25 Sep Even Homeless Guys Get Laid, But This Is Still Not What You Want

Fair warning: I’m going to be a little emotional today. I’m about to get really mad at several groups of you. Consider yourself warned.
You may have already seen this story floating around the internet. This is a homeless guy, yes a homeless guy who actually sleeps on the street, who regularly has sex with new women and gets them to let him stay the night over at their homes.
-By Caleb Jones
This story brings up two completely different topics, an obvious one with a great message, and a not-so-obvious one that has a sinister message. I will cover both there.
What’s Your Excuse?
All over the internet, men are giving the following excuses about why they can’t get laid:
“I live at home with my parents.”
“I live with roommates.”
“I don’t make any money.”
“I only make minimum wage.”
“I don’t drive a cool car.”
“Only rich guys get laid.”
“Only guys with good jobs get laid.”
“The only reason so-and-so gets laid is because he has a good job / cool car / cool apartment / is rich / blah blah blah.”
Let me say it again. This guy is fucking homeless. He’s an unemployed alcoholic and drug addict who literally sleeps on the streets…and he gets laid by new women regularly. And no, he’s not super good-looking and he’s not ripped.
This instantly renders all of the above excuses as complete bullshit.
I don’t want to hear any guy say they can’t get laid because of their incomes or living conditions ever again. Seriously, guys. Thank god this homeless guy came along to show these excuse-makers how wrong they have always been.
Some of the most successful PUAs / players I know or have talked to have been poor guys who have been unemployed for long stretches and spend most of their nights on friend’s couches. They still get laid like madmen.
You do not need money to get laid if you have strong game, outcome independence, and confidence, all of which you can learn and develop even if you’re starting from absolute zero. (I did.) Good Christ, stop with the excuses. I’m going to keep this post bookmarked forever so I can immediately throw it at any guy stupid or lazy enough to whine like a little bitch about how he can’t get laid because he has no money or lives at home with his parents.
I’m not saying a good income can’t help your game; of course it can and I’ll get to that in a minute. I’m saying it’s in no way required, and if you think it is, you’re dead wrong.
A Dark, New Trend
Now I’m going to completely switch gears and beat up on a completely different group of you guys. While I applaud this homeless dude by showing the excuse-makers how full of shit they are, at the same time this guy is part of a new trend occurring right now in society, including within the manosphere. This is a very evil shift in thinking among men, and is more nails in the coffin for the typical modern man.
This trend is a growing wave of men, usually in their twenties, who take a very feminine, disempowering position when they look at life. Their thought process goes something like this:
I don’t make much money, and I probably never will. So I’ll get a FB, girlfriend, or wife who makes more money than me. She’ll take care of me. She can buy my food and help me pay for my car and my college debts. I can live in a bigger house / better apartment because of her. I can even get married without a prenup, then SHE will have to pay ME alimony if we get divorced! Mwahahaha! Total win! I can just sit on my ass, go drinking with my buddies, play video games, be a total loser, and higher-income women can take care of me the rest of my life. Yay!
More and more men in society are choosing this path, or a path that looks similar. Even more frightening and depressing, I have begun to see men within the manosphere defend this lifestyle, including on this very blog.
I cannot begin to tell you how sad this makes me for my fellow brothers. As if insane feminism wasn’t enough. As if the victory of left-liberalism wasn’t enough. As if the fall of western civilization wasn’t enough. As if the family court system being anti-man wasn’t enough. No, on top of all that, some of you want to chose a path of a financially dependent, submissive loser woman-man and look forward to being completely dependent on women to take care of you like you’re some kind of man-child.
God dammit, you guys have let me down, in so many ways it’s hard to describe.
Being financially dependent on a woman like this is the complete and diametric opposite to what an Alpha 2.0 is, does, and lives. What separates the Alpha 2.0 from his beta (and many of his Alpha 1.0) brothers is that he is completely independent, and thus free. He can do whatever he wants without having to depend on anyone else. “Anyone else” includes a FB, girlfriend, or wife.
