Societal Programming is one of the greatest influential forces in your life. One of the interesting things is that it makes you act blatantly stupid, even if you’re a very intelligent and/or educated person. Often when Societal Programming (or social conditioning, or cultural brainwashing, or whatever you’d like to call it) is discussed, people throw out this defense:

Yeah, that stuff affects stupid people, or uneducated people, or low-information people. I’m really smart though. I have a high IQ, I went to college, and I read up on politics/economics/history/etc all the time. Societal Programming doesn’t affect me.

Um, no. SP affects you regardless of your intelligence. It affects stupid people and very smart people alike. It affects illiterate high school dropouts, as well as people with Master’s degrees and PhDs.

Worse, the case can be made (and I have made it) that things like going to college actually increase the amount of false SP in your mind, not reduce it. This brings me to my first video example. It’s a clip that I linked to over my personal blog. The article and the video is right here. The video is about the left-wing concept of “microaggression.” You know, that’s when if you ask an Asian person where they’re from, you’re committing an act of aggression. Gotta love that Societal Programming! Isn’t it great?

The entire video over there is eight minutes long, but you only need to watch the last few seconds to see the effects of Societal Programming in action. Go to 7m:46s in the video and watch what happens to the poor, brainwashed college student when he’s asked if saying “God bless you” after someone sneezes is microaggression. Just watch the guy squirm. Watch his body language as logic and reason does battle with his false Societal Programming. Then watch, with sadness, as his Societal Programming wins, as it usually does.

Now consider a few questions:

1. Do you think that guy was stupid?

2. Do you think that guy was uneducated?

I’m pretty sure the answer to both questions is no, yet Societal Programming has turned him into a squeaking idiot anyway.

Not to pick on just the left wing, here’s an extreme right wing example, since both sides of the political spectrum are awash with false SP. In North Korea, people are raised from childhood to believe that their leaders, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un, are literally gods with magical powers. Below is a video where a woman who escaped from North Korea actually thought that, even after leaving the country, Kim Jong-un would find her because he could read her thoughts from afar. She really, honestly, truly believed this, as do most of the people in that real-life Mordor.

Again, I ask the question: Is this woman stupid? Is everyone in North Korea stupid?

Of course not. SP doesn’t only affect dumb people. Rather, SP takes intelligent people and makes them stupid, or at least behave stupidly.

Speaking of behaving stupidly, let’s now look at some Western cultural SP. It’s not just North Korea that fills its citizens with insanity. We here in the West do it too.

In the below video, they performed an interesting social experiment. They had a hot girl with big boobs bare them with a low-cut shirt and sit in a mall. Many people looked at her, but no one gave her any shit. One Alpha actually hit on her. Then they switched her with another woman who breastfed her baby in the same place. This woman had far less of her breasts showing than the hot girl. This woman was also not fat, old, or ugly; she was actually somewhat cute as compared to the typical American woman. She was accosted by numerous people telling her to stop, and calling her “disgusting.” (Edit: Like many of these YouTube social experiments, this video may be fake, so be aware of that.)

Notice how even when they put both women side-by-side, people still attacked the breastfeeding one. Also notice how even when the producer of the video called these people out, none of them could provide a valid reason for why they felt the way they felt.

In my book, I demonstrate that’s one of the tell-tale signs of false Societal Programming; when someone feels very strongly about something, but when challenged they can’t provide any specific, logical reasons for why they think that way. They either just keep repeating the SP or attack you personally. I run into this all the time when I talk about long-term monogamy, marriage, older women, nonmonogamy, soft nexting, and even online dating.

You must, at all times, remember that you’re being programmed by all of the usual, major cultural sources and that the vast majority of this programming is false. Any time someone challenges one of your opinions, if you immediately get angry but can’t come up with a logical, rational reason for why you believe what you believe, you likely have just uncovered some false SP within yourself. Don’t defend it. Clean it out.

