24 Jan Why It’s GREAT for You That Everything Sucks

50% of people live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings! Wages have been flat for 40 years! Women are disloyal bitches now and are dumping and divorcing men in droves!Climate change is going to kill us all! The Chads are taking all the girls so 95% of men won’t be able to get laid soon! Europe is being overrun my Muslims! Fucking robots are going to put all the truck drivers out of work! Alexandra Ocasio Cortez danced in college! Trump is in the pocket of the rich! Bernie Sanders is going to turn America socialist. The stock market is tanking! We have a student loan crisis!EVERYTHING SUCKS! that’s a problem for everything, not for you.
-By Caleb Jones
I have this silly vision of myself at some point in the future. It always makes me smile.It’s me, sitting on a beautiful beach on the other side of the world, next to a beautiful woman who is exactly my type (now, Pink Firefly). I’m in this super cozy beach chair with nice pillows, drinking a perfect piña colada that is melting at exactly the right speed to drink it.On the other side of me, I have my laptop which is showing me the values of my Asian real estate holdings, precious metals, cryptocurrency, and several other non-Western investments and businesses, all of which are doing well.
I’m looking out over the pristine blue ocean, and past the water, on the other side of the ocean, I see a giant cloud of billowing, black smoke where Western world used to be, visible all the way over here (I know this would be impossible to see, but this is a fantasy vision, so shut up and just go with it).I see it, shrug, and say quietly, “Huh. Oh well. I warned you guys.” Then Pink Firefly turns to me and says, “Let’s go have a threesome with Ashley!”I burp, then say, “Okay,” and we go do that.
I have found that one of the secrets to happiness, and it really is a secret since society really doesn’t want you to know this, is to separate yourself as an individual from “society” or “everything.”See, if you can’t do that, then you consider yourself equivalent to society. So if society is doing well, you’ll think you’re doing well. If society is doing badly, you’ll think you’re doing badly. Whether or not this is actually accurate is another story, but that’s what you’ll think. It’s how most people think. And it sucks. Disempowering as hell.A better way to view life is to view yourself as separate from society or “everything.” This way, everything can suck, and you can still be doing very well. Society can be terrible, or on the verge of collapse, or whatever, and your life can be amazing, all at the same time.
I didn’t say your life will automatically be great. You’ll have to put in the work to make sure it’s great. The Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle ensures you’ll be very happy even if everything around you sucks, but the catch is that you’ll have to put in a few years of work to set everything up. But once you’re there, everything can “suck” and you can still live a great life. Read this and this for more details on that.But there’s a step even beyond that. In many ways, things can actually be better for you because everything sucks. As an Alpha 2.0, you are uniquely poised to actually benefit from everything sucking, instead of suffering from everything sucking like the typical beta male or Alpha Male 1.0.
Here are just a few examples from my life, though there are many others.
1. Traditional, lifetime marriage has been pretty much destroyed by Western society, with historically high divorce rates. Monogamy is also far worse than ever before, with most people breaking up within three years. That sucks! At the same time, I have a six-figure business here on the internet that only takes me a few hours a week to maintain because so many men and women are getting divorced and breaking up.Seriously, how much money do you think I’d be making at this Blackdragon thing if the vast majority of people in the Western world were in stable, multi-decade long monogamous relationships with zero cheating? Yeah. I wouldn’t be making shit at this.So it really sucks, but it’s great for me.
2. Things have gotten so bad economically and culturally that young women have a hard time finding long-term male partners. Some blame for this can go to women, and some blame can go to men, but man-woman romantic and sexual relations are more difficult and strained now than at any other time in modern history. That sucks! At the same time, for the last 10 years I’ve been getting laid left and right, and with hot younger women, and it’s become so easy that I’m still surprised.Seriously, how many hot, younger women do you think I’d be hooking up with over the past decade if the economy was really booming, prices were low, taxes were low, and young men were really focused, hard working and motivated, leaving home at age 18 and getting their own house by 19 or 20? Dude. It would be really hard for me to get laid in such conditions. I mean, I could probably still do it, but god damn, it would be tough!So it really sucks, but it’s great for me.
3. Business in the Western world is tough right now in many sectors, and will continue to get tougher. (Please note that when I say “business” I mean real entrepreneurial, free-market businesses, not these corporatist monster corporations on the Dow.) That sucks! But I have two businesses, one as a business consultant and one as a marketing provider, where I’m doing very well. There are a lot of problems out there, and as a consultant and marketer, my job is to solve those problems. The more problems I solve, the more money I make.How well do you think I’d be doing in these industries if the Western world was on the rise and business was easily booming everywhere like in the 1950s? How many problems would companies really hire me to fix? Not many.So it really sucks, but it’s great for me.