A man with the nagging worry that he may lose his house or his meal ticket if his higher-income girlfriend/wife might leave him isn’t Alpha 2.0. It isn’t even Alpha 1.0. It’s beta beyond belief. You might be a more clever, more confident, playerish beta, but you’re still a fucking beta. You will never, ever live the life that I live, nor will you ever achieve a level of happiness, fulfillment, and freedom that men like me experience on a regular basis.
If you are thinking about taking the path of the dependent clever loser-man, please reconsider immediately. Not only is it not Alpha, it’s not even masculine. Sititng around wasting your life while a woman takes care of you is not what a man is.
If you ever see any man giving this kind of dependent clever loser-man advice, please remember what I said today. Following that path will never make you fulfilled or happy; not in the long-term anyway.
Instead, do these three things:
1. Learn game and get good at having sex with new women.
2. Get your income up to at least $75,000 a year via your own small business without working too many hours per week to do it.
3. Keep your physical appearance as decent as your age, schedule, and genetics allow.
Do those three things, and you will be free; completely free to do whatever the hell you want. As a man, the more free you are, the more happy you will be. It won’t matter how much women make or don’t make, do or don’t do. Your happiness and fulfillment as a man will be yours no matter what.
That’s success. Not like this guy.
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Posted at 05:40 am, 25th September 2014My favorite post in a while BD. Thanks for the vid too – interesting life he lives.
Posted at 05:58 am, 25th September 2014I saw that video a few weeks ago, not sure if I believe it. The guy looks 100% gay to me.
Posted at 06:29 am, 25th September 2014i rember i was homeless in 2009. and its that nothing to lose out of your comfort zone survival instincts that make you a more persuasive person once you are aware that other people are inaecure.i had experienced this myself w girls paying for me bringing me gifts opening their lives to me…honestly it doesnt last long.after this thats where my self dependent grew to new heights
it all came to a holt when one of the girls i was seeing turned out to be mean pushy bitch.who outwitted me in a way thati had placed my livelyhood dependance in her hands..
i was excellent that id phone game a girl to send me $ for greyhound ticket.when id have 2$ in my pocket not same girl btw but all done without force or anger..all unaware of my doings. it just came.lobster dinners hotel rooms room service concerts her driving you…others begging for sex..they bring you gifts and food…
thats why i stopped. your game does excel but messes w you head in unhealthy way.
this guy will stop until a woman really fucks him over to a point where he will reflect on his own.
this lifestyle exists ..i lived it for few months. not only its damaging but its fucks w your head .
at first its fufilling to the ego and stomach ..then it makes you like any addiction dependent.
this is not new yet im glad you brought it up from both sides.
my new gf wants me to move in w her nice fancy place temporarily..and been debating cause im studying for something big.Where I live is peaceful…yet money slightly tight but plan to save.
then again freedom has no price.
Posted at 06:59 am, 25th September 2014Amen. I cannot wait to get my hands on your upcoming Alpha Male book
Posted at 08:06 am, 25th September 2014Man, If this guy wasnt a complete drug addict he might be my hero.
I would like to validate this… WHen I was 19-20 and in college my mother came home in a bad mood and threw me out on the spot one night. I was moving into a campus party apt. in two months so i didnt want to look for another…LSS I was homeless for two months. It was epic. I went from party to party and just crash there. My only possessions were a backpack, a bottle of vodka, and a carefree attitude. I would brag about it… Yeah, IM so homeless and awesome at the same time. I did very well.. sure I cant pull this as a mid 30s man so I completely agree with BD that you need to be your own man but attitude is everything in life. Make the most of everything you have!
Posted at 09:02 am, 25th September 2014Wow amazing he picked up a bunch of 2/10s.
