12 Apr What Will Happen When the Sex Robots Arrive?

-By Caleb Jones
They’re coming.
Oh yes, they’re coming.
And they’re coming much sooner than most of you seem to think.
And when they do, everything will change.
Some of it will be good. Some of it will be bad. But everything will change.
I’ve written about this topic before but I’ve never written a comprehensive analysis. Here’s the bottom line: In our lifetimes, and much sooner than people seem to think, technology will reach a point where you will be able to have sex with a female robot that will either be indistinguishable from a real human woman, or at least close enough to where your cock won’t care. At first, these robots will be quite expensive, and only rich guys will be able to afford them. However, just like every other piece of technology that has ever been created, eventually these prices will drop down into the realm of the middle class, and then the working poor.
This means that even Joe Blow, the beta male auto mechanic with no game, will be able to purchase a robot that looks just like Emily Rostenkowski, Gal Gadot or any other celebrity or “type” he thinks is super hot. Again, to be clear, this robot will either be indistinguishable from a real woman, or so close to a real woman that his cock won’t care at all.
This hot, young, ageless, skinny, fit “woman” will fuck him any way he wants, as much as he wants, whenever he wants, without ever demanding any money, dates, dinners, cuddling, relationship, marriage, kindness, respect, orgasms, conversations, children, jewelry, or anything else women today expect or demand for sex.
Nope, he doesn’t have to do any of that, and he’ll just have sex with a super hot robot-woman that will never give him drama, gain weight, get old, complain about headaches, say she’s “too tired for sex today,” complain about her pussy getting too sore, or not be 100% enthusiastic during sex, exactly the way he likes. She will kiss his ass (perhaps even literally), do everything he wants in bed with a smile on her face, with literally zero effort from him, forever.
Everything. Will. Change.
If you don’t believe this is going to happen very soon, then stop reading this for a minute, do a Google image search for “sex robot,” and take a look at the robots that have already been invented. You will be shocked at how far they’ve already come. I certainly was.
Look me in the eye and tell me you’d never have sex with any of these things, even if just for fun. I’ll say it: I would. Not all of them, but at least a few of them. And again, it’s only 2018. Just imagine how these things are going to look ten years from now.
It’s going to blow your mind.
And maybe your cock too.
The Objections
Before I describe how society will change when this happens, I’ve to address the objections that I hear when this topic is discussed.
The first objection is that women and/or feminists will freak out and make these sex robots illegal. They will attempt to make up some bullshit about how inserting your dick into a machine is somehow abusive towards women. They will then somehow succeed in getting left-wing governments to go along with this, making these robots illegal and thus unavailable to men.
Yes, this could happen. As I’ve shown repeatedly on my blogs, the entire Western world continues to move to the political left even post-Trump and post-Brexit. It is entirely possible that women will indeed succeed at getting a few left-wing governments to outlaw female sex robots so the evil terrible men who have sex with machines won’t be able to abuse women in that horrible way. Never mind the fact that women will still be allowed to fuck their machines (vibrators), but no one has ever accused women or left-wingers of being fair.
Now here’s the question: Will this stop men from fucking sex robots?
Well, drugs are illegal. Does that stop people from doing drugs? Numerous types of guns and assault rifles are illegal in the USA. Does that stop people from using them in mass shootings? Hell, last time I checked, prostitution was illegal in most Western countries, the USA included. Does that mean men don’t fuck hookers?
Please. Don’t make me laugh. Of course not. Laws in the social realms don’t work, as I’ve been saying for over 25 years. If sex robots become illegal, all that means is that the price will go up and guys will purchase them illegally, just like they purchase prostitution services illegally now. It might put a damper on their usage with certain types of men, but it won’t stop a damn thing.
The next objection is that men won’t go for it since the sex “won’t feel the same” or because the robots “won’t look exactly the same” or “the uncanny valley will creep guys out” or “it won’t seem the same.”
I’m not sure if people who say these things have ever met a man before. Most men fuck their own hands on a daily basis. Does your hand feel like a woman? Does it “seem” like a woman? Men jerk off to porn, including Japanese Anime porn, which are fucking cartoons. Does that “feel the same” as a real woman?
Jesus. C’mon. Stop being silly. We’re men. Sexually speaking, the vast majority of us don’t care about that crap, even those of us who are more highly evolved and have higher IQ’s or whatever. Yes, there will always be a certain smaller percentage of men who are sexual purists and who would never “lower themselves” to fuck a robot even if she looks and acts identical to a real woman, and I’m sure I’ll see a few of these guys in the comments below. “I would never have sex with a robot! That’s just too creepy! I’m a real man/Alpha, and a real man/Alpha fucks a real woman! I need a REAL woman or I’ll just go without sex!” Okay, but you’re in the tiny minority and don’t represent most men.
The next objection is that these robots can’t replace a woman in a relationship. Sure, you can have sex with them, but men want more than that, don’t they?
Well, some men actually don’t. I know a lot of anti-woman, anti-sex MGTOW guys and really old men who would love to just fuck a hot robot for the rest of their lives and never bother with a relationship.
But yes, most men do want a relationship with a woman, at least eventually. So what? Who says men can’t do both? Bang your hot robot, then when you’re ready for a relationship with a real woman, go ahead. Then keep your robot turned off in the closet for those times when your girlfriend or wife isn’t in the mood or isn’t available, which, if you’re dumb enough to be long-term monogamous, will be quite often once you hit the three-year mark. And if she actually says you’re “not allowed” to fuck your robot while she dates you, you’ll know what to do… next her ass and go find a less sexually uptight woman. (She would never make that demand though, as I’m about to explain.)
How Things Will Change
Once female sex robots become A) visually viable to the point where the typical, average man would have sex with one and enjoy it and B) inexpensive enough to be purchased by the typical, middle-class guy (which means lower-class or poor men could rent and/or borrow them), everything will change. It will be the greatest shift in sexual power since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s, perhaps even more so.
All of a sudden, all of the things men now have to do in order to have sex with a woman will no longer be required. Looking good, making lots of money, going out on dates, screwing around at bars and clubs and on dating sites, listening to women talk for hours on end, paying for expensive dates, hookers, or sugar babies, surrendering to traditional monogamous marriage or monogamous boyfriend status (in the case of beta males at least), learning game, putting up with women’s constant demands… all of that will be… gone.
Men won’t have to do any of that stuff anymore to get sex.
Again, yes, they’ll have to do that stuff to get into a serious relationship with a human woman, but that only represents a percentage of men. I don’t know what that percentage is, but it’s well under 50%, particularly when you consider that lots of men get into a relationship primarily because it’s the only way they know how to get sex (again, beta males, which represent most men). Women hate it when I say that, but it’s factually true. (I didn’t say it was the only reason these men get into relationships, I said it’s the primary reason.)
A lot of women reading this are going to assume that’s not true, and that all men want (and put up with) dating and relationships only because they want relationships. HA! Ohhhhh boy, these women are in for a fuckin’ shock in a few years when this all happens.
The pool of men available for women to marry or date in a serious relationship is going to fall by at least 75%, perhaps even more. It’s going to be a dating bloodbath for women. Women will be horrified, shocked, angry, and confused. They’re going to try to get a boyfriend or husband, and the dating sites will be barren wastelands. The typical over age 33 woman is going to make demands of a man on or before the first or second date, and even if he’s a total beta he’ll just laugh at her, leave, and go fuck his Margot Robbie robot at home, who is far hotter than her and never makes demands of him.
Women are going to be screwed. For the first time in all of human history, they will be placed in direct competition with a new breed of woman that loves to fuck all day long, doesn’t require any money, kindness, or obedience, is far better looking than the average, never ages, and never gains weight.
Oh my god.
Yes, they’ll try to make them illegal. They’ll try all kinds of insane things. None of them will work. Men in the millions are still going to get these things and fuck them.
In the end, women will be forced to be more compliant. They will have to start doing things like have sex on the first date, be less demanding about monogamy or financial support, and be less insistent regarding men doing whatever they want. Oh, they won’t want to do these things, but most of them will have to do these things if they want a long-term romantic companion.
I have lots of anecdotal evidence of this already. Many men who live in countries where prostitution is 100% legal report to me that normal women have much lower ASD, rarely demand things like dinner dates, and fuck men on first dates without much of a problem, since these women know they’re in direct competition with ubiquitous, legal prostitutes.
This brings me to the last objection, which is that while men are fucking female robots, women won’t care because they’ll be fucking male robots. Uh, no. Do you see the internet full of male prostitutes? No. You see female ones. Why? One of the biggest reasons is because women generally want more from a man than just sex. They want attention, validation, conversation, and so on.
Granted, far down the road, these robots will be indistinguishable from real humans, in that you’ll be able to meet one at the grocery store and carry on a conversation with it and have no idea it’s actually a robot. When we get to that point, then yes, male robots will indeed be competition for human men. Though with female robots who are just as amazing, will men care? Nope. The problem is dumb-but-hyper-realistic sex robots will be invented many decades before this happens, so women are going to have to face this challenge regardless.
It’s going to be brutal. It’s going to be extremely interesting to see what women do and how they will react to their massive power over men being removed like this.
We have no idea what’s coming.
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Posted at 05:30 am, 12th April 2018You might be interested in watching this story on sex robots and whether they will become obsolete.
A female Robot ethicicist is very angry at the possibility of robots being developed and she spoke out about it.
Progressive shows hosts in the link above read the story and are assuring women like her that sex robots won’t stop men from dating real women.
Posted at 05:32 am, 12th April 2018I lived in a prostitution legal country for some time and it’s absolutely true that women have lower ASD and put out on first dates and are less demanding, but I don’t think it’s correct that this has anything to do with prostitution. They are not in competition with the prostitutes for a couple reasons. 1. very few average men can afford to see them regularly and 2. have you ever actually had sex with a prostitute? NO competition at all. The difference between a girl who is into sucking your dick and a girl whose job it is to suck your dick is VAST. Not to mention asking her to talk dirty to you. A girl you are dating really MEANS it when she says nasty things to you. A hooker is, I am sure we’ve all heard the phrase “like a robot”. Maybe some really super expensive ones are able to provide more of a girlfriend experience but by the time we can build a robot who can provide “girlfriend experience” sex, it will be at the SAME time as we have male robots that can provide the attention and conversation you refer to, ESPECIALLY when you are talking about the tech getting to the point where it is mass affordable. There won’t be this huge gap of decades you are expecting.
We’ve had hyper realistic sex dolls for quite some time now (granted normal people can’t afford them) but even so, the market is quite small for them. These robots will not reach a point technologically that they can actually do things like give blowjobs and talk dirty with the same sense of enthusiasm and realism as a girl who actually digs/cares about you any time soon, and they will only appeal to the same guys that these sex dolls appeal to, which hasn’t changed anything in the sex marketplace.
Posted at 05:40 am, 12th April 2018Do you know any rich guy that owns a sex robot, as we speak? You are acquainted with a lot of rich guys, I assume.
Posted at 05:42 am, 12th April 2018Having watched Ex-Machina recently, I agree. Everything will change and it will be soon.
I would also add demographics. This is far more serious than a bunch of feminists protesting, for the fear of having to be nicer to men. If, as you imagine, the percentage of men who would be interested in dating and relationships falls by 75%, then it would be in the government’s best interests to ban those things asap. Just think of the impact it would do to the demographics in the developed countries, where men can afford these machines!!! It almost gives off a hint of extinction.
I think there is still a lot we don’t know. The impact is hard to measure. It could be huge, or it could be just another, new way to have sex. Only time will tell.
Posted at 05:44 am, 12th April 2018Are there going to be man robots for women? How do they fit into the picture?
Not that I need one. My man is already perfectly young, willing, and able enough for me.
Posted at 05:56 am, 12th April 2018“They will attempt to make up some bullshit about how inserting your dick into a machine is somehow abusive towards women.”
It just happened in Paris. Here, a hotel started renting rooms with high-end inflatable dolls (not sure if this is the correct technical term in English, but you see what I mean). You rent the room and the doll for one hour. Guess what. Feminists said: “this is a place where people simulate the rape of women”. This is very new (one month ago), so we’ll see in the next weeks/months how it turns out.
About the “uncanny valley effect”, you say it’s the same as when a guy masturbates, so we shouldn’t care. But you already said that masturbating and having real sex, with a real woman, is not the same health-wise, because “your brain knows the difference”. How will it know the difference here ? I mean, even if she is very realistic, deep inside (ahem) you know she’s a robot.
Now, food for thought: would it be okay to make children sex dolls? I mean, society will fight it as hard as it can, so it will never be legal, but would it be okay according to you (not just you BD, I’m asking all readers)? My opinion: I’d rather have pedophiles fuck dolls rather than children.
Posted at 06:13 am, 12th April 2018All right. I generally agree with the analysis on the sex robot situation. I have, though, a few comments:
First. The general availability for technically viable “Westworld like” sex bots is probably several decades away from ever happening. It will happen, that’s for sure, but given that these gadgets will require science fiction level IA, I highly doubt it’s going to be that fast.
Then, the sexual revolution. I generally agree that this will be a game changer, but something tells me it’s not going to be that radical of a change. You’ve made a clear distinction between casual sex and stablished relationships. What about what lies in between? Let me explain:
Imagine you have an incredible amount of money. So much it’s ridiculous. You as a guy want to have sex at least three-four times a week but your looks are below average and/or have no game at all. Right now, without sex bots available, this guy already has the option of paying for sex with hot, 20 year old women as much as he wants that will probably do more than enough for him, sexually speaking.
Yet, it’s still not the same as picking up a “normal” woman. There’s something else missing. What is it? It’s the feeling of “I have been chosen by this woman because she found me attractive”. Or what you usually call the “thrill of the hunt”, which I agree it’s a problem if you care for it too much but eventually, a man needs to know he’s genuinely attractive. Not only do we need a decent amount of sex with several women, we need to get new ones. Not always, not 10 new ones a month, but we need this at least from time to time.
The problem with hookers is that even though you’ve had actual, real life sex with a real woman, psychologically it still feels like a “premium fap”. I know that because I’ve been there. It’s something like this, a man needs:
1. To cum. => very easy, just jerk off.
2. To have actual sex. => that can be “patched up” with a hooker or a good enough sex bot.
3. To pick up women. => for that, there’s no sex bot that can help you out. No matter how good the sex bot is, your brain knows it’s fake.
4. To Have a more profound relationship/pair bonding. => same as 3.
I agree not everyone wants a LTR, but to rely on 2. is not going to satisfy the vast majority of men. Yes, if we had amazing sex bots now, it would be revolutionary, but eventually most of that hype would fade away the same way when you visit hookers for a while. Initially it gives a lot of excitement because we just love easy sex, but mid/long term speaking? Nope. Men would still find (again, psychologically) much more satisfactory to pick up real women even if they are not as perfect. Yes, you always have your sex bot charging at home ready for you, but after six months? You almost wouldn’t care, like with every new gadget.
Tell a guy from 50 years ago that you can jerk off for free with a 65″ device at home that shows up almost real life quality videos of people having every single kind of sex conceivable instead of using the same damn sticky magazine with the same stupid still pictures. The sex bot is exactly the same, evolved fapping. The next step will be a Ready Player One like technology with 100% immersive worlds and 100% sensitive suits. And again, it will be evolved fapping. And so on.
Posted at 06:15 am, 12th April 2018@FD
They are already doing it in some Asian country. It is meeting a lot of resistance, but the idea is there. Apart from an ethical side, it should be okay. Its a small-sized robot, not a real kid, after all. Whether or not it further encourages pedophiles to try a “real thing” is up for a debate. I am not qualified to diagnose that.
Posted at 06:16 am, 12th April 2018BD,
What do you think, will this affect the bussiness side of PUA and the like, when learning game will seem too unnecessary and time-wasting? I definitely see a dowturn in the industry, and I think you do too (you mentioned it in the post).
Juju's Bike
Posted at 06:19 am, 12th April 2018BD you should watch the S01e07 “Raising Gazorpazorp” episode of Rick and Morty for a nice sarcastic peek at the future role of sex robots in society lol
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:41 am, 12th April 2018That’s not a problem. Just lease the robot and then turn her into a prostitute on the streets until she pays for herself!
Ha! A woman paying for herself – an Earth shattering shock to betas!
I would never, under any circumstances, have sex with one of these things! Ever! It’s absolutely sickening to me! I want reality, not fantasy! It’s the same reason I’d never go to a prostitute! You’re paying for a voluntary delusion!
But I am rooting for these robots to be invented, because, like you said, it will force real women to act in far more desirable ways, which is good for all of us! So yes, bring on the sex robots and then let the betas and omegas do their thing! It will force virtually all women to become beautiful on the inside! Can’t wait!
Not in America. The U.S. Supreme Court has already weighed in on this issue by declaring in 2000 that things like vibrators, dildos, and other sexually mechanical devices are protected under the 9th Amendment’s “general right to privacy” and “freedom of choice.” So the feminazis won’t have a legal leg to stand on here.
This concerns me! Congress will have to pass a law criminalizing deception. Men must be legally entitled to know whether this is a robot or a real woman.
For the same reason, I’ve written my two senators about passing a law against “rape via gender identity deception,” which would put every trans-gender person in prison for rape if they did not disclose their real birth sex prior to any sexual contact with anyone!
“Are you a lonely man looking for love? Then appear on our reality show – Human or Robot? – where you will date 10 women throughout the season – 5 human and 5 robots. Your job will be to eliminate 9 of them by the season finale and pick the final one to be your bride! Once you have picked the one you love and eliminated the other 9, we will tell you, in our shocking season finale, whether the one you fell in love with is – HUMAN OR ROBOT!!!
“Interested? Call 1-800-69-chump. That’s 1-800-69-chump*
Human or Robot? Coming soon to Fox! Make your dreams come true**
*Must be 21 or over, a resident of the continental United States, currently single, and a heterosexual or bisexual male. Human or Robot expressly disclaims any guarantees, real or implied, concerning any favorable or desirable outcome with respect to the revelations produced by the season finale; as well as any claims of our robots being fit for a particular purpose. Anyone agreeing to appear on our program is entering at their own risk with full knowledge that any potential consequences will be assumed by him alone, including, but not limited to, loss of privacy, dignity, or self esteem!
**Your dreams may vary from the intended or unintended outcome of the season finale.
Posted at 06:48 am, 12th April 2018deep inside (ahem) you know she’s a robot.
Now, food for thought: would it be okay to make children sex dolls?
Great points! To me robots is the same as masturbating. It can talk and moan but like you said, you know its not real in the back of your mind. The physical evidence is when you finish. Finish on a girls face you feel accomplishment. Finish masturbating and you feel nothing but the quick orgasm really.
I don’t think they would make children robots because they wouldn’t sell. But there is so many freaky, weird pornography out there I wouldn’t be surprised the robots going in any (fetish) direction.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:07 am, 12th April 2018HAHA!!! Oh Europe!
Here in America, the U.S. Supreme Court declared over a decade ago that “simulated rape porn” is protected Free Speech under the First Amendment.
So even if some psycho programs his female robot to resist during sex (because that turns him on), we already have legal precedent under both the First Amendment and the Ninth Amendment which will protect him in his privacy and personal expression.
So yeah, bring on the sex robots AND the rape robots!
naruto uzumaki
Posted at 07:11 am, 12th April 2018Keep your eye on Japan. Where they go we go.
Hell, this video is just painful to watch.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:17 am, 12th April 2018That’s not “thrill of the hunt.” That’s just wanting a connection with another human being. I’m as “pleasure of sex” as they come, and the furthest from being “thrill of the hunt” as they come, and I can only sleep with a woman who genuinely wants to sleep with me. Otherwise, I can’t get turned on at all!
“Thrill of the hunt” is a guy who enjoys the challenge of persuading a woman into bed more than the sex itself. The sex itself is just a trophy that he receives after the enjoyable game of psychological wills is finished. But he wants that game more than he wants sex. That’s why TOTH men (or tension men) prefer prudes, virgins, or even Muslims.
By contrast, us “pleasure of sex” men (or release men) consider the pre-sex game to be chore which we want to make as quick and efficient as possible so that we can get to what we really enjoy – sex! That’s why most of us POS guys prefer sexually liberated, or sex-positive, women, whereas TOTH men consider such women to be “pathetic low hanging fruit!”
But that has nothing to do with whether the woman is genuinely enthusiastic in bed or not.
Posted at 07:20 am, 12th April 2018Agreed, yes, that describes better what I wanted to say.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 07:36 am, 12th April 2018In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, declared that computer simulated child pornography is protected Free Speech under the First Amendment, as long as the children are “100 percent animated by the computer” and that “all of them are voiced by adults.”
So basically, it can’t be a real child, or even a fictional composite of multiple pictures of multiple children, but only a completely original animation drawn by the computer (even though the FBI said at the time that it had trouble telling the difference).