4. As I’ve said before, I have a 94% return rate for all women who leave me for another man. This is because most men are betas or Alpha Male 1.0s. These women leave me for Mr. New Monogamous Boyfriend, and if he’s a beta, he gets super clingy, needy, and full of oneitis. Unattractive. If he’s an Alpha Male 1.0 he starts getting angry, domineering, and controlling. Unpleasant. So they they dump Mr. Monogamous Boyfriend. That sucks! But then they turn around and have sex with me again. Yay! How many women do you think would come back to me if most men out there remained confident, non-needy and non-jealous in their relationships? Shit, not many. My return rate would be 5% instead of 94%.So it really sucks, but it’s great for me.
Seriously dude. I could go on and on with numerous examples of how, as an Alpha Male 2.0, I directly benefit from everything sucking. Everyone around me is bitching about how everything sucks, and I’m living a fantastic life that is literally a dream come true. This is because I focus on myself (and my inner circle of loved ones) as an individual rather than stressing about about what stupid society is doing. You know what? Fuck society. I don’t care. I’m too busy working on my Mission and having a great time doing it.This is also true of many other Alpha 2.0s (or aspiring Alpha 2.0s) I know or have communicated with. I know a lot of you are benefiting in your lifestyles financially, socially, sexually, and in many other ways because everything sucks.Yeah. Everything sucks. But you have the power to modify the statement from “Everything sucks” to “Everything sucks for everyone else.”As I’ve said perhaps hundreds of times on my blogs and in my books, you are not society. You are not everything. You are an individual. And as an individual, you can choose to live an amazing life even if everything around you is going to shit. You can even include your close loved ones in your circle of awesomeness if you so choose, as I explained here.
I’m coming to a town near you in 2019 to do the least expensive Alpha Male 2.0 seminar I’ve ever done. I’ll be in 18 different cities in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe. If you want to come to a low-cost seminar to learn how to improve your financial and woman life, click HERE and get your tickets! The next cities coming up are Brisbane, Los Angeles, and San Francisco! Alpha Male 2.0 World Tour 2019 Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.
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Northern Alpha 2.0
Posted at 05:32 am, 24th January 2019This reminds me of the concept of antifragility put forth by Nassim Taleb. Have you read this book?
Punter Pete
Posted at 06:05 am, 24th January 2019Yes very true. In my 60s now and made my fortune just from investing in real estate when I was young and now I’m retired and have plenty of money to pay my sugar babies and pay for my retirement.
The economy has made these girls desperate so they are happy to see a man like me who will provide for them when the younger guys they’d rather be seeing can’t. Sometimes they have boyfriends who are broke and struggling to find work and I send them back to their boyfriends after throwing them their cash and having them willingly let me use them for my pleasure. Mmmmmmmmm very hot.
There is no way they would ever in a million years fuck a fat, ugly guy like me if younger, better looking men could afford to pay what I’m paying. The best part is one of my properties is rented to a group of these young men who have to all live together just to make ends meet, so they are paying me to relax and fuck their girls while they struggle! I hope things get worse!
Posted at 06:25 am, 24th January 2019I wonder if it’s literally the girlfriends of those same young men, or figuratively the girlfriends of other similarly broke guys. The former would be hilarious indeed!
Posted at 06:29 am, 24th January 2019I agree with you in respect to separating yourself from society and focusing on your own happiness. It is true that many people blame their failures on society (economy, culture, demographics, laws, etc). That is stupid and self-harmful.
However, I don’t think the concept of society is bad. People are social creatures by nature. That’s how we develop and make progress – together, as societies. I understand that being a cynical asshole is the image you have created for yourself, but I don’t see how developing yourself as an individual and caring about society (shopping local, supporting local teams, donating to local charities, not littering, etc.) is a bad thing. After all, doesn’t it make sense to try and make a place where you live, a better place?
Punter Pete
Posted at 06:42 am, 24th January 2019Sadly figuratively, but one never knows what the future holds mmmmmm
Posted at 06:44 am, 24th January 2019@Punter Pete
lol And that makes you happy? Sounds depressing to me for some reason
Posted at 06:45 am, 24th January 2019I think it works like this. Out of millions of citizens, a number, say 1000, make an irrational decision to make their country a better place. By a random coincidence, 100 of them actually get the chance to do so and they do affect their country, some more, some less.
