22 Oct What Location Independent Income Really Means

Just three more days left before I shut off enrollment for the Alpha 2.0 Business Course. We actually exceeded our sales projections for Friday, by a lot, so I’m very happy. I mean really happy. On Thursday at midnight you won’t be able to get the course anymore, so click here and get it now if you’re interested. The clock is ticking!
-By Caleb Jones
One of the many benefits of your Alpha 2.0 business is location independent income. Today I shall explain what location independent income actually means and how it benefits you because there has been some confusion about this.
The broad definition of location independent income is your ability to create income via work that is done in any location you choose, anywhere on the planet. This means that you could be in Hawaii, Russia, Zimbabwe, Peru, Singapore, or North Dakota and it doesn’t matter. As long as you have some communication means, you can still work (whenever you want) and earn all the income you want to maintain your lifestyle.
Now I’ll expand this into what this actually means for you.
Location independent income also means it doesn’t matter if you’re a digital nomad or perpetual traveler. So you could be in Budapest one week, Paris the next week, Chiang Mai the next week, and Tokyo the week after that, and you could still maintain your income with no problem. By being location independent, you are not rooted to one location ever again, unless you want to be.
Let’s say you want to be rooted to one location for whatever reason. That’s fine too. Location independent income means you can take a “vacation” away from that location whenever the hell you want for as long as you want. Normal beta males and Alpha 1.0s, when they go on vacation, need to go back home in a week or two at the most. They have to. They have no choice, even if they make high incomes. But the Alpha Male 2.0 can go on “vacation” for three months, six months, or more if he wants, and with minimal hassle.
I say “vacation” in quotes because he still has to work at least a little bit while he’s gone, but he doesn’t have to work hard unless he wants to. (I only need to work 15 hours per week. Most Alpha 2.0s need to work less than 30. I know some guys who don’t even need to work 15.)
Moreover, location independent income introduces a degree of security into your life. If down the road, something horrible happens to your country or your city, you can just leave and go somewhere else with zero damage to your financial life.
Maybe nothing ever goes wrong with your city or country, but perhaps down the road, as you age, you change your mind, and decide you want to move somewhere else. With location independent income, you just do it. With normal income, you’re screwed, and moving is very difficult. Indeed, the excuse of “I can’t move” is a very common one I hear from men when they complain about financial or women deficiencies where they live.
This is one of the many reasons why I sleep very well at night. I know I can literally move to the other side of the planet, whenever I want, and it would take me less than four weeks to do so; less than two weeks in a pinch.
So location independent income benefits you greatly even if you don’t want to be some kind of world traveler.
It’s true that you need some kind of means of voice and/or internet communication in order to be location independent, but that’s easy. Even third-world countries have cabled or wifi internet connections that are decent. Even if you’re in a place where there isn’t internet but there is cell service, you can just tether your phone to your laptop or tablet, and away you go. I do this all the time when I travel internationally.
You can even take this a step further once your Alpha 2.0 business is making a little money, and invest in a portable satellite hotspot for your phone and laptop. You can get these kinds of things from companies like Telstra, BGAN, or GroundControl. You can get one for $2,000, or a really nice one for $4,000, all tax deductible. Then you have internet and phone literally anywhere you are in the world, even in the middle of Antarctica. Once your business is making regular income, that cost might be worth it to you if you travel off the grid often. And the cost of these things goes down every year.
Moreover, you can structure your Alpha 2.0 business to not need internet at all, or need very little of it. As I lay out in great detail in the Alpha 2.0 Business Course, one of my Alpha 2.0 businesses is completely offline. There isn’t even a website for it. To manage that business, I need telephone and email and that’s it, and even then, only sporadically. There’s no reason you couldn’t set up your business the same way.
Another benefit of location independent income is that it frees you from just selling stuff to the other people in your city or country. If you live in a lower-income area like Eastern Europe or Africa, you’re forced to sell to other poor Eastern Europeans or Africans. But that sucks! Location independent income means you can sell to more wealthy folks in London, New York, or Singapore… while still staying in your home city. In the 21st Century, there is literally no reason to sell stuff to your poor neighbor. Instead, sell stuff to rich folks on the other side of the planet. Much better.
There are so many lifestyle benefits to location independent income that I honestly don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have it, or at least doesn’t try to have it. Even when I was a beta male years ago, I still had location independent income as a strong goal. As I mentioned in the Alpha 2.0 Business Course, my goal back then was to be able to leave the country for an entire month and have no drop in income while I was gone.
Today I can be gone for a month, a year, or even forever, and not only will my income not drop, but it will probably go up. I still remember the first time I was out of town for three weeks and my income actually went up while I was gone. Man, that was a good feeling.