I follow this rule myself. I have many very strong opinions. However, whenever I’m challenged on any of them, I can offer very specific, logical, rational reasons for why I feel the way I do, and I do it without getting angry. If I ever feel myself getting defensive without a rational reason, I call a time out on myself and make sure I’m not defending some bullshit Societal Programming placed within me by external sources. I’m not immune to this crap either (though I’m much better at cleaning it out and keeping it out than most).

It doesn’t matter how smart you are. You’re not immune. None of us are.

Note: I’m offering a $500 cash prize (and other cool stuff) for the best success story using any of the concepts I talk about. Go here for contest details. The deadline is TONIGHT at 11pm PST!

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37 Comments on “Video Examples of How Societal Programming Makes You Stupid

  1. This was a very well written article except for one thing. The example you gave about the North Korean refugees to South Korea is not an example of RIGHT-WING societal programming because it is an example of LEFT-WING societal programming even though this is OLD SCHOOL LEFT WING societal programming instead of NEW SCHOOL societal programming, An example of RIGHT WING societal programming would be the Islamic State jihadist terrorist organization robbing, raping and murdering those who are not Muslim especially Christians these days because they believe their religion tells them to convert or destroy Non-Muslims.

    You are right that all of us including myself  are societally programmed. I changed my mind on the breast feeding article. I will play the Devil’s Advocate by saying the only rational explanation to be against breast feeding is not to see women’s nipples in a public space to respect “commonly held decency” ideas. The reason for this is not to sexually excite and then frustrate men who become sexually aroused then aggravated by not being able to release the sexual frustration. However if a woman is not breastfeeding and she is showing her nipples then that should be regarded just as disgusting or not disgusting as the breast feeding woman. However the devil’s argument to my last sentence is that many men might become more sexually aroused by the cute breastfeeding woman than the better looking gorgeous women showing more of her own breasts(especially the top and cleavage) because instinctually and logically they may be sexually aroused more by cute but not as good looking woman who has recent proven fertility indicating she is likelier to be a surer bet on being fertile than the better looking woman showing her cleavage. Sex can be about a lot of things but it is always nature implanting instincts to reproduce. Finally my last Devil’s argument is that better looking people especially better looking women are allowed to get away with more “breaking the rules”. Just let me note that a devil’s advocate challenges you to make sure you are right or at least know what it is you believe or want just like Commander Riker challenging Captain Picard in a court martial trial to determine whether or not Data the Android was a sentient person who had rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness or  just a machine who had no rights and was owned by the state, government and military(Star Fleet) in the 1990s television series Star Trek: The New Generation. Riker did not believe what he was advocating, but did so out of duty and being forced by a military judge to do so. I believe a woman should have the right to breast feed in public, and that people who say that she is disgusting are wrong.

  2. One of the most interesting things that has already been mentioned in this blog is SP aimed at making Men look like morons or pussies in commercials, sitcoms, etc..   I consider myself to be a smart person, yet for years I just accepted this and laughed it off as not being a big deal.  Now, it just pisses me off … we are teaching the next generation that men are weak and the only thing to strive for in life is getting a wife, and then being obedient to her.  Yikes!

  3. In the Russian language there’s a (quite offensive) saying, to translate literally, “I’m not a specialist in telling one variety of excrement from another” (“unlike you” kind of implied).

    Why should we care what’s the source of any particular SP? Any irrational belief is unacceptable. The most glaring issue with that is that any single belief can be weaponized in an “us vs. them” confrontation (do you think Jonathan Swift was exaggerating that much)?

    Paul Graham wrote on this at length.

  4. That last vid is interesting to me, if only because I didn’t know that breastfeeding in public is “inappropriate” as determined by our overlords.  I couldn’t care.

  5. The example you gave about the North Korean refugees to South Korea is not an example of RIGHT-WING societal programming because it is an example of LEFT-WING societal programming

    Yeah, re-reading it I sort of agree. I should have said “authoritarian” SP instead of right-wing.


