly/disgusting/stupid. I want a real woman who can have a real conversation and who feels real, not some machine. Therefore, the vast majority of men will also not want to fuck these stupid sex robots because the vast majority of men are just like me.”
I’m sorry, but honestly, have you ever met a man?
I’m talking here about most men. Not all men. Not 100%. But most. “Most” means at least 51% of men or more.
More than 51% of men will happily fuck a sex robot that:
- Looks like his version of a perfect 10 (or close enough to it, more on that in a minute)
- Fucks him exactly the way he wants every time
- Never gets pregnant
- Never will give him an STD
- Never demands money
- Never demands relationship or marriage
- Never asks him to pay for her kids
- Never complains or gives him drama
- Never demands he watches some stupid chick flick with him
- Always does exactly what she’s told with no backtalk
- Is always supportive and always kisses his ass
- Never badmouths him behind his back to her girlfriends or family
I’m sorry, but yes, more than 51% of men will prefer to fuck something like that than a real woman.
If YOU don’t want to fuck a sex robot, that’s wonderful. Congratulations for being more evolved. But most men aren’t like you.
“This isn’t going to happen any time soon (or ever) because if you look at the sex dolls now, they don’t look that great.”
If we’re talking about most men and not YOU, that’s factually incorrect. The correct statement would be “Today in 2025, lots of sex dolls look stupid, but many of them look pretty good to most men.”
Again, to the Google image search see for yourself. (And again, if YOU would NEVER fuck a robot, I already addressed that. We’re not talking about YOU.)
Secondly, the dumbest argument people make against AI never being a problem is when they use AI today in March of 2025 as their example and point out all of its problems and limitations. Dude, that’s today. It won’t be anything like that five years from now.
Sex dolls and sex robots are the same thing. Today they might be silly, but in ten years (or whatever) they won’t. Just watch.
“This isn’t going to happen any time soon (or ever) because the sex robots won’t look/feel/move/speak exactly like a real woman.”
This is the second dumbest argument I’ve seen about this.
Again I ask you, have you ever met a man?
In discussing dating and relationship topics with literally thousands of men over the past 15 years or so, the one thing that has continually surprised me is the shockingly low standards men have for the women they’ll have sex with.
I have been astounded for years at the sheer number of men, even good-looking and/or wealthy high-SMV men, who will gleefully have sex with some of the ugliest and/or fattest and/or plainest and/or oldest and/or disgusting women I’ve ever seen.
And I’m not talking about when they’re drunk or high. I’m talking about men who are 100% sober.
And it’s not just that they’ll have sex with these women. During sex they’ll get hard and will orgasm with these women.
And then they’ll keep seeing these women.
Bro… let’s be honest. Most men will fuck anything.
So even if the sex robots don’t look 100% perfect, but they do look 90-95% like a guy’s version of an ideal perfect 10, are you telling me that most men who see that “woman” sitting on his couch nicely asking for sex when he has nothing else better to do won’t fuck that thing?
And to repeat a third time, if YOU wouldn’t do that, that’s irrelevant. Most men would.
The robots don’t need to look or feel or move 100% like real women. You need them just good enough where the typical man’s cock doesn’t care. Men’s brains and hearts might be a little discerning (sometimes) but men’s cocks clearly don’t give a shit.
And that’s going to easily happen in the next ten years or so.
Wait a minute! How is this going to happen if America is going to collapse??? That makes no sense!
Yes it does because the first place this takes hold will likely be Asia, specifically places like Japan, China, Korea, and SE Asia, all of whom have A) far superior manufacturing facilities than the Collapsing West and B) an extreme beta male population more excited to fuck robots than the Collapsing West currently has (though that’s quickly changing, i.e. worsening).
Honestly, most of the future sex robots in the USA won’t be manufactured in the USA because the USA can’t manufacture anything. They’ll come from Asia.
This has nothing to do with America. The entire USA could go up in smoke tomorrow morning and this will still happen all over the planet.
This won’t ever happen because the feminists/socialists/left-wingers will make it illegal.
Prostitution is illegal all over the Western world. So no one in America, Canada, or Western Europe fucks prostitutes or sugar babies, right?
Marijuana was illegal in the USA before 2016. So no one in America smoked weed before 2016, right?