Posted at 09:03 am, 25th September 2014From the commments:
“My friend and I met this guy on the streets of NYC a this past weekend, Times square to be exact. I immediately recognized him and struck up a conversation. I asked him how the past week had been after all the publicity, he replied “it’s fucking amazing, I’m fucking killing it right now, I’m famous. My parents are pretty disgusted of me though.”
He then said to my friend and I “you guys are tall, fucking chicks love that, lets go steal some beers from Duane Reade and hit on fucking bitches.” I was already impressed with what I had seen from Joe, I could tell I would get some great stories if I kept the night going. Earlier my friend and I had bought some bunk coc that was most likely alka seltzer mixed with baking soda, let’s just put it this way we each did some bumps and it almost made us cry/noses bleed. I mentioned it to Joe that we had some “shit” and if he wanted to do some? He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes lit up and he replied “you guys have fucking coc?! Lets go fucking do some!”
We found an alleyway, hardly any cover, and being times square it was well lit as yankee stadium. Joe didn’t care, he said “this spot is legit, if I get arrested for doing drugs at least i’ll have a place to sleep without doing any work.” He then said “break that shit out” as he rolled up a soggy 1 dollar bill “just pour it into my hand until I say when.” Again, this wasn’t even coc and we would have thrown it out anyways so we were very generous with the amount we gave to Joe. To be honest I just wanted to see him go through the pain we did earlier doing a key bump. Instead Joe inhaled about a half gram of the stuff up his nose like a shop vac. He didn’t even flinch he immediately said “you bought this from a fucking black dude didn’t you? Never buy Coc from black people.”
So as the night went on We walked with Joe around Times Square, my initial excitement of meeting the internet sensation had worn out. He turned out to be quite a racist, pompous, ignorant, and obviously objectified women worse than anyone I had ever seen. I asked him if this internet fame ever made him some significant money would he stop doing drugs and living this lifestyle he said “If I ever stop doing drugs it will be because I probably died doing fucking drugs.”
We kept walking and I was probably close to 4 am my friend and I were thinking its probably time to wind down the night and head home. I realized this wasn’t an option for old Joe although I could tell that he instinctively had the same idea of calling it a night. Even though every girl that passed us by all night, and I mean every girl, Joe would make a comment or try to flirt. I could see now with the dawn approaching he flipped a switch and went into predator mode. It didn’t take him long, he saw a large girl walking, huge girl actually, and approached her “if you weren’t 300 lbs you’d be the prettiest girl in all new york city” for whatever reason it actually worked out for him. Not wanting to blow up his spot we watched from a distance Joe hunting in his natural habit. Groping lead to kissing and kissing lead to Joe hopping in a cab with the girl. I kinda felt bad for him, I kinda felt bad of the girl.
All in all Joe is just a piece of shit, but he’d be happy to tell you that. He’s just one scumbag in a city of 8 million and a country of 300 million. He may end up making some money out of all this publicity and learn a lesson or he’ll end up fading away into NYC. Either way, you can’t blame a guy for wanting a place to sleep, I’d rather him sleep in some fat girls bed than on my front steps any day.”
Posted at 09:34 am, 25th September 2014This homeless guy has something in common with me and you BD.
Remember that line when he said “I wake up every morning and I can do what the fuck I want. I am totaly free.”
This is key to his pick-up success. He is a free man and he values freedom above all else. Women can feel that. They love this trait in men more than money or muscle.
Now a word towards the fe-man lifestyle of beeing some sort of house-boy.
Not all can be alpha – be it 2.0 or 1.0 – some are just lazy guys with no amibtion. They have no goals and no interest in self-improvement. You sure know a few of this type too.
I can see no harm if such a person uses the system to his advantage instead of becoming another worker-bee within the matrix. It is not that the average lawyer cunt wouldnt deserve it 100x.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:39 am, 25th September 2014Yeah, I’m sure most of the women he has sex with are gross. Not that he cares.