    However the devil’s argument to my last sentence is that many men might become more sexually aroused by the cute breastfeeding woman than the better looking gorgeous women showing more of her own breasts(especially the top and cleavage) because instinctually and logically they may be sexually aroused more by cute but not as good looking woman who has recent proven fertility indicating she is likelier to be a surer bet on being fertile than the better looking woman showing her cleavage.

    Heh. That’s a very weak Devil’s advocate argument.

    Commander Riker challenging Captain Picard in a court martial trial to determine whether or not Data the Android was a sentient person who had rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness or  just a machine who had no rights and was owned by the state

    That was a good episode. I liked the part where he turned Data off and everyone freaked out.

    we are teaching the next generation that men are weak and the only thing to strive for in life is getting a wife, and then being obedient to her.

    And it’s working. More men are betas than ever before, and the vast majority men are still getting married by the time they hit 40.

    As I just posted about this morning at my other blog, SP is an extremely effective tool at shaping society. The elites learned well from the Nazis.

  6. Haha, we just discussed this last month. The consensus was breatsfeeding destroyed the fantasy of sexy, hot boobs. I guess breatsfeeding reminds men of the reality of responsibilities and lost of freedom.


    By the way, there’s Youtube videos and even websites, glorifying women breastfeeding in public…women are actually trying to play the victim and refusing to be shamed…. amazing, how women would do anything for ATTENTION.

  7. I agree, and I also think it’s basically congenital for most people to be highly susceptible to SP. If it wasn’t human nature for most people to believe whatever they’re told, North Korea wouldn’t exist and the Nazi party wouldn’t have been voted into power by a popular majority.

    I’d say at least half to two-thirds of the population will quite literally go along with whatever social messaging they receive from the group they spend most of their time with. And by “group”, this doesn’t need to be actual people in real life but could also mean the people (fictional or not) they watch on TV every night or listen to on the radio.

    Of the remaining minority, you have a spectrum of how susceptible they are to social programming versus freethinking. Some people are slightly open to questioning their beliefs, especially if it’s semi-socially acceptable, while at the other extreme you have a small portion of true freethinkers who regularly question everything and are virtually impervious to social programming. Those people are usually described as contrarians, difficult, extremists, eccentrics, gadflies, and sometimes by nicer words. I would estimate that no more than 5% of men and no more than 2% of women fall into this category.

    But here’s the problem: we will always have a majority of highly-SP-susceptible sheep because on the macro level, it’s the most competitive form of group. You simply cannot motivate large groups of people to work in concert together absent some grand unifying concept that is most likely bullshit, whether it’s god, country, or whatever other made-up human idea you use. The more that people all believe the same thing, the greater their numbers, the better able they are to work in unison, and the more difficult they become to defeat.

    A perfect example of this is the Mormons. You can’t find a group of more obedient, herd-like people who unquestioningly go along with whatever preposterous BS their leaders tell them. They tolerate virtually no dissent or freethinking in their culture. And you’d be hard-pressed to find another group in the US that is reproducing as quickly, or who are better at acting in concert and getting everyone to get with their program and work for a common purpose. Group-think is hugely beneficial in competition between groups, and it’s hugely beneficial to rapidly multiplying in numbers.

    So SP-susceptibility will always exist because people who participate in strong group-think cultures are more likely to survive and have more children. Dissenters who go against the grain are often ousted or killed. Or at the very least, it’s hard for them to consolidate group power, so they can’t compete against a horde of group-thinking sheeple.

    Luckily, what freethinking people have in their favor is not numbers but being right and making smart decisions much more often than the sheeple. The SP masses have strength in numbers but they are constantly doing idiotic things. The freethinkers temper the mistakes made by the SP masses, help them prevent disasters, and correct the course when the unthinking horde starts running in the wrong direction. If it weren’t for the minority of freethinkers to restrain the masses from their idiocy, I believe humanity would have run itself right off a cliff long ago (and still might).