If the Court honors its own precedent (which it will) it won’t be able to prohibit child sex robots, or even baby sex robots, that look, talk, and act like real children/babies. Both its First Amendment and Ninth Amendment jurisprudence have already made this inevitable.
Yes it will be legal. See above. It essentially already is.
Fully agree! If pedophiles can satisfy their urges with realistic child sex robots, thus saving actual children, creating these robotic children becomes a moral duty! The Supreme Court got it right!
My only concern is that if these child sex robots become indistinguishable from real children, then pedophiles will be able to claim that the real children they kidnapped are actually robots and are resisting only because they’ve been programmed to resist in order to satisfy the urges of pedo-sadists!
A way will have to be found to know, beyond a doubt, whether this is a real child or a child sex robot, like a barcode on the neck or something!
Posted at 07:37 am, 12th April 2018I think you’re getting a little excited about this revenge fantasy here. Only low quality, dumb women will stoop low enough to compete with a robot. The rest of them will rather compete with other women for the men who wouldn’t be interested enough in a robot to begin with. Or they’d rather just be single.
Posted at 07:54 am, 12th April 2018Isn’t what you quoted exactly a list of how the women are going to compete?
Also BD, is there some kind of IP-based filtering on your server? In particular, 188.163.98.x? I can no longer access your websites except by using a proxy.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:05 am, 12th April 2018Spoken like a true over-33 woman.
LOL! Good luck!
No sweetheart. They won’t remain single. I know that’s a realistic thing to say for a super low sex drive woman such as yourself, but most women (especially under 33) actually want sex, and many women are super horny!
No 18 year old girl is going to go without sex just because she doesn’t want to be seen as “low quality” by her “high quality” asexual “because I’m worth it” gramma! Haha!
Posted at 08:23 am, 12th April 2018Those that dismiss the profoundness of the cultural shock that the advent of AI-bearing synthetic humanoids that are behaviourally (from the standpoint of reaction to stimulus rather than cultural and social inculcation) and tactilely indistinguishable from organic females will cause based on the belief that men will still want stable, traditional relationships are deluding themselves.
Long-term, stable, monogamous relationships, especially marriage, are dying. Within three generations, the marriage rate will fall below 20%. Female hypergamy, which has been the source of humanity’s evolutionary success for 150 millennia, coupled with easy of mobility and broad communication allowing for instantaneous access to a broad spectrum of no-strings genetic donors, has rendered persistent relationships defunct. The only effective safeguard of the institution of marriage is religion, which is dying a similarly protracted and inevitable death. Add into that there being every legal disincentive for men to seek such relationships and the advent of convincing synthetics will be the final nail in the coffin.
Posted at 08:33 am, 12th April 2018Oh My God! The Trad Cons are going to have a Heart Attack! This be an issue they fight that brings a lot of women (Especially 33 Plus) to their side I bet. The Conservative MSM and Conservative Alt Media will not be able to shut the fuck up about this.
Tons of No Game dudes and those Brain Washed guys who think working 60-80 Hours a week BECAUSE IT’S MANLY are gonna be all over this shit.
Not gonna lie I’ll most def have to fuck one of these robots to see what it’s like.
Women are already upset that Men are Declining (demands they can make of men and what are willing to provide willingly).. This will be an even more devastating blow to their negotiating power to make demands. Even the most Gameless men will have the Robot Option.
It will literally only be Trad Con Men who get into a TMM after these are on the market for a while.
Here in Southern California at least women already are all getting Botox, Lip Injections, Aftermarket Boobs, ETC.. Just to stay competitive with the rest of the women in the dating free market.. I can only imagine what new trends will hit next with them to now compete with Robots. WE may very well see more women going with the Bimbo Look just so they look like these robots.. You never know..
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:36 am, 12th April 2018Good! That is the best news I could have possibly hoped for!
No, not persistent relationships. Just monogamous ones. And they SHOULD be defunct.
Why would any idiot want to do that?
Fuck that!
Thank god!
Beautiful! I hope so!
A poly world, here we come!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 08:42 am, 12th April 2018The mainstream media isn’t conservative. It’s social justice/left-wing/PC. And they are even more anti-sex and anti-male than tradcons.
Posted at 09:01 am, 12th April 2018I thought guys liked variety, and if that is true, then maybe they’ll just have one robot and then continue to meet new, real women? Wouldn’t they get bored of banging the same robot, even if it does whatever they want? Would robots be that affordable that they could own a variety of six robots?
Just some comments on the above few items:
Wouldn’t men still want to stay in shape and look good regardless? Wouldn’t they want to strive to earn a good income? Going on dates, or even just going out and socializing in general, where you could meet women by coincidence, is part of life. Should they all just want to work a low-paying job and then go home and stay inside surrounded by 4 walls and get fat and ugly? Or if they do go out and socialize, it will only be with other men?
I’m realizing now that maybe the above quote was only meant to be targeted at guys already like this. I can’t see a successful guy letting his appearance go, gaining weight and stop socializing just because he bought a sex robot. The ugly, fat, unsuccessful, un-social guys are already not getting laid by any woman right now as it is, so taking them out of the equation shouldn’t matter.
I still can’t imagine that the dating site would be a barren wasteland. I think the successful, good-looking guys will still be looking for some authentic one-on-one with real girls. Like the caveman/hunter mentality that is within men.
YES! Only the mean, demanding, ugly, moo-cow, or hopeless women will be in true fear! The remaining awesome women will be available for the other men who still want to participate in real life and they will match up just nicely. NOW, I do think the remaining women who appeal to men will have to change their strategy of online dating. So no more demands, no spending money and they will have to be on their best behavior! (This will be easier said than done.)
Posted at 09:14 am, 12th April 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
I was more referring to FOX NEWS when I said Conservative MSM.
Posted at 09:23 am, 12th April 2018So what will the difference (in terms of effect) be between these sex robots and the currently available prostitutes?
Posted at 09:24 am, 12th April 2018Funny timing in this post. Just watched Blade Runner 2049 last week and you have the replicants who are identical to humans and also an AI girlfriend that Ryan Gosling has who he can turn on or off when he likes.
AI as seen in the movie would give men companionship they desire while a replicant “pleasure model” could be used for physical needs.
Of course the question is, since the AI is just a program and doesn’t really “love” you, does it matter? One could argue that many human women’s love is also fake and they pretend to love in order to get some life goals met. You can never really know for sure. At least with AI, you know the reality of the situation.
Posted at 09:36 am, 12th April 2018Bulma, here is a quick update on how men work.
“Wouldn’t men still want to stay in shape and look good regardless?”
Some will, the 15% alphas who will bang all the 7-10 real women.
These guys will HOPEFULLY make many, many babies in the process to compensate for the 10% omega and the lower half of the 75% beta males who will have few to no offspring.
But to answer your question – a man who is not interested in sex will not care much about his looks. Many do consider it “a waste of time” as it is (MGTOW movement for example).
“Should they all just want to work a low-paying job and then go home and stay inside surrounded by 4 walls and get fat and ugly?”
More or less correct. They might decide to work mimimum time required to have a 1 room housing with fast internet connection. Then they can play online games, watch movies and have sex twice a day with almost-human 10 robot sex slave. The omega males today already live like that – but with internet porn instead of robot. With this upgrade it will include lower half of beta males for a solid 40% or so total.
“I think the successful, good-looking guys will still be looking for some authentic one-on-one with real girls.”
Thats is correct. The 15% alpha males will ravage pussy like mad, but competition to get into such an alphas rotation – even if it is only 1-2 sex dates/month, will be brutal. We already have this trend today in its version 1.0 (BD himself would have had it much harder in the 1950s for example) and it will only get harder for both low value men and low smv/older women.
Today, as a decent looking and not poor man over 40 on a dating website you will get countless “winks” and similar offers from women over 35 up to 55ish who are already dead lost on finding a partner. Today! Without sex robots.
The most angry faces of women I have seen in my life were such 35+ women I told that I am not interested (I am 45), because the only new women I would consider are below 25.
Leading to your last question…
“The remaining awesome women will be available for the other men who still want to participate in real life and they will match up just nicely. ”
No, these men wont be available, unless you are super hot and below age 25-30. We have standards and as the demand for our company goes up, these standards will raise even more.
The average 33+ or overweigth woman will be lonely and only have her vibrators and cats (both plural) as companions. There is NO reason to have any form of relationship with such women other than Sex and children. And most men can do without the later and would perfer the former with younger, hotter females….or similar looking robots.
Posted at 09:36 am, 12th April 2018@Bulma78
You’re not taking into account replacement sleeves/skins for synthetics (not unlike fleshlight replacements) or the use of augmented reality to overlay new faces on them. And that’s just faces. Synthetics could easily be built with telescopic limbs to change structural dimensions and fluid reservoirs to allow for increases or decreases in bust and bum size.
Physical fitness will devolve from being a hypergamy factor to being a health factor. If you care about your health, i.e. you don’t want to die young, then you’ll work to make sure that you’re fit. Likewise, good income will stop being a hypergamy factor; men can live, and live extremely well, on a fraction of the built-in cost of supporting a partner and children. Socialisation will still occur but it will preferentially take the form of digital communication. It’s happening now and will continue to happen.
You’ve got things completely backwards. The wealthy, successful man is the one that will be the target and most frequent user of such technology. It’s not a coincidence that wealthy men lease new luxury cars every 24 months and trade-up on trophy wives every five years, the latter of which is an incredibly expensive habit. He could just as easily afford a top-of-the-line synthetic that won’t want alimony or child support when he goes for a newer model.
Of course you can’t imagine it, you’ve got four million years of mostly-worthless reproductive instinct telling you that the status quo is the best and most reliable situation. Of course, that instinct doesn’t care at all if you’re personally and financially destroyed in the progress of following it. Fortunately, while you’re an animal you needn’t be a mindless one. Given the appropriate stimulus, i.e. financial security or watching disaster happen to others, you can very successfully ignore the programming.
That’s just social inculcation. There’s nothing that an organic woman could offer that her AI-driven, synthetic counterpart (provided the AI is sufficiently well-developed) can’t provide with far greater efficiency, lower cost and fewer headaches. And before you jump on the reproductive cheerleader bandwagon, recall that just this year a lamb was successfully born from an artificial uterus. We are, technically speaking, perhaps 10 – 15 years from a fully functioning artificial womb that can support a foetus from conception to birth. The uses for women are dwindling and that’s beyond apparently. That’s why feminists and tradcons are losing their mind over robotics.
Posted at 09:42 am, 12th April 2018and
LMAO, this has to be one of BD’s funniest articles. Mwahahah :’)
Posted at 10:03 am, 12th April 2018I doubt it’s the left which will ban sex robots, it’s much more of a conservative trait to control social behaviours.
For instance, the left is much more liberal around legalisation of drugs, prostitution, and abortion than the right.
Posted at 10:07 am, 12th April 2018@suidine
It is easier to see if we look at politics like this:
left = feminism, big goverment, supports mainly female interests
right = patriarchy, church, supports mainly male interests
Its pretty easy to spot who will be pro and who will be against sex robots, dont you think?
Posted at 10:17 am, 12th April 2018@maldek
Posted at 10:21 am, 12th April 2018I’m excited and more optimistic. Heterosexuals will have the potential to be more sincere and honest in sexual and romantic relationships. All the cards will be on the table. Not as many men and women being betrayed, led on, or duped. Sex dolls will level or completely demolish the playing field. I’m a woman but can’t stand bullshit and modern dating is full of it (why I enjoy blogs like these).
BTW, read every comment in a Starbucks. Such a good read. Sex will never not be an interesting topic.
Posted at 10:26 am, 12th April 2018Realistic robots sure, but to be affordable any time soon that is extremely far fetched. It is not like a computer where you have a small laptop that is mass produced and made from cheap materials but its super fast and light for low money. If you want high quality materials on a human sized robot its gonna be expensive. And if they make lot of the price of those materials will also not be cheap. There are some reasonably sexy dolls that I wouldnt mind to fuck – I assume, based on pictures, perhaps in reality I wouldnt like them – but those cost a few thousands and whilst I could afford that I dont think its worth it for an inanimate object. If it has to be a robot who can act and look convincingly like a stupid girl the price tag will be astronomical.
Also there is another objection: its not just about the look and physical feel. Theres also pheromones and stuff. Thats why having sex with a woman is different than having sex with a realistic feel sex toy while watching VR porn.
Posted at 10:31 am, 12th April 2018In comparison to how it is now when even average or below average girls get spammed with male attention online many of which are attractive and desperate men, compared to that it will be a wasteland. Average guys will just sit tight and wit for the attractive girls to fight over them.
Posted at 10:50 am, 12th April 2018They are talking about a fully functioning robot the end of this year.
Program her to cook and clean too lol
Posted at 11:05 am, 12th April 2018Women will have to self-actualize instead of making demands on men to “treat them like human beings”; Instead of blaming men for their physical, mental, and emotional shortcomings they will actually discover that is her responsibility alone. Quit bitching and create the self worth you keep begging men to give/validate for you .
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:09 am, 12th April 2018Not that I know of, but if I lived in Japan I’m sure I would. 🙂
I answered that in the article. Man-bots will be a complete non-issue until a long time from now when you can’t tell the difference even in conversation, but “dumb” woman-bots will arrive much sooner.
I agree, but we I’m saying we won’t need to get anywhere near the Westworld level for these things to start massively changing society. If you’ve have a near-perfect-looking woman laying on your bed ready to fuck, but she can’t talk, does your dick care?
Nope. (Your dick might even prefer that.)
Yes. At some point in the future no one will be interested in PUA the same way no one is interested in typewriters today. We’re a decade or two away from that, but it will happen.
PUA has been slowly declining for about 8-9 years now, yep.
That’s exactly the problem. You’ll have 80-90% of unmarried women competing for about 25% of men.
Yeah, about 25%.
Oh yes, you’ll see a lot of this as well; many women will just opt out the same way many men are opting out now. As matter of fact, this trend has already started with women over 33 (at least I’ve seen this anecdotally).
For comments, yes. For access, not that I’m aware of.
We just switched servers; that’s probably why. Beyond that I don’t know. (Not technical enough.) Email me and send me your complete IP address and the city you’re located in and I’ll take a look.
Uh, I’ve been saying that for about 15 years. Yup. And it will get worse, just like you said.
Alpha Male 2.0 is the least-bad answer.
One could:
1. Buy different robots.
2. Buy one favorite robot and borrow/rent others when we wanted.
3. Replace the body parts / head / face / tits / hair / etc of his current robot to make it look different.
And so on.
Only a small percentage.
Going on dates with women is not part of life. It’s a necessary evil we men have to put up with in order to get the sex our biology requires.
As I told Ash above, yes, but it will be a very small percentage of men as compared to today, and all women in the dating market will be competing for this small amount of men.
Good luck with that.
That will be another interesting problem. Hookers will have to go into direct competition with sex robots. It’s going to be hilarious.
Eventually, after all this settles down, there will be no sex workers anymore; robots will do it all.
Something most people don’t understand: Left-wing women over the age of about 35 are overwhelmingly right-wing conservatives when it comes to non-gay sexual issues. Most of these women agree prostitution should remain illegal. They want to ban sugar daddy game. They are horrified if men their age sleep with much younger (legal) women. And so on.
No, you will see left-wing women try to make sex robots illegal. As a matter of fact, they will be the loudest voices against it. Just watch.
Posted at 11:12 am, 12th April 2018Bring it baby! See. The future is full of hope and opportunity — just not so much for western women.
Women have everything to lose, men have everything to gain in this epic revolution.
Yep. That’s why I’m relocating to such a country. I’ve always weighed tradition game and it’s ROI considering the current market hot, young, tight, ready-to-please, cum-and-go-as-I-please pussy in unlimited shapes, sizes, colors and flavors. And women still demand princess-style fairy tale monogamy from men in addition to keep his balls under lock and key.
I can’t wait for the hysterical sabre rattling of women on all sides of the political spectrum seeing sexbots as the primary threat to their very existence threatening men with criminal prosecution for the act of sexbot rape, since a sexbot cannot give affirmative consent to being fucked.
If they can’t make ’em illegal outright (gotta give up your life-like dildos and vibes ladies if you do), then they’ll Trump Tax and Tariff them out of reach of most men. I can’t wait to see the Mexican cartels smuggling sexbots across the border along with meth, coke, weed and everything else our country has criminalized.. Imagine the headlines of cartels shooting it out and murdering people in the streets of Cancun over turf wars in the illegal sexbot trade. Forget Star Wars. It’s Sexbot Wars FTW!
Then, when the dust settles and sexbots come into their own, all the value that will remain for women is their uterus. They’ll charge dearly for the “right” and “privileged” to fuck a carbon-based vagina to procreate. However, men may have that problem solved with biotech advancements blazing ahead at warp speed — if they haven’t figured out how to “grow” humans from scratch and work out the kinks with cloning.
Winter is coming!
Matt Savage
Posted at 11:36 am, 12th April 2018Surely these traits could be programmed into a male sex bot for women; I could image a subservient Clooney bot that every woman keeps next to her night stand.
Posted at 11:38 am, 12th April 2018Like most technology things, the devil’s in the details.
Every decade, humans have predicted “flying hover cars” are just around the corner. Of course, they never are. That’s because of hundreds of reasons of why they’re not feasible yet.
Next, people predict that “self-driving” cars are just around the corner. I mean those already exist. Problem is, they’re crap. Given all our advances in AI, object recognition, neural networks, machine learning, etc … at the end of the day, if you’re a true “tech geek” – you realized a lot of the shiny shit they trot out on the news obscures the real technological challenges. The ones that are HUGE and yet invisible to the average Sci-Fi-watching, beer-guzzling retard.
The sex robots? Meh.
They can’t even make CGI people look real in the latest Star Wars movies — they’re nowhere close to making what are currently glorified store mannequins and blow-up dolls look “passably” real. And all the facial expressions — all are frozen like a Barbie doll. So you got a few majors challenges. 1. realistic looks 2. realistic expression 3. realistic feeling of skin and vagina 4. some kind of self-lubricating method 5. changeable expressions 6. realistic movement for complicated sex positions 7. balance and proprioception (huge challenge) 8. some kind of AI (currently at zero for sexbots) 9. realistic vocal utterances (I can tell with 99.99% accuracy when I’m talking to a phone-bot) 10. Would still be god-awful at sex unless it could realiably read human expressions and utterances (huge way off) and have rhythm and athleticism. 11. realistic mouth and tongue that are good at blowjobs
It’s at minimum 30 years off before the sex-robots can be believable substitutes for just fucking a slut. Bare minimum. I mean, sure, you can claim that “right now” you can fuck a blow-up doll while intoxicated and if you squint real hard and focus, it’s kinda like a girl. But that’s just like porn … and we know porn doesn’t satiate guys really. The “high end” fuck dolls right now? Motionless “high-end” manniquins. No joints, no movement, no lubrication, no interaction. Just “sorta skinnish” feeling silicone mannequins with okay fake tits, a high-end doll look, and a couple holes. You’d be laughed at to suggest fucking such a mannequin would substitute for a real woman.
So we’re 30 years off at least, and even then, would it replace the “validation hit” that’s at least 50% of the motivation of fucking women? I mean right now you can already go to Thailand and fuck hookers for $30-$40 a pop or something. I’m not really into that and true, they’re usually suppressing disgust unlike a vapid doll but eh.
Again, we’re 30 years off from sex-robots that can do all the functions of a regular woman at about 70% effectiveness (cut-rate). To be almost completely indistinguishable? Who can say … current silicon-chip based computers with binary memory and machine language used to represent algorithms for calculations? It’s architecturally NOTHING like the human brain. Can you imagine if the human brain’s knowledge was as finite as the number of synapses in our brain? It’s not, because (Even though we don’t fully understand the brain) — knowledge is not exactly coded in a 1/0 format in our brain. It’s more like a 3-d vector space and “knowledge” might be represented in a more complex format that binary switches. We would need at least 1-2 “computer revolutions” the likes of which has never been seen since — the invention of the computer in general by Alan Turing. I mean to have an “artificial intelligence” that is ACTUALLY intelligent and not just tons of statistical algorithms and ongoing human development updates (there’s a big difference). Physical data storage, computer processors, physical materials — literally all of this would need to be revolutionized (currently none of these components, not one, has ever fundamentally changed much, just made more efficient, smaller, cheaper, and scaled up – the inherent structure hasn’t changed).
At that point (well into the future) — society would be so radically different, Earth might be a smoldering nuclear crater. Robot slave labor would be common, would it be shared with poor peasants (90% of society?) Who knows? If cocksuckers like the Koch Bros are in charge (they’d be dead but their progenity) — then simply … no. Efficient slave labor would NOT be shared with the masses or Universal Basic Income granted … because some Evil Rich just like to lord over others. At that point, prostitution would be so widespread and cheap, a super-sexbot would be almost irrelevant except for the super rich.