I get into more detail about this in the book, but he’s not exactly right. He’s not totally free. He can’t go to Europe or Asia for a week whenever he wants like I can. He can’t eat a really nice steak, go on a kickass boat ride, go zip-lining in Mexico, or a thousand other enjoyable things that cost money. If you cannot do the things in life you want to do because you don’t have the funds to do them, you are not free.
It’s possible he may honestly not want to do literally anything fun that costs money. While I really doubt it, I’ll admit it is possible for a few weird guys. But the other 95% of men would be (or are!) unhappy if they had little to no income…thus you are not free.
Freedom is more than not having a job or a boss.
Captain Caveman
Posted at 01:01 pm, 25th September 2014He looks great for what an unhealthy lifestyle he lives. Won’t last though. I was skeptical when BD said this was becoming a common thing…but reading the comments I guess it kind of is. I remember back in school, a girl who hooked up with my roommate told us her roommate once hooked up with a bum, twice. Guess there are a lot of hobosexuals out there.
Here’s an idea for anyone who wants to get the sense of self-reliance that comes from being homeless, without getting scoliosis from sleeping on the street or getting beaten up by gang members- go backpacking alone for a month through some foreign countries. You’ll grow as a person, have a lot of fun, and probably also get laid some.
Posted at 05:41 pm, 25th September 2014…Is that $75,000 USD before, after tax?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:43 pm, 25th September 2014Here’s an idea for anyone who wants to get the sense of self-reliance that comes from being homeless, without getting scoliosis from sleeping on the street or getting beaten up by gang members- go backpacking alone for a month through some foreign countries.
Agreed. I’ve done similar though not for a month. Next year I’m in Asia for an entire month though.
Before. In addition, ideally you have your own incorporated business and you live in a low-tax area, both of which will reduce your taxes dramatically. My book will go into detail about this.
I pay a pittance in total taxes on an annual basis as compared to men at my income level who have corporate jobs or live in high-tax cities.
Posted at 12:12 am, 26th September 2014Very well said.
Also, I get the feeling that a lot of people (men and women alike) who seek complete dependence on someone else as their ultimate goal haven’t experienced both sides of the fence. Once you’ve been wholly dependent on a partner, a parent (as an adult, that is), welfare or a friend you realize it’s one of the most stressful things you can imagine. If you don’t like and/or trust the person you’re stressed out of fear that you will be dropped like a hot coal. If you do like and/or trust the person you’re stressed because you’re a burden on them and /they/ may start to dislike and distrust /you/, because you could become a child in their eyes. And it’s very hard to get out of once you’re there. I was one of the few people on benefits out of sheer necessity and I went from that to a student loan. This made me realize how completely dependent on the State I was and how useless I would be on my own. So I moved around a bit and started working instead of studying. Now hitting £250-400/week self-employed, with several grand in the bank, which, coming off welfare, is the best feeling in the world.
But that leads me to the other side. It’s stressful too. There’s still that bit of fear about your income. Either you’re nervous about your boss firing you or you’re nervous about customers leaving. You’ll always be dependent on other people’s whims to a degree. And I can see how that can be disheartening. But once you’re in the working world it’s comparatively easier to stay in it. You can use your income to pay for transport, a deposit on a new flat or a qualification should you need to change work. You have references and contacts. Sure, you may lose your job or your customers, but you can always move on to the next thing.
The problem is people who’ve only experienced one or the other. If you’ve only experienced dependence and never got that kick up the butt or wake up call to do something about it, then you know nothing else. You want to stay dependent because it’s made easy, because it feels safe, because you know where your meal ticket is most of the time. If you’ve only experienced independence from the start of your adult life, then you know nothing else. You want to leave it because it’s difficult, it’s stressful, there’s always that risk (however small) of losing everything. The grass looks that much greener that you feel like it would be worthwhile to sacrifice your freedom for it.
It’s only when you’ve been on both sides of the fence that you can truly appreciate what a blessing it is to be free and comfortable with your work.