    So, in my view, you will always have a majority of people who go along with whatever everyone else is doing, but you will also always have a small minority of freethinkers, who will never be more than a small percentage of the population. In addition, there are some populations where these ratios are skewed one way or the other because the culture is more or less tolerant of creative/freethinkers, and thus more or less willing to remove them from the gene pool.

    Freethinkers vastly benefit others, usually at their own expense. They are solely responsible for virtually every major scientific, medical, engineering, or artistic breakthrough we’ve ever had. But you also simply can’t have a whole society of people like that. It would all go off the rails. You need most people to agree on basic principles and social customs for society to continue without collapse. Otherwise, there are just way too many conflicts of interest and the whole thing would be chaos. If you want a society with thousands or millions (or billions) of people, you need most of them to be unquestioning worker bees. It’s simply unfeasible otherwise. There is no species that supports large numbers without the equivalent of a herd.

    That said, the internet has certainly allowed for the ascendancy of the freethinking cerebral class, since they can now all communicate with each other, which was never possible before. These people still might be a small minority, but they can now act in concert for the first time ever, which is certainly interesting.

  8. If I had to venture a guess, it’d be that the revulsion to a woman who isn’t breastfeeding your child is fairly natural. What I’ll agree with is we’re definitely programmed to ignore a girl in a low cut shirt as not offensive.

    Is clothing Societal programming or a self awareness by humans thing? I’m guessing it’s a little of both with a feedback loop but all human cultures have clothing. Why?

    All the programming I’m seeing is to turn off the “You should be repulsed by breastfeeding in public” Eventually, it’ll probably work too. At least people will say it’s working because they don’t want to be part of the outgroup. I’m curious which societies think breastfeeding in public is ok because if it’s across all cultures, there’s probably a genetic basis in it.


    A quicker way to look at it would be to see children’s reactions to it. Children are usually shockingly honest and have to be taught to lie.

  9. If I had to venture a guess, it’d be that the revulsion to a woman who isn’t breastfeeding your child is fairly natural.

    That presents an interesting physiological experiment.

    1. Picture your perfect 10 woman.
    2. Now picture her breastfeeding a baby that isn’t yours.
    3. Now picture her breastfeeding a baby that is yours, but isn’t hers.
    4. Now picture her breastfeeding a baby that is both of yours.

    Are the different reactions to those images biology, SP, or both? Not sure.

    (BTW, I don’t get a negative feeling from any of the four above images. All four look great to me and all four make me a little horny. I do get a slight extra smile of happiness from number 3 though. Interestingly, I don’t get that with number 4.)

  10. It certainly isn’t a universal taboo, as in most primitive environments close to the equator, women do not ever clothe or hide their breasts, and they are breastfeeding virtually all the time (except when they’re pregnant) between puberty and menopause. In those cultures, children breastfeed til they’re 3 or 4, so it’s a constant thing. If you’ve ever seen the documentary Babies, the African children run up to their mothers while they’re working and grab a suck for a minute or two and run off, in front of everyone, all day, no different then a kid here might open the fridge for a snack.

    Furthermore, in at least some of those cultures, it’s actually considered a taboo and offensive for women to hide their breasts. I was reading some anthropology book about a tribe in Africa (don’t remember which), and it said that they would demand that the white anthropologist women show their breasts to the tribe before they would agree to let her observe or talk to them. They considered it weird and offensive that she hide them. And the reason is because they wanted to see whether or not she was married. In that culture, marriage meant immediately having children, which meant several years of breast-feeding which turns boobs into the drooping, low hanging tubular breasts you used to see in Nat Geo. So it was only young girls who had never married or had a child who had the high, round breasts that westerners take for granted as “normal”. They’re only normal if you quit breast-feeding after a few months (or don’t have kids or get a boob-job). In nature those puppies are yanked down to your bellybutton by age 25. So to the people in the tribe, by hiding her breasts, a woman is considered to be trying to hide her marital status, sort of like not wearing a wedding ring in our culture, which they considered unacceptable and offensive.

