Why Men Are Pussies Now
Recently I watched a Bill Whittle video on gun control. Its key point was the number one reason for violence in society was fatherless men, and that this single factor was more indicative of a future violent man than race, economic status, or anything else.
In the video, he referred to a recent New York Times article called 27 Ways to Be a Modern Man as evidence for how pussified men have become (being raised by single mothers is one of the many reasons).
I was curious, so I read the article. As you might guess, the article made me feel sick to my stomach. Seriously. I felt an uncomfortable churning in my stomach as I read it. It was supposed to be some kind of guide on how to be masculine. Instead, most of it reads like it was written by an extreme, castrated beta male wearing a dress in a politically correct, left-wing college closely monitored by communist feminists. The article should have been titled âMangina.â
Remember, this is not some little blog or wannabe site publishing this article. This is the largest newspaper in America, the New York Times.
Allow me to ruin your day by examining some of these â27 ways.â
1. When the modern man buys shoes for his spouse, he doesnât have to ask her sister for the size. And he knows which brands run big or small.
Buying shoes for your wife is fine. You probably make more money than her, so youâll be buying her a lot more than shoes. Whatâs not fine is having detailed information on the brands of womanâs shoes memorized like some kind of mangina.
3. The modern man is considerate. At the movie theater, he wonât munch down a mouthful of popcorn during a quiet moment. He waits for some ruckus.
I agree everyone should be considerate, including women. But men are loud and masculine. If Iâm going to eat popcorn during a movie, youâre going to hear me crunch that shit. If that actually bothers you, youâre a mangina and you need to fuck off.
6. Before the modern man heads off to bed, he makes sure his spouseâs phone and his kidsâ electronic devices are charging for the night.
Are you fucking kidding me? Your kidsâ electronics are your kidsâ responsibility. Your job as a father is to teach your kids real-life skills so they can grow up as independent individuals, as I describe in my book.
Constantly doing everything for your kids will ensure your daughters grow up to be entitled bitches and your sons grow up to be manginas like the guy who wrote this article.
8. The modern man uses the proper names for things. For example, heâll say âhelicopter,â not âchopperâ like some gauche simpleton.
Fuck you. Theyâre choppers.
Imagine if Arnold had said âProceed to the helicopter, fellow comrades!â instead of âGET TO DA CHOPPA!!!â
9. Having a daughter makes the modern man more of a complete person. He learns new stuff every day.
The only reason you wrote that is because you have a daughter, mangina.
I have a daughter too, but having a daughter has nothing whatsoever with being a man.
10. The modern man makes sure the dishes on the rack have dried completely before putting them away.
Can you feel the estrogen flowing from this article yet?
Are you feeling that churning in your stomach yet?
15. The modern man has hardwood flooring. His children can detect his mood from the stamp of his Kenneth Cole oxfords.
In my experience, hardwood flooring is something usually insisted upon by women. Most men donât give a shit.
16. The modern man lies on the side of the bed closer to the door. If an intruder gets in, he will try to fight him off, so that his wife has a chance to get away.
A real man sleeps on the side of the bed he chooses, and if his wife has a serious problem with it, he finds a new one. Not because he’s an asshole, but because if you have to compromise anything non-minor in your life just to keep a woman, then you’re with the wrong woman (and she’s with the wrong guy). Downgrade her to FB and go find a different woman more compatible with who you are.
19. The modern man buys fresh flowers more to surprise his wife than to say he is sorry.
I have no objection to buying flowers for your special lady occasionally, but if you encapsulate this advice with the other crap in this article, the implication is that you should be buying her flowers all the time. No.
She should be buying me flowers. (And women have.) Or at least a cool action movie on blu-ray. (And women have.)
20. On occasion, the modern man is the little spoon. Some nights, when he is feeling down or vulnerable, he needs an emotional and physical shield.
I can actually feel my cock shrinking as I read this article.
When Iâm feeling down or vulnerable, you know what I need? A hot, naked woman with a big ass bent over my couch screaming my name while Iâm slamming her into oblivion. Afterwards I feel so much better.