So yeah timeline:
2018: fancy mannequins with holes
2050: B-rate clunky sex bots. Since men measure “relative success” not absolute success (we eat better than the greatest Kings of Yore today, yet still feel … we want more riches. Standards raise with the times) — the clunky bots will still be “meh” and validation will only come from fucking real hot women. Life is one big competition to many men, always. If anyone can have the clunk-bot, it’s not worth much.
2090: hyper-real indistiguishable robots potentially. Who knows. At this point technology is so far radicalized and in the future, sexbots and relationships will be the least of your worries. The “worth” of most human labor (in which only super unique talents would be necessary economically in light of slave bots) … and potential overpopulation bode extremely poorly for most of the human race. There will only exist the hyper-rich, who own 99.9% of all physical land-space and ocean-space of Earth, and the abyssal under-class. Having almost no economic or warfare worth whatsoever, and no legal way to obtain money or food, the underclass would be relegated to sexual slavery for nickels and playing “NPCs” in live-action video games for rich kids to shoot at in Halo 35. Why not use robots for this? Sadistic pleasure in abusing a real person.
So yeah sweet dreams, glad I could help enlighten.
Posted at 11:51 am, 12th April 2018Many single women have a dog or a cat or many such creatures. They give them lots of attention but they love the feeling of having attention from a real man who gives attention just to them(TM)
Posted at 12:00 pm, 12th April 2018When this topic comes up, I refer to the segway. 15 years ago, everyone invested thinking that walking would become obsolete. In the end, people thought they were lame. But you did change my mind a bit, considering we don’t have to ride our sex robot down the street in public.
“In the end, women will be forced to be more compliant. “ I’m going to propose that it will only drive women further away from men (in the US). Women in the US don’t need men for anything. They are OVER-represented in cushy office jobs, and have a MUCH lower sex drive, divorce laws that give them all the power, etc. Even though you said:
“I have lots of anecdotal evidence of this already. “ The majority of those examples are probably from less-feminized countries where women need more financially from men, and are more religious/conservative. My personal experience in Europe is very similar to US. Men are saying women are all stuck up, have too much power, and won’t put out (prostitution is legal in spain, italy, and germany i believe). Places like Asia and Latin america, yeah, the women are the great, but I place that on the economy, patriarchical societies, etc… not so much supply and demand in the dating market. I read somewhere that americans have sex on average twice per month, and in brazil and greece, it’s fifteen times per month. I see that as economic/patriarchal issue myself.
My point is, women in the US are totally happy with only their cats because society supports them. In other countries, women/people have more sex because women need men in their lives for other reasons (finances/physical protection).
“they’ll be fucking male robots. Uh, no.” Like you said, dildos and vibrators have been around for decades. I’ve met plenty of chicks who love their vibrators and some say it’s even caused addiction in their lives. I definitely believe this has helped push women away from men to some degree.
“women generally want more from a man than just sex.” It’s true, but they don’t NEED him. Take a look at bumble. It’s an apocolypse of single moms over 33 making demands about men’s height and income. But when they match me, they say I’m obviously too busy for them lol. We’re an accessory for women at best. For the young woman, it’s the party boy whos fun and confident (my strategy). For the woman over 33 it’s IF we’re REALLY in the top 5% of men (money, height, looks). They have friends, money, wine, cats, and kids. I’m tall, handsome, and have a great career, and still only match with single mothers 5-10 years older than me on there lol. They’ve already pulled away and won’t give a fuck if the lonely men they rejected upgrade their masturbation tools.
I hope you’re right though. I have a chip on my shoulder and would love to watch women freak out.
Posted at 12:09 pm, 12th April 2018I was a non believer Until I read “Margot Robbie robot” Ha!
2060 – These toys will have attained a “passable” level of human facsimile – ability to generate realistic behavior will change the game. These toys will be available for personal use or to send out onto the street to do their own shopping, or perhaps “earn their own living” trolling bars at last call. The toys will be indistinguishable from real women from a distance and drunk men won’t care.
By 2030, the AI of these toys will enable them to engage debate with human feminists and win decisively. A fringe benefit for the onlooker!
I foresee the sex-robot industry as an branch of a much larger robot industry (from home health aide to security guards) and that lobby will be so big that feminism will lost that economic battle.
Regarding the adoption of that technology as viable for sex partnering and as an electrical/software engineer who has had more than the average number of women, I’d project:
2020 – Advanced sex-toy, Realistic looking sex robots will be little more that he currently available “Real Doll” female facsimiles with the ability to get out of the box, plug itself into the charger, behave and talk robotically with rudimentary AI. These will be affordable to the rich (who can afford high pried call girls anyhow).
To realistically animate the “Toy” will require an actual sex worker – think internet “cam girl” but no cam: A new sex industry of “bot girls” will emerge to furnish the human realism lacking in these toys (and fight with feminists over the legality so fun will be had by all!) The home-bound bot-girls (of unknown weight) will simply talk and control the toy to provide a realism (currently) unobtainable by AI. Some will make bank. This version is just an elaborate sex toy.
2030 – Sex robots will reach a decent price point where the 2020 version will be affordable and improved so that the AI behavior is incrementally more believable (but stil a boner killer for many/most men). This version of the toy will struggle to be more than a sex toy. Inexperienced men will try these toys and become board until he pays for a new “personality”, wardrobe, and by this time the toy will be able to dress itself and perhaps shop online for herself. The personality of the toy will be little better than a female Data (STSG). Still a “boner killer” in general save a skilled “boy girl” providing realism.
2050 – The technology may have advanced to the point, hopefully, that the toy will have (rudimentary) ability learn new behavior (rather than having to down load new behavior and personality components). Such a toy could make quite a ruthless BSDM mistress having, literally, no heart, empathy, or sympathy. More likely than learning, many different fetish genres of behaviors will likely be purchased rather than “learned by the toy. This industry will proliferate just as the myriad of fetish porn sites do now.
2060 – These toys will have attained a “passable” level of human facsimile – ability to generate realistic behavior will change the game. These toys will be available for personal use or to send out onto the street to do their own shopping, or perhaps “earn their own living” trolling bars at last call. The toys will be indistinguishable from real women from a distance and drunk men won’t care.
Posted at 12:15 pm, 12th April 2018@BD
“Left-wing women over the age of about 35 are overwhelmingly right-wing conservatives when it comes to non-gay sexual issues.”
You speak the truth. They are all on board for anything non-hetero like gay marriage, trannys, sex changes for children, etc.. but if you bring up anything that take hetero male attention away from them, they lose their shit. The older ones know that their appeal in the eyes of high value guys is dwindling by the day and need to keep them away from all other sexual outlets. Over 40 is even worse. You just have to understand it’s all from a place of their own fear and hardly from any sort of moral high ground.
Posted at 12:33 pm, 12th April 2018In terms of the prices dropping for sex robots, I can see where they are similar to Timeshares or RV Shares or Air b n b deal where if I buy one for $5000 and I want to rent it out for a night or weekend to someone for $500 or whatever. Switch out the main parts so no germs and boom.
Probably be websites just for those to Rent these on kinda like a DollShare or something. Once this marketplace opens up and the AI robot dolls can be used occasionally versus actually buying one, it when this whole deal becomes interesting to watch unfold…
Posted at 12:42 pm, 12th April 2018@david
If they’re totally happy why, for instance, do white females aged 45+ account for approximately 20% of the US population but consume half of the antidepressants per annum?
Posted at 01:01 pm, 12th April 2018@david
I agree about society supporting women being the SINGLE biggest reason women are so picky.
So, I guess the silver lining in the fall of the West could be we will have more pleasing and loving women once it does collapse with the Welfare state. I sometimes fantasize what it would look like here in USA if we did have a 5 or 10 year great depression or financial collapse. (not to mention Facebook going down for 6 months too lol).
Actually, forget even that severe. What if there is no Government assistance for housing, care, RX, food etc? It is hard to imagine…
Posted at 01:20 pm, 12th April 2018Plot twist: Guys make AI sex robots that are the first to be sophisticated enough to band together and take over. In the future we’re ruled by a bunch of hot female robots. The future is female, right?
I would watch that movie.
Posted at 01:36 pm, 12th April 2018I am not one to throw Bible or Religion around at all. I usually never bring it up until the Woman does, then she regrets it of course lol.
However, I have this funny feeling that no matter what society does to make Women over men, it won’t last. It will cause issues, problems, and depression. Why? Because it was not how God made us simply put.
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man (1 Corinthians 11:7)
Now, how many women that throw the Bible at me to shame me for sex stuff actually know this verse exists?
it continues….“For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
GASP! This is usually when the “Christian” women claims I am twisting scripture or that I have destroyed her faith LMAO.
But my point is, we can toy with this stuff all we want but in the end, it always come back around to how God intended it to be, regardless of the Feminist movement or Government welfare state….
Posted at 01:39 pm, 12th April 2018I need to correct Blackdragon about a common mistake.
Sexbots will not be the disruptor. VR Sex will be.
VR Sex is sooner, cheaper, more private, and provides more variety. Sexbots serve to distract the feminists and cuckservatives while VR sex advances.
See here :
Posted at 02:09 pm, 12th April 201825% of men attract 80-90% of all women, ALREADY. The difference then will be that the rest 75% won’t give any attention or validation to women in hope to get laid. As we know very well, women can do without sex for long, but they cannot do without attention so much.
Posted at 04:06 pm, 12th April 2018johhnybegood
Flying car not realisable? Take a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeFFrHQxQVc&lc=z22tuvizazieib5wq04t1aokgzw3blwztwenbtp4lkgurk0h00410.1522883789642184
Posted at 04:09 pm, 12th April 2018And that’s really the entire issue, the one behind all of the alarmist rhetoric. As it stands, in every even population of men and women that enter into marriage, fully 80% of women view themselves personally as having married down, be it from lack of options, too much competition or sharp declines in sexual market value. By definition, these marriages constitute the bulk of social units and the majority of taxed middle-class income. That’s why women are presently, and governments eventually will be, scared shitless if a viable alternative comes alone. While a Pareto distribution may not produce a majority, or even a great many successful marriages, not having them happen at all would cause drastic shortfalls in tax receipts, not to mention loss of consumer spending as the birthrate continues to plummet.
Posted at 07:16 pm, 12th April 2018Not gonna lie, it would make me VERY happy to see that happen. There would be violence everywhere, and it would be fantastic and glorious.
Would women’s groups even care about this kind of stuff? Many of them are gay anyways. I’ve dated lefty chicks, and have brought up sex robots. Many of them say the same thing: “Well if I can have toys, guys should have toys.” The only group I could see who would freak out would be 33+s, especially unattractive 33+s. They would freak out so hard that they would probably form terrorist organizations dedicated to destroying the manufacturers of the sex robots.
On the subject of sex robots themselves, I would have sex with one, but ONLY one. Just to see what its like. I agree with whoever said it would be a “premium fap.” That’s probably what it would be like.
Posted at 07:49 pm, 12th April 2018I’d say perhaps the most obvious proof that BD’s predictions are way off is the fact that historically, real life human sex slaves have been widely culturally accepted, rich guys could have 20 or 30 REAL women whose only purpose in life was to suck their dick and never argue and do whatever they commanded.
Yet, these guys still went out and looked for life partners, actual wives. Sure a lot of that was for the purpose of creating legitimate offspring to carry on the line, but the fact of the matter is, it is deeply ingrained in most of us to want someone who WANTS to do nice things for us and have sex with us and spend time with us, and we can all tell the difference between that and someone who is PAID to do it or who is a slave. Just as we want our friends to be people who genuinely like us, not freeloaders who flatter us because we’re wealthy.
By the logic in this article, there should be a serious deficit in the available genuine friends in the world because people can just use their money to get fake ones.
It’s just absurd to suppose that this deep seated need that exists in the large majority of men would suddenly disappear and we’d be completely satisfied with a meaningless, emotionless slave who we know deep inside HAS to serve us.
A lot better than masturbation, yes. A substitute for the desire for a meaningful pair-bonded relationship? Of course not.
Posted at 07:58 pm, 12th April 2018The problem in this idealism is, there’s no difference. You always pay in one one or another. And in the end, the deal is really rotten.
You are mixing fucking with meaningful pair-bonded relationships. They have very little in common.
The shit is going to hit the fan in many more ways, not just sex bots. As soon as the whole industries start to get automated away by the progress of robotics and AI.
Posted at 08:13 pm, 12th April 2018@jackbenimble,
I agree that it does sound kinda sad or lonely not having to deal with women’s crazy side, but just a little lol. Also, what about sexual chemistry and the chase aspects. Giving each other massages. Etc…
This is why I say if men really want to fix this stuff for a lil while into the future and be with real, genuine women that want us too, we need to work together to bring about a financial collapse LMBO. That is best fix lol. Or civil war in our country over guns could start the change idk. I’m very organic, natural and touchy feely guy and never tried a robot or VR porn yet so I can’t really be an expert on this topic I suppose. I just see cozy living and Big government as women’s main problem and get rid of that and most of this Disney and relationship rules memes bs and princess mentality will become a distant memory and be laughed at eventually, even by women themselves lol.
Our founding fathers could think we or our parents generation is partly to blame for our situation because we don’t fight for anything anymore as men should. We are too worried about our jobs or going to jail so we just take it. This apathy leads our country down the path it’s in now…
Posted at 09:33 pm, 12th April 2018The robots will be leased, not sold, and you’ll have to pay rent on them. In the creepy, dystopian future, sex robots are an advertising and data-gathering platform. And those robots will remind you when their subscription is due. Men love their chains.
Many men that fuck Real Live Women™ usually have to do it with a condom on. Fucking a robot without a condom will be better.
Posted at 09:44 pm, 12th April 2018Voice/Personality download. Swappable bits. Swap in a new robot as part of the lease agreement. In my nightmarish, dystopian future, you have to pay the lease company each time you fuck your sex robot. If the sex starts to tail off, the robot itself will sweetly suggest that you upgrade to a new model, only slightly more expensive.
Posted at 11:21 pm, 12th April 2018It’ll be like memory chips.
Quality will double every year and prices will halve.
By the end of 2019 they will be shipping at 8 times as good as the prototypes at the very least.
its gonna happen a lot faster than regulators can respond to.
See “Black Swan Event” – that’s what we’ve got here.
Posted at 11:52 pm, 12th April 2018Plus with the available technology – tightening vaginas on demand that also suck at a given point in time and intensity that you can program – all for as long as you want – you can easily imagine that the raw sex experience will be very much better than most men get with most women.
Don’t forget that by the time you’re finished with makeup Botox and boob jobs a lot of real women are largely fake anyway.
Posted at 01:53 am, 13th April 2018Very interesting…
Personally, I derive at least half of my sexual pleasure from giving pleasure to the woman. I take great satisfaction, in many ways, just giving orgasms. There’s nothin like watching a woman cum while riding your cock… For that reason robots would not be a replacement for me. Am I in the minority here? I mean, sure, I would happily fuck a super hot, hyper-realistic sex bot. But it wouldn’t be a feasible substitute.
Posted at 02:11 am, 13th April 2018No matter how advanced the AI, no matter how perfectly real the sexbot looks and acts, you would always have to invest your imagination in it in an effort – albeit futile – to impart realism and thus you would never lose the sense that it is a soulless object.
“It is not good for the man to be alone”, God said. But the loneliness would still be there with your sexbot. Accordingly, its only utility would be in “scratching an itch”; but that part of your being, as a man, that needs reliable, ongoing, loving female company will never be satisfied by it.
Sexbots are therefore no different to masturbation or hiring hookers; it’s fornication (even more so when these bots inevitably assume the buyer-demanded form of whichever famous model or actress is requested), something short of the only solution ordained by the Maker.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:29 am, 13th April 2018Complete nonsense! An economic collapse would precisely destroy sex-positivism and return women to a state of prostitution, in which their economic needs and survival needs would supersede their sexual lusts! In other words, a total sexual dystopia! A sex-positive society is only possible in prosperous nations.
Uhhh, “cozy living” is that which makes sexual liberation possible! How could a woman in poverty, struggling for her daily bread, be sex-positive?
Wrong! Disney precisely flourishes in hard economic times. Because what is Disney, if not prostitution draped in sentimental trappings and punctuated by delusions of the male economic savior and the female princess/parasite?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:45 am, 13th April 2018No difference between women who trade sex for sex vs. women who trade sex for money? Yes, there is a difference. A big one. It is analogous to the difference between a true friend vs. a pragmatic sociopath!
For fuck sake, not this again! I’m so sick of these prostitution apologists coming onto a red pill blog with their absolute nihilism on the subject of the human spirit!
“Even the woman who has sex with you because she’s super horny still expects orgasms in return, so that is no different then a woman who expects money, because we all pay in one form, blah, blah, blah…”
There is a huge difference between “sincere passion” and “cold pragmatism.” Most of us want women who are sincerely passionate about us, not whores who just want a new car and will reluctantly fuck us to get it!
If you can’t understand this difference, I am utterly speechless!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:48 am, 13th April 2018No. You’re one of the good ones.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:57 am, 13th April 2018Dude, the left is no longer liberal. It has been taken over by PC social justice warriors who wish to pronounce all sex as rape, unless it is first prefaced with autistic verbal procedures, previously employed only by the brain damaged.
You’re referring to classical liberals in the spirit of the 1960s – sex-positive, Free Speech absolutist, and culturally libertarian. They have been displaced by political correctness – a culturally authoritarian force which is sex-negative, pro-censorship, and desirous to return to the strictest puritanism in order to prevent “rape” and “sexual objectification.”
The PC left is now the new Christian right!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:07 am, 13th April 2018Hey, speaking of the Christian right, when did this blog become infested with Christians?
Are you serious bro?
No it doesn’t, because god does not exist!
More garbage preaching:
No, I believe a bunch of stone age retards said that!
Which is the only type of sex worth having!
HAHAHA!!!!!! Dude, you lost? This isn’t a church blog!
For fuck sake, first Muslims, now Christians. Who’s next? Scientologists? What does Lord Zenu say about sex robots?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:18 am, 13th April 2018Yes they will. Radical feminists especially are evangelical lesbians. They believe that all straight sex is rape full stop and that sex robots objectify their “sisters,” thus supposedly leading to an increase in rape, which they define as anything that involves putting a penis in any vagina, dry or wet.
These militant lesbians are psychotic. They want to purge all heterosexuality!
But there’s currently a split between radical feminists and political lesbians:
1. Radical feminists believe that all women are lesbians and they are only straight because of “patriarchal trauma,” so it would be misogynistic to blame them.
Their solution: Kill all men!
2. Political lesbians HATE radical feminists and believe that refusing to blame women for their own actions takes away women’s adulthood and is thus itself misogynistic. They also believe that all women are lesbians and the straight ones only choose to sleep with men because they have chosen to commit treason against womanhood due to “a sadomasochistic desire to cooperate with the patriarchy.”
Their solution: Kill all straight and bisexual women!
I think both groups should kill each other, while wrestling in mud for our amusement!
Posted at 03:35 am, 13th April 2018Jack Outside the Box: Even if you (laughably) think you’re descended from fish, you still have to concede my point that no amount of realistic AI mannequins will solve the loneliness issue.
There’s a reason why long term PUAs like Roosh and others eventually speak of a sense of emptiness caused by their pump-and-dump habits. They all reach the point where they understand they need a permanent fixture woman in their lives.
Posted at 04:08 am, 13th April 2018Are we not addressing the bigger elephant in the room?
A sufficiently advanced Sex Robot is a machine of such sophistication, that it is almost a crime not to use it for other purposes.
What IS a sex-bot? Its basically a humanoid machine that can assume different body positions, suck, ride, stroke and caress a human without harming them, possibly moan or speak and react to stimuli.
You know what else such an advanced robot could do? FUCKING EVERYTHING!
Drive a car, work at a factory, man a ship, clean-up, farm, disperse a riot, perform fucking heart surgery or make pizza.
The possibilities are not endless, but pretty damn wide. I would say that about 50-60% of jobs could be automated that way.
And THAT my friends, will change the Game even more than sex bots, because it will rewrite society from the ground up.
Posted at 05:58 am, 13th April 2018I beg to differ. As has been stated, changes are on the horizon.
On the upside, these bots will not be having your babies.
Posted at 09:26 am, 13th April 2018What if they make advanced ones where the analyse the DNA of your sperm and nano robots construct a robot kid for you?
E batches
Posted at 10:28 am, 13th April 2018This raises some interesting questions. Hopefully this changes the dynamic a bit. I was always down for having a special lady to love if it wasn’t for the things already discussed in this blog.