  11. Ive breastfed 5 babies (till they were around 2 yrs old) and my boobs dont sag down to my waist, thank you (and thank god,.lol). Yeah they looked better before but they arent that bad.

    Because I was nursing pretty much nonstop for a decade I have had firsthand experience to how people react to it. I almost always wore a fucking CANOPY so that you couldn’t see ANYTHING at all, let alone nipples (hell, you couldnt even see the babys head) and STILL had people complain!

    I was once sitting in a rocking chair, in the church nursery, which was full of women and babies, nursing my infant under a canopy, when one of the pastors and his wife complained. The problem? Apparently men sometimes poked their head in the nursery to talk to people (as this pastor had) and (gasp!) could SEE me doing this shocking activity!!

    The “concern” was that men might be tempted to think impure thoughts. Because, knowing what I was doing under that canopy (feeding a hungry baby) apparently could drive a man wild with lust. It was like, seriously, are men this freaking out of control?? Maybe sex starved married ministers are, idk….

  12. I wonder if it has nothing to do with sex, but merely revulsion at being exposed to something involving bodily fluids that reminds people of the fact that we’re animals, not whatever it is we think we are. In our sanitized society, we don’t see a lot of the basic biological processes that we’re all involved in…there is no public urination or defecation, we don’t see our food get killed, and it’s all carved up so that it looks nothing like the animal it once was by the time it gets to us, we don’t see death until it’s completely sanitized and literally drained of blood. We don’t like reminders that we’re biological, animal creatures. Eating is the only primary biological function we’re allowed to do in public without being ashamed. But breastfeeding causes squeamishness because it’s weird!! Admit it. The baby is drinking bodily fluids made by the woman’s body. How freaky and bizarre is that? Of course it’s done by all mammals and if we saw it everyday no one would think twice about it. But because we rarely see it, it freaks people out and reminds them too much of their animal nature. At least, that’s my guess.

    I think women should breastfeed wherever they want, but I’ll admit it freaks me out a little (that’s my problem, not theirs). It’s not the potential exposure of the boob, it’s the fact that the baby is sucking body fluids out of the mom as its food that makes feel squeamish.  It will just never not freak me out, it’s freaky! Still, like I said, moms should do it anyway. The more it happens, the more people will get over it.

  13. The real problem with SP and the way of thinking “like a horde” is that common sense goes out the window.

    Is breastfeeding in public ok? Yes it is. Is it a “sacred act”, like some groups of women would like to label? No. It’s just a baby eating. If the child is hungry, let it have it, it’s only a small person with no shame or self-control or whatever.

    The issue starts when the mom thinks it’s ok to pull out her breast in the middle of a packed supermarket just because “my baby is hungry” and “there’s no law against it” (I’ve seen it). Are you kidding me? Go to a quiet corner and educate your kid to wait a few moments before the meal. Is it that hard?

  14. Any time someone challenges one of your opinions, if you immediately get angry but can’t come up with a logical, rational reason for why you believe what you believe, you likely have just uncovered some false SP within yourself. Don’t defend it. Clean it out.

    I like this. I have long maintained that I don’t really know my own beliefs until I have defended them in argument with someone who opposes me. (I believe this is true for everyone actually, but not everyone has the emotional toughness to stay rational while someone else tears apart their treasured tenets).

    I also maintain that the best possible outcome of an argument about a belief is that I lose the argument and get a chance to think more clearly about what I believe.

    Whenever I try to explain this to my friends they just think I’m crazy, or some sort of robot, or both. INTJ all the way!

  15. Tha breast feeding video is fake with actors. I believe in societal programming but that breast video was obviously fake reactions. Here is proof of that video was fake.

  16. I have long maintained that I don’t really know my own beliefs until I have defended them in argument with someone who opposes me.

    But the likely outcome is your opponent, based on his own beliefs rather than facts, presents a poor argument and your beliefs aren’t really challenged. Alas, no real substitute for your own critical thinking and reflection. Thankfully, there’s so much to be gained just by asking yourself “What am I doing this for?” and “What will this actually do for me?”.