Another really dumb argument. As I’ve explained over at my other blog hundreds of times, stupid Western governments can jerk themselves off about all the stupid laws they have directly against human nature but they don’t mean a thing. Human beings in free societies will always find ways to do what their biology wants at scale even if it’s illegal (drink, smoke, drugs, sex, gamble, etc).
This won’t ever happen because the sex robots will be too expensive for normal guys. Just millionaires/billionaires will have them.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, my family was very poor but we still wanted to watch movies on this new machine they invented called a “VCR.”
It was this cool magical box where you could put these big tapes into it and watch movies that had recently been in the movie theaters. It was revolutionary at the time and it really caught on.
The problem was that VCRs back then were super duper expensive. Only really rich people could buy one.
So did that mean poor and middle class people could never use VCRs?
Of course not. We just rented them.
Back around 1981 or so, my dad would go down to the video rental store, pay a small rental fee, and they’d hand him an entire VCR machine, all the cables, and a few movies. The entire thing was rented; he had to return the entire setup the next day or else he’d be in big trouble.
So he brought it all home, hooked it all up (swearing the entire time), and we little kids would watch movies over and over again non-stop for about 24 hours until he disconnected it all and returned it to the video store the next day.
It was a hassle, but it worked, and that’s what poor and middle class people did back then.
That’s exactly what will happen with sex robots initially.
Initially, yeah, they’re going to be too expensive for poor and middle class men to buy. Doesn’t matter. They’ll still be able to easily rent them for a few hours or an evening, and that’s exactly what they’ll do.
And, just like VCRs, eventually the price will drop where every man who wants one (which will be most men but not all) will buy one. Shit, even though I get laid plenty I’ll probably get one or two myself just for shits and gigs.
This will all happen soon.
And everything will change.
Just watch.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Bud Warton
Posted at 09:21 am, 6th March 2025“More than 51% of men will happily fuck a sex robot that:”
Gets up and makes him a sammich post-coitus.
The pimps will drive the development of an auto-clean and sanitize
feature. I imagine that until the sex robots are fully ambulatory
they’ll be driven to the johns’ location in vans.
“Service with a Smile”.
Dank Memes
Posted at 10:47 am, 6th March 2025It doesn’t even have to be 51% of men who would fuck the robot. Even if 10% of men are pulled out of the dating pool because they have a robot at home, it would cause massive dislocations in the dating market. Robots are a big deal
Posted at 12:46 pm, 6th March 2025“Even if 10% of men are pulled out of the dating pool because they have a robot at home, it would cause massive dislocations in the dating market. ”
way more than that in the west are off the dating market already, do you see massive shifts because of that?
The thing is that most women are still getting what they really want even if they complain a lot: attention, even if its from men who are not dating
What will happen that is that all these men will stop giving attention to women. Women are fundamentally totally unprepared for that and cannot comprehend what the world and their life will look like if something like that happens. This is why when women say they do not care or worry about this because they don’t want the kind of man who would do this anyway shows how they have no concept of how the world works. On top of that they will now have to fight over the remaining men.
Can you imagine how the gender dynamics would look like if most men were not interested in sex? How hard would women have to fight for men to date them? It is going to be insane. I can even imagine the women will be buying you drinks and dinners just to give them a chance.
I do agree it is coming and it won’t take that long and within 20 years is quite reasonable but that is quite a long time, a lot can happen then. Within 10 years I find way too optimistic.
One other thing to consider is that this robot will also clean your house and cook for you, then consider how so many men nowadays are already quitting on women and choosing to be alone and sexless because they simply do not want to deal with women and their behavior anymore.
Posted at 12:48 pm, 6th March 2025I’m still not sure what will come first… actual sex robots that are indistinguishable *enough* from real women… or AI’s ability to develop brain interfaces (with neuralink, nanotech, etc) that can literally just intercept all sensory perception and “feed” your neurons the experience of fucking your perfect 10.
Either way, it’s gonna be a wild future.
Posted at 12:55 pm, 6th March 2025“I’m still not sure what will come first”
People are forgetting a third option which could actually be here even as soon as 5 years from now: cloning with accelerated growth and very reduced brain capacity – basically lab grow your personal perfect sex slave. And people will figure out how to do it legally or it will be a big black market thing.
Posted at 01:12 pm, 6th March 2025Then what’s the timeframe for Westworld/Ex Machina levels of accuracy?