The decision is irrational because there’s a 90% change you would be unable to improve the world in any significant way. Still, there are people who, irrationally, work hard to fix their land’s problems (primarily caused by other irrational people).
Caleb seems to have lost interest in his small game of designing a fictional country, but a key factor in such a game would be to take into account that most of the population is going to be irrational people doing stupid things, and it’s paramount to harness the power of well-meaning but still irrational (and possibly still stupid) people to counteract that.
Posted at 06:46 am, 24th January 2019Still happier than being a fat ugly guy that doesn’t get laid, no?
Posted at 07:08 am, 24th January 2019Better? Yes. Happier? I kind of doubt it
hey hey
Posted at 07:30 am, 24th January 2019But…you don’t drink Pina Colada!
You can try. Does it make sense from being happier perspective ? No. Will that make you happier in the long run? No. You will be full of stress for trying to please all kind of irrational people, full of stuff to do to please others and society that you will have zero time really pleasing yourself. Then you have to deal with other people getting in your way and all kinds of parameters you can’t control just because you think it’s a noble cause. Have fun and enjoy the ride..
while some other dude is having sex all day long in his boat , surfing, hiking, traveling all around the world constantly, visiting unique places etc.
Posted at 08:06 am, 24th January 2019That isn’t happiness at all.. Have some fucking pride, lose weight, work on your skin, get braces, work out, do TRT, take a fucking shower, buy some clothes, be a fucking man, shave your shit, buy some decent shoes, and I don’t know.. Follow BD’s actual advice on how to get laid without paying for it. This whole thing reeks of Harvey Weisnten. Fat rich disgusting old dude paying and pressuring young desperate women into doing things they don’t want to do but have to to make money. Look i’m all for the sugar baby thing. All in but it should be an luxury or extension to your already successful pick up life. or you should at least be capable of getting young women to fuck you on occasion. The girl has to be attracted to you in the end. She has to want to fuck you even if there wasn’t money involved. She can’t just look like she just sucked on an old stale lemon. Jesus that would depress the fuck out of me. Holy fuck
Posted at 08:09 am, 24th January 2019I started this type of thinking back after I saw Xander Cage (XXX Main Charechcter) and then I saw (Riddick) in Pitch Black and really saw they’re the same character.. just a guy detached from Society and who observes NO Status Quo’s or care for Power, Control, or even Money! Just Freedom.
This Blog just kicked me in high gear.
Posted at 08:17 am, 24th January 2019yeah I’m with you.. the freedom thing is the ultimate goal…
Posted at 08:37 am, 24th January 2019How does what I described above (shopping local, supporting local teams, donating to charities, not littering) – increase my stress? Sure, I might spend a bit extra if I shop local, but what else is there? I am not trying to influence anyone’s opinion, but just contribute to the local society in small ways that cost me very little and make me feel better. Most of these activities, in fact, are pleasant to me.
You can do these things too, while also caring about your local society. One does not exclude the other.
hey hey
Posted at 09:07 am, 24th January 2019If you are talking only about these, sure it’s not bad, it’s a good thing. As long as you are providing to society in ways that are not damaging your happiness and your freedom.
Harry Flashman
Posted at 09:52 am, 24th January 2019I fully agree with everything BD has written here. Tuning out and detaching entirely from society will make you happier as an individual. I am slowly, relentlessly inching towards this. But my problem, and this is entirely my problem, is that I do care about society. It pains me to think we are the only generation passing on to our children an America that is not better than the society passed on to us. Even more depressing, The America we are passing to our children is a much, much worse society than the one I grew up in. Moreover, it is getting worse and declining at an ever faster rate. America is in a fast decline. Our culture is increasingly dominated by the least intelligent, least educated, the most morally reprehensible among us. It is a trash, gutter culture and falling fast. I wish I did not care.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:28 am, 24th January 2019Yes. Good stuff.
Pete, I’d better not find out you’re a troll. If you are, all of your past comments will be deleted. If you aren’t, then you’ve got the complete wrong attitude.
I didn’t lose interest; I just completed it. I covered pretty much all the major issues. Everything left is minutia.
Nonalcoholic Pina Coladas are my fav!