  17. As an INTP I believe there are some beliefs that you intuitively understand, but can’t rationally defend, especially in the moment. High IQ people who are more analytical minded and skilled in debate might be able to defend their beliefs on the fly, but for most people they’re acting quite rational when they don’t dump all their values the instant someone makes a clever argument against them.

    I’m not saying that you should never re-evaluate your beliefs, but do that in private after turning the other guys argument over in your mind. Take your time. Don’t let people steamroll you into doubting yourself.

  18. I have long maintained that I don’t really know my own beliefs until I have defended them in argument with someone who opposes me.

    That’s a good way of viewing it and I tend to agree.

    This why when I state a controversial viewpoint, if all I get are personal attacks and no one can bring any points to demonstrate I’m wrong, then I know I’m probably right.  If I what I say is so wrong, you should be able to refute it pretty easily using facts. If you can’t, well, then guess who’s right?

    Here is proof of that video was fake.

    The video you posted didn’t supply any proof, just circumstantial evidence. Yet I agree that video may be fake, so I just put a disclaimer in the post.

  19. I cannot believe the root cause of any post BD has EVER written about hasn’t been talked about yet.

    The Ellen Lee Degeneres Show.

    This show takes Brainwashing to a whole new level.

    You have been dumped/cheated on/divorced because of this show and you don’t know it.

    At least Oprah talked about social issues. Ellen is pure unadulterated, unapologetic generational brainwashing. I don’t know what else to say. Ellen makes Kim Jong Ill look like Che.

    Long Story Short, You (Probably) Have Girl Problems or unhappy LTR/Marriage because of Ellen (in some shape and form). There would be no BD if there was no Ellen.


  20. Long Story Short, You (Probably) Have Girl Problems or unhappy LTR/Marriage because of Ellen (in some shape and form). There would be no BD if there was no Ellen.

    I think this is a classic case of misattributing cause and effect.

    Ellen is a symptom, not the cause. Relationship problems have been around longer than humanity itself.

  21. I think this is a classic case of misattributing cause and effect.

    Ellen is a symptom, not the cause. Relationship problems have been around longer than humanity itself.

    You’re no fun. Yeah but you can ‘x has been around longer than humanity’ you can even say ‘societal programming has been longer than humanity itself’ chicken vs egg and end an argument. But this is no fun either. Personally my relationships in today’s world is being affected by my date’s idea of life and love that Ellen infectiously promotes. You cannot deny her influence on the (Western) woman psyche.
    The BD and Ellen quote was just poetic license. Lighten up… =)

  22. Women were like this long before Ellen came along.

    Sure, but Ellen validates it at much higher rate than any influential person before her. Brainwashing has it’s influencers to keep the idea going.

    Anyone who has an idea, is trying to program someone at some point. This blog or any blog/tweet/media is a form of societal programming. There is no silver-bullet to the way of life someone should lead. Freeing someone Brainwashing is a form of Brainwashing.

  23. Sure, but Ellen validates it at much higher rate than any influential person before her.

    I don’t think that’s true, but even if it was, 99% of Hollywood, 99% of the news media, and 99% of women’s books (YA and adult) also validate it. If Ellen vanished from the Earth tomorrow morning, women would still be like this and still be getting worse. You’re putting too much on Ellen for some reason.

    As just one example, I think the shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette do more damage than Ellen.

  24. If Ellen vanished from the Earth tomorrow morning, women would still be like this and still be getting worse.

    I just saw Ellen on TV about 2 hours ago. Made alot of sense to me. Heavily-Biased Knee Jerk Comment. I watch The View and all of these shows for a balanced perspective (Know Your Enemy) and without a doubt they add to impressionability to society as a whole. But…

    To cut to the chase. Let’s imagine a world where there was no Ellen, no Bachelor, no outside influential media. What makes women get worse? doesn’t something have fuel it? like outside media or is it 100% human nature? or did Adam really get fucked over by Eve?