Posted at 11:05 am, 13th April 2018Again, it will be VR S*x, not bots, that cause this disruption, and much sooner than anyone following bots thinks.
VR will start to impact the SMP as soon as 2020 (yes, two years).
Read ‘The Misandry Bubble’ for details. Go to PM/AFT’s blog for even more details (I can’t post links here as it was not clearing the filter).
Posted at 12:10 pm, 13th April 2018Have you met any of these types in person, JOTB? I don’t disagree with either of these observations since both groups are collectivists and their solutions are very collectivist in nature (in their case, making sure that they swap out patriarchal structures with matriarchal ones), but I haven’t met anyone like either of these types in person. Which I guess is a good thing. I’ve only met sex positive feminists I guess. Look, they’re way more pro-open relationships than most trad-con chicks, soooo…
Can we throw the trad-cons in there too? And the FA MGTOW Incels? I for one would be thoroughly entertained if something like this was on Pay-Per-View. My only requests: 1) No lethal weapons. I want to see them just kill each other (or try, anyways) with nothing but their hands and feet. 2) None of them get paid.
It can air right after “Human or Robot,” which should also be on Pay-Per-View haha.
Posted at 12:29 pm, 13th April 2018Agree with everything here except the observation that they were culturally libertarian. No libertarian is as collectivist as those people were. Collectivism gives people power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The reason WHY they became the 21st century religious right is because of the power they acquired while going on all those marches for civil and reproductive rights. They were seduced by it, and ergo it corrupted them.
Go read the stuff from Bell Hooks, Gloria Steinam and Betty Friedan. You’ll see the seeds of female supremacy sown. It was there since the beginning, and if the women’s and civil rights movements never took place, they wouldn’t be the moral majority that they are now.
But back in the day, white men were doing this too. All you have to do is read The White Man’s Burden to get that. Its just a cycle of collectivism perverting teachings to make said teachings law.
Take away our narrative that collectivism is good, and you’ll take away most of this toxicity. But very few, a fair amount of readers on this blog included, do not believe in live and let live. Which breaks my heart.
Posted at 01:54 pm, 13th April 2018I agree that it was there since the beginning, yes. About a couple years ago I more or less abandoned the view that there used to be a version of feminism that was reasonable in some mythical 1970s setting. Even 19th or heck even late 18th century proto-feminism was already (without wanting to generalize) rejecting the notion there might be non-cultural psychological differences between men and women. As soon you get that, the seeds of the SJW mentality are already there. Because it leads all the way to the conclusion that if women do different things, pick different jobs, react differently to certain things than men, then there must be some patriarchal conspiracy making them do so.
It doesn’t mean that feminism always advocated crazy stuff, heck in terms of just the social changes (vote, equal pay, gay rights, etc) advocated I would’ve qualified as very feminist up to around the late 1980s or so. But the point is that the ideological seeds that would eventually lead to the radically non-fact-based sjw mentality were already there the whole time, yes.
Posted at 02:09 pm, 13th April 2018I think you are greatly exaggerating here BD. If prostitution didn’t kill dating and relationships then how are robot hookers going to achieve that. Also you are ignoring the role men’s ego plays. Tom Torero (and Many other PUAs agree) says it’s not just sex that he enjoys from the PUA lifestyle it’s the adrenaline/adventure that you feel from first meeting a woman to finally fucking her. Sort of as a sport if you will. Basketball players don’t get any pleasure out of standing and throwing balls through the hoop on and empty court with no opponents.
Posted at 02:12 pm, 13th April 2018Ok some of you are a lil uptight over religion in regards to this debate or even BDs teachings overall.
I am a Christian (not outspoken at all) but most people don’t know unless I’m boxed in or asked then I will give my opinion etc.
But in my opinion, BDs teachings are not anti Christian at all. As a matter of fact, they are probably the most Christian approach to relationships I have ever read. (What does that say about thet state of the Church today?) When I say “Christian”, I am not referrring to most today because most people have no clue what the Bible actually says or DOES NOT say when it comes to Monogomous relationships or male and female roles.
But his teachings discuss not lying to women, not cheating, etc. Those are all Christian values….sorry if that offends some of you. I have found zero of his teachings that contradict either the old or new testament. So take a deep breath nobody is trying to convert anyone here lol.
Days of Broken Arrows
Posted at 02:34 pm, 13th April 2018The moral here is “Careful what you wish for.”
For decades, feminists have been demanding entrance and equality into working world that men built. When sex robots become mainstream, that’s all women will have. They’ll become worker drones and little else. Men will spend their leisure time with sex robots like they do with porn.
Not sure what exactly will happen with children. Maybe they’ll become obsolete as well.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:26 pm, 13th April 2018I never said that.
Posted at 05:23 pm, 13th April 2018He has a point. You said that sex robots will have a great impact on relationships, marriages and dating. So, if prostitutes haven’t achieved that already, how will sex robots?
Johnny D
Posted at 05:25 pm, 13th April 2018One likely side effect is that the porn industry will collapse or at least become much smaller than it is now. With a “woman” to fuck why would guys bother with porn and masturbation? The guy who watches and jerks off to porn once a day will spend most of his time with his robot and maybe give porn a whirl once every month or so. It will likely mean the end of professionally produced pornography.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:55 pm, 13th April 2018Uh, they are not the same. Not even close.
Do I really need to list all the differences between sex robots and hookers?
Okay, unlike hookers, sex robots…
And so on, and so on, and so on…
Posted at 08:21 pm, 13th April 2018Jason is completely wrong.
For one thing, he makes the common mistake of assuming all women are 9s and 10s. The ‘rush’ he talks about is applicable only for 9s and 10s.
VR Sex will not reduce the SMV of 9s and 10s. Rather, it will totally crater the SMVs of women in the 5-8 range. Women outside this range will not see much change. Those above have demand to spare, and those below are already not wanted.
Again, it is VR Sex, not sexbots, that are the real gamechanger.
Posted at 10:32 pm, 13th April 2018Access to young, cheap, relatively legal, good quality prostitutes has a massive impact on relationships, marriages and dating. Go to Pattaya in Thailand and you will see 100’s of thousands of guys from everywhere in the world who have completely checked out of modern relationships.
If something like Pattaya was easily accessible in lots of other places throughout the west, women would be in big trouble.
Not sure if the sex robot thing will be quite the same. I’m not 100% convinced it will be. But if it is I can definitely see it having a massive impact.
Posted at 10:58 pm, 13th April 2018Hoping this happens even though I don’t want one. I can’t wait to see all the mean fatties and tatted up blue hairs finally get ignored.
I hate that betas are out there making these women feel important.
Posted at 01:00 am, 14th April 2018The real deal however will be when the technology reaches the point you can grow clone a whole body in the lab and then install AI there instead of a brain. That will be the real deal. Then she will actual feel and smell like a real woman as well. She would even get her period every month and could get pregnant. Think of cylons from Battlestar Galacica or the robot women from Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep (its a book that inspired Bladrunner, didnt watch the movie, so I don’t know how they did it there, but you get the idea..).
Something like this could be real in 30-40 years. In this case the cost “of the materials” might not even be very high. The incubators will be extremely expensive but if these clones are mass produced then the product could be very cheap.
The thing here is not just about robots running around. This could mean potentially you can transfer your consciousness into a new body. Imagine that! Everyone would be extremely goodlooking and young. Which of course means the looks will become increasingly irrelevant.
So in the end it will probably be just about personality and money and nothing else. Though if you dont have those you can always get the AI girlfriend.
Posted at 01:03 am, 14th April 2018They are? Are you sure? I know that they can still get some but to say that they feel important is a far cry. All their bullshit and anger is because they have it quite tough. They can get it if they have a very bubbly outgoing personna and are very pro sexual and easy then they dont just get sex but also relationships, but if they are not this noone touches them even with a metal stick. Ive seen this many times.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:08 am, 14th April 2018Heh………..heh heh……………heh heh heh heh heh!!!!!!
Yes! Yes I have!
When I was still practicing law, I went against radical feminist lawyers all the time! They were representing psychotic women who wanted to redefine their marriages as “kidnapping via Stockholm Syndrome,” as well as false rape accusers, etc…
The shrieking from these bitches was inhuman and their theories and rationalizations were astounding. “She murdered her baby as a defense mechanism against her husband’s ‘coercive control’ (read: nagging). He should go to prison for murder, not her. She should get all his stuff, not half, as compensation for the loss of the baby which he made her kill.”
And this garbage was useless anyway because family court isn’t even where criminal matters like these are decided, but these lawyers unloaded their psychosis anyway!
Absolutely insane! To look into these women’s eyes is to stare into the face of pure evil. There’s seriously something in the eyes of a radical feminist that even I can only describe as demonic. The only time they went against women was when they were defending Muslims. As one radfem told me, “If a non-white man rapes a white woman, that’s not rape. That’s just a temporary suspension of her white privilege.”
I had to get out of there. Too much negativity, even more me.
As for political lesbians, I had one case in which an ex-husband was fighting his ex-wife for the custody of their juvenile delinquent 15 year old daughter who was a political lesbian. She (the 15 year old) was being tried in criminal court as an adult for gang raping a girl at gunpoint with her fellow political lesbians in order to convert her to lesbianism. All the female rapists spray painted their guns pink! And yes, I met the daughter once. Charming cunt! Her face was covered in piercings and her head was shaved completely bald!
But that was a very specific case so I can’t go into it further.
You may very well have. You just don’t know. They don’t always advertise their presence to a “patriarch.” Ever met a girl who was excessively into gardening? Red flag!
You have no idea. Find the internet archives of radfemhub.org if you feel like vomiting out your last meal!
Yeah, I’m cool with sex-positive feminists. Both of them! In fact, even though I identify only as an egalitarian, you could say that I myself am a sex-positive feminist, I suppose.
HAHA! Sure! The more, the bloodier.
Meh, let the dykes throw clumps of their period blood at the tradcons saying, “only our blood can wash away your sins, bastards!” That would be funny!
Their hate is their payment.
I’d live steam that shit on youtube!
Posted at 05:33 am, 14th April 2018Monotheism, as a lot of the comments on this thread show, has seriously fucked up the West for 2,000 years. It’s like Christians, or any monotheists don’t know of some of the beautiful philosophy and practical living of ancient Greece, Rome, and East Asia that predates their scary “jealous”, cough, “God”.
Once you realise that the Bible is just bs, pretty crude made-up stories vastly inferior to extant ideas at the time, and that it is totally unknowable whether or not there is some kind of creator, you can relax, find meaning in life for yourself.
I think VR sex with robotic gloves and penis attachments will, ahem, come first, and will be much cheaper and offer instant variety and will be with us very soon. It just seems a bit clumsy to have to buy such an expensive and large sex doll when the experience is really in your mind, based on stimulation from the hand and cock that VR with linked receptors will deliver.
However, it is impossible to disagree with BD that this will herald a new era of male liberation. I think the feminists will of course try to ban this exactly as BD believes, however, with such low birth rates in the West, shipping in new citizens from high birth-rate countries will continue to be the first choice for Governments, so add VR sex to the list of citizen distractions to keep the locals passive and compliant.
So look forward to a universal State income and unlimited VR sex without the headache of a nagging partner!
Posted at 06:09 am, 14th April 2018BD, as always, you are spot on!
Would you buy a sex robot, as soon as they become evolved enough?
Posted at 07:24 am, 14th April 2018Why do you guys talk about VR porn as if its coming in the future its been possible for a while already. Its very cheap you just need to buy the attachment for your phone which can be cardboard and you are there.
Posted at 08:55 am, 14th April 2018Then why isn’t it so mainstream?
Posted at 09:17 am, 14th April 2018Great post BD
1 robots will help some guys compartmentalize sex
2 today the average person cannot see the harm
in Sex robots so they have no burning need to have them made illegal
3 the one group who would quickly lose money and media attention are
the experts on “trafficking”
they would manufacture hysteria about robots and try to create robot shaming
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:12 am, 14th April 2018Of course. Several. If they’re realistic enough they’ll replace my FB’s. (They could not replace MLTR’s or OLTR though.)
That’s the other aspect of this. FB’s won’t be required anymore if you can purchase/rent affordable sex robots that are as good or near as good as a real female. Get your high-end MLTR, OLTR, or OLTR wife, then play with your robots “on the side.”
Posted at 11:42 am, 14th April 2018Lol. Are you implying that sex bots could eliminate oneitis and defacto monogamy? Doesn’t a man have to be desired to achieve that?
Posted at 12:27 pm, 14th April 2018Accurate, but I fixed something. Been a lot longer than 2000 years.
Absolutely, 1000% agree. Not only that, but many don’t understand that organized religion was the VERY FIRST form of collectivism and represents the core of it: “If you don’t believe what we believe, we will either make you believe it or we’ll exile or kill you.” Organized religion started the entire shitshow that we see today. All of the stuff people scream about, they stem from organized religion. Even atheists and other progressive minded people who originally spoke out against organized religion now act like an organized religion. I’m starting to think that its just human nature, and that’s why for all the comments I post dissing collectivists, I feel bad for them at the same time. They have no idea that there is another way.
Posted at 12:32 pm, 14th April 2018Never met a chick like that at all, not ones who were excessively into gardening at least. Why is there a connection there?
Come to think of it, I have probably met exactly one radfem, a couple years ago. But she seemed well aware that her views aimed to swap out patriarchy with matriarchy as soon as I brought it up. She was like “that’s true, but something must be done.” And I was like “well the solution isn’t as simple as we want it to be, its hard to help one group and not do it at the expense of another” and she was like “yeah that’s true.”
Posted at 12:42 pm, 14th April 2018Well yeah this is why I am such an odd ball even amoung other Christians. I am hated typically because I am so anti-dogmatic.
Because, after all, there where believers before the Bible was compiled into a book of 66 smaller books around year 1400+. Most Christians would not know what to do if there was no “Bible” lmao. Same w most religions or views like atheism, which all require FAITH to believe. The sheep gotta have their marching orders I suppose.
This is why I stick to just loving God and others like myself and most all that shit takes care of itself. I love simplicity though…
Speaking of simplicity, why don’t we (PLUA movement) just get prostitution legalized in some States like Colorado first? I am trying to imagine what women would be like if it was like Thailand or Trinidad here in USA?
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:33 pm, 14th April 2018If you read the most extreme radical feminist literature, you’ll see them talking about reviving “the ancient female wisdom of poisoning.” Becoming intimately familiar with plants is the necessary first step. In fact, on certain radfem sites, they teach women to start gardens, educate themselves about different plants and flora, figure out which ones are toxic, and prepare certain potions for “the coming war.”
These are the same psychotics who talk about getting jobs at McDonalds in order to sprinkle infertility chemicals unto men’s hamburgers, or becoming chemists in order to make male baby formula for the purposes of extracting the nutrients from it so that every boy can be “organically lobotomized” by the time he’s 7.
paternity tester
Posted at 02:17 pm, 14th April 2018I’d like to bring your attention BD to a question mentioned earlier. You didn’t answer it, I think it’s very valid:
I agree with this. Deep inside I know I can’t fool myself, it’s a robot.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:16 pm, 14th April 2018No, they will not eliminate oneitis. Beta males (and certain Alpha Male 1.0’s) will always get oneitis for a particular human female despite robots.
Sort of. Sex robots could eliminate de facto monogamy in a way, in that, assuming wives and girlfriends allow it (and I think they will have to), the husband/BF could always go fuck his super hot, young, skinny sex robot on the side whenever his GF/wife says no to sex, and his GF/wife will know that he will always have this option. Therefore she still won’t be able to lord sex over him like most GF’s/wives can now.
She can still threaten the relationship though, and if a man has oneitis, she can still exert control over him this way.
He will be at least partially desired since the woman will always know there will be a super hot sex robot who will always be eager and ready to fuck her man whenever he wants. Not 100% competition, but not zero percent either.
I never said fucking a sex robot is identical to real sex. I said the argument of “people won’t fuck these things because it’s not the same” is an invalid argument. Men will eagerly and gleefully fuck these things by the millions, regardless of the fact it’s not exactly the same as real sex.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 06:32 pm, 14th April 2018If you read the most extreme radical feminist literature, you’ll see them talking about reviving “the ancient female wisdom of poisoning.” Becoming intimately familiar with plants is the necessary first step. In fact, on certain radfem sites, they teach women to start gardens, educate themselves about different plants and flora, figure out which ones are toxic, and prepare certain potions for “the coming war.”
These are the same psychotics who talk about getting jobs at McDonalds in order to sprinkle infertility chemicals unto men’s hamburgers, or becoming chemists in order to make male baby formula for the purposes of extracting the nutrients from it so that every boy can be “organically lobotomized” by the time he’s 7.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:08 am, 15th April 2018I didn’t say they were libertarian. I said they were culturally libertarian. They were extremely authoritarian on economic issues, but very libertarian on social ones. This is distinguished from the tradcons who are libertarians economically, but authoritarians culturally.
By contrast, the politically correct philosophy of left wing “social justice” is authoritarian on both social AND economic issues. SJWs are essentially fascists who want socialism to control the economy and political correctness to control the culture, particularly in areas of speech and sexuality.
But the classical liberals of the 1960s and 1970s were only tyrants on economic matters. Culturally, they were very sex-positive and in favor of Free Speech, which infuriated the conservatives and the Christians, who were demanding a right wing version of political correctness within the cultural sphere, which the classical liberals were fighting against.
I partially agree, but they were also infiltrated by Marxist movements and left wing radicals which could never be called “liberal.” These radical elements are in control of the left wing today, so the sex-positive classical liberals who perpetrated the Berkeley Free Speech Movement are now without a political home, having surrendered that home to pro-censorship, “all sex is rape,” and “check your privilege, whitey” political thugs who, in a less free country, would be put up against a wall and shot!
I agree that the seeds of our current totalitarian “social justice” and politically correct thought police were sown by the classical liberals which Marxist extremists piggybacked on. And yes, there was a split between sex-positive feminism and sex-negative feminism since the 1970s, but it would be a mistake to say that there is no political difference between the PC SJW and the classical liberal. The liberals hate the PC thought police.
For the most part, I’m simply in favor of laws prohibiting human rights violations. That’s why we need government. I’ve always seen anarchists as tyrants because they think it’s perfectly okay to murder me if I say something they don’t like, or steal, rape, and do all manner of things if they simply feel like it, with no government being allowed to stop them.
Restraining anarchy is precisely restraining private authoritarianism. Then the task of the citizens is to keep the government limited so that it does little more than that.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:30 am, 15th April 2018No. I’m a lot uptight over religion, not a little.
My condolences.
Bullshit! You weren’t boxed in here. And you weren’t asked. And yet, you felt it appropriate to quote bible verses and talk about how our society contradicts how god made women, or some nonsense! Fuck your bronze age book of totalitarian fairy tales!
Are you illiterate? Or have you just not read your own bible? What does the bible say about women fucking multiple men? About monogamy (on the woman’s side)? About casual sex? About marriage? About virginity? About “looking at another woman with lust?”
NOTHING that BD preaches is compatible with Christianity! Nothing!
The church is following the bible. You are not. I may be an atheist, but I can read!
This is your projection. I know exactly what the bible says. In fact, I can quote you chapter and verse from Deuteronomy where god says that any woman who isn’t a virgin on her wedding night must be bludgeoned to death with rocks by her father!
Who the fuck are you kidding, dude?
Uh huh! How about stoning women who aren’t virgins on their honeymoon? How about allowing women to sleep with multiple men?
It does! Greatly! Because Christianity is a religion of barbarism and female virgin worship, which has no place on a sex-positive blog.
LOL! Look harder!
Spew stone age crap from a virgin worshipping cult and I will call you out, just like I did to the Muslims before you who were under the delusion that they could preach Mohammed (pig vomit be upon him) here with zero resistance!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:46 am, 15th April 2018A Christian is someone who believes in the bible. The bible clearly commands the death penalty for women who aren’t virgins before marriage (Deuteronomy) and mandatory marriage for those men and women who had pre-marital sex (Exodus). Sleeping with another man’s wife also earns the man the death penalty.
Nothing in the bible is compatible with sexual liberation or sex-positivism.
Atheism is a religion in the same way that abstinence is a sexual position.
The same god who ordered stoning for female non-virginity?
Two reasons:
1. Prostitution contradicts your precious bible.
2. Prostitution and PUA are mutually exclusive concepts. If you fuck prostitutes, you’re not a seducer. If you are a seducer, there’s no need to fuck prostitutes. This is a seduction blog, thus rendering prostitution at best redundant and at worst for betas who can’t seduce women into having genuine sex with them out of sheer passion.
PUAs are into seduction, you see.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:57 am, 15th April 2018LOL! Every human embryo starts out as a water-breathing “fish” in the womb.