If you want income like this, go here and get the Alpha 2.0 Business Course. After this Thursday night, you won’t be able to get it anymore.
Note: Some of you have asked if you can get the extra audio course after you get the main course. You can, but only until Thursday night. Click here for a description of everything you get in the extra course. This extra course is optional and not required, but very helpful.
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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 06:31 am, 22nd October 2018Does the money back guarantee apply to the extra audio course as well?
Posted at 07:14 am, 22nd October 2018@BD: what if I start 2 online business (consulting type) here in France, and in 10-20 years I move to Latin America while retaining those 2 (mostly for french clients and people who live in France), could that work?
Context: for immigration reasons I’m still forced to finish a PhD here and will probably have to get a “normal” job too, to buy some time. Then I’ll have the french citizenship and doing the above will be straightforward.
Posted at 08:44 am, 22nd October 2018I looked at the course syllabus over at teachable.com. Is there specific on foreign payment processing (credit/debit card processing, crypto, P2P) free from onerous US guberment compliance requirements.
I assume the entity structuring is geared towards US citizens doing business using domestic entities rather than providing options for foreign nationals who can choose to do business in other countries free from the intrusive dictates of F.A.C.T.A, IRS and Treasury reporting that keep US citizens on a short leash when doing business offshore.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:50 am, 22nd October 2018Yes.
Sure. Pay me in bitcoin or some other crypto then email me your first and last name and email address and we’ll enroll you. All the wallets are listed here:
Otherwise, the checkout page uses Stripe by default or PayPal if you want.\
Edit/Update: Oh wait; you’re asking me if I teach that stuff in the course. No; beyond the scope of this course.
Incorrect, and this is about the fourth time I’ve answered this question on these blogs. I use American examples but clearly state that you must use your own country’s equivalents since I can’t list entities for all 195 countries in the world. I don’t address FATCA of offshoring issues at all; that’s beyond the scope of this course.
Posted at 09:16 am, 22nd October 2018I’ll add a bit more
This is the NUMBER ONE thing I hear from guys who have very successful businesses. It’s their very first (or only) wish. In some cases they have millions but are literally stuck in a tiny area, pinned to an in-person team. Sounds great initially but after a few years it gets remarkably boring and the money ceases to mean anything. As a bigger apartment / house etc. doesn’t really make anyone happy, it’s growth and experiences that make people happy.
Dating in the same market gets boring. You inevitably find a type, a routine, the market moves at a certain pace, it just gets boring. Our instincts and genes call out to conquer new lands and foreign territories. So much so that often a new lay in a new place is by far the most exciting thing you can do sexually.
The world is change. People who live in one place mostly resent change, because they’re adapted to one thing. Travel gives you enormous perspective to appreciate the full range of everything. You see countries and cities at different levels on every trait or quality and come to appreciate the spectrum more fully. You’re also far more prepared to spot and act on trends in business and dating as you’ve already moved between many things.
Your SMV is just way higher in some areas. (look it up.…) It’s nice to show up and crush a city because you’re new and a novelty. And for you the entire ‘pool’ is fresh–you can burst through an enormous range of options very quickly and have maximum options for a few weeks.
A vacation isn’t even travel. For most people it’s at best quickly decompressing or barely adapting to being away. You really need to be able to get away 2-3 months per year to even experience a country and its people vs relatively shallow ‘sight-seeing.’
It’s the single most sexual confidence increasing thing you can do. Same for life confidence generally. Life is full of things you hate and complaints. When you travel freely that all melts away. You are able to CREATE your environment, quite literally. City too cold? Step away. People too cold? Easy. Girls too ‘serious minded’? Solved. Girls too flighty or masculine or etc.? Fixed. For any (quite valid) complaint you have about an area: having the freedom to travel lets you take total responsibility for changing that to your liking. It’s amazing to be able to look around and say ‘these girls / this place doesn’t do it for me’ and be on a plane to a place that fixes your exact complaint about a place. You are able to design your life in every way, full stop, in a way impossible if pinned to one specific place. You stop accepting any limitations or excuses about anything when you’re totally free to design (and alter) your own reality.
Posted at 09:49 am, 22nd October 2018Too busy to make the purchase last Friday, but I will buy the course very soon.
Does the money-back-guarantee apply separately to the main course and the bonus? I’m still on the fence of taking the $300 bonus or not. If I don’t find it worth the price, can I keep the main course but ask for a refund on the bonus?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:50 am, 22nd October 2018Agreed. I see the same thing all the time.
It is not freedom.
Yes, but as I’ve been telling everyone, if you think the odds are decent you’ll ask for a refund, I’d really prefer you just don’t by it in the first place. We always honor refunds but they are a huge pain in our ass.