To all women: If you ever hear me ask to spoon, you have my permission to punch me in the face.
25. The modern man has no use for a gun. He doesnât own one, and he never will.
Yep, I was actually waiting for the completely unrelated left-wing political opinion to come spewing out at some point. Iâm actually surprised he waited until item 25.
Dude, just say it. âIâm a progressive who loves voting for Democrats and I hate guns and believe big government should USE GUNS to make sure no one else has one. Since this is what I personally believe, I think this is what a âreal manâ also believes, just like with the daughter thing.â
Iâm a libertarian, some of my friends are conservatives, others are left-wingers, but political opinions have nothing to do with who a real man is, or is not.
26. The modern man cries. He cries often.
Cries when his mom dies? Sure.
Cries often? No. That’s a mangina.
This, my friends, is why men are pussies now. We have guys like this in positions of major Societal Programming telling men how to be real men using things that will actually make them beta male manginas.
The saddest part of all this: I honestly believe the man who wrote this article (yes, itâs actually a man!) really does think that crying a lot, doing housework, and knowing womenâs shoe brands really and truly are proud, masculine traits.
This is where men are now.
And this is nothing. Itâs going to get much worse.
Enjoy the decline!
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I try to save my friends from this drivel but I have no illusions of saving the world. I actually *WILL* “enjoy the decline”, as you said. Reduces my competition.
Wow….that list had me laughing, seething, and overall perplexed.
I would love to have a man of my grandfather’s generation read that and watch his reaction. Â No doubt he’d be shaking his head with snorts of derision thrown in for good measure.
Seeing articles like that contrasted to the ones you post definitely shows that there is a growing divide in the minds of men nowadays. Â While you promote freedom, happiness, and true masculinity, these cuckolds, for lack of a better term, are chopping off their balls and handing them out to all takers.
So, as always, thank you for doing your part to educate and “enlighten” all of us who find that other option completely repulsive.
By the way, I recently discovered Bill Whittle through Stefan Molyneux’s work. Â His talk on “R vs. K selection” theory was awesome. Â If you haven’t heard it, check it out. Â Really helps to illustrate what’s going on in society from a broader perspective.
Since reading this blog I can’t believe what has happened to my fellow man! It’s actually quite scary when I meet or hear stories about beta males like this. What’s going to be even more frightening/funny is when it gets worse.
The boy who wrote this article obviously hasn’t seen a real man in his entire life.
Rollo did a post on this too when it came out. If you missed it:
Hahaha! I’m a woman and I’m laughing. All I have is if a man ever knows my shoes by brand, we can be great shopping partners but my clothes stay ON!
The lost is disgusting, yet entertaining..
Guys are so obsessed with “appearing” masculine. Societal programming is saying that you are able do whatever you want. There’s no one true definition of what a man should be and how they should act (same with women!). Your definitions of the “alpha male” or “beta male” just silos what a guy should be in your eyes. So those who dont conform to your definitions, well shoot they are now a pussy. It’s funny to me that BD spent x amount of years defining what a alpha male 1.0 should be…soon after disregards that and defines the alpha male 2.0. So seemingly willy nilly, he attributes new traits to the ideal male. Translating how the definition of what a man *should* be continues to remain undefined and ever-changing. Why should you care how other guys are acting, how does this impact you,
Comparing the two articles was actually pretty funny. You guy should read this article:Â http://www.artofmanliness.com/2015/12/02/men-status-a-cause-without-rebels-millennials-and-the-changing-meaning-of-cool/ Â The article is stating how the perception of status is changing. I think there’s a parallel how men’s importance of masculinity may no longer be a characteristic of “cool”
A man did not write that. A male did.
This is terrible stuff that they allow to be spread in main stream media. I have never considered myself very Alpha, but when I read things like this, even I am shocked and a little bit saddened.
How can it possibly get worse?