Posted at 10:51 am, 24th January 2019@John
I absolutely agree with you man. If a man in his 40s, 50s or 60s has made lots of money but never invested in himself (in his looks, physical and mental health, etc) then something is wrong with his attitude. The first thing I would do with my money is investing in myself. If I were fat at least I would work on losing all that damn weight. I got fat when I was 30 and it took me a while to lose that weight but now in my late 30s I watch my nutrition, my weight and work out regularly. If I were bald I would do a hair tramsplant and so on. I can’t imagine myself at 50 with a huge gut and Norwood 4 hair feeling happy or indifferent about it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:52 am, 24th January 2019You can be concerned for children, but be concerned for YOUR children (either your current children or your future children if you plan on having them). Raise your kids to be independent and happy so that the collapse of the West won’t affect them the way it will affect normal people.
Both of my children are poised to be okay as this decline continues. There are no guarantees in life of course and I could be wrong, but the odds are very good as compared to most other people their age. So now I’m not nearly as concerned about the “fate of our children.”
Posted at 01:44 pm, 24th January 2019Then what you’re buying with all those extra expenses is the right to feel entitled to a pat on the back. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, just realize that’s what it is.
Posted at 03:32 pm, 24th January 2019Of course. Caring and supporting your local community is a good thing, it should be encouraged.
Posted at 05:14 pm, 24th January 2019Same here.
Punter Pete
Posted at 05:16 pm, 24th January 2019Yes. I wish I was still a young, handsome, cad. I’d be much happier. I had a fair few girls on the go way back when, but I’ve accepted it and now I’m happy with how I’m able to live and still enjoy these lovely younger ladies.
I’m in my 60s and have some health complications I’m managing. I lived a healthy life but there’s only so much I’ve been able to do, some of it has been outside my control. When I started to lose my looks many years ago I grew to accept the situation, and found a new turn on for me, being able to do what I want to girls for money. I never had to do this in my younger years but I think that’s life. If I had a choice I wouldn’t be paying these girls to have sex with me, but that ship has sailed long ago.
I think it’s healthier to accept that girls you have to pay don’t want to fuck you. If there wasn’t money involved and they’d still be there anyway, why are you paying them? When I was young and looked good I never needed to pay girls, they wanted to be with me.
Some men need the illusion of that attraction though so I understand wanting to think they’re not there for the money, I just prefer to accept things for how they are.
I’m enjoying the years that I have left the best I can and choose to accept my situation. My advice for the younger guys here would be to stop being silly and thinking that girls in your life you have to pay want to be with you, it’s much more freeing to accept the truth and can even be quite exciting sexually once you work through the initial pain to your ego, but as I’ve said I can see how many men would rather look at things differently to maintain their own self image and I can’t blame them for that.
Dexter Daygame
Posted at 05:26 pm, 24th January 2019Thought you guys might enjoy the new post series Tom Torero has up on how to build a harem or roster of girls from scratch.
Looks like Calebs podcast with him a while back had an impact. Hes been gradually putting out more alpha male 2.0 relationship content in addition to the PUA advice.
Posted at 05:30 pm, 24th January 2019So they will go away.
So your wife or live in girlfriend (hopefully OLTR style) is more secure.
Time management.
It’s a tool for managing the relationship.
Of course, this is all now off topic.
One thing I love about this post is that it is not “Enjoy the Decline.” It is not about enjoying the decline or engaging in shadenfreude, it is about structuring one’s life in a way to maximize one’s happiness. I marvel at how much better life could be for all of us if we would all adopt the same mind set.
Punter Pete
Posted at 05:53 pm, 24th January 2019Many a punter has used this excuse before and it’s an old one, to them I say, if you want a girl to go away, just tell her to. If you’re a man, it’s not that hard and certainly not worth paying for.
I had a wife many years ago, that was another lifetime. It was the only time when I was young that I would frequent the local bordello. It was to hide my activities from my wife, had she not cared if I was seeing other ladies, I would not have gone to see working ladies and would have instead seen other girls that did not want payment.
If a lady wants to see you, she’ll make time for you when you want, no need to pay her.
Yes. A tool to make sure they see us instead of other men they’d rather be spending their time with for free.
Posted at 07:00 pm, 24th January 2019As LittleFinger from Game of thrones would say, “Chaos is a ladder” !!
Posted at 08:32 pm, 24th January 2019You forgot one more:
ZOMG the feminists and SJdubs are talking about sexual assault! They want people to believe that all sex is rape! OH NOES!!