Sure. I personally would never go near a sex robot. I find them sick and degrading, for the same reason I’d never visit a prostitute. I only want sex with real women based on genuine female lust.
Calling Roosh a PUA is an insult to PUAs. Roosh is a traditional conservative puritan and a closet Muslim.
That’s why here, on this blog, we preach long term, loving, and non-monogamous open relationships.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:05 am, 15th April 2018Because you have a very low sex drive and can probably go without sex forever, particularly since you see sex as something you “give” instead of “receive.” But if you think that your typical 18 year old girl can be celibate for a long time today, then you’re living in an old fashioned bubble.
Yeah, but most women won’t be satisfied with male sex robots. They want the emotional validation of real men.
Nor will I be having any type of sex with these disgusting machines. I’m just rooting for them because they will force real women to be more sex-positive, assuming they want any man in their life at all.
As for babies, artificial wombs will be invented in the future as well.
Posted at 10:11 am, 15th April 2018It is amazing how many of the men even here make the most basic of logical flaws in saying that technological substitutes cannot displace real women. Mr. ‘Outside the Box’ is still stuck in some inside-the-box thinking.
They are effectively claiming all women are perfect 10s. Since for most men, the reality is usually a 6 or 7 (if that), the VR sex alternative is compelling.
Since it is VR Sex, not sexbots, that drive the disruption, we will know in the very near future.
This brings us to a few other observations :
i) The men who are already married – they are screwed. They bought into a contract right before the valuation of the other party outright plunged. Since a married man will keep hearing about all this amazing VR sex, but not be allowed to use it, eventual divorce is inevitable, but perhaps driven by the man.
ii) Women of developing countries are screwed, and I even feel a bit bad for then. They never got the 40-year window where the government spends massive money on women and codifies the AF/BB pattern into law. VR Sex is a disruption driven by the fact that Western women become too expensive relative to the value they provide. But this same technology will then flood into middle-income countries and devalue the women there, who barely even got out of a traditional, patriarchal model. So the immense resource grab by Western Women will destroy women who didn’t even partake in it.
For example, India still has arranged marriages for most of the population, and the women are not particularly attractive. The flood of VR Sex into the upper and even middle classes there is doom for a lot of those women.
In the Middle East, the burka-wearing women just won’t be wanted anymore. The burqa can go away and men won’t care.
In the West, with the average age of most white women being over 40, only a tiny fraction of women will remain competitive. A woman has to be a 9 or 10, which is getting even rarer given the high average age (i.e. few women are under 27 to begin with).
Posted at 10:47 am, 15th April 2018Ok, so what is a better experience to you guys so far?
A) sex dolls or B) VR sex?
I know VR is much cheaper so will be the main disruptive force but aside from cost, which one feels more real or fun?
Also, how do you guys think real women will react if they come back to our place and see one of these dolls laying on my bed lol?
I mean, if they use vibrators how could they complain right? But I find it hard to believe they would not feel intimidated or like it’s weird (judgemental). Oh the double standards and man shaming on this topic is gonna be fun to see LMBO. I’m gonna predict that they will offer to get rid of thier vibrators; will claim using them is not Monogomous relationship; and feel threatened by them to some degree. At least women that are straight and low self esteem will do.
Even if she claims it doesn’t bother her she will probably try to “accidentally” destroy it while your gone to work like the wife in The Christmas Story did to the husbands leg lamp lol. So be sure to lock them up when gone!
We will see articles with headlines…”It’s me or your sex doll but not both”. They will say it’s adultery if a married man uses one. But it’s not adultery if they use vibrators lol.
They just gotta control us “in the name of Love” is what most of this shit comes down to….
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:19 am, 15th April 2018Exactly.
And again, it won’t be 100% of all women who are displaced, nor will it all happen all at once. But it will happen, and it will happen to the vast majority of women.
Posted at 11:43 am, 15th April 2018Way back in The Misandry Bubble (from 1/1/2010), there was a line that stuck with me :
Real 10 > VR 10 > Real 7.
That pretty much says it all. Any woman who is not an 8 or higher (which is to say, most young women, and ALL women over 35) will see a massive devaluation.
Not to mention other benefits :
i) No nagging.
ii) No FRAs or #MeToo
iii) No expenditures anything close to what a real woman requires
iv) No farting, or neglect to shave armpits/legs/bush, or anything else like that.
v) No transportation time/costs to and from.
Hell, even most nightlife will decline. Bars and nightclubs will shrink by 80%.
Tons of men will also expat to poorer countries just to do VR all day, and have their savings stretch.
But the real question is : Will whiteknighting go down?
Women will turn to the government to ban VR sex, yes. But if even the cuckservatives in government are using VR sex, their zeal to whiteknight is less. So their willingness to pass new laws to punish men might also become less.
Posted at 12:50 pm, 15th April 2018What I love is that while men have had to learn Game (which is difficult, tedious, and most men will still only see small improvements) to adjust to a marketplace rigged in favor of women…
…. Women are going to have to up their game (either their looks, or their quality as wives and mothers) to compete. It is exactly the same situation, except the pendulum is going to be other the other side. The tendency of foreign women to get ruined upon arrival in the US may not happen anymore (as US women now have to move in the other direction).
The 75th percentile man still has difficulty getting the 50th percentile woman today. Imagine the reverse due to VR!!
The most likely outcome will be Japan-style mutual disengagement among upper-middle-class Westerners.
Posted at 12:58 pm, 15th April 2018A lot of skeptics here and elsewhere also don’t understand how the dynamic will play out.
Most men will NOT make the conscious choice to avoid real women. Rather, they just won’t know where the time goes, and won’t really understand why most real women seem unacceptable, looks-wise.
The typical beta male will come home from work on Friday, eat dinner, and sit down for VR Sex. He might intend to just do it for an hour and then go out with his buddies, but he will get immersed, and it will be midnight before he knows it. The same thing will happen on Saturday. He just won’t know where the time goes.
Bars and nightclubs will have fewer and fewer men, and many will go out of business. A lot of people just won’t see their male friends very often anymore outside of work or family functions. The heavy-lifting of dating just won’t be done, and women will have to adapt (which will be very hard, as the media will still tell them to do all the wrong things).
More men won’t mind living in small towns or exurbs. The premium of paying rent for the ‘good’ area (i.e. where the hot chicks are) will moderate. The secondary and tertiary ripple effects of the disruption will be very far-reaching (particularly in middle-income non-Western countries, where the women will suffer the same devaluation despite never having had the phase of Western Feminism in between).
Posted at 02:13 pm, 15th April 2018Correct me if I am wrong but couldn’t having VR sex and sex bots make it so men become pickier subconsciously.
So the #10 woman is getting ingored by a #7 man, which could come across as Confidence, therefore helping one talk to the #10 women. Lol. So the VR could actually help men with their real life game as well!!! Especially those that are uglier or have less game.
Additionally, I would assume that Alpha 1 men may still prefer a relationship w a real woman just so they can control a woman.
The Betas may become more extinct because game is much harder for them, which means the Alpha 2s, will have less competition.
Women will probably add VR sex and sex bots to the cheating group (not thier vibrators of course) and demand that men don’t use them, creating more serial Monogomy or increased cheaters (drama), at least in their minds.
So, with less competition from Betas AND more options, doesn’t this mode very well for the Alpha 2 in next 10+ years? Even Alpha 2s that have so so game?
Posted at 03:27 pm, 15th April 2018Jack, I hope you realize that Christianity is one of the main reasons that Western civilization exists, while also allowing you to have the lifestyle you now enjoy.
Posted at 04:18 pm, 15th April 2018Of course. It may warp the male brain so that any real woman under a 9 looks hopelessly flawed.
I don’t see that as a negative. Cuckservatives will be livid since they see men as draft animals and ATM machines, but in reality, men experienced this with women already. Even completely mediocre women in the US are given way too much attention and resources. The current status quo is already extremely unnatural (especially when you see serial killers get thousands of love letters from women, but men who invent great things are not attractive to women at all unless he made a lot of money (and often not even then, when you see how many tech billionaires have very average-looking wives).
Men need to be MORE picky. Black and Hispanic men need to stop rewarding female obesity. Nerdy tech men need to stop treating 6s like 10s. 50 y/0 men need to stop marrying 50 y/o women, and so on.
Posted at 04:51 pm, 15th April 2018No, Ancient Greece is the main reason Western civilisation exists.
Posted at 06:33 pm, 15th April 2018@blackdragon
I did an interesting experiment, I made a dating profile of an 8 woman with a curvy body vs myself( I look like Freddy Ljunberg when he modeled in 2005) and even noted I’m in medical school (brownie points) but, the ratio of reply’s and conversation starting blew me out of the park like a 200 vs 40 ratio in 1 hr. I use your online methodology btw openers and photos which increased me 75%… nice method.
Getting to the point… Will this change, as in will dating online be more “evened out” or reverse roles, as in guys become choosers or will girls remain #1 even when sex bots or VR advance in a decade or two?
Posted at 12:06 am, 16th April 2018“Jack, I hope you realize that Christianity is one of the main reasons that Western civilization exists, while also allowing you to have the lifestyle you now enjoy.”
Seriously! In short, the were many competing school of philosophy in the 200-500 years before Jesus (Stoicism, Epicureanism etc which were asking pretty much the same questions as they were in Asia, buddhism, daoism, mohism etc) that looked at the real issues, how to live this challenging life, then came along some crude new philosophy that however had a wonderful selling point, that was like pollen to bees, “yep your life is totally shit and hard but there is an eternal master who loves you, so follow us and eternal pleasure and joy finally awaits once, er, you are dead!” – No wonder it took off.
Once this crude idea grew, it was adopted by the ruling regime, and they smeared and crush competing ideas (hence the false modern idea of epicureanism and even stoicism to some extent thanks to ongoing Christian smears) and what followed next was the dark ages as thought was replaced with dogma.
So really, Western civilisation was plunged backwards for centuries thanks to Christianity. Monotheism has been a virus on civilisation that we must also acknowledge adapts well to survive, hence why literal meaning is more often rejected, and a cherry-picking approach to the “nice verse” is used in whatever god text of preference.
Read Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Laozi, Epicurus, Zhuangzi etc then tell me how civilisation “advanced” with what came next. Monotheism is a virus. It tries to present itself as benign, hippy love for all, in its current, not-literal, cherry-picking guise, but wherever it assumes some kind of power, its mask slips to reveal the dark underlying authoritarianism.
Pre-Christianity, philosphers were seeking to help people “how” to think, Christianity decided the way forward was to determine “what” people should think and we are all poorer for it.
We have the good points of Western civilisation *in spite* of Christianity not thanks to it!
Posted at 12:34 am, 16th April 2018Well said Lao. Christianity really is a virus. It is 100% about power and controlling what people think and do.
ooops britney
Posted at 02:37 am, 16th April 2018So you will have the mad continual misandristic cultural programming clashing with the strategic needs for success in a turned-about mating marketplace now not so stacked in favour of women.
As usual, cognitive dissonance.
Women don’t want to bully men by their own nature; they are starting to consistently do so due to non-stop brainwashing.
Brainwashing broades the gap between real (unconscious) nature and self-perceived (conscious) behavior.
Like there is 1-2 colours that “are the fashion this season” and they all rush to buy clothing in such colours, there are now identity-giving words that “are the fashion this season”.
A new word emerges and you see, in a blink, most online dating profiles having that word with the user clearly convinced it’s an statement of individuality. That all of them do it exactly at the same time with exactly the same word seems to elicit no suspicion at all.
Currently, the mantra to recite is “independent”: just to make it as ironical as they come. Everyone starting to say they are “independent” in unison with all others, the very reverse of independence.
ooops britney
Posted at 02:52 am, 16th April 2018It was clearly pointed out the article isn’t about type niches (PUAs, skilled womanizers, …) but the average, and below average dudes (who are some 70-80% of the male population).
ooops britney
Posted at 02:55 am, 16th April 2018@jackbenimble
Most men don’t get horny “real women” glowing with lust for them as those you pictured in your comments. The article and its predictions are about that share of men (70-80%).
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:01 am, 16th April 2018Not every man is like you.
Some of us don’t want to have sex with non-living materials. We want to have sex only with human beings. And we derive our satisfaction from knowing that those human beings are experiencing genuine desire, passion, and lust thanks to us. That’s why robots are unacceptable and why prostitutes are unacceptable.
How many times do I have to explain this? If you want to masturbate with a rock, a doorknob, or a deceptively fashioned arrangement of wires, knock yourself out.
If you want to go into a virtual matrix using computer goggles and pretend to have sex, knock yourself out.
If you want to pay an actress to moan and scream her head off, knock yourself out!
Some of us, however, prefer the red pill and shun virtual matrixes, human-looking computers, prostitutes, or anyone or anything else that lies to us.
Some of us believe that truth is meritorious in and of itself. Some of us believe that truth is the highest principle worthy of respect. And some of us would rather die, or be celibate, or be alone, or pay any sacrifice or price before we agree to live a lie!
Don’t be surprised when some of these men having fake sex in the virtual matrix will eventually want the red pill and unplug! The rest of you can stay plugged into your own self-invented lies, but some of us prefer dignity, which can only be found outside the virtual box!
“Welcome to the desert……..of the real.”
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:24 am, 16th April 2018What a retarded statement of exactly backwards nonsense!
Christianity is the reason the West exists? No dude! Christianity is precisely what tried to transplant the middle eastern bronze age into Europe, thus causing the dark ages and a complete regression and suppression of all western principles.
Western civilization as we know it today is the product of the Renaissance and the 18th century European Enlightenment, which began the slow work of liberating us from Christianity! Christianity is basically our western version of Islam!
It is Enlightenment principles that gave us Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Separation of Church and State, Freedom of Association, innocent until proven guilty, the right to face your accuser, modern capitalism (which liberated us from Catholic blood-based feudalism), science, technology, democracy, our American Constitution, and eventually, sexual liberation via a gender neutral economy!
Christianity was an enemy to all of those things, and is an enemy to freedom, individualism, and the West itself. Currently, the savages at the gates are Muslims, but Christians are only marginally better!
LOL! Do me a favor. Find whoever taught you history and sue him! My poly lifestyle is allowed by Christianity? No. My poly lifestyle is only allowed because of anti-Christianity!
Don’t you think it’s sad that I, as an atheist, have to educate you Christians about your own goddamn bible? LOL!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:34 am, 16th April 2018Plato was one of the worst monsters to have ever been born. His totalitarian ideas about a “planned society” inspired the socialists, the Marxists, and the fascists.
Read Plato’s Republic and feast your eyes on the Orwellian nightmare that that piece of inhuman shit wished to bring upon humanity!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:36 am, 16th April 2018Oh yeah, and Plato also enjoyed raping little boys, just as an FYI.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 03:49 am, 16th April 2018All the five major religions are viruses. From worst to less worse:
1. Buddhism – nihilistic death cult teaching you to murder your soul because “existence is suffering.”
2. Islam – homicidal death cult teaching you to murder everyone who doesn’t think like you in exchange for inexperienced pussy in space!
3. Christianity – a cult of human sacrifice teaching you to throw your sins on a scapegoat in exchange for an eternity of slavery, bowing, and scraping in a North Korean spiritual dimension (heaven) in order to avoid burning in hell.
4. Judaism – a cult of racism, genetic supremacy, master race garbage, genocide, and slavery.
5. Hinduism – a cult of blood restricted castes following the feudalist system of genetic destiny, while keeping the workers in line via hope through reincarnation.
Most of the minor religions are no better. It’s time to liberate humanity from all this crap. Only then can we reach our full potential as a species!
Posted at 07:35 am, 16th April 2018BD
but what happened to your post where you stated your mission ?
it was up for a few hours on April 15 then disappeared
Posted at 08:12 am, 16th April 2018Probably did not explain myself completely. My thinking is more along the lines of Christianity making people (men and women) sexually repressed. Sexual repression when channeled correctly creates and builds things while establishing and maintaining stability. If people knew that everything was bullshit, then they would probably just fuck all day, and nothing would ever get done. Whether this true is of course debatable. Just like when people say “why would men buy the milk when they can get the milk for free,” which is stupid because as we know men will still buy the cow most of the time. People assume the worst, that most of the time doesn’t happen.
Christianity essentially kept people working by advocating gender roles and romanticizing things so that people would feel that they were sacrificing themselves for something noble that would pay dividends for future generations. Women were instrumental to this agenda, as they were shamed, and in some cases killed if they allowed their sexuality free reign.
So historically, Christianity served to mentally enslave the unwashed masses. But now it is so watered down so as to be useless (which is a good thing), as the Church only panders to women and their needs, while men still believe there are good women out there that imbibe Christian ideals. What people now term as Churchianity will always exist in some form or another, just like marriage and monogamy, because “believing” in these things is socially acceptable and makes people feel good, even though people don’t personally believe it.
You seem to think we would have been fine without Christianity, but I’m not so sure. According to you people can be sexually enlightened while also being productive in advancing society, and maybe you are right. In any event, we will never know what would have happened without Christianity.
Posted at 09:27 am, 16th April 2018This is exactly the reason why sometimes I think the AI in the robots doesnt need to be even that advanced to replace most women. I often hear the exact same sentences/reasoning/excuses/rationalization from what I perceived were very different women. Many interactions with the typical average woman are very predictable and often almost always the same. Sometimes I already feel like I am dating robots.
Posted at 09:58 am, 16th April 2018Jack Outside the Box,
You are the one who is blue pill. For starters, you think all women are perfect 10s. You didn’t say that outright, but you think that.
Every point you made about wanting ‘real women’ implies that the real 4 you are with is better than the VR 10.
Plus, I remind you that modern cosmetics, hair-removal techniques, and clothing creates a whole host of very artificial improvements to a woman’s appearance. If you had a time machine and could go back to the 19th century, I guarantee that you would find almost none of the women there attractive (even if they are thin and submissive).
Perhaps you should demand a no-makeup, no-perfume, and no shaving of legs and armpits rule on women you date today. Just so that you get everything ‘real’.
Posted at 12:01 pm, 16th April 2018Could you help me understand how exactly the dating market is rigged in favour of women, please? Thanks in advance.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:03 pm, 16th April 2018One of my assistants posted it early by accident. It will go up next Monday.
Posted at 12:37 pm, 16th April 2018Probably not in favor of all women. Using very casual estimates just for illustration, let’s say that any woman who is a 5 or more in looks just has to dress up (sometimes not even) and watch 5+ men come after her, and she’ll get laid/find a bf. On the other hand, even a guy who is an 8 probably doesn’t have it that easy, and as for male 5s, lol, they’re screwed unless A) they make a huge effort to improve their SMV, hit on thousands of girls, etc, or B) while still doing a half-assed version of (A), be submissive to a gf often plainer than them and put up with a ton of BS and drama.
So yeah, when you pick a man and a woman of similar SMV, the man on average has to do way more work. Not even close. The gap might be around 3 full points, maybe more (ie guys who are 9s might have it as easy a female 6 or 5.5).
But both men and women of really low SMV are already screwed: the dating market isn’t rigged in favor of girls who are 3s, obviously.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:06 pm, 16th April 2018https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhpkoQtZRwY
Posted at 01:37 pm, 16th April 2018Yes such women probably have it near hopeless, the guys on that level though can probably still manage sometimes with awesome personality and great pick up skills.
But in general totally true that equal chances / effort comes only when the guy is several SMV levels above the girl.
This is in fact one of the main arguments (to me) for non monogamy: It equalizes the huge unequality in dating power a big time. Still, thats assuming the guy can manage to have several girls in the first place AND do maintain it in the right way so they dont run away as soon as they find out. But I suppose once he learns that and reaches that level the true equality in relationships begins. Until then he either has to accept that he will be always less than the woman or lie/cheat. And then women wonder why men lie/cheat.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:39 pm, 16th April 2018Says the guy who wants to literally plug himself in to a literal matrix and have sex with computer animated tricks of light! HAHA! That’s called “irony” son!
No, I don’t think that.
Even a zero is better than a VR 10 because the VR 10 doesn’t exist. It’s just high tech masturbation. The red pill is about truth (which I advocate). The blue pill is about comforting delusions (which you advocate).
So? Fuck her for long enough and you’ll eventually see her without makeup. If a woman is truly hideously ugly, no amount of makeup will cover that up. Lipstick on a pig.
I prefer my women independent, not submissive. And I suspect that in the 19th century, most women would turn me off more with their prudish personalities and lack of hygiene (there wasn’t even toothpaste or toilets back then)!
I don’t give a flying fuck whether a woman wears makeup or perfume, or not. As long as she puts on deodorant.
Yeah, that would be a deal breaker. She does have to have her legs and armpits shaved.
My face is clean shaven. Does that mean I’m not being real? I dress well when I’m on a date. Does that mean I was deceiving anyone? I also practice good hygiene. Does that make me a liar?
