26 Dec The 8 Things Men Over 40 Must Do In Their Dating And Relationships

Reading Time – 6 minutes
This is an article for men over 40. If you’re under 40, you should probably also read it because everything I talk about in this article will affect you in just a few years. It’s probably better if you prepare for this now instead of waiting until you’re 40 to address these things.
As I’ve shown many times, once a man hits age 35, his life preferences, especially in his woman life, start to change. Sometimes radically. This is when a man goes from being a “younger” man to an “older” man, and it’s a permanent game-changer.
When a man hits age 40 (at the latest), his body starts to change. Every man is different, but speaking in broad generalities…
- His muscles get more stiff and tight.
- His endurance drops.
- His recovery takes longer.
- He gains body fat more easily.
- His cock starts to be less hard during sex.
- He starts to lose his hair (if he hasn’t already).
- His teeth start looking fucked-up (crooked, yellow, weird spacing, etc).
- He starts growing hair in new fun places (inside his ears and nostrils, etc).
- His posture gets more hunched and he starts walking with a slight stoop.
- He can’t handle the same amount of drugs, alcohol, and/or food as he could when he was younger.
- His sleep suffers.
In addition, his mind also changes, with things like:
- He gets more nervous and concerned about “being alone” or “dying alone.”
- If he still doesn’t have any kids, he starts getting nervous about that.
- He starts throwing around too much money in his woman life; addiction to sugar daddy dating often becomes a real thing.
- If he’s recently out of a long-term marriage or relationship, he gets oneitis for the first woman he hooks up with, even if she’s way too young or high drama for a long-term relationship.
You need to guard against all of this shit unless you want to be a full-bore beta male by the time you hit age 45 like most modern men.
Here are the 8 ways you do this, listed in no particular order (they’re all important)
- Constantly check your testosterone and other key hormonal and immediately address them if they’re low, which they probably are.
I have tons of blog articles and YouTube videos about this, feel review to review them.
If you have any of the above symptoms and/or if your total testosterone (using American measurements) is under 600 or so, you need to stop making excuses and either immediately get on TRT like I did (literally one of the best decisions of my life) or radically change your lifestyle to boost your T levels.
Low T will turn you into a whiny little pussy beta. You don’t want this. High healthy T levels will address many of the negative symptoms I listed above. You’ll have so much energy and be so happy you won’t believe it. Try it and you’ll see.
Keep checking your testosterone (and estradiol, thyroid T3, and vitamin D) at least once a year and do so for the rest of your life.
- If you’re not already exercising at least once every 48 hours, you need to start, no excuses.
I’ve said in my books and blogs that exercising for health, energy, and longevity is optional for younger men but mandatory for older men. If you’re over age 40, then I’m sorry, I don’t care how busy you or how much you hate exercising or whatever health problems you have. You need to get off your fat ass and start doing cardio and/or weights for at least 20 minutes every other day as a bare minimum (more is better).
Shit man, I’m overweight, 52 years old, run two companies, have sex with multiple women a week, travel the world constantly, and I still manage to exercise hard at least 4 days a week plus do a full 30-minute stretching routine 6 days a week.
So if I can do it, you can do it. No excuses. This shit is mandatory for men over 40.
- If your cock doesn’t work as well as it used to, address it.
Thankfully I’ve never had this particular problem, but I’ve found that most guys over 40 whose cocks stop working well just sort of put up with it. What the hell?
If my cock stopped working well during sex, I would immediately cancel all of my appointments, get my ass to at least two different doctors who specialize in this area, order them to fix my dick ASAP, and then I would do whatever they told me without a bunch of excuses.
It staggers my imagination that so many older men don’t put a priority on this. How the hell can you date multiple women (many of whom will be much younger than you) in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond if your cock is soft during sex or if you can’t orgasm?
Stop making excuses and ADDRESS IT.
- Remember my 1 to 10 rule about having kids.
My 1 to 10 rule for having kids states that a man in the modern area should only have children if his desire to have kids on a scale of 1 to 10 is at least a solid 8. That means he really wants kids and is super excited about it.
If I ask you if you want kids and, like most men in this space, your answer starts with something like “Well… uhh… “ then guess what? Your desire to have kids isn’t anywhere near an 8 which means you should not have children.
Don’t have kids or start thinking about kids just because you’re 42 and don’t have kids yet and feel like you “should” have them now. That’s bullshit societal programming talking, not you.
Don’t have kids or start thinking about kids just because your mom is screaming at you that she wants grandkids. I’ve talked in detail about telling your mom (and/or your dad) to shut the fuck up about this kind of thing. Might be time to do that again.
Don’t have kids or start thinking about kids just because that 27-year-old Asian girl you’re banging is begging you for some. You decide when to have kids; you don’t outsource this decision to women.
8 or higher or no kids for you; I don’t care how old you are.
- If you have thinning hair, address it.
A fully shaved head is good and a full head of hair (even if fake like mine) is also good. Nothing else is acceptable. This means you can’t have clearly thinning hair or a bald spot on the back of your head.
If you have a darker skin tone and/or an angular face, shave your entire head and do so for the rest of your life. You’ll look great.
If you have more pale skin and/or a more round face (I have both of these) then you can’t shave your head because you’ll look like a dork, so either get the FUE or FUT surgery (FUE is better) or get the nonsurgical hair restoration as I did.
Yes, it’s a hassle.
Yes, it costs money.
Don’t care. Women aren’t turned on by men with bald spots or thinning hair and prefer guys with full hair even if the women know the hair is fake. Plus, your confidence will boost when you have a full head of hair instead of constantly worrying about how the back of your head looks.