Meanwhile these same feminist chicks are hornier than most dudes. I should know, I just had sex with one. Literally, like 4 hours ago. Made her come 5 times. I came twice. Good times.
This is an awesome article. Makes me very glad I turned to Alpha 2 stuff.
Posted at 08:35 pm, 24th January 2019THAT’S the term I was thinking of! Thank you for reminding me of it!
Yeah, schadenfreude is a pretty common trap to fall in if you have divorced yourself from the outside world. Engaged in it a lot in my high school years up until my 30s.
Posted at 11:51 pm, 24th January 2019news are inherently negative. i never watch news. i don’t really feel all is going bad, i feel things get better overall besides negative stuff happening
Posted at 04:12 am, 25th January 2019Pete
I am curious to where you are based and how much you are paying these girls.
Posted at 04:29 am, 25th January 2019Vsmilex
I have a bit of bad news for you.
“Society” does not give a fuck about you.
You could try helping other people individually to bring them up closer to your level, but that comes with its own complications.
Years ago, I helped a young guy ( a son of a deceased friend) who was about to become homeless. Gave him some part time work (which I didn’t need done) to help him get on his feet and get his self respect back.
His repayment?
Stole a unique gold ring ( a 21st gift from my father) and sold it for drugs.
That lesson cost me something special and of great sentimental value, but saved me thousands in money and aggravation in the future.
God luck with your “society”.
Punter Pete
Posted at 04:44 am, 25th January 2019Usually around 400 per meet and I like to see a girl once a week, but I have gone higher for some particularly fine specimens, yes very sexy indeed.
I have also had 300 meets before if the girl is in need of quick cash mmmmmm
I am in an expensive city.
Posted at 04:54 am, 25th January 2019Motivating as always sir.
I have tried fruitlessly to purchase the digital version of The Unchained Man a couple of times now (I couldn’t fill all the fields in the payment page, postal address specifically, no such thing where I live) is there any way around this?
I can’t wait to go through the book.
Posted at 06:15 am, 25th January 2019I’m 50 so not that far off you… If you’re healthy enough to have sex for money you’re healthy enough to get your shit together. If I was as sick as you’re trying to make it out to be, which I have been, I wouldn’t want to have sex. You’re making excuses.
I don’t and haven’t yet… Not against it and not against fucking younger sugar babies and I currently check the site out quit a bit. I’m completely prepared if I decide to but never had the time to be honest with other women taking it up. Look a lot of women are transaction based. My ex drained the fuck out of me. I’m rolling in money now with her gone, even while raising our kid full time and paying her alimony.. So lets be honest.. A lot of women are prostitutes in a way. Shit I have a buddy who pays for everything.. Every date, every drink, every $$ in gas because she won’t drive to see him so he spends 50 a weekend just in gas for the privilege to fuck her. And that’s just the gas.. Other guys I know spend 1000’s on trips they take their gfs on.. I have meet a lot (if you let them, I don’t) who just try to take and take (trips drinks food jewelry hair clothes) and then try to rape you in court. But There’s a line to that for most. Mine is attraction and the woman enjoying the sex. All I can say is that there are plenty of women who prefer guys from 40-60’s and won’t date anyone else. I see it in their profiles on SA.
Posted at 06:52 am, 25th January 2019That equals the number of fucks the society receives from him. For example, by shopping local he, instead of the rational decision of buying the same item for cheaper, declines to pay disadvantaged Chinese laborers and valiant seafarers, preferring producers whose only merit is having been born nearby. Shopping local also counteracts the market economy mechanisms by failing to incentivize higher efficiency and lower prices. Thus if I were to quantify the net benefit to the society from shopping local, it would be a) negligibly small and b) negative rather than positive.
But as I said, if shopping local makes him feel better, that’s all that matters.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 06:56 am, 25th January 2019Haha. But that’s his trip, man. He says straight out he gets off on having sex with women who have to force themselves to deal with their feelings of revulsion at him. I think he’s got a similar thing going with this forum: he’s getting off on grossing people out, enjoying the reactions. If you react, you’re just feeding the troll and giving it what it wants.
I certainly wouldn’t want to be stuck on a desert island with him, I gotta say.
Leave the poor bastard to his fun-filled life.
Posted at 07:05 am, 25th January 2019No because he would collect all the bananas, coconuts, and fish. Next thing you know he’d be standing over you holding a banana, going “mmmmmmm”, and giving you that time to get work bitch, look.