This is nonsense. Of course both men and women are going to try to present their best and most attractive selves when they’re on a date, especially with a new person. That doesn’t mean we don’t care about their personalities.
For me, in order to have sex with a woman, I must know that I’m driving her crazy with orgasms. Her personality has to be real in that regard. There has to be a “there” there. Otherwise, it’s empty and I might as well masturbate. She can fake her body all she wants, but she’s not allowed to fake her soul.
Also, some of us very much want serious relationships with women (albeit non-monogamous). This means that the woman must be genuinely in love with me so we can share our lives together as authentic partners. BD is doing that right now (and even getting married, which is a bridge too far for me). Just knowing that I made my girlfriend smile puts a smile on my face, because it’s real. How would that work with a computer animation who doesn’t even know I exist because it has no consciousness?
Some of us just prefer the real world (red pill), while you prefer a holographic simulation like in the movie the Matrix (blue pill).
If you want to disagree with my preferences, that’s fine. As long as we’re clear that you are blue pill and I am red pill by definition!
Posted at 01:42 pm, 16th April 2018Ironically that is the reason they arent getting anywhere.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:01 pm, 16th April 2018And you see that as…..good?
Uh-huh. Because alpha males who get laid are just lazy bums in poverty, right? RIGHT?
I have never believed this or said this in my life!
Correct. That is an excellent argument against nihilism, which I totally agree with!
No it’s not debatable. It’s true. But that has nothing to do with Christianity or a lack of it.
Which is what makes them stupid. Marriage has no meaning and no way to justify its existence today. We should all get the “milk” for free!
Isn’t that what you’re doing by imagining a world without Jesus as a nihilistic hell?
There are less totalitarian ways to motivate people!
And you support this sexual dystopia, do you?
I agree that they need to be kept under control, but mentally enslaving them is way too far.
Oh so now, all of a sudden, Christianity being useless is a good thing? LOL! You’re confusing me.
Yeah, Christianity today is a religion of matriarchal beta males who pay lip services to bible verses saying that men should rule over women while giving their wives a “wink, wink.” It’s cringe-inducing and disgusting.
Marriage will not exist for much longer. Even the sheeple are beginning to wake up to its uselessness. As for monogamy, as BD said, technology will make cheating impossible soon, so open/poly will have to be embraced by the masses, or at least a culture of “don’t ask, don’t tell!”
We’re definitely fine without it now. Dude, if you were living in the middle east, you’d be making the same arguments in reference to Islam – “Well we need our teenagers to believe in pussy in heaven because it keeps them motivated to blow themselves up in a war.” LMAO!
Maybe? So, you’re accusing BD of being an unproductive bum? Are you accusing me of being an unproductive bum? I’m confused again!
That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a good idea to get rid of it today!
Posted at 02:47 pm, 16th April 2018I see sex as something both give and receive, but it’s not the most important thing. I require a relationship first before sex happens.
Not just any real man though. They shouldn’t seek a man who would be satisfied with only a female sex robot. That kind of a guy isn’t going to give her what she needs.
Nothing wrong with being sex positive as long as there is both give and take in the relationship.
As for babies, artificial wombs will be invented in the future as well.
Who would raise them? The man?
Posted at 02:54 pm, 16th April 2018I never understood this personally. Being a woman in general sucks. When I see what women have to put with, I’m glad I’m a man.
What you see here is the constant trope of “she just has to show up.” But they don’t see the negative aspects they have to deal with. Sure an average woman can get easily get non-committal sex from attractive men and attention from the rest of men she might not deem attractive. Big whoop.
They still have to constantly hide their sluttiness, try to get men to “commit,” and constantly demand stuff to keep up with their friends. lol Then if they don’t effectively use their looks to snag a good man in time, they might get stuck alone or having to adopt like Lori Gottlieb, who wrote a whole book about settling for an average Joe, when she couldn’t even do it. lol Dating essentially sucks as much for women, as it does for the average man, just in a different way.
Posted at 03:15 pm, 16th April 2018Not sure why you’re confused, I rather like the status quo, and am not trying to change it. So I hope that people continue to believe in whatever they choose to believe in; that’s their problem. In fact when guys come in here talking shit trying to “debunk” BD’s system I smile and am glad that these Game denialists exist, and I hope they stay that way. At least BD is monetizing his knowledge though. I am not sure I would be comfortable giving out knowledge for free like you. Anyway, good talk. Keep fighting the good fight.
Posted at 03:42 pm, 16th April 2018Lol how can there be relationship before sex thats so backwards and so fake.
And thats exactly the problem. Those are the mistakes. The wrong views, the trying, or even forcing someone to commit. Of course, that doesnt work. Instead how about taking things one step at a time and having a connection develop naturally. Then it is also more deep and meaningful and will last longer.
Yes another big big mistake. Many women act like they dont need a man or are happy single or dont need to settle for “someone bellow their level”. Or jump from one short relationship to another where they were often the ones ending it (and somehow they think it makes them suitable for something long term…). They reject a lot of men who they were into and there was a potential for something but it wasnt perfect or it “didn’t feel” this or that. Chasing a dragon they are. Then they get older and the dragon flies away and its too late. If instead they tried to get to know the guy and work on it and make some effort maybe the results would be different.
I think it has to do with two things. One is they are much more free than ever before in history and they dont know what to do with this freedom and it confuses them at best or leads to serious dysfunctions at worst (though BD claims that up to 25% of women now have issues that could be considered serious mental problems). Second is that because they have it so easy in initial dating stages they think they dont need to make effort and are entitled to stuff but the thing is that if they want more than just FB they do need to work, a lot. And this they either dont realize at all or straight out refuse to do. Instead they are just on to next guy then another. And then they are old.
Of course if it sucks for one side it damages the other side severely. Equality is the best interest of both sides. If its biased heavily in womans favour then it hurts women too in the long term as explained above.
The only solution is either drastic change of behaviour from the men or drastic change of way of thinking from the women. This article about robots is a scenariou that could lead into drastic change of behaviour of men.
Posted at 03:42 pm, 16th April 2018What would you consider a game denialist? Cuz BD is kinda one of them when he speaks so highly of open relationships. PUAs of today still believe in monogamy. Also most in-style PUAs STILL believe that getting chicks online “doesn’t count,” and other stuff that PUAs will hilariously defend.
Posted at 04:04 pm, 16th April 2018What other stuff?
Posted at 06:37 pm, 16th April 2018@BD
Look what I found! A Pickiness or “Soul Mate Odds” calculator that shows how it is less than 1%.
http://www.lessthanone. com (I broke the URL up on purpose because I wasn’t sure if that was against the rules)
But damn you should have this as a tool for every guy to show chics! Talk about a way to quickly reduce Disney in chics lol.
Posted at 10:40 pm, 16th April 2018This is so naive. People know this already and yet they think they will manage and “find the one”. When someone talks about their dating difficulties what do people say? That he/she needs to change something or that “they will find the one!”? Of course we all know what they usually say.
Posted at 08:56 am, 17th April 2018We must live in different worlds.
la la la
Posted at 09:43 am, 17th April 2018That’s a given, since a woman lives in several different worlds at once in her own right (why only one world — it can never suit the ego needs as well as a range of swappable worlds can)
Posted at 10:14 am, 17th April 2018Yes, you live in a submissive / low sex drive men world and I live in dominant/high sexdrive men world. Thats fine provided you like that type of men this kind of behaviour will attract.
Though I would say be extra careful regarding the men who may seem dominant and still put up with this. Most men cant decide if they want a relationship with you until they tried sex with you at least several times. That is why I said fake.
We all live in our own worlds, actually. But the idea here is to say things that can be representative for majority, ie the typical person. Though of course you always have special cases and variations.
Posted at 11:19 am, 17th April 2018Stuff like not needing a social circle, that looks don’t matter, that you need to learn a lot of “inner game (aka MORE mental masturbation),” the technique of “creating drama…” typical RSD hilarity.
Nowadays RSD and other pickup stuff is a bunch of new age woo-woo that teaches nothing about actual seduction. Its pretty much become the mental masturbation that you would see in the message boards.
Getting with chicks is not easy. Know your target market, look your best, get your damn name out there, have NORMAL conversations with them, know how to invite chicks places and how to get physical with them without getting a rape charge, have lots of cool buddies and stuff this way no one thinks you are a weirdo, chart your progress, don’t catch stupid ass feelings, and that’s about it. RSD and others do not teach these fundamentals, or they haven’t in quite some time (for about five some-odd years now).
Pickup people make getting with chicks impossibly complicated, and they use gullible, inexperienced boys for money.
Posted at 11:45 am, 17th April 2018I guess thats the point because if its complicated it will take a long time before he realizes it doesnt work which means a lot of money in the meantime.
This exactly is why I have hard time with BD’s advice about sex talk on first date. To me it seems completely unnatural and not normal at all. I mean of course it is natural and normal eventually, but not really on a first date especially where shes a complete stranger.
Posted at 11:47 am, 17th April 2018Obviously social circle is irrelevant if you are doing online game with BD’s method. Looks matter a huge deal though, if you are a high end guy you can make loads of mistakes and still get loads of girls, plus they will sometimes approach you on their own. If you are an average guy its an uphill struggle even with game.
Posted at 12:25 pm, 17th April 2018@jolsuf
Ok so I gotta question. My ex-wife and I met a chic on a sugar baby website like 5-6 years ago.
I am still friends w her today and this lady told me she loved me before.
We actually had sex one time w no exchange of money too.
She was in her late 20s at the time and boy was that nice to have sex with a young lady OMG.
So, you were saying that normal pickup is not easy. You gotta get name out there, dress nice etc..
But I keep coming back to how I (42 yrs old) can go on a SD website and get a bunch of 20 year olds chasing me. Occasionally I could have sex before even deciding on an arrangement. I may be able to keep them in my life long-term like this other girl. They don’t have as much drama as the 30s/40s Disney Picky group or the Provider Shopping is at least honest vs being deceptive that they NEED a man for security and financial help.
An actual GF or OLTR is expensive in terms of dates AND time! The attention is huge investment too. Time is more important than money to me.
If one thinks they can duplicate this same success over and over with young hot sugar babies wouldn’t this save both time and money compared to all the time and money the traditional way requires?
Let’s see here a hot #9 age 21 that has a hot #8 roommate that will join in and I could stay all weekend 2 x a month and help w her rent some, which was $350.
Or a 39 year old, that won’t do any threesomes because she’s too jealous, expects me to pay half of all bills and food, deal w kids, drama, dates, fighting, chores, etc.
Btw, this one SB girl I mentioned above is probably the most honest, genuine, and chill woman I’ve ever known. Sure she’s a mess in her personal life but she is still very open and no games. No victimhood thinking. No Princess syndrome. No manipulation. It’s so refreshing, especially when they are young.
Am I messing something here or do you guys see same problems or issues? I’m highly considering turning that old account back on to test my theory lol. Any advice is greatly appreciated….
Posted at 01:40 pm, 17th April 2018And what exactly changes eventually?
What’s the significant difference between “What’s the most amazing place you visited?” and “What’s the most amazing place you had sex?” in the context of a first date?
Chris Stevenson
Posted at 02:52 pm, 17th April 2018i do not believe that this product development will follow the model of first being available to the rich and then pricing lower to the masses. if you look at Asian manufacturing especially Japan, the model has always been to market high quality reasonably priced items to the larger market for at least the past four decades. one simply needs to look at the smartphone to see this dynamic at work. oftentimes the poorest as in welfare have the nicest phones so industry knows how to deliver sophisticated products to the lowest common denominator as this is where the real profit exists. Asian countries also do not share the same hangups towards sex; Japan can be downright weird with their techno sex.
heuristic learning technology already existed with the Furby which could learn to respond to the user. to keep the sexbot interesting there could develop a user base that offers programing modules a la carte not to mention the hacker base that will crop up. i have seen and handled prosthetic limbs and they can fool the best of us and artificial vaginas already exist, google for some insight. assembling the parts and including injection molded internals to simulate breathing and heartbeat and it will be a pretty good likeness. remember that many men, even those who are Alpha get off just fine with video only. also early models that are affordable will be accepted with some limitations as there is so much demand. this will jump profitability and get feedback from the user base. the potential market is huge. i see a mass market version in about five years and the very high end units for the very wealthy to follow. of course these will be the halo technology that will lead the new developments. the sports car is at the dealership to draw people in who purchase a more mundane model. yes, the cars usually develop and showcase expensive tech that will trickle down, but their real action is to be aspiration marketing and brand image.
now for the sick part. various niches will develop, and this is where the real money will be for smaller developers and importers. men who might want specific things like a sexbot that is built to withstand a rape fantasy, whatever, will be served the technology only limited by the imagination. yet, someone else does not need a model with Kevlar reinforced internals that realistically bruises. you will also see various therapists and pundits get in on the money bandwagon and commentate and integrate with the technology to profit and whole sex therapy disciplines will rise up to capitalize on the technology. the tech companies might be slowing themselves by trying to be too perfect. if they combine what is realistically available: real feel skin and orifices, vaginal response, simulated breathing and heart response, realistic eyes and movements and the ability to have a realistic kissing experience, they are ready to go. there already exists high quality speech simulation and facial movements. just get this product out tomorrow and let the rest just happen.
BD recently posted an article about guys who have a type which applies here in terms of the majority of men rejecting the concept. my response to that article is that once i tried a desirable woman off my type, i kind of liked the experience. did not lose my preference but opened up other options. this tech should be viewed the same way. i will try it and maybe like it. and it will give many options. if i was doing strategic planning for the developers, the biggest threat or concern is the weirdness factor. the TV comedy sitcoms is where this will be fixed as laughter is used to allay fear.
for the alpha or greater beta there is a unique future. women will be starving as it is already getting going right now, figuratively and eventually literally. regarding these as applied to sex, females at any age do indeed turn off sexually, but have little control as to when they turn on in the presence of the male with the right stuff. i have done it to a few and it is the root cause of married female infidelity. if you are alpha enough plus interesting, you will have females wanting you to a high level and the best. the alpha male prostitute will be in high demand both regular and micro or limited in some exclusive way. for some strange reason my community as mundane as it is leads many trends. i have had older and same age offer to take care of me financially and suggest that i could be a professional, all in a very complimentary fashion. and i am nothing special to look at. these were all very nice, attractive, sexual women for any age who awoke. they were starved for connection and men embracing porn, game, jerking off, sex dolls, incell, video games, etc. are thinning the numbers of desirable males. it is only going to get worse and robots cannot be interesting at least not for the foreseeable future.
we have a lot to look forward to as the tables turn.
Posted at 02:55 pm, 17th April 2018@Ash, you’re a perceptive woman. You’ve raised the issue that guys are missing …
There are definitely going to be boybots for women.
There are already male RealDolls, and at least one woman has given them a positive review:
News for the guys: Women masturbate. Massively.
They also buy stuff to help them masturbate. Erotic books, vibrators and penis-shaped implements, mainly, but also some things that would curl your hair. It’s a huge market, way bigger than the market for guy masturbation aids. (Entrepreneurs take note!)
And this all goes on right under the noses of guys, because women don’t talk about this shit outside of their secret society circles.
I’m actually convinced women will be more open to this than guys, because they’re already used to fucking objects. Dildos, cucumbers, carrots, candles, wine bottles, Magic Wands . . . and, well let’s just say living and non-living creations that I maybe shouldn’t mention here, because I have no idea what the ToS are for this blog.
Posted at 03:07 pm, 17th April 2018Yes there are sex toys for both male and female, but this stuff is way more expensive and way more hard to store. Usually the sex toys can be hidden very easily and discretely and you can ever travel with them and they cost like one dinner in an average restaurant.
The robots will never be anywhere near that cheap even when they become affordable.
So saying its the same as sex toys is not valid because its clearly complete different level.
Not to mention the toy is there to just help you masturbate, whereas the robot/doll is intended as a replacement for real person.
VR on the other hand is relatively cheap (already) and can be combined with different kinds of toys and you can get new content on it easily.
What I see happening sooner is VR that somehow connects to your brain so you have experience that is indistinguishable from reality, or at least at the level of a dream. Then the possibilities are endless.
Posted at 03:40 pm, 17th April 2018So lets assume the VR can connect to the brain. Do you also foresee that Women will want the VR as much as the men will?
Or will the fact there is so fewer men chasing them create a vacuum so that they will be starving for attention EVEN MORE than they currently do?
The very fact women can’t Control VR men, play victim with VR men, complain/bitch/gossip about VR men, and get Attention from VR men seems like it would be difficult for VR to help women as much as it would Men?
Chip Rhoters
Posted at 07:00 pm, 17th April 2018Great article and the comments offered a lot of interesting insight as well, I just spent an hour of my evening reading all of them. Just discovered this blog recently and I am definitely enjoying the content.
Posted at 08:37 pm, 17th April 2018@therealcurtis
What is your theory? That you can find chicks on SD sites? The answer is…yes. Yes you can. That you can fuck them without paying anything? Yep, you can do that, too.
Posted at 10:15 pm, 17th April 2018Sooooo you don’t talk about sex with guys you meet for the first time? Cuz I know for a FACT that I do. And for the last 5-6 or so years I’ve been doing this with chicks, with massive success. Every time I have failed to get a second date in? Guess what, it was cuz I didn’t talk about sex with the chick.
We aren’t in the middle ages anymore, mane. Talking about sex is completely sensible, provided you don’t get creepy about it. I don’t talk about anything too dirty when talking about sex with chicks, I only talk about positions, foreplay, pubic hair length, asking her how fast she has made a guy finish etc.
All you gotta do is ask her “so tell me about your ex” and then she’ll tell you about him. Then you go “damn that’s weak. Was the sex good at least?” Then boom you’re talking about sex. Nothing to it homie 😉
No, I’m arguing that it IS easy. Deceptively easy, if you know your target market, or what I would call LMS (Looks Money Status) matches. Inexperienced, broke, and only average in appearance? Well then, consider hitting up meh looking 33+ chicks until you gain some experience. Pitiful forever alone incel loser who is so awkward he can’t even walk straight? Consult the 200+ lb club for a little bit until you gain some experience/confidence.
If ANYONE COMMENTING NOW would invite 20+ chicks on a date per week within a month, they would be on a date in a month. Guaranteed. And with all the materials we have now (night/day game tutorials hosted by BOTH sexes, online dating etc), this is disturbingly easy to do if you dedicate 1-2 hours a day into it. Not succeeding with the opposite sex in this day and age is a CHOICE. Straight up. So no, its not difficult. But it takes a fair amount of dedication. Which, I guess is difficult in this day and age where everyone wants to just dick around online and jerk off to porn and stuff…
…mmmkay, so you prefer one thing over another. Doesn’t bother me none. But prepare for the wrath of JOTB lol. *grabs popcorn*
Agree. And that’s why I just date around and have lots of FBs. You seem to be paying for them and that’s cool with me. Again, JOTB will get triggered and rage at your methods, but I actually have a “live and let live” philosophy, which he claims he has (but does not)…
Um what? For a decade straight I’ve been in the company of college chicks and 33+ single moms, and they talk about this stuff in the open ALL THE TIME. They DO select who they talk about it with however. If they are around men who they are not attracted to then they will never talk about it. But around guys who they are attracted to…they do just as much locker room talk as any man lol.
Just don’t insult anyone or talk about existential nihilism. That’s what BD always says anyways.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:34 am, 18th April 2018Oh fuck yeah!!! YEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!!!
Alright, Mr. “I love Jesus,” let’s dance:
Ok, let’s stop there for a minute and reflect:
In the past, you have laughably called yourself a Christian AND you said you actually want an economic collapse in order to fuck up women’s sense of entitlement, despite the fact that turning the U.S. into a third world garbage can would precisely abolish sexual liberation (sex for sex philosophy) and replace it with hardcore sex for money (otherwise known as Disney Princess Syndrome, or prostitution).
And now, even without any financial collapse, you still want to pay women money for sex. I think I’ve finally figured you out. You’re just an old fashioned guy with K Type sexuality (sex for materialistic resources) instead of an R Type sexuality (sex for sex, or sexual liberation).
You want to be an old fashioned alpha 1.0 provider screwing a bunch of asexual hookers who reluctantly fuck you for food, or to get their bills paid (including the most expensive hooker of all – the housewife)?
Fine. I believe in freedom. But you really have no business on a red pill seduction blog whose goal is to teach men how to get sex in exchange for sex.
If a woman’s genuine passion and sincere sexual arousal (without any artificial or materialistic safety nets risking hypocrisy or deception) is not what you seek, then maybe you should find a more tradcon place to post. Just a suggestion.
Online dating makes such things very easy. Then, plug in to the woman’s social circle, especially if you make her an OLTR.