Posted at 01:49 am, 26th September 2014“Get your income up to at least $75,000 a year via your own small business WITHOUT WORKING TOO MANY HOURS per week to do it.”
Great idea! Let’s all do it.
Fuck, let’s all just not work any hours at all and make tons of cash!
What parallel universe were you born in? Cuz I’m moving there.
“some of you want to chose a path of a financially dependent, submissive loser woman-man and look forward to being completely dependent on women to take care of you like you’re some kind of man-child.”
Well if it can work for a homeless dude……
You know you just might be the first manospherian to ever praise homeless men for their game while condemning the rest of us for being layabout man children all in one post!
We get it.
Homeless men rule.
Sub-irresponsible guys suck shit.
Makes perfect sense to me.
But I think I can speak for everyone here when I say it’s very selfish of you to not tell us all where you’re getting your drugs from!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:40 am, 26th September 2014We get it.
You’re a feminist.
You’re mad.
You can’t articulate an actual point.
Makes perfect sense to me.
Posted at 11:03 am, 26th September 2014MALDEK said :””This homeless guy has something in common with me and you BD.
Remember that line when he said “I wake up every morning and I can do what the fuck I want. I am totaly free.”
This is key to his pick-up success. He is a free man and he values freedom above all else. Women can feel that. They love this trait in men more than money or muscle.””
Maldek, you obviously never been homeless,you prbably come from a “priviledged” background.
You have shite idea.when you made this comment.
This guy pushes cause if he is insecure he sleeps in streets or in NYC
where I used to live its fking dangerous to sleep in street or park bench.
“”This homeless guy has something in common with me and you BD.
Remember that line when he said “I wake up every morning and I can do what the fuck I want. I am totaly free.”
That isnt free
thats fking sad tbh
“”This is key to his pick-up success. He is a free man and he values freedom above all else. Women can feel that. They love this trait in men more than money or muscle.””
Maldek’s Tao
-lose your job and have no money
-get excited to finally have pussy
-then worry what to eat where to sleep
Posted at 04:06 am, 28th September 2014He prefers sleeping on the sidewalk to having a steady girlfriend… This guy must really hate monogamy.
“He’s not totally free. He can’t go to Europe or Asia for a week whenever he wants like I can. He can’t eat a really nice steak, go on a kickass boat ride, go zip-lining in Mexico, or a thousand other enjoyable things that cost money. ”
Less options, more time. A different kind of freedom. You are a guy with kids who works hard. It isn’t that hard to enjoy things that don’t cost money like pick-up, sports & fitness, meditation, learning, teaching.
His addictions are what take his freedom, not his lack of money.
Posted at 10:38 am, 28th September 2014Most people including men would not be able to do what he does because they are simply not sociopathic enough. Most men would be too worried about getting food, clothing and shelter to be worried about getting sex. This man strikes me as a complete sociopath. I’m not saying that you, Black Dragon, the author of this article don’t have a point and that you are not right because I do think you have a point and you are right. All men can improve their GAME or Seduction skills, but individual results will vary as to how much improvement will be made. I know that this man sleeps with mostly disgusting women, but think about what he could do if he had Black Dragon’s level of income or even half that because he would at least improve in the physical beauty of the women he slept with, he would be turning women down for sex for the simple reason that he was too busy managing a soft virtual harem, and he might be ableto sleep with more women too as well as psychologically healthier women and smarter women and women with better character. Black Dragon-AMEN to this article you wrote.