  25. Let’s imagine a world where there was no Ellen, no Bachelor, no outside influential media. What makes women get worse?

    If there was absolutely zero SP? Betas.

    Who created brainwashing?

    The elites.

  26. There is nothing wrong with SP. In its ideal form SP is meant to create a balance with various forces within society. ex: feminine vs masculine, elders vs youngster, rich vs poor etc… Knowing that people don’t  have the same capacity to enlighten themselves, SP helps the majority “survive.” A balanced SP is inclusive, even then, you’ll always have people who know better and will enlighten themselves. The problem arises when SP favors one side more than the other, like is happening with the Feminine in this country.
    If you start taking away every element of a culture which you call SP, then all you’re left is a bunch of savages, who have to learn everything from zero. SP is nothing but collective wisdom that offers people a prepared system for them to adopt with very little effort. They don’t have to understand it, they just have to use it and it’ll work. For those who want more, they’ll have to learn “how” it works.

    I have to say though, something I noticed in you BD is the individualistic approach you have in your lifestyle which is a core value of US culture that seen from an outside perspective is SP.

    In regards to the points you talk about:

    Microagression- One of the first things I noticed when I moved to the states is that people wanted to be lied, as long as it made them feel good about it. I’d see politicians be PC about major issues even though what they were saying was just BS and the truth was blatant, yet people would cheer to those sweet lies.
    Now, I understand that this society who’s pendulum of power is on the side of the Feminine. The women’s way has become the standard way of this society. And since feelings drive a woman’s behaviour, feelings have become the absolute standard and value system in this country.

    N. Korea Video: I dismiss everything about N. Korea as western propaganda trying to discredit Communism and demotivating anyone seeking it. Coming from a former communist country, back in the days we’d see similar propagandistic videos about the west, with homeless and hungry people roaming the streets.

    Breast Feeding vs Hot Titties: Well, I honestly think it is women who have brought this upon themselves. They accuse men of objectifying women, but in reality it is women who have objectified themselves by going against everything related to traditional female gender roles…(It is still funny to see the disgusted face girls make when I tell them that I’d like my girlfriend to know how to cook) you know, motherhood, (house)wife, caregiver etc and forced men to be self-sufficient in these areas. The only thing that women can still offer that man can’t get on their own, is sex.


  27. There is nothing wrong with SP.

    There is when it harms people. “You want kids? You’d better get legally married and monogamous, even though there’s a real 70%+  lifetime divorce rate!” “You want to make more money? You’d better waste four years of your life and go into debt $60,000 when you have no income to get a history degree cuz that will help!”

    If SP said the moon was made out of cheese, I wouldn’t care, since that doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s the harmful stuff I have a problem with.

    If you start taking away every element of a culture which you call SP, then all you’re left is a bunch of savages

    That is not what I’m recommending. I’m recommending to take away the parts that are A) false and B) harmful. “Don’t kill other people” is really good SP, neither false nor harmful. But for every one of those messages you’ve got 20 or 30 that are false and harmful.

    I dismiss everything about N. Korea as western propaganda trying to discredit Communism and demotivating anyone seeking it.

    I’m always skeptical of the mainstream media. But you dismiss everything about N. Korea? Everything the western media says about N. Korea is false? Really? You really think N. Korea is a thriving, happy, technological nation with a wise and rational leader? Ummm…

    And hey, I thought you said there’s nothing wrong with SP…

  28. There’s nothing wrong with SP…when it balances opposing forces in a society. When the social contract between the two genders was still holding, you had some SP that favored women(protect women) and some SP that favored men(be a virgin, loyal)…you had balance. What unbalanced SP comes down to is, who’s it favoring, and are you on that side to gain from it? Balanced SP is meant to favor everyone on average in the long run, indirectly.

    A) false and B) harmful. “Don’t kill other people” is really good SP, neither false nor harmful.