What do you mean by chasing “you?” They’re NOT chasing you. They’re chasing your wallet! They’re NOT attracted to you. They’re just fake actresses who will give you an Oscar worthy performance in bed in exchange for your money! Even if that’s not always true, the materialistic safety net dulls the sexual passion, because when passion and lust have safety nets, they tend to get lazy!
Wow! So you can get laid once, and then you have to pay her like a beta? LOL! How impressive!
You truly have low self esteem if you think money is the only way to screw hot women in their 20s.
Do you know who else doesn’t have that much drama? Women in their 20s who genuinely want to fuck you because they like your dick instead of your bank statement. Food for thought.
LOL! Great! So they’re upfront about thinking that their vaginas are worth more than your penis? Basically, you’ve embraced their female supremacy by saying, “well, at least they’re honest about it.” This is such a loser way of thinking!
No, they don’t. No adult needs another adult for financial help and security, unless they’re lazy, self-involved, spoiled, or entitled narcissists!
Seriously, doesn’t it insult you to take care of a woman like a child, while you have to work hard? Maybe the next time a woman says she needs your money, gently suggest to her that she should perhaps get a job?
What? What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve been with my girlfriend for 6 years (ever since she started out as a fuck buddy when she was 19). And do you know how much money I spent on her over the course of six years? Probably less than 200 dollars! And she has spent more than that on me! How are they expensive?
Huh? You buy a Sprite for yourself and let her buy a coffee. How is that expensive? Dude, you’re stuck in the old fashioned K Type world, Mr. Christian. LOL!
If you love your girlfriend, wouldn’t you enjoy spending time with her?
What about a woman’s sexual sincerity, or genuineness in the bedroom? What about real love from a girlfriend? Does that matter to you? Or do just want a woman who is reluctantly fucking you because she considers it her job? Pretty empty!
It would save time, yes. But not money. It would waste your money, since women aren’t supposed to be expensive, unless you’re screwing Disney girls at your church. LMAO!!!!
But the time you save would be at the expense of a woman’s lust and passion for you. In other words, she would be nothing but a robotic puppet – a soulless little doll.
Who the fuck said anything about doing this the traditional way? The traditional way, which is housewifery, or expensive prostitution, is precisely what we’re trying to avoid here! But you are stuck in a two dimensional way of thinking between expensive prostitution (traditional Christian dating) and cheap prostitution (sugar babies).
Here’s a third way – no prostitution at all. Sex for sex instead! Women actually like sex, dude. I know that might blow your mind, but it’s true! Start seeing things in the third dimension and dump this bipolar crap!
Why would you pay $350 when you could pay her zero?
What? That’s horrible! Why would you tolerate either of these two?
Dude, you are REALLY pushing the two dimensional false dilemmas here, big time!
Except the princess demands your money for sex, as if her pussy is made out of gold!
No victimhood thinking? Then why doesn’t she get a real job and admit that your penis is just as good as her vagina, and therefore, has no right to charge you anything?
No! No princess syndrome! Just pay me money for sex! Nothing princess-y about that! Are you fucking blind dude?
Yeah, refreshing to pay money for something you should be getting for free based on her raw lust! Wow!
Yes. Your self respect and sense of equality as a man.
Giving a woman an ulterior (non-sexual) motive to sleep with you lessens her lust, increases her hypocrisy, and turns her into an actress. If you want to degrade yourself and don’t care about her being genuinely dripping wet for you, then have at it! But it will eventually corrode sense of virility.
My advice, either stick to sex for sex, or stop posting on a game/seduction blog.
I know your bible tells you to just buy her from her father for two chickens and a goat, but we don’t live in small villages anymore! And this blog is about stirring up sincere female lust, not cold transactions from low sex drive hookers who hate sex so much that they want money for it.
Posted at 01:52 am, 18th April 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
You do not know what you are talking about concerning Christianity. I know you are an atheist now, but were you not raised as a Christian and specifically in the Catholic denomination like I was? Have you never read the New Testament Gospel book of the Bible called John Chapter 7 Verse 53 through to Chapter 8 Verse 11? In it, Jesus was brought an adulterous woman caught in the act by the Jewish clergy, who asked if they should follow the Mosaic law as proscribed in the Old Testament Book Leviticus Chapter 20 Verses 9 through 21 and Deuteronomy Chapter 22 Verses 13 through 29 by throwing stones at the woman until she died, Jesus responded that let the person who is without sin throw the first stone at her. The adulterous woman’s accusers, Jewish clergy, walked away. Jesus asked if there was anyone left to condemn her. When she responded that there was no one to condemn her, the Jesus responded that He did not condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more.
Judaism preached killing adulterous men and women and even fornicating men women who are betrothed, as well as forcing unbetrothed fornicating men and women to get married and stay married for life with no possibility for divorce. There are virtually no Jews who practice these laws and customs today. I certainly do not know of any Jews who obey the Mosaic laws on fornication and adultery today.
Christianity preached forgiveness from the very beginning from its founder, Jesus, who Himself was a Jew. Christianity retained all the Old Testament Books of the Bible which the Jews had. Actually, the Protestant Christians retained the same exact number of Old Testament books as the Jews. The Catholic Christians retained seven more Old Testament Books which the Jews did not. The Orthodox Christian Churches have at least the same number of Old Testament Books as the Catholic Christians. The Jews do not have the New Testament Books of the Bible, but the Christians do. Next time, know what you are talking about. Thanks for playing.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:19 am, 18th April 2018Doclove – You don’t know your own bible, so let this atheist explain it to you:
Yes I do!
Yes, until I reached the age of reason! And the Pope still hasn’t gotten back to me after my repeated attempts to get him to excommunicate me so I could no longer be counted among the fictional one billion Catholics, since those bastards count you as one of them based on baptism records and refuse to delete you unless you’re excommunicated! That’s why the 1 billion Catholics number is fake and I hate contributing to the mythology of Catholic popularity!
Those assholes are stealing my good name as a non-Catholic! I seriously considered changing my name just because of this fact!
Yes I have. Multiple times.
She was fucking the entire Jewish clergy. Old Testament law dictates that both the wife and the man who slept with her must be stoned to death. But they only brought her. Because they were all fucking her!
They didn’t really want to kill her. They were testing Jesus. If he says not to kill her, they can discredit him for being against Moses. But if he says to kill her, he supposedly makes nonsense out of his own teachings about “compassion.” In other words, by tricking him like this, they think they have him between a rock and a hard place.
Translation – Let he among you who hasn’t fucked her, cast the first stone!
I’d love to see the looks on their hypocritical faces when he said that! HAHA! Because, according to Old Testament law, you can’t execute someone if you are guilty of the same crime. Someone else has to do it.
Of course! They all had sex with her and were exposed as hypocrites condemning themselves to death under the law of Moses!
Right, because, according to Old Testament law, you need two witnesses to the crime to execute the death penalty.
Exactly! Because according to the Old Testament, without those two witnesses, putting someone to death is illegal. Jesus was thus following Moses!
Translation: You got off lucky this time, bitch! Now embrace monogamy, or next time you die!
So did Jesus and Christianity, as I just demonstrated!
No. According to the Old Testament, pre-marital sex results in an instant engagement, unless the father says no, in which case, the seducer must pay him 50 sheckels of silver for the “crime” of popping his daughter’s cherry!
Yup, and Jesus did NOT contradict this one bit!
Correct! The bible is a system of totalitarianism. Both testaments!
Because they’d be thrown in jail or executed themselves!
Because that’s jail.
Horseshit! The New Testament preached forgiveness in the spiritual sense. That is, when Jesus was crucified all of the sinner’s sins were said to be forgiven (if he becomes a Christian), so he may go to heaven and not hell. But what about breaking biblical law in this world? The Christians NEVER abandoned Old Testament law, except after the Enlightenment, when they started losing their power, thus forcing them to invent a fictional split between the Old and New Testaments!
Not sure why this is relevant.
Yes, I know all this. This makes Christianity even worse, because more totalitarianism was packed unto the Jewish totalitarianism!
I do. You don’t. As I just demonstrated!
Posted at 03:16 am, 18th April 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
It can be argued the Enlightenment would not have been possible without Christianity preceding it. We can never know whether it would have happened in some other religious culture or not. However, what is indisputable from an historical perspective is that the Eand your nlightenment happened in Christian culture first. Thinking that Paganism or Atheism is better is a mistake. Atheistic people under Communism have slaughtered more people than anyone else in history. The ancient Pagan Romans thought Atheism and Agnosticism were abhorrent and often executed people who espoused such beliefs as well as thought that Christians and Jews were too close to being Agnostic or Atheist. Your own fellow Atheist Communists and Socialists have historically been more likely to slaughter you, the Atheist Capitalist, than the Christian Communists and Socialists. As far as the Pagans are concerned, the Ancient Roman pagans would have been very entertained with your girlfriend by enslaving and raping her by lining up and paying her Pimp Master to do so while watching lions eat you genitals( to your death) in the Coliseum. Christianity put an end to such practices if not right away then eventually.
Christians have a flawed record for cruelty, barbarity and violence for sure, but so do all the other people with different religious beliefs including Jews, Buddists, Hindus, Moslems, Agnostics, Atheists etc. Actually Christians have a better record for behaving in a less violent, barbaric and cruel manner than anyone else. Only Jews rival Christian behavior, good behavior that is. My opinion is that Christians are a little better behaved than Jews, but I am open to hear otherwise. I see no evidence that the other people having different religious beliefs on average are better behaved than Christians. Atheists such as yourself and Moslems on average have a particularly bad record. I am not speaking of individuals in the previous sentences as individuals can be very different from the group they are in, and I am only speaking of average differences in each groups behavior.
Fornication and especially adultery have been frowned upon if not outright prohibited and severely punished in virtually all civilized countries for millennia. This is true not only for Christians, Jews and Moslems of the Abrahamic faiths but with Hindus and Buddists and Pagans etc. as well. The reason is simple. Why should I pay for someone else’s SEX which I am forced to do now? Why should I pay to cuckolded and support another man’s child? If I or another man had a wife or girlfriend or FB woman and she was impregnated by another man, why should I or he pay for the other man? Why should I pay for a welfare queen’s bastard spawn who are not mine? I should not nor should anyone else, but we are forced to do so in this Vicious Idiot Matriarchical Cuntocracy, VIMC, known as the West especially the USA through our taxes and laws and enforcement of such things today with no end of these abominations in sight. The old way of doing things looks better where you pay for your own children and let the other man pay for his own children and there are stable marriages to raise children than what we have now. Your way will only be practiced by a few where there is no marriage and the children are raised by both parents and you pay for your children and no one else’s as well as no one else pays for your children. When you have a system, you need to ensure that the lowly people can do this to a satisfactory degree such as marriage and pay for your own children only and no one else pays for your children or even the overwhelming majority of men has a decent chance at getting sex consistently and as much as they want. Marriage, Adultery laws and fornication laws have been around a long time because it allowed society especially civilized society to function better than it otherwise would have. Your system works only for people who are high functioning enough and is a disaster for those who are not. I admit that your system can make a high functioning person very happy and that the old marriage, adultery and fornication laws and customs less so. However, eventually if the lowly people are having too much difficulty then they will make life more difficult for the highly functioning people. The Involuntary Celibate, Nicholas Cruz, who became the alleged murderer in the Parkland, Florida shooting spree is such an example is an example of the lowly functioning people making life difficult for the highly functioning people. By the way, Nicholas Cruz is being sent a lot of love letters and offers for sex now. It seems violence especially homicidal violence and sadly even murderous violence can work as well as GAME, seduction of women. When you combine violence with fame then sadly it seems to work better on women than GAME alone.
Posted at 04:19 am, 18th April 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
We have no idea who the adulterous man or men were nor what happened to him or them as well as we have no idea of what the sins of the Jewish clergy were in the Bible, New Testament and the Book of John or any other document.The record does simply does not say anything about it. I will have more later. It seems that you the Christian Catholic Apostate who became an Atheist just got schooled. With statements like you made above, it makes me wonder whether or not you are or were a good lawyer or got disbarred and I’m sure I’m not the only one who wonders about that.
Posted at 05:54 am, 18th April 2018Exactly. Just like we have no idea what Jesus really said or did! All of the Bible is mostly likely made up bullshit from Chinese whispers passed down orally over quite a few generations and embellished along the way according to what the people who passed it on wanted it to be rather than what actually happened.
I really can’t believe we are having a discussion about Christianity on this blog. Although having it labeled as a VIRUS is new for me and I’m definitely going to hold onto that and use it a lot more going forward. Best description I’ve ever heard of it.
Posted at 06:49 am, 18th April 2018If the idea of religion as a virus is new to you, take a look at this short article, particularly the part titled Identity: http://paulgraham.com/lies.html
Basically, it’s even more of a virus than what’s discussed here. Like real viruses, it consists of an infectious part and a payload that gets embedded deeply in one’s mind. Whether that’s good or bad is a different question.
Posted at 08:44 am, 18th April 2018Thats easy to say but I find most people get really outside of comfort zone when you start discussing this when youve just met.
What game tutorials?
Yes, I was having new dates once a week average most of last year with almost entirely just online. But all of those dates failed. About half resulted in second date and out of those the ones that lasted a bit longer they also ended. All chicks left by the end of 6 date the latest, and that is we had been having sex from date 2 onwards. So yes getting new dates is easy but to get them to stay etc is very hard. Seems to every woman now is looking for perfection and soon as she discovers something she doesn’t like shes onto the next guy.
That sounds like a good deal. Never thought of doing SD this way. So you just say you need to try them out first or something? Sounds good. Gotta try that.
Posted at 11:15 am, 18th April 2018He wasn’t involuntarily celibate. One of my buddies had him on her fb, and most of the stuff he posted was him partying with ratchet chicks. He was just bored, from a really toxic background, followed by one of the most toxic environments someone could live in during their youth. I went to high school near there, the pressure to succeed in that area can get very overwhelming and there are VERY few resources to help people like him. He actually worked at a dollar store a block away from the gym I work out at. And having a retail job in South Florida pretty much means you are the equivalent to pond scum in like 85% of the 18-25 population’s eyes out there. Put Cruz in a ghetto fabulous environment, and he’d fit right in and he wouldn’t have killed people he would have been on drugs like everyone else in those environments.
I’ll link a few from both sexes. First, JMULV, who knows his stuff probably better than BD himself. Here is a presentation he did three or so years ago, and it is much better than anything RSD has done in the last five years:
And while this isn’t really a game tutorial, its a chick who calls herself shoe0nhead talks about one-itis pretty much the EXACT same way BD talks about it. The other stuff on her channel is mostly her making fun of progressive minded people which is pretty funny:
So the stuff is out there. Do what BD says and stop with the excuses. Or at least be like me and admit that you’re just lazy/working on other shit haha.
And? There’s something wrong with that? So what if chicks are looking for perfection? Betas and ESPECIALLY Alpha 1s also look for perfection. I guess its totally uncool to have standards and preferences, whoops.
Why should this concern any alpha 2? Most chicks I go out with have sex with me a couple times, then they ghost out. Big deal. Seriously, why are you frustrated about NRE going away (which is what you are describing)? I mean if you were beta and you are frustrated with chicks not having sex with you after 6 dates I could understand giving up on that and going on seeking arrangement, but frustrated about NRE fading out? I don’t get it.
Posted at 12:54 pm, 18th April 2018Because I want something long term. Doesn’t need to be serious but I dont wanna have to get new chicks constantly. Also because like BD I prefer to bang people I know. I admit its quite a lot of time and effort for me to get chicks so maybe if it was super easy I wouldnt care if they leave.
Yes I am working on it and yes I am lazy. But more than anything else I am super impatient. Indeed my results are already much better than a year ago – I couldnt even get dates reliably back then. Still, I am impatient with myself and expect a lot quickly. It frustrates me that I dont have a chick to bang whenever I want.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:05 pm, 18th April 2018This is, and always has been, Christian pretentiousness. The Renaissance preceded the Enlightenment, and that was caused by people getting really, really sick of the constant slaughter, witch burnings, and other tortures for thought crimes perpetrated by Christians whose priests were sock puppeting the kings. People had enough of Christian brutality!
So? That proves nothing, other than maybe that the people got really, really sick of bible nonsense!
It depends what kind. Many pagan religions practiced regular child sacrifice by burning babies alive. Ever watch the movie The Purge? The “purge” concept is ancient paganism all the way (it was called Saturnalia). It’s been adopted by the various denominations of Satanism today on the first day of the Satanic calendar (March 21st), which is also the day of the purge in the three Purge movies.
Other pagan religions practiced pedophilia, Earth worship, which saw humans as a cancer (modern day environmentalism), as well as the practice of killing innocent people as “justice” for the deaths of other innocent people (a la the Code of Hammurabi – “If a man kills another man’s son, so shall his son be killed”). This paganism is replicated in organized crime and gang culture today, not to mention social justice and black racist groups.
So yeah, many, many types of paganism are horrible and are poisoning our world. The “reduce the population to save the planet and maintain balance with nature” is a pagan concept which threatens to slaughter billions of people, thanks to it being put into practice by the elites (the elites, of course, don’t believe in it, but they find it useful for their own breathing room and peace of mind).
By contrast, other types of paganism, while still stupid, are way, way better than Christianity, such as the Wicca that my girlfriend practices.
As for Atheism, again, it depends which kind. Post-Modernism threatens to destroy all civilization on the planet. Humanism has sold out to social justice and its despicable, racist, and anti-white eugenics and ethnic cleansing program via forced immigration. It all depends on what you’re talking about.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:25 pm, 18th April 2018Two things here:
1. Communism is the literal putting into practice of Talmudic Judaism. The Jewish Talmud states that all property everywhere belongs to the Jews and that the non-Jews are simply cattle for Jews who must own nothing! Well, if everything is owned by the State, the State is indebted to a private central bank, and that central bank – and therefore, the State, is owned by Jews…..see where I’m going with this?
2. As for Communism being atheistic, it is only atheistic in the eyes of gentiles, because the Jews who invented it hate “idol worship” and want the gentiles to be godless, like all cattle, sheep, and goats. Yes, that led to savagery among the slaves, but savagery is what you get when you treat people like savages under a system of Jewish brutality!
Communism is a denomination of Judaism. Read the Jewish Talmud for more.
Have I ever advocated for Roman-style paganism?
Christian Communists and socialists are hypocrites torn between two worlds, which tends to restrain them because they are filled with cognitive dissonance. Atheist Communists are, whether knowingly or unknowingly, following the dictates of Judaism to treat non-Jews as non-human.
Paganism simply means “Earth worship.” There are many different pagan religions. My girlfriend does not follow ancient Roman ways and has nothing to do with them. When have I ever endorsed paganism anyway? I just said that my girlfriend’s specific type of Wicca is at least way better than Christianity, and way more sex-positive.
Yeah, and then went about the business of burning women like my girlfriend alive!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:37 pm, 18th April 2018What I do is study the texts of the religions and then compare and contrast. Islam is, without a doubt, the worst of the worst today.
This is horseshit! I’m pretty sure the Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Jains, Sikhs, and many, many types of pagans, atheists, and agnostics got you beat. Only Islam you Christians may claim moral superiority over, as well as Satanism, some pagan groups, and atheistic nonsense like post-modernism.
Jews are only decent to the extent that they are secular (which is most of them). Communist Jews don’t count as secular, for reasons I explained in the comment that BD hasn’t approved yet.
Definitely better than the Talmudic Jews, but worse than 96 percent of Jews.
Secularism and rationality make people behave better. Christianity, however, is the second most brutal major religion on the planet, next to Islam.
Here’s the difference:
If atheists behave badly, they can apologize for it and change their ways without betraying their atheism. But when Muslims, Christians, or Jews behave badly, they can NOT apologize for it and change their ways without betraying their holy books.
Some Muslims, Christians, and Jews do indeed apologize and behave decently, but this causes them to live in hypocrisy, or theological bankruptcy because they want to still hold on to their religion without becoming the monsters that their religion demands!
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 01:59 pm, 18th April 2018Incorrect. The New Testament doesn’t explicitly say it, but Christian understandings and early writings of the early church fathers will give you my interpretation.
Do you really believe that when Jesus said, “let he who is without sin, cast the first stone” he was referring to sin in general and was making a philosophical statement about the sinfulness of every human being, which left the Jews red faced??? HAHAHA!!!!! That’s a very quaint and modern interpretation.
No dude, he was accusing them of fucking her! That’s why they were embarrassed. Have you not read Saint Augustine? Or Thomas Aquinas? What is it about atheists like me who study religious documents more than the religious?
Here’s a more modern (1970s) book that you should read if you want to know where I got this interpretation from – The Institutes of Biblical Law: Volume I, by R.J. Rushdoony. He was an extremely hardcore American Christian. His best book, which even I enjoyed, was “The Politics of Guilt and Pity,” which predicted political correctness.