I’m guilty of this one. Grew up to be a bit of a pussy, thankfully I didn’t do something stupid like get married and have kids (instead, I found the seduction community haha), also I grew up in a bad neighborhood too I think that has something to do with not being a COMPLETE pussy. Â In my experience, growing up in bad neighborhoods also helps to get rid some of the estrogen although not all of it.
Western society may be on the decline, but it doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from it. It means that masculine men get to have more opportunities while these male feminists, and betas get less action; since it is in women’s biological nature to go for real masculine men.
It’s like short selling a stock, profiting from the decline.
However, one of the future problems for us I see is the growing trend of “yes is yes” sexual consent laws like what you Americans have in California. I couldn’t imagine constantly asking a woman if it’s ok to do something every time I am sexually escalating, they’re making it illegal to be an Alpha. But I’m sure we’ll find a way. If not, we can always move elsewhere.
One of these days a friend of mine was talking about her kid (who must be 16 or so). She said the boy was furious about his “emo” colleagues and the way they were dressing and behaving around him. Apparently he was fed up with the ultra sensitive language, make-up and “I love to do my nails” crap. Boy was on the verge of punching some kid.
I said: “He’s ok, just let him be. Don’t encourage the fighting, but let him talk and express his feelings. You should be thankful he’s behaving like a real man despite how shitty this world is.”
“I couldnât imagine constantly asking a woman if itâs ok to do something every time I am sexually escalating”
It’s not that bad, to be honest. I belong to some subcultures where that’s the norm, you usually either ask about everything up front and then continue as normal, or you ask about certain things explicitly, and leave other things implicit. ‘Can I touch you?’ And then later when you lean in to kiss you make sure she is responding well to it. It’d get really annoying if that was the norm in society at large, though.
And before you jump on the ‘its liberal pussification’ bandwagon…it isn’t, in that subculture there are good reasons to ask about everything up front, because you’re going to be messing with her head and hormones in a pretty severe way later on, and it’s a good idea to make sure she wants everything lest she regrets (or it seriously fucks her up) it the day after.
Yep. Seen all that R vs K stuff. Read a lot of it too.
It’s interesting and accurate. The problem is if you get too full of it, it starts warping your worldview, i.e.  “Sex is bad and monogamy is the only way because it’s K selected!!!” But good stuff, I agree.
I was actually watching Whittle before Molyneux. đ I discovered Molyneux later and then was happy they started doing videos together.
No. That’s actually the opposite of what Societal Programming says.
No. That’s not what I said.
What I’m saying is that there are indeed pussy traits. Some of the items from the article I quoted were fine (I didn’t quote those ones).
But a man who cries often and regularly asks his wife to spoon is pussy regardless of your gender definitions. You know it is.
I did? When did I ever do this?
I was Alpha 2.0 from day one (“day one” being Febuary 2007) even if I wasn’t using that term. Back then I called Alpha 2.0 “Alpha” and Alpha 1.0 “Needy Alpha.”
Let me count the ways.
1. When men act beta, it makes many of the women I go out on dates with expect these submissive behaviors or get pissed and not fuck me (or not fuck me fast).
2. When men act beta, it makes many of the women I’m in relationship with later demand beta behaviors or give me drama and/or LSFNTE me.
3. When men act Alpha 1.0 and slut shame, it makes it harder to me to have sex with women within 3 hours of face time.
And on and on. I could list more.
It’s true that the definition of a “man” will change over time. Change is fine provided these new definitions still reflect that which masculine men truly desire (sex, adventure, freedom, etc). When these new definitions start to reflect what women desire (spooning, crying, collectivism, etc) then we have a serious problem.
Not that I care any more. Western society is through; I’ve already accepted this.
Just watch. It will.
I’m surprised his wife lets him wear shoes in the house.