Posted at 02:36 pm, 6th March 2025Any guy who denies sex robots won’t make a major impact on male/female relations was not paying attention to the Realbotix booth at CES 2025. They had an ugly blonde doll named Aria and it ended up attracting one of the biggest crowds at the show.
The guys who think like this really need to read the history of technology of things like cars, computers, and smartphones. A few examples:
– The Ford Model T cost $850 ($20,770 today) when it debuted in 1908, had a shitty 20 hp engine, a crappy 3-speed manual transmission, got 20 MPG, couldn’t got faster than 30-40 MPH, had no heat/AC/sound system, and needed constant maintenance just to run. By 1924, Ford improved his production processes enough to get the price of a new Model T down to $260 ($5,321 today). Today, the cheapest car in the USA, a 2025 Nissan Versa, costs $18,330, has a 122 hp engine, a continuously variable transmission that shifts itself, has heat/AC/a sound system, gets 35 MPG, can exceed 100 MPH easily, and barely needs more than oil changes.
– A budget desktop in 1990 cost $2,000-5000 ($4,829.46 – $12,073.64 today), came with a shitty Intel 386 single-core processor (which was outdated by then because the 486 came out) that ran at 25 MHz, had only 1MB of RAM and a 40-150 MB hard drive. The monitor was a shitty VGA (640 x 480) CRT, and SVGA (800 x 600) was a premium resolution back then. Laptops barely existed and were a premium product back then. I just recently spent even less than $2000 in 1990s dollars on a brand new 14″ MackBook Pro which has a 10-core M4 processor that runs at 3-4 GHz, has 16 GB of RAM, has a 512 GB solid state drive (which is eons faster than a hard drive), and has a high-resolution 3024 x 1964 screen. Oh, and unlike the 1990 desktop, I can carry my MacBook around everywhere with me. By every metric, my MacBook exhibits magnitudes of progress over the 1990 desktop, and is much smaller too.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:53 pm, 6th March 2025Correct.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:54 pm, 6th March 2025There’s no way to know that. I’m saying 10-15 years, 20 on the extreme outside.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:57 pm, 6th March 2025Yeah I saw clips from that. She was pretty ugly, but I promise you that most of those nerds would have happily fucked her and enjoyed it.
Cell phones especially. I mean, shit, we went from Nokia flip phones to full-on iPhones in just a few years.
Posted at 08:50 pm, 6th March 2025The robots don’t even need to be sex robots. Having a domestic servant would remove common male-female interactions for many men. Imagine a guy can come home to a nice, clean house, with dinner in the table, and the snacks already put out for his evening card game with his buddies. Suddenly women become simply another leisure activity or hobby. If one woman not pleasant and accommodating, he can go find one who is, or just ignore them all together. He doesn’t can need to have sex with the robot to change the game dramatically., just removing an excuse to have a woman in the hose will do it. The robot will be reduce or eliminate the cost of a human maid, DoorDash/takeout, and probably a few more costs, too. Add in the peace and quiet factor and I expect many men to have little to no interaction with women outside of recreational activities.
Posted at 10:23 pm, 6th March 2025Hey Caleb, I’m trying to make Mexico my international backup plan and I want to open a bank account there but they require proof of address for the past 3 months. Is there any way or some sort of workaround for this?
Posted at 06:14 am, 7th March 2025“Having a domestic servant would remove common male-female interactions for many men.”
Really depends where you live. I lived in non cheap western countries/cities and in most of the place I could get a semi professional cleaner for 10-20 per hour. If I didn’t need her to come regularly to do dishes, it means I only need her to come once a week. Pretty much anyone can already afford that. If you can’t find cleaners for that price just ask some young female students if they wanna clean your place for 10-20 per hour, they will be happy to take it you will see.
Food is a different story but again in most places you can eat out / have food delivery for 10-20 per meal. The robot will be cheaper in the long run but it will take quite a while before it pays for itself.
But if you live somewhere where you cant get a meal out for less than 30 or something crazy like that and cleaners cost similar or more than yeah, but that’s a rare exception not the norm.
I would say it has to do both that and sex for it to work. And besides most women nowadays don’t do those things anymore anyway or are not good at it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:10 am, 8th March 2025Good points.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:11 am, 8th March 2025I only answer on-topic questions at the blogs.