Quite the opposite.
This makes no sense and is a very, very cheap shot.
No, I never got disbarred. Actually, I can still get back into it if I need more money.
A lawyer does his research, which is clear that I have done more of regarding your religion than you have.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:24 pm, 18th April 2018Right, because of a lack of birth control, paternity testing, and 21st century level industrialization. It’s probably a bad idea to advocate for sexual liberation if you don’t even have indoor plumbing and your life expectancy is 35.
Today, however, these repressive sexual traditions are barbaric and anachronistic.
You shouldn’t. I am against the welfare state.
You shouldn’t. Your problem is with socialism, not sexual liberation. I’m against paying for other men’s children!
You shouldn’t. You’re arguing against socialism, not sex-positivism.
Agreed. And that’s horrible.
I have always agreed with this. Everyone should pay for their own children. You’re conflating two subjects that don’t belong together!
Marriage is about external community validation of your choices, which betrays low self esteem. Why do you need community approval to have kids or have sex? Marriage is outdated!
That’s where blogs like this come in to spread the message.
In other words, sexual socialism and sexual welfare for the masses in the form of marriage, monogamy, prostitution, and all the puritanical trappings. You’ve argued this before, and I only agree to the extent that it will keep the masses under control so that they avoid breaking shit and causing a revolution against us. So we can legalize prostitution and set up a system of monogamy for the masses while we discreetly fuck their women and enjoy a sex-positive lifestyle.
Especially in a world without industrialization, computerization, electricity, or indoor plumbing.
Fine, then the secret society it is! But let’s not endorse the majority beta way on a red pill blog. That’s all I ask!
Agreed. That’s why I’ve adapted my views to a more secret society orientation – prostitution and monogamy for the losers and sexual liberation for the winners (while we discreetly fuck their girlfriends and wives). I’m fine with that arrangement!
Yes, old fashioned gold digging, status whoring and “he’ll always keep me safe and protected” women will always be attracted to these dictators who would have been our kings 500 years ago, but today just perpetrate school shootings and end up in jail because of their lack of sexual persuasion skills. In the old days they used to just force them. Now they have a problem because they’re unattractive losers!
Posted at 04:40 pm, 18th April 2018Did you say that “dates are what men have to put up with to get laid”? *Sigh*, I thought you had written an article that dates are actually fun, whereas most men insist on making them awkward.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:38 pm, 18th April 2018Not exactly but close enough, yeah.
Would you go on a bunch of first dates if you knew with 100% certainty they would not lead to sex?
Your statement makes no sense. Having a date so enjoyable that I would take the time to do it even without any expectation of sex, and not making a date awkward, are two very different things.
Posted at 04:12 am, 19th April 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
I do not accept your interpretation of the Jewish Clergy having sex with the adulterous woman, Which Church Fathers and what writings say this? At least give me one name on where to look. Is it St. Augustine of Hippo or Thomas Aquinas or St. Jerome or someone else? If someone did write what you have said then it is very obscure then few other Christians and few others who are not Christian would have heard of it.
There have been many different interpretations of what happened in the Bible. Pope St. Gregory the Great thought that Mary Magdeline was the adulterous woman and a slut and a prostitute. Most priests believed as he did at his time and for a long time. Few do today and in recent times to include the Popes. You must admit that there is no primary documentation that the Jewish clergy who brought the adulterous woman to Jesus was having sex with her.
Even if Jesus did what he did exactly for the reasons you said it, then it was still mighty forgiving, merciful and compassionate of Him. He could have said kill both the Jewish Clergy and the Adulterous woman. Jesus could have shown proof of such adultery if wanted to do so too because He was all powerful according to Christian theology as the second person in the Trilogy of God with the 1st person being the Father and the 3rd the Holy Spirit. Why did he not?
Listing Judaism as better than Christianity is stupid. If you truly read the Bible, then you would know that most of the harsh and brutal things are in the Old Testament of the Jews and later Christians. You would also know that while the New Testament usually reaffirms the Old Testament, that there is a lot more compassion, mercy and forgiveness in it and the promotion of it. There are less dreadful things in the New Testament that only the Christians believe and the Jews by definition reject otherwise they would be like the original Christians of the Jewish rite. All of the origional Christians were once Jews like your girlfriend or Joelsuf and not Gentiles like you and me. Yes, I know your girlfriend is an Apostate Jew who became a Wiccan Pagan and I believe Joelsuf is an Agnostic Apostate Jew., but I am not sure about him.
Posted at 06:03 am, 19th April 2018Oh for god’s sake, who cares if Christianity or Judaism or Islam are good or bad, so long as they’re false. There is nothing god-made about them. I see contemporary obsessing over whether a religion is “peaceful”/”good” etc as basically another symptom of postmodernism, to distract from the real topic of whether those ideologies are factually correct in their claim, because postmodernism seeks to discourage talk about objective truth and seeks to put thousand-year-old myths and rationally driven scientific research on an even footing. Fuck that. Stop asking about whether a religion is “good” and first realize that it simply isn’t what it claims to be – a communication from a supernatural entity. Humans made it all. We have philosophies that don’t claim to come from the sky and achieve the same or better results, why bother. When that is dealt with, then we can talk about which fiction is worse than which.
Posted at 06:25 am, 20th April 2018A prescient statement, @BD. That’s basically what this woman says about her sex doll.
And “this is so much easier than doing a Tinder date.” A clear difference between males & females here though, any reasonable-looking woman can get on Tinder and get fucked the same night. Not so for guys with no Tinder game.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 05:35 am, 22nd April 2018Buy or rent the book “The Institutes of Biblical Law: Volume I” by R.J. Rushdoony. It has all the sources there. I’m not going to start googling church fathers right now to figure out where I initially got it. But Rushdoony will eventually lead you to it.
It’s implied all over the place. And when he said that the only person allowed to stone her is the one who is without sin? That meant the one who wasn’t guilty of what she did, since the Old Testament states that the one doing the judging cannot be guilty of the same crime. Them walking away totally embarrassed makes no sense otherwise.
Only absurd modern interpretations claim that he was making a philosophical statement about sin in general and how no one is without sin, thus leaving them embarrassed, which would essentially be a statement promoting anarchy and the abolition of all government. Clearly, that’s not what he was saying!
No, it wasn’t. He was just following the law of Moses. Two witnesses are required for execution.
First of all, LOL @ “trilogy.” Yeah, I’ve always thought of him as the Luke Skywalker to the Old Testament’s Darth Vader god.
But anyway, I’ll give you a Christian answer and then my answer:
Christian answer: For the same reason he didn’t baptize John the Baptist, but had John baptize him. His mission in this world was to lead a perfect human life as the second Adam in order to fulfill the laws that humans couldn’t so that, through him, humans could be forgiven. This necessitated following all the laws of Moses like a human, including the one which states two witnesses are required for the death penalty.
Also, food for thought: Why didn’t god kill Cain in Genesis? It’s not for him to do the work of his underlings, and Adam and Eve weren’t witnesses, so there you go.
My answer: The bible is horseshit which links disparate historical accounts in order to fulfill an incoherent and contradictory theology. The real Jesus was not god, just a celibate MGTOW stirring up shit with his family and friends, much to their resentment.
Most of Judaism is better than Christianity.
If you read Christopher Hitchens’ book “god is not Great,” you’ll understand that the evil of the New Testament exceeds the evil of the old. The New amplifies the Old, expands it to cover the whole globe, not just Israel, and puts all of humanity under its sadomasochistic thumb.
Virtually everything that Jesus taught was immoral, almost pure evil, and way worse than the things in the Old Testament. Just saying.
No there isn’t. The New Testament simply says that you’ll avoid hell if you follow Jesus, but the Jewish Torah is expanded to the non-Jews and Jesus lays unto it even more sadistic and cruel barbarisms, such as adulterous thought crimes, expanding the definition of murder to include “hate,” and other totalitarianisms, such as the golden rule demanding the you arrogantly treat others the way you want to be treated, instead of the way they want to be treated, thus causing me to get pepper sprayed on a date if I were to have ever taken that horrible advice.
The New Testament is way worse than the old.
What you call “less dreadful things,” I call “more dreadful things.”
You really want me to explain why things like “turn the other cheek” and “resist not evil,” and “love your enemies” are immoral teachings that promote being a castrated pussy? How about “take no thought for tomorrow” and “blessed are the meek?” If I were an evil billionaire who wanted to prevent any competition and leave my potential opponents in miserable poverty, I’d say exactly the shit that Jesus said. I’d shame the rich, make peasants feel good about being peasants, and say that rich people can’t enter heaven.
The New Testament is a blueprint for mental enslavement, which is worse than the physical enslavement of the Old.
I know that. And when they became Christians, they became worse. The only worse Jews are the Talmudic crypto-Jews who comprise about 4 percent of the Jewish people.
Incorrect. She’s not an apostate. To be an apostate, you’d have to have been religious in the first place. She was never Jewish by religion, only ethnicity. Her Jewish (by blood) mother is Wiccan as well. She was raised in a Wiccan coven, which is mostly how she inherited such a sex-positive belief system!
Posted at 05:21 am, 24th April 2018All comments about religion should be deleted as irrelevant.
Posted at 02:49 pm, 1st May 2018I can’t wait for this!
Posted at 08:06 pm, 3rd May 2018I thought women will just get male sex robots. They might.
However, that will cost money. Women will have to get jobs. And so the male sex robots will fail to fulfill the $$$ provider need that women desire – it’s one of the bigger requirements.
Women will also have to earn money so they can purchase semen from men :)))) LOL
Posted at 07:42 am, 16th May 2018Blackdragon, I remember you posted something about “thrill of the hunt” guys and “pleasure of sex” guys. I can see how the robots can work for “pleasure of sex” — but it’s hard to see how they are gonna work for “thrill of the hunt.” A lot of guys, maybe most guys, get a kick out of the seduction. Feeling good about being able to score a hot female, beating other guys to it, that kind of thing. All a bit pointless if anyone can just go and buy a ten for a couple of week’s working man’s salary.
Posted at 06:45 pm, 21st May 2018Do Androids Dream of Electric Tang?
Posted at 01:26 am, 24th May 2018@ Jack Outside the Box
Since according to Christian teaching, Jesus was omniscient and omnipotent, then he could have seen who was commiting adultery and who was not. He could have also brought witnesses to see this, Since this is true, he could have punished them all according to the Mosaic law but chose not to do so and forgive them instead. Your arguments are erroneous.
You never think that Christianity can be liberating which is wrong. Christianity teaches the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi in that he said, ” God, grant me the power to change what I can, the serenity for the things I can not change and the wisdom to know the difference.” Out of all the Abrahamic faiths, Christianity is the most sensible, sane and humane.
Many Jews especially the Orthodox ones say that Judaism is inherited from matrilineal descent whether or not any of them are observant or religious or not. So in a sense I am correct when I call your girlfriend an apostate Jew, although obviously her mother’s apostacy is greater than hers, Sorry to get back late, but I thought we were done a long time ago. Thanks for playing and losing again.
Posted at 01:44 am, 24th May 2018I really did not want to engage in religious debate in this article until Jack Outside the Box made stupid statements about Christianity. It deserved a response. Since no one else was going to do so then I did.
Posted at 01:48 am, 24th May 2018@ Joelsuf
Sorry to respond late. Nickolas Cruz was most likely not getting sex because he no longer had a girlfriend. He was most likely “fun clubbing” it which is a term defined origionally by Roger Allan currie in which he states that the man tries to pretend that he is getting a lot of “action”, getting sex, but he really is not and he may be popular as a “platonic friend with the ladies but he is not getting sex. There may be better examples like Elliot Roger etc,
Posted at 01:58 am, 24th May 2018Now back to the topic at hand. I am unsure of how much the sexbots will change the Sexual Market Place, but I know it will to at least a small extent. If the Sexbots were like in the re-imagined series “Battlestar Gallactica” which ran from 2004 to 2009 in which they were the humanoid variety portrayed by Lucy Lawless, Grace Park, Tricia Helfer and Reekha Sharma in which they are virtually indistinguishable from real humansand you could make your own to suit your tastes, then the human species would be at risk of going extinct because who would want to breed with real women much less have sex with them . fortuneately for real women, we a re long time away from that. However, it is telling that so many men are willing to do this and it displays how abysmal western women have become that a large enough and noticeablr minority of men would do so if they could.
Posted at 06:28 am, 9th June 2018Late to the party, but the topic was interesting, and the comments were brilliant (for the most part) …
1st – Personally, I believe VR/AI technology we advance faster than physical products. It’s much easier to create a virtual world than a physical product (although not impossible), but physical products will seem old after a while, so there will be a constant re-purchase to make it feel new.
So, it’s just as feasible to believe, within a few decades, some type of device for us to “plug into” which will transport us to a virtual world or worlds of our choosing. The same technology can be used for any type of virtual world – be it for sex or even for relationships. You could have a full blown virtual world, you visit every day – on that provides you with sex, and one that provides you with a storyline that develops over years – potentially, this evolves much like “real” life, where you meet, marry, start a family, watch your kids grown up, etc. It could be fast or slow, depending on your preferences.
And if the plugin device worked properly, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between real or virtual. Much like the early beginnings of 2nd Life, there would even be financial rewards to the game – who knows.
2nd – Artificial wombs will create a dynamic which would change our society more than any sex robot could. If you “configure” your child, plus ensure they are provided the optimum environment during the process – and any abnormalities are dealt with instantaneously – then it would become strange that a woman would actually “carry” a baby. Not that it will happen anytime soon, but it will happen. Of course, once we have the ability to create clones of ourselves, and transfer conscientiousness – then it becomes a whole other dynamic – Watch Altered Carbons for a view into that world.
3rd – We don’t like to admit it, but within 100 years, we not have “governments” like we have today. It’s interesting think through those consequences of no United States or UK or China – and having them replaces by something else (say multi-national global companies) – but it is just as likely those change over the next 100 year also. We already see that our “governments” are in lots of ways, highly influenced by large contributors to political parties and campaigns – what if they decide their money is better spent getting rid of the middleman? And then what we perceive as the “government” is really just a shell of what it is today. We already see some of the global companies acting independent of the countries in which the operate – in some cases, these organizations have their own “security” forces, their own hospitals, their social activities, their community outreach, etc.
So, as outlined in the article – over the next few decades, there are lots of things that will change – and how we “interact” with other humans, and the relationship between men and women, families, religion, governments, etc. – will change along the way. There will always be those who will embrace and those that will resist – and a vast majority in the middle who don’t know what the hell to do.
Posted at 05:03 pm, 22nd June 2018BD, I think you’re too optimistic about men finding a way around a possible robot ban – at least in the U.S. and Canada. These 2 countries are very liberal/sjw, but are also very far removed from the rest of the western world. If there’s a sex robot ban, how would it be bypassed? You cannot easily ship a robot – it’s a giant object. As far as manufacturing – it’s a complicated piece of machinery. You won’t have men 3D printing robots, nor will you have too many illicit, underground sex robot manufacturing plants in the U.S.
Meanwhile, in Europe, if there were to be a ban on sex robots, most man can just move to another country, even if for a short while only. It’s easy to do that in the EU. But in the U.S., the only consolation would be if it was banned state by state and not all states banned it. But we could easily see many bigger states ban them: CA, NY, Texas, even if for different reasons. NY & CA because lefties might say that sex robots dehumanize or objectify women. TX because maybe trumpservatives would say that sex robots are ‘unnatural’. I suppose this would allow men to move to a different state where sex robots are legal, but I wonder just how good sex robots would have to be for a man to move away from a state where he has an established life, including a high paying job in his career and moves to a less regulated state just for sex robots.
We’ll find out the answers to all of this in the coming decades. Between sex robots, male birth control, and artificial wombs, I cannot wait to see how our society will change. As a man, I can only see upsides in all of these.
Charlie Croker
Posted at 08:04 am, 25th October 2018That was fast, made illegal before it opened its doors!
‘Sex robot brothels’ banned in Harris County
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 02:48PM
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — The Harris County Commissioners Court unanimously voted Tuesday to ban sex bot brothels….
“These businesses can be havens for human trafficking and other serious crimes,” Ryan said. “The revisions will allow law enforcement to better protect our community.”
Posted at 02:45 pm, 6th December 2018New news for you. You can now buy a sex robot with artificial intelligence, warming skin, reacts to touch and moans when excited delivered to you in a discrete crate with free shipping. You can also get on a payment plan to buy the industry first commercial sex robot for more details on Emma the Sex Robot on sale for $4,499 visit https://bit.ly/sexdollsandrobots
Posted at 08:43 pm, 15th January 2019Sex Robot on sale from $699 to visit bit.ly/yourdollcom
Posted at 07:49 pm, 16th January 2019I don’t get it, why the he** sex dolls or sex robots should be banned. I know this whole left wing and feminism is going crazy but all of them are using dildos and vibrators but when it comes to sex dolls, everybody is freaking out.
So how are dildos different from sex dolls? At the end of the day, they are there to bring you to the climax. I hope it just needs more time so people get used to the idea of sex dolls and AI sexbots.
Due to emerging technology sex dolls get more sophisticated and look human alike these days.
Just FYI, the best sex dolls are typically created of silicone or TPE and one of the best manufacturer in this business in WM Doll. Definitely, check their sex dolls out.
Posted at 08:01 pm, 16th January 2019You don’t seem to understand the goals of modern day Girl Power. While Girl Power back in the day wouldn’t care and would actually be supportive (especially the sex positive ones from the 1970s), current Girl Power wants to make sure that hetero dudes have zero control of their sex lives. They think they are saving people doing this.
That’s how most collectivism breaks down: It starts with movements to make everything fair, then degenerates into supremacy movements. Girl Power is no different.
Posted at 06:04 am, 3rd February 2019I think it is a natural step torwards where we are heading. men are feeling more isolated and females are just bragging for attention online: this blog states 14 reason to why owing a sex doll is a good idea. worth a read
Posted at 05:06 am, 24th February 201924. Feb. 2019: “Swedish feminists demand ban of sex robots”
In Finland even opened a sex robot brothel lately .
Its from a german news article, use a translator or google it on another news site:
Posted at 03:49 pm, 24th February 2019Lol, of course they do. They’ve been getting pretty much all the zany stuff they want, so they’re gonna continue. The question is how far this will expand to places beyond focal points like Sweden.
Posted at 03:36 am, 2nd April 2019Nice article,In Finland even opened a sex robot brothel lately .I even found a tokyo sex doll here.
Luke Hoffman
Posted at 11:09 am, 1st May 2019But there are more women in the workforce now on average than there are men, regardless of income, so therein there are more unemployed men than there are unemployed females [but grouped together lets call them the ‘Below Middle Class’ for this argument]. Naturally because of the almost non-existent middle class now, especially in Western Society, there will be A LOT of people in this ‘Below Middle Class’ grouping, most likely the majority of the populace, and therefore these unemployed men would be hooking up with women who are employed for the most part, as is happening right now with these so called “Kept Men” (google term). Therefore, I believe the dynamics of sex robots would not occur as you theorize.
Posted at 11:27 am, 1st May 2019@Luke Hoffman
But there will be MANY more women that will need 2 to 3 jobs in order to survive and be able to have any luxuries at all like nails, hair, designer jeans, etc.
As a matter of fact, a lady I had over last night is perfect example – 39, no college education, makes $35K annually, 4 kids all 16 to 25 age. She is a gorgeous blonde that just got divorced and is living with her mom currently.
I see these all the time. She flat out told me that it makes her feel like she has to either get 3 jobs or rush to marry a man or live with a man in order to make ends meet and she hates it.
Back when she was 24 and single with all 4 babies, she was on her own and made it work. Today, she can’t seem to figure out how to do it due to inflation etc.
So, I think these cases will far out # the kept men group and still create a market for the Sex Robots down the road. However, it is kinda interesting the Kept men deal in terms of how most women don’t appreciate a man that takes care of them really. So, if this was flipped and they are taking care of their man, it is hard to see how the women’s respect could go any lower so could be a good deal for some men.
I have this older MLTR (46) with a great body and I swear if I let her, she would probably let me live in her apartment as almost like her sex toy lol. They get unlimited attention from a man, sex 24/7 or on demand and can maybe boss the man around a little more or she might feel more safe and secure knowing HE depends on HER versus other way around.
So, I see your point and all of this shake out will be fun to watch. Either way, I am positioning myself to reap the rewards no matter what happens lol =)
Scarlette Salome
Posted at 11:42 pm, 21st August 2019Artificial intelligence is poised for a breakthrough in business applications, such as robotics and autonomous vehicles, computer vision, language, virtual agents, and machine learning. The sex doll industry leaders to have unveiled their latest gambit to rule the market with a move towards artificial intelligent sexual robots and launch the first mass-market robotic erotic partner.