You never addressed this though. Think about what garbage these women sleep with. These women are no better than the men they sleep with. Also think that most women are only worthy of being hard nexted, soft nexted of fuck buddies. Most are not worth MLTRs, less worth OLTRs and fewest of all monogamous relationships especially in marriage. My opinion is that outside of family relationships not including spouses in the developed 1st world nations, even more so Western nations and in particular the USA, most women are only worth fucking and no more. I’m not advocating rape as I find true rape(there is false rape accusations and false ideas about what true rape is) abhorrent. However, most women in our 1st world are to be thought of as potential fuck buddies or women I must tolerate and hope and do all I can to convince them to tolerate me.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:50 am, 28th September 2014“He’s not totally free. He can’t go to Europe or Asia for a week whenever he wants like I can. He can’t eat a really nice steak, go on a kickass boat ride, go zip-lining in Mexico, or a thousand other enjoyable things that cost money. ”
Most weeks I work about 30 hours a week, and the vast majority of the work is work I choose to do because I like it, not work I “have” to do. Moreover, my kids are pretty much grown and take very little of my time.
What you’re talking about is the typical corporate drone who works 40, 50, 60 hours a week at a job that he tolerates and stresses him out, not an Alpha 2.0.
I like those things too, immensely, but there are a few other things in addition to those I like (and I bet this homeless guy likes also) that do indeed cost money.
Both of them do.
Posted at 03:12 am, 29th September 2014“Most weeks I work about 30 hours a week, and the vast majority of the work is work I choose to do because I like it, not work I “have” to do. Moreover, my kids are pretty much grown and take very little of my time.”
If there is little work you “have” to do, then I wholeheartedly agree you are in a very sweet spot right now, I got a different impression from your typical week post. But what about the work you did to get to this point, doesn’t that effort factor into your present freedom?
This homeless guy talks about how he has to be addicted to cope with the misery of his life so maybe he’s not the best example of success out there, but Eckhart Tolle wrote about being homeless and in a state of intense bliss, which makes me think happiness has a lot more to do with inner life than external situation.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:16 pm, 29th September 2014Absolutely. Some temporary sacrifice is required to get to full freedom. No question.
KJ, airy-fairy bullshit. Watch what happens when cloistered monks come into a big city for the first time in their lives. My friend was with a group of them; they were so excited they could barely contain themselves, because they had denied so many pleasures to themselves for so long.
Posted at 12:33 am, 30th September 2014Great post! This guy is the epitome of a Beta and it has always fascinated me how so many Betas don’t possess the sense of shame of how spectacularly effeminate their tactics are with no merit. He’s only getting off with these decent looking women by tapping into their maternal weakness. This type of guy would send Judas to school.
Posted at 06:25 am, 30th September 2014“Eckhart Tolle wrote about being homeless and in a state of intense bliss, which makes me think happiness has a lot more to do with inner life than external situation.”
“KJ, airy-fairy bullshit. Watch what happens when cloistered monks come into a big city for the first time in their lives. My friend was with a group of them; they were so excited they could barely contain themselves, because they had denied so many pleasures to themselves for so long.”
Depends on the person again. Very few humans are truly 100% “free”. We tie ourselves down to work, poverty, people, places, etc. We choose some of ours ties (the people we live with, the time we invest into work), but not others (our lives, the law) and make a dent into others without guaranteeing anything (our income, where we live). The main factor seems to be personal independence (“I may lose everything and everyone I love, but I have enough to rebuild.”) and amount of freedom (“I haven’t got much money or space, but I have plenty of time, contacts, intellect, opt-outs and health.”). The person who has what they have prioritized wins out in happiness. Yet someone who has prioritized other things may be very wealthy and detached, but not be satisfied. In fact, a lot of 99% free people are the least satisfied because the 1% they lack is time or health in which to enjoy their 99%.
The monks are an example of one extreme: they sacrificed everything they actually wanted for something they (at the time) wanted more. However “no ties” people are an example of the other. I knew plenty of homeless anarchists back in Cardiff. They lived in a squat, ate freegan, busked for money, nabbed internet, got given books, spent their afternoons reading, playing music and drinking. A lot had not received benefits, stable wages or parental support in years, paid no taxes at all, worked as few as four hours a week and generally just lived from place to place, only touching money for alcohol, bus fares and replacement instruments for busking. Some of the happiest people I’ve ever met. Because they had exactly what they wanted.