What advice would you give a man (who normally has a high sex drive) in the wake of a divorce who has had zero desire for sex in several months? Is this normal? This is a guy who was denied sex for months on end (and bossed around constantly) during his 6-year marriage, and now that he’s free from that misery, he doesn’t want any at all. The kind of crazy beta advice given in this New York Times article sure wouldn’t help. Frightening. :/ It sucks to see this guy suffer. He says so many people have made him feel bad (he cheated on his wife), but she has already found someone else in no time…
Hmm. It sounds like he is still working out some of the issues from the marriage/divorce in his head. Maybe he is still stuck on his ex to a certain degree. This will pass with time though. How old is he, if I may ask?
Hey there. đ He’s 35 and hardly a Disney kind of guy…
i for one prefer hardwood floors. looks better and is easier to clean. >:P and increases home value.
i probably picked it up from watching all that HGTV years ago. only show i really watched.
when it comes to children being raised by single mothers, i was one myself. but for whatever reasons, i always saw it as a gift. in hindsight, i’m glad it was this way, seeing that most fathers are timid and weak. made it easier to figure things out on my own, not having a possibly poor influence as a standard to look up to.
but it’s one of those “alcoholic father with two sons” situations, where one son becomes an alcoholic because of his father, and the other goes cold turkey for the same reason.
Thanks for the info. With a 6 year marriage, he probably met her while he was 26 or 27. I’m guessing they knew each other at least 2 years before tying the knot. So he could have still been a bit Disney at least when he first tied the knot back then. While married you lose all that dating-game experience to a certain degree anyway. Now divorced at 35, he just needs to get his stride back. I’m sure he will be fine.
@JoshuaTenor Exactly right. They married about 2 years after meeting each other. Before that, he had many, many partners…so that girl must have done/said SOMETHING clever enough to get him to relinquish his freedom so quickly. Thanks so much for the response. đ
I’m not convinced that K-selection specifically means single-partnership. Women in prehistoric times would not have been left on their own if there was a lack of men. It has more to do with the attitude towards partners and eventual child rearing: Long lasting investment or a quick nut and bolt.
You’re correct, but I’ve seen a few Alpha Male 1.0 types on YouTube and in the manosphere incorrectly equate K-selection with lifetime monogamy and/or lifetime marriage. Anything other than lifetime monogamy (they say) is “promiscuity” (R-selection).
That article looks to be satire. “A melon baller” – can’t be a man without one of those. I have three.
Holy shit, all of this. Half of my dating life is dealing with the bullshit from *other men.*
Great rebuttal of an absolute crap philosophy. I would say only SOME men are manginas. The respondees seem to be actual men.
I say nothing wrong with hardwood floors though. Super durable and look great, but not too concerned with kids getting my mood out of my footsteps.
on #16 and #25. If you have to defend your wife against an intruder, why don’t you need a gun? can someone explain?  A real man has a gun in the nightstand and shoots the intruder rather than foolishly dying while his wife tries to get away.
Wow, I believe in being nice, considerate, manners blah blah…but these 27 pussified traits are  benchmark for being a ” modern man”? Spooning ?? Crying ?? How does that define being a man?  If Im gonna be the “little spoon” its because I turned on my side and the woman I’m banging that particular night is trying to grind my ass for more…if I’m feeling vulnerable I’ll drink a 6 of miller high life and crank my marshall half stack until my blues are gone!! Blackdragon ..I agree ! He might as well have a vagina! what a pussy
I think you are missing something,
the writer is bisexual or outright homosexual. I would say he has received anal sex more than once….
maybe from his wife….
Okay, normally I’m an advocate for a little blending of gender roles, but some of these you pointed out are a bit ridiculous even for me. I just did not expect to read anything about hardwood floors, children’s electronics, and which side of the bed he’s on. Silly.
Let’s play “spot the product placement”
7 – Coke, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew
12- Irish Spring
13 – Wu-Tang
15 – Kenneth Cole
23- Michael Mann
And then let’s put on our “They Live” glasses and see the word “consume” plastered across this article.
(Oh, and arguably “tweet” is also a reference to a brand)
Haha, good point. “A real modern man defends his wife…but not with a gun! Those are bad!”