Posted at 11:00 am, 22nd October 2018Can some of you guys who have bought the course please write some reviews here in the comments?? It’s been 3 days and I’m shocked by the overwhelming absence of reviews on this.
BD, I think you’d sell even more of these if you encourage the readers who bought it to review it here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:04 am, 22nd October 2018There’s one in the comments here.
That’s probably because of the sheer amount of video and content involved in this course. 3 days isn’t very much time when you have this much material to go through. But yeah, I agree, I welcome any reviews on this course on any of my blogs.
Posted at 12:20 pm, 22nd October 2018For anyone who says “ZOMG I can’t do this! I’m too _____!” Like I used to back in the day:
Try telling this super disabled woman who is bound to a wheelchair her whole life that. She’s a disabled freak and yet has more balls than probably 60% of the commenters here, and probably 90% of most manosphere readers. Doing the best with what you have, what a novel idea!
I’m starting to understand that creating an Alpha 2 business requires you to work a lot for a little out of the gate, but then you’ll be working a little for a lot. Is that an accurate way of looking at it?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:28 pm, 22nd October 2018That’s an accurate way of looking at all of life, in all areas.
Posted at 06:48 pm, 22nd October 2018Hi Blackdragon
I am excited to buy the course and I just had a few questions:
—I will be buying it in 3 parts, can i pay the other $297 earlier if i get the money before?
—I have started running swinger parties which are quite profitable, and are quite alpha 2.o as i can do them from anywhere in the world etc, my question is, can your course help me to turn this into a successful business?
—I am in the UK, and when I do a currency converter it says I will be paying about £232 (converted from $297) does that sound about right to you?
Thank you for everything bro!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:05 pm, 22nd October 2018Yes. Email me to make arrangements if you end up doing that.
Yes, but you may have some difficulty making that location independent (unless you’ve already figured that part out).
Close. According to Google here $297 equals about £229.
Posted at 08:57 pm, 22nd October 2018I’m glad then. I had this kind of hunch about it, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I see everyone around me clinging and clutching to their location dependent jobs thinking they’re gonna be alright forever but I know that’s not the way it is at all.
I’m patient enough to work a lot for a little.
Charly Rivers
Posted at 03:31 am, 23rd October 2018I purchased it with ZERO business experience, I literally couldn’t think on how to earn money working for myself. It was like having a void in my head on what to sell, what to create, what to do, nothing. I was sure I was condemned to wageslave for others until I retired or something else came up by chance, not by design.
I stopped the course on lesson 02 of section 2, that session is GOLD and more so if you don’t have any clue on what to do. Seriously, I plan on rewatch it a couple times, then take notes and watch it again a couple times. Why? Because after watching it for the first time, that same afternoon a couple solid ideas popped up in my mind with several others and I DIDN’T HAVE ANY BEFORE. They were lurking there but that exercise moved up things. Granted, I yet have to properly complete the exercise but I’ve started research on them and trying to meet people in those niches to hear their opinions and pains.
So, for now I think this course is totally worth it. Also, I crack up with Caleb spitting sarcasm at some points and he’s really energetic and gets your attention real good. As he said before, there’s NO fluff at all on the video, even with the examples on companies and business legal structures. You just take notes on the requirements and then consult with your local administrative manager (or whatever’s called) on how to proceed.
Also, and it was a very clarifying experience, I was not aware on how Societal Programming had a tight grip on me on this area (I’m aware SP has holds on more areas of my life but I’m trying to fix that). Just by starting the course and being excited to start working on my ideas and having many more a WALL OF EXCUSES AND RATIONALIZATIONS hit me. They’re just that, unfounded fears. Caleb, your course not only has business value, it’s an eye opener.
I’ll say it again, totally worth it.
Alexander Romanov
Posted at 07:21 am, 23rd October 2018Wow, just wow. The course by itself moved me in a ways I did not felt before.
To begin with, the mere WANT to get the course got me thinking HARD on getting extra money for it instead of going through my pockets (I don’t earn much) and savings. Real useful – both in actual earnings and in life changes that followed them… And that is even before the course itself!
I can’t say much about main course – as I’m currently trying to raise money for the full payment (want to watch it RIGHT NOW!) and have high hopes for today & tomorrow earnings.
But I have just bought Audio Course and… Well, the very first audio is worth at least half the course price. BD EASILY tells info that I would have to spend weeks to properly research (though I had some notions) – and he does it in a way that is both interesting and immersive. Instead of thinking “oh, real good info” I now wrack my brain on how I can make it actually work!
Sheesh, I’m very impressed.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:58 am, 23rd October 2018Thanks guys! Glad I could help!