Posted at 07:30 am, 25th January 2019If Pete didn’t have money, he’d probably have the girls chained to a wall locked in his basement. Just saying.
Posted at 07:39 am, 25th January 2019I don’t care. It’s not a business deal. It’s my attitude. I care about the local community I live in and like to contribute to it’s well-being.
What an asshole. What you did was a noble cause, its a shame you got this in return…
I prefer to believe most people are good. There are many motherfuckers like this guy, but I choose to have a positive attitude towards humanity as a whole. It starts with yourself.
I certainly feel sorry for Chinese laborers and other people from less fortunate places, but I prefer to support local economy.
Posted at 08:10 am, 25th January 2019No…he’d just be another poor guy wishing he could fuck a nice girl. I love how you guys are all “omg this Pete guy…how disgusting….I can’t deal!” It’s not like he’s stalking these girls. They are doing it voluntarily because they like him and his money. Good for him. Why not.
Punter Pete
Posted at 08:11 am, 25th January 2019Obviously I’d never hold a girl against her will, and every lovely lady I see is free to come or go as she pleases, but if she wants her money then she will do as agreed to.
Having said that I have had some cheeky fun with a certain young girl locked up willingly, veerrrryy hot.
There is no difference with what I’m doing from the other men that pay sugar babies, I just accept the reality, others choose to deny it or dismiss it. I may have to pay a little more than most but no one has to pay someone to spend time with them if they actually want to be there.
To those men who are enjoying these girls without paying them, I am happy for you. My days for that have passed. To those who have to pay them, accept that they are there for the money and embrace it, because it’s very satisfying being able to enjoy a different type of experience with these girl.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:34 am, 25th January 2019You don’t have a postal address? 🙂
Sure, you can just click Money at the top of Paypal.com and send $7 to theonlyblackdragon@gmail.com and place your full name and email address in the transaction notes.
Posted at 09:56 am, 25th January 2019I believe that PHYSICAL society is less important than ever. I believe civilizations are moving online. In the past, communities, neighborhoods, and city society were important for shaping your family and kids. Now, it really makes no difference. For example: My family was really religious AND from Ohio. Yet somehow, my mom and two sisters became radical, extreme, tattooed, man-hating feminists in the last 15 years. None of their friends, relatives, or real-world peers fit that agenda. I believe it was all media/internet. Another example would be the 2016 election. Man lefties here in socal were furious. I told them all who would win, because of all the online opinions I saw. It was obvious. So the remains of western civilization will simply go online. People are forming online communities around their politics, economics, business, dating and other ideas. The manosphere, red pill, libertarian movements, etc will become online civilizations for camaraderie and sharing of principles, regardless of the local society in which the users live. The liberals owned it for about 15 years but now the other side is building their niche… well if it doesn’t get deplatformed! I’m sure a totalitarian government could put an end to it, but within most reasonable goverments, I see conservative-ish online communities growing even more in the next ten years.
Posted at 11:08 am, 25th January 2019…”The more problems I solve, the more money I make”…though in order to solve problems, you have to have some kind of expertise/knowledge in a certain field(s), right?…Well what if a guy doesn’t have any knowledge or expertise in any field?…That’s where I get tripped up about an alpha 2.0 business, the fact that I don’t really have any experience or knowledge about anything in particular in life, so it’s like I have no idea how to solve problems or even what problems I could solve in the first place.
Posted at 12:39 pm, 25th January 2019Only problem is that since the 1970s, conservatives haven’t been truly conservatives. They believe that statism will solve everything just like the lefties do.
Its like I texted one of my buddies, the US going into the 2020s is going to turn into either a poor man’s USSR or a poor man’s Nazi Germany. Probably some weird combination of both lol.
But like this article says, it is a tragic waste of energy to worry about that crap.
Vanilla Boy
Posted at 05:17 pm, 25th January 2019Just like people have got blind spots about their own weaknesses, they’ve usually got blind spots about their strengths.
An interesting exercise is to look at other people you know and work out what their strengths are, ones they could use to develop a business. You can probably see all sorts of things they don’t see. Then apply that lens to yourself.