If he’s the typical left-winger, his argument is that you don’t need a gun because we have police and 911 services. So I’m confident if you asked him how he’s supposed to defend his wife without a gun, you’re supposed to hope the attacker doesn’t have a gun, and if he does, you’re supposed to call 911 and wait for the police to arrive. (While the attacker kills you and rapes your wife, but he won’t add in that part.)
GREAT point. I completely missed that.
Heya BD,
Just a quick question regarding women expecting this type of behavior from yourself on dates.
Wouldn’t women only expect these types of beta male behaviors from beta males?? It’s like that article you had when this bird you were dating was screaming at her bf for cheating, but didn’t say anything to you. Then when you asked her, she thought about it and went “I do it because he lets me do it”.
After spending 20 minutes with you on a date, I’m sure the woman realizes that you’re not a douchebag beta male, so hence wouldn’t it mean she’d quickly realize she can’t get away with treating you like one if she ever hopes to shack up with you?
I’m just comparing my experiences here, and I don’t often run into times where I’m interacting with girls who expect me to behave like a beta male. Over half the girls I lay have bfs who are very beta, but don’t expect me to behave anything like what their bfs behave like.
Would me focusing on foreign girls who are travelling have something to do with this? Do women behave much differently when they travel than when they actually live in a country? I don’t date many local girls so could have skewed stats.
If it helps, I mainly go for foreign girls on their 1 year working holiday visa in New Zealand, between the ages of 18 – 30, whom are predominantly from Europe. If it also helps, I didn’t really notice much of this behavior when I was in Czech Republic/Hungary either. Are East European girls (excluding Russians) an exclusion to this also?
Yep, the agenda of our lil society is to pitch to all of us the unhappiest and unhealthiest way to live (lifetime monogamy), and their solution is to fix all our problems by buying more and more stuff (consumption). And let’s just throw in some nice porn for all the miserable guys to watch while their wives are withholding sex from them, and if the women get mad…so what? Divorce is quite profitable as well. The “snakes” will get their money from the Sheeple any way you slice it. Such a wonderful world we live in…
Kenneth Cole are shit mall shoes. An American man with taste will have at least Allen Edmonds or Aldens.
Not to turn this into a fashion discussion, but taste only goes so far when the shoes don’t fit. Allen Edmonds are some of the least comfortable shoes I’ve worn (but I dislike almost all dress shoes because their comfort level rates at about -5 / 10). If I can’t walk a mile at a decent pace in the shoes without getting blisters, they have no place on my feet.
A real man wears Fin and Feather 8 inch waterproof leather boots!!!!!!!!!!
Rrr Rrr Rrrrrrr
No God, no gun. Look on the bright side. This castrati won’t last long.
I suspect you may have a point. Having read tons of online material referring (prevalently) to the US dating market, incl. this blog, I feel like it is a different world. (IÂŽm Czech.) Some general principles about men and women apply, of course, but the courting rules and attitudes to sex… either IÂŽm blind or the rules are different here. Could it be explained by the relatively balanced income levels (lower Gini coefficient due to the socialist history)..?
BD, I’d like to know if you have any advice to a guy who’s worried about how laws such as “yes means yes” might make sex, especially casual sex, either boring or dangerous (boring if you constantly seek “affirmative consent” which completely kills the mood for a rather nonverbal guy like me, dangerous if you don’t because then if the girl is even remotely psycho she might rationalize that it was rape).
If I’m having sex with an MLTR, obviously I’ll be getting “affirmative consent” all the time, if only in the form of body language, but in the case of casual sex, these new laws make it virtually impossible for a guy to safely bed a shy girl or a girl who’s expecting the guy to initiate everything and gets turned off when he “asks permission”.
It’s really a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation: if you play it safe and ask for her consent at every stage (kissing, undressing, etc), any girl who likes a masculine man is gonna think you’re a pussy and say No, so no sex. If you don’t play it safe, you’re at risk of being accused of rape. And I’m pretty sure these laws are going to get even worse and spread to many countries. What’s your take on that ?