    I don’t see SP as a matter of truth vs lies, but a matter of who’s benefiting from it short term/long term, directly/indirectly. And if all things considered, if SP favors some at the cost of others, then yes, it’s harmful.
    “Don’t kill people” can be harmful if taken literally, taken to an extreme people would not even dare to defend themselves if it came down to their life vs the aggressor. That’s why Europe is in shock with all the rape and assaults happening from the Syrian immigrants. They’ve been told that they have to be this “welcoming and civilizing” society, and the syrians should act like good guests… What Syrians see is a system to exploit, weak men to subdue and women to take(not all Syrians of course)
    “Don’t kill people, but stand your ground” is a balanced SP.

    But you dismiss everything about N. Korea? Everything the western media says about N. Korea is false? Really? You really think N. Korea is a thriving, happy, technological nation with a wise and rational leader?

    Definitely not, but NK is no worse than most countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, or Latin America, yet you see the media obsessing only about them, because as long as they stand, it reminds people here that The American Way, is not the only way, which can cause people to doubt their belief system.
    The dictatorship there  is not the cause of their oppression, the dictatorship is the result of the Embargos that the West have put on that country because of its political system. They’re in a state of war.
    At first the West puts economic restrictions on NK, then when they struggle financially the West blames it on their leadership. Ridiculing(or dehumanising) the “enemy” is normal warfare tactic(more SP). There’s propaganda on both sides, there’s truth on both sides, and both sides strive to overcome the other.
    You might find this N. Korean documentary about the west interesting: /watch?v=AZrajvJpSZU

    On a global level all this propaganda, it’s just a tribal rivalry. It’s the “Us vs Them”. Since the Olympics are going to take place soon, China will again be a direct rival of the US in taking the most medals. Just pay attention at how the media portrays the Chinese. It happens every Olympics.

    If anything S. Korea is worse than their northern twin. They’ve drank the Western Cool-Aid. They’ve abandoned their roots and adopted the western way at the detriment of their social values(not that I personally care). Women there suffer from “white woman” syndrome with all the plastic surgery and such.

    On a side note, It’s interesting to see my country becoming communist, yet maintaining a masculine culture, while the states have traditionally been Capitalist but has a feminized culture. You’d think a masculine culture would be very right wing, and a socialist culture very left wing(feminized).

  29. There’s nothing wrong with SP…when it balances opposing forces in a society. When the social contract between the two genders was still holding, you had some SP that favored women(protect women) and some SP that favored men(be a virgin, loyal)

    Again, when SP isn’t harmful to anyone I have no problem with it. But we’re going in circles. I’ve made my point.

    “Don’t kill people” can be harmful if taken literally, taken to an extreme

    You’re nitpicking. You get my point.

    NK is no worse than most countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, or Latin America,

    Of course there’s US propaganda against N. Korea, tons of it, but what you said right there is utterly wrong and I hope you aren’t being serious. There is no comparison between N. Korea and Eastern Europe or the vast majority of Latin America. If you think they’re the same, you’re welcome to think whatever fantasies you like.

    If anything S. Korea is worse than their northern twin.

    Yep, it’s confirmed: you’ve gone off the deep end. Enjoy your delusions. I’ll be over here living in the real world.

  30. I think you’re nitpicking, and really good at creating controversy that gets people to write on your blog = more traffic= more revenue. But it’s understandable, you’re here to sell a lifestyle and along with it, your own SP.

  31. A lot of my SP came from the religion that I was raised in and was beholden to for many years. Now that I have broken out of that, I have a healthy scepticism and like to analyse things using the scientific method without regard to what the prevailing SP is.

    I live in New Zealand, where women are legally allowed to bare their breasts in public. Many times I have been with my wife while she breast-feeds in public and we’ve never had anyone complain to us about it. She does it mostly in restaurants (on the odd occasion we get to go out with our small baby). She’s not shy, she just rips her breast out and gets the baby sucking.



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