- Be very careful about sugar daddy dating and throwing too much money around.
One of the great things about being in your 40s as a man is that you finally have decent money. That’s great, but the danger is that many men this age start throwing money around to women like it’s candy. They get addicted to sugar daddy dating sites. They get young hot girlfriends and start throwing thousands of dollars at them. They give women huge “loans” to “help them out of a jam” and then the girls never repay (of course) which causes drama. And so on.
Sugar daddy stuff is fine for men over 40 who have decent incomes; I’ve done my share. But you have to always remember that this sugar daddy stuff is one of many tools in your toolbox that you can use in your woman life. It is not the ONLY THING YOU DO or even the DEFAULT THING YOU DO. That’s fucking stupid.
Remember that these days, men in their 40s are at their height of overall attractiveness and SMV. Women want to fuck men in their 40s. You don’t need to throw all this fucking money at them.
- Remember to dress in modern styles.
Men’s style tends to default to the decade they went to high school. Well, that was a long time ago you old bastard, so it’s time to update your wardrobe. I’m not a fashion expert so I can’t give you any detailed advice about this. Just make sure your shirts, pants, and jackets are in modern styles, not from the shit they wore on Miami Vice or Seinfeld.
- Watch the weight.
Younger men can do whatever they want, but starting at age 40 you have to really start paying attention to what you eat. Every decade past age 39 you have to reduce both the calories and the high-glycemic carbs in your daily intake.
Body fat is my weak area but even I’ve been able to keep this under control.
I lost weight in my 40s. It was hard, but I did it. At age 52 I still maintain my weight (more or less) while many men I know my age have ballooned in weight since their early to mid-30s. A hell of a lot of men I know, including former pick-up artists, male models, and ex-celebrities, who were good-looking dudes in their 20s or 30s are now huge fat fucks in their 40s or 50s. It’s a tragedy.
Monogamy also puts upward pressure on your weight; your mono-GF/wife often wants you to look like a chubby little potato so other women won’t be attracted to you. Yet another reason to never be monogamous.
I’ll end with this. My 40s was the greatest decade of my life. It was a fantastic adventure. 40s is prime time for a man… if you do everything I just listed. Otherwise, your 40s is the decade where most men either convert to or lean into being a pure beta.
The choice is yours.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 09:53 am, 26th December 2024Thanks for the good read Caleb. Looking foward to starting the 90 day biz builder.
Posted at 10:19 am, 26th December 2024Love this. I’m about to turn 30 and I’m ready to swing for the fences. Did a lot of good things in my 20s, but b wanna really succeed in my 30s as well. Thanks for the article, Caleb.
Emmanuel Asare
Posted at 02:44 pm, 26th December 2024Succinctly explicated, on point and true. Thanks for sharing this with me.
Posted at 08:22 pm, 26th December 2024Man, this article came at just the right time.
I turned 40 back in August and, starting this upcoming week, my TRT protocol begins.
I’m curious….do you recommend any other exogenous substances (HGH, peptides, etc.) for the “aging man” that can afford it?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:08 am, 27th December 2024Yes, both of those, if you’re old enough and can afford it. Various peptides definitely. HGH if you’re over age 45 and can afford it (very expensive).
Posted at 07:12 pm, 28th December 2024Going to see a doctor if your dick is getting hard isn’t going to help much. They have no training in nutrition and all the fuckers will do is prescribe way overpriced pharma shit that won’t help you, as it has side effects. One can get harder by cutting out junk food and sugar from your diet as much as you can, being regularly hydrated, regularly exercising and regularly eating nitric oxide rich foods.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:46 am, 29th December 2024That depends on the person.
Often this is the case, yes.
Easy for you to say, I know this stuff also, but what if the guy is a normie who doesn’t know any of this? He might need to go to his doctor so his (good) doctor can explain this to his dumb ass. He needs to start somewhere.
And yes he should google around and do some research but lots of men don’t do this.
Posted at 04:54 am, 29th December 2024Thanks for the article Caleb – Just started the new version of The Unchained Man, & I am moving to Asuncion in March next year, exciting times!
Question – Do you think that your 40’s were your best decade because you were such a self-proclaimed beta in your 20’s, pre-divorce etc?
I am turning 35 next week, women life is pretty damn good (South America!), business/finances need some work but think I’ll be on track by 2026 (Paraguay being a good place to chill while I build my business).
The thing is I am really looking forward to being a Dad in the future! But I don’t really want kids till 39 at the absolute earliest..
I guess my question is – You think it’s still possible to make my 40s my best decade, if I am a new dad with a bunch of young kids etc, I am worried about it haha…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 03:04 pm, 30th December 2024FANTASTIC!
No. There were about 5 or 6 different reasons but that wasn’t one of them. My 20’s were fantastic and my late 30’s were pretty damn good.
Possible but more difficult. Kids add a decent amount of stress. But still possible, yes.
Posted at 05:02 am, 4th January 2025“but what if the guy is a normie who doesn’t know any of this? He might need to go to his doctor so his (good) doctor can explain this to his dumb ass. He needs to start somewhere.
And yes he should google around and do some research but lots of men don’t do this.”
This should be number 9 on your list absolutely: YOU CANT BE A NORMIE ANYMORE
I would say this adds to what you say previously that you are completely screwed if you are normal / average nowadays. This example demonstrates that further.
Posted at 04:03 pm, 4th January 2025What about sleep habbits and skin routine?