And to think I wouldn’t have batted an eye reading this article a few years ago…….and even taken some of this trope as pointers on how to better please my wife……..no wonder she didn’t like fucking me.
Shit…when there is only 300 of us left call me we’ll kick some Mangina ass.
After reading tonystark’s comment I re-read the NYT article. I think he may be right. I’d be completely convinced if the article had been in the New Yorker. It does drip of snarky troll-bait for the ‘alpha’ crowd đ
As for Allen Edmonds, jesus christ those are crap. A real man doesn’t have those narrow bird-feet they make shoes for. Get a pair of Bruno Maglis; they’ll cost you but they will last your whole life and be super comfortable and never out of style.
As for the Whittle video: sorry but it is complete horseshit. The statistical evidence is overwhelming that across the world gun violence is directly correlated to gun ownership, and mass-shootings more so, even when you remove the US from the data set. Come up with all the family values BS you want to explain our mass shootings but the bottom line is that psychotic murderers kill less people with knives than they do with automatic rifles. I think it would be hard to prove that not being raised with a father figure predisposes someone to criminal insanity.
ON THE OTHER HAND, nothing short of an Australian-style gun restriction and buy-back program enforced nationwide for years on end will reduce the incredibly vast gun supply in the US, and since there is no political willpower to do such a thing we are stuck with our gun violence issues in this county for at least another generation.
Yes means yes only applies to college campuses.
For all of your other concerns, read this:
Sometimes it happens, especially if you don’t screen or miss her EFA of this. Likely, she got messed up by some alpha(s) (who she is more than likely still chasing!), or whatever. See BD’s article https://alphamale20.com/blackdragonblog/2015/10/19/more-beta-males-equal-more-dominant-women-literally.
She’s used to dealing with betas, and there’s this one-size-fits-all mentality, which causes her to still act like this. Or it’s a woman who is actively looking for a beta. Burned one too many times or whatnot.
@Gil Galad
It’s ridiculous, because, even if she says yes (multiple times!) – if she regrets it after, it’s *still your fault.*
This NYT article was all over the place, I’m not fully convinced it’s not some sort of joke or parody.
I was raised by a single mom, but still spent time with my dad every other weekend.
That may be somewhat of a factor on me, but I think our modern society is more to blame than how much quantity time you spend with dad. I mean, what if dear old dad is a pussified office drone with his balls in a purse anyway? How much are you going to learn?
I try to take somewhat of the Joe Rogan approach. A good dose of heavy weightlifting and martial arts training. And reading this blog of course. I wouldn’t say I’m quite as masculine as those WWII guys back in the day, but doing a lot better than the typical schlub these days.
Blackdragon says
«I was curious, so I read the article. As you might guess, the article made me feel sick to my stomach. Seriously. I felt an uncomfortable churning in my stomach as I read it. It was supposed to be some kind of guide on how to be masculine.»
Probably you haven’t read yet this one here: Men’s Lib!
«The old economy and the old model of masculinity are obsolete. Women have learned to become more like men. Now men need to learn to become more like women.»
Neither the original article nor the refutation care to define what proper masculine behavior is.
Is it whatever brings a man happiness in his life?
Is it whatever women surrounding him find attractive?
Is it whatever society surrounding him finds appropriate?
The statements of the original article seem to stem from a definition Iâm very much not comfortable with. However your remarks are, unlike your usual style, all name-calling and hardly any substantiation either. Does it make a man less manly to give precise unambiguous instruction or to prolong life of kitchen woodwork?
In general, your posts are curiously split into concisely stated points supported by evidence that are immensely helpful, and rants over things you define yourself as belonging to your (and everybody elseâs) Zone of Concern. I wonder why do you feel compelled to direct so much effort at the latter.
@E. Shire
While I agree this quote is really silly, and some parts of the article (the idea of a man marrying up). Personally, I don’t have a problem with men taking traditionally “feminine” jobs because people will go where there’s a demand. The article is correct in that since more women are going into male dominated fields and thriving, there is a void in the jobs they would have otherwise taken in the female dominated fields.