Posted at 11:12 am, 1st October 2014I’m not much of an excuse make but how can I fix things that are holding my back. I may or may not be boring. I don’t think I am but I have a hard time keeping women interested, I’m not really witty and small talk / bantering I don’t accel at either
Posted at 12:22 pm, 6th October 2014I admit, I am one of those guys who lacks faith in getting laid because of my station in life currently, despite the fact I was able to get laid before. Let me give you some background: In my past, this last year actually, I worked a crap job as a housekeeper making minimum wage, and living with two, lazy, nasty roommates. I have a college degree in History, and am almost done with my Masters. I had several job offers when I graduated years ago, but they all disappeared when the economy crashed, so I’m stuck doing crap jobs.
I paid college with very little debt left over. I am not super good looking, I am about average in looks. I am tall, super skinny, and nerdy as all hell with glasses. But still, I was able to get laid. Earlier this year, right after my last GF left me with a bad excuse, I managed to get 3 FBs on a regular basis. They were not the best looking, maybe around 6 and 7s, but they were good, we got along great, and we had lots of sex. Not bad for a guy who worked a crap job and lived with crap roommates. That was because I had confidence, I met them all online, and I just went for it.
Now, I live with my parents, my bank account is trash because my last boss screwed me over, my credit is good because I paid off my loans and car on time. I still clean, but for someone else. I currently have a GF, and I’m not here to debate about that, but if her and I do break up, or even if we decide to sleep with other people, I live with my parents. Honestly, what woman would sleep with a 29 year old guy who lives with his parents? I’m surprised my GF sleeps with me right now.
I live in Bozeman Montana. Expensive place with low wage jobs, and I can’t afford to move right now.
You say get your income up to $75,000 a year. How is that even possible right now with the economy and with someone like me? I have a lot of doubt about myself, even though I am almost done with my Masters and that will give me more opportunities. There is still doubt I will get nowhere. I look around me, and I see people my age, and younger, doing way better in their lives then I am. I’m not lazy, I work as hard as I can, burning myself out all the time.
You’re a successful guy, with the money and the women. I read your blog often, which is why I am here asking for your advice.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:10 pm, 6th October 2014John – Your comment has so much key content that I will devote an entire upcoming post to it. I think a lot of guys are asking similar questions.
Mike Hunter
Posted at 06:21 pm, 21st July 2016Nice post. But I disagree with you about two things. First the homeless guy is obviously conventionally handsome [no homo!]. He’s tall, has a strong jawline, handsome face, and very little body fat. I guess being homeless will do that to you. He’s also living in a place that has one of the most favorable dating markets and best logistics in the country for men.
Second if you manage to find the rare woman dumb enough to earn a much higher income, and marry you without a prenup you’re not dependent on her at all. Assuming you’re in a more liberal place that will enforce the divorce laws in a gender neutral way, and you don’t have children. Dependence implies that that the person giving you money has the option to say no. If you want to work hard and set the world of fire go for it. But women have been screwing men over in the family court for decades. I’ve personally been raked over the coals repeatedly myself. The only way the laws will change is when women start getting burned.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:49 am, 22nd July 2016WTF? Very little body fat? He’s a chubby fuck. I think you need to clean your glasses.
Zelek Uther
Posted at 11:00 pm, 27th June 2017“As a man, the more free you are, the more happy you will be.”
Well said sir.
Relying Too Much on Your Sexual Market Value - The Blackdragon Blog
Posted at 04:27 pm, 8th February 2018[…] you need to explain the chubby homeless guy who was banging all these girls that I talked about here. You need to explain the pick-up artists who I have personally met (not just read about on the […]
Ethan Anderson
Posted at 02:34 pm, 9th June 2020how can you be harmed in divorce, if you marry someone with a good income?