As long as the men who take the jobs aren’t beta/pussies themselves I don’t think it will increase the amount of beta men. In fact, I would argue the opposite.
Let’s take a look at some of the jobs they mentioned in the article.
Nursing: Most people don’t know that nurses were actually originally a male dominated profession dating back to the days of the black plague. So in a way, we’re just going back to where we started.  http://allnurses.com/men-in-nursing/men-in-nursing-96326.html . Also, even before WW1 it was still pretty common to see male nurses. http://history.amedd.army.mil/ancwebsite/articles/malenurses.html
Elementary school teachers: In my opinion, I think if more men were teaching kids while they are still young it would provide most boys with a male role model so that they don’t become pussies later in life. Personally, when I was growing up, I knew a few male teachers that I thought made a bit of an impression on me.
Point is that, whatever job you do isn’t going to make you more or less beta. That’s more to do with the person himself. Except for male stripper, I can’t wrap my head around that one.
Regardless if the article was parody or troll bait, I am convinced the writer really believes this stuff, or at least 90% of it.
Insane. I already addressed that here. Acting like a woman or setting up your life to being taken care of by a woman is not the path to long-term happiness.
Correct. I’m allowed the occasional rant post. Plus the traffic / Facebook likes / retweets / etc are much higher on these types of posts, so clearly the audience enjoys them.
The entire point is that I don’t direct much effort at the latter, and if you seriously think I do then you need to work on your reading comprehension. If you go through the archive it will be very clear that these rant posts are rare, and are far outnumbered by my rational analysis posts.
Sometimes yes, often no. After encountering beta males so much they start to expect these behaviors from males, and the older the woman is the more likely this is true (over-33s).
Correct. But even that woman eventually LSNFTEd me for…wait for it…a beta who followed her orders.
Yes, that happens all the time, but the point is I don’t get to fuck those women, and often I’d like to. So I have to get back on the roster or the dating sites and waste more time setting up more first dates, time I could spend better by making money or having sex.
Thanks, betas!
Correct. Are their BFs acting like betas or Alphas usually?
No. If anything they’re worse (lots of Disney, again, thanks in part to betas).
Because of some of these comments, I’m going be posting an article about “The Power of Betas” soon. It will explain everything I’m taking about.
Real men wear Johnston and Murphys! đ Kidding, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a man knowing or caring about fashion. I don’t consider that masculine or feminine, its more gender neutral. I know lots of masculine men who like to shop.
I don’t get the plugging in other people’s electronic devices, wtf? Lol
A lot of the stuff I agree with you, but whats wrong with spooning? I don’t get it. I love it when men are all cuddly with me after sex, as long as they aren’t CLINGY about it. Whining about wanting to spoon = bad, doing it naturally when you are feeling intimate with someone = good.
I don’t care about what side of the bed a man is on, but if he isn’t going to protect a woman when the need arises, then he truly is a mangina pussy! One of the MAIN traits of being masculine is protecting the women and children in your life from harm.
Also, women buying men flowers? The fuck? Lol That’s weird as hell and I’m pretty sure the men in my life would rather I not do that! Thank god!
On it being single moms “fault”- how about we also hold the “men” who choose not to take part in their son’s lives accountable? That said im a single mom and at least one of my sons is ridiculously masculine.
I think y’all are reading waaay too much into a piece of breezy flippancy in the “men’s style” section. There’s no way any of these observations are meant to be taken at face value, or as advice.
And, BD, you didn’t explain “why,” as promised in the title!
Because single moms (who became single moms by choice via either getting pregnant or leaving their husbands) vastly outnumber the number of single dads who don’t want to take part in their children’s lives.
I think you missed this paragraph, which both explains your question and demonstrates why your point is invalid:
This, my friends, is why men are pussies now. We have guys like this in positions of major Societal Programming telling men how to be real men using things that will actually make them beta male manginas.
It doesn’t matter if this stupid article “wasn’t meant to be taken at face value.” It’s an article that was published in one of the largest newspapers / biggest web sites in the world, read by thousands if not millions of men, multiplied by thousands of other male and female writers with opinions just like this, multiplied again by thousands of articles or videos per content creator.
That’s Societal Programming. That’s its power of influence, regardless of context.
And that’s why (one of the reasons anyway) men are pussies now.
Blackdragon says:
«And thatâs why (one of the reasons anyway) men are pussies now.»
And also because often in the role of the teacher are stupid feminists like this:
A kindergarten teacher in Washington state is banning the use of Legos among her male students in the name of âgender equity. […]
Keller says she started doing this because boys were flocking to the colorful blocks during their âfree choiceâ playtime, while girls tended to play with dolls or crayons. Keller hopes by blocking use of the toys for boys that female students may be encouraged to play with them.
The teacher says that Lego play helps with development acceleration and math skills, while dolls offer little challenge or opportunity for growth.
It takes two people to get pregnant. Unless you are talking about very rare cases where the mom is artificially inseminated, not being married is no excuse for a man not to take part in his child’s life. Even if the woman left him, a good 95% of the time (at least) the man knows where his child is and can make an effort to be an influence on his kid.
Completely irrelevant to what I just said.
And most single fathers do.
My point is that if these men are actually doing as you say, and making an effort to be a part of their children’s lives, we can’t blame male children growing up to be “pussies” on a lack of a father figure. If dad was around helping out, then its something else. Dad isn’t being a good role model of what a man should be either, so we can’t blame it on kids being raised by single moms. From what I have seen personally though, there are still a lot of deadbeat dads.
I think the school system definitely discourages masculine traits and the majority of teachers are female. There is also a lot of pressure on girls to be more masculine so its like society at large is pushing for role reversal of the genders. Men are supposed to be sensitive and women are supposed to be less so.
I don’t think you understand.
There is a huge difference between a two parent family
and a father with visitation rights.
They are not saying single mothers have bad child raising skills
they are saying don’t have kids at all unless you intend to stay with the sperm donor until the kid is at least 18 years of age because no matter how good you are you are NOT two people….
I had moved away from home at 18 and was 25Â when my parents got divorced and it still hurt. That may be different now though since over 50 percent of all births are out of wedlock. Probably just a coincidence that our country is crumbling?
Schools have always favored females for at least 60 years but that is OK men need to learn that women will always be favored while saying they are not….
I find it ironic, that on this blog, of all places, anyone would be insisting that monogamous marriage is the only decent choice for raising children.
Facts are facts everywhere….
but don’t worry soon there will not be anybody who knows….
and no I have not ever gotten anyone pregnant…
The best way to raise kids are a mom and a strong dad who live together and like each other. Neither sexual monogamy nor legal marriage is required, but co-habitation is.
A bitter single mother with a kid whom the dad sees once a week isn’t the ideal scenario. Most of these men will indeed be raised to be pussies.
and it affects female children also. It makes them look for father figures in their sex life and like to be spanked for some reason….I learned this from hands on experience đ
This discussion is always going back to single moms ,raising kids Nowhere is it stated about single dads raising kids Don’t they exist on this page I was raised by my dad as was my two sisters ,my mum passed when we were very young We all turned out normal Most kids today are raised by there grandparents as child minders while both parents work or sole parent works Bd was blessed having his extended family around him growing up We as kids didn’t have that around us bit that’s life cheers
And that is simply wrong. A helicopter is a larger craft with an enclosed cabin and doors. A chopper is a smaller, often two-seater craft with open sides.
The giveaway that a piece is written by a woman is discussion of clothing, particularly shoes, and particularly brand names. It’s a wonder this writer didn’t simply call the shoes “his Kenneth Coles”. Presumably ol’ Ken makes a range of men’s shoes. Check out any romance novel: before anything sexy happens, your will be told what everyone is wearing, and the whole outfit will be described completely with a characteristic economy.