I went out to see an exploding volcano off the coast of Indonesia a month or so ago. I met this French guy who was taking a group of rich Europeans to visit, charging a thousand euros a night per person. I got chatting to him about his business. He was Mr Volcano, one of three people in the world who specialize in doing drop of a hat tours all around the world – when a volcano blows, they have a list of rich volcano nuts they contact to take them to see it on a moments notice. He’d only been in business a few years, but I figured he would have cleared more the 30k US just for a week’s trip when I saw him. People were paying a thousand a night for stuff me and my friends organized ourselves for about a hundred, but they just didn’t have the local contacts we had.
Before he started, he was a poor volcano bum, living on a shoe string, spending everything he had to go off to see erupting volcanos. He built a bit of a reputation on Internet forums, volcano nuts around the world began to know his name. Setting up a business was the last thing on his mind, but then he leveraged his reputation to do these commercial tours. One man show, he outsources stuff like organizing visas, logistics, all that.
He told me there are two other people in the world doing the same thing. They divide the English speaking market, he concentrates on continental Europe.
Fascinating example of a guy who turned his hobby and passion into a highly focused business that meets the needs of a small niche.
Posted at 10:15 am, 26th January 2019Well that’s both the great thing, and the terrible thing about the internet. One of the analogies I like to often use is “it gives everyone a voice, but not everyone should be speaking”. Hell even some of the people around here have some pretty nutty views, and the internet helps to reinforce that.
Think about it… 30 years ago if you were starting to have some kind of fringe ideas, you’d have to go physically go out and find like minded people. Let’s say you had a bad experience with a black guy that was an asshole. Well it really wasn’t THAT big of a deal, and you’re definitely not pissed off enough to go and find a KKK rally. Now however, all you have to do is log on and “boom” you’ll find whatever it is you’re looking for (with like minded people that are only going to strengthen/reinforce that belief).
The thing that I find probably the most disturbing is just how naive people are about believing everything they see or read. The most recent example was that I saw several people ranting yesterday about New York passing some kind of law “allowing abortion up until the day before delivery”, which is clearly false because it conflicts with Roe v. Wade (which established the threshold of viability standard, IE you can’t abort a fetus once it can live outside of the body). Obviously it’s not just conservatives that do this either (but things surrounding abortion are rife with examples of it).
Posted at 07:24 am, 27th January 2019This is an article ,which is similar with the one created by BD,about how little competition you have,and how to view the road to a million dollar.
Posted at 07:38 am, 27th January 2019BD,you said that every man has the ability to have a million dollar by age 50,which is true and not something hard to achieve.
But this blog is for the top 10% of males.If your goal(or mission) is to earn a million dollar as fast as possible,what do you think is a realistic timeline to achieve that if you start from zero,but work hard and that its your mission and the only thing you focus on?7 years?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:07 pm, 27th January 2019…and those who want to be in that 10%.
That would be a goal, not a Mission.
Money is a key tool but never a bottom-line objective.
Yeah 7 years is very doable. Robert Kiyosaki did it in 5. Brian Tracy did it in 4.
If you focus on it 100% and delay most or all of your other life areas, sure, you can get your million that fast. Most guys aren’t willing to do this though.
Posted at 04:11 am, 28th January 2019Really, this article should be titled instead of what is now and should be “Why Everything Sucks Is Great For Me: How Everything Can Be Able To Be Better For You The More Able And Willing To Be Like ME And The Less Able or Worse Yet Willing You Are To Be Like Me Then The More It Sucks To Be You!!! Ha HA !!! LOL!!!LMAO!!!!!!!” I may have more later. Let’s see if you can truly understand this.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:22 am, 28th January 2019Yeah, that’s accurate. Although my path to happiness isn’t the only one (since there are many different types of men).
But, as always, if you think my system won’t work or isn’t optimal, you need to lay out YOUR specific system for life that you think is better. Can’t wait to hear it.
Posted at 03:54 am, 29th January 2019@Blackdragon
Your way with the way the Western and in particular American are and will be in the for-seeable future is designed to bring happiness to the highest percentage of Western and in particular American men in this world, but it is still a minority as in 10% of men as you have stated many times can be Alpha 2.os. I agree with you, and thanks for judging most if not all of my arguments against Jack Outside the Box to be correct as I will explain. Most men were better off under the old Traditionally Monogamous Marriage system with Prostitution being tolerated as well as men acting in a masculine frame of mind and women acting in a feminine frame of mind. Women were better off even more so despite all the leftist propaganda to say otherwise.
However since most people believe the opposite so your system and being able to follow it is the best a man can do in this world. The problem is many men who have the aptitude to develop the skills and accomplishments will choose not to do so which is their fault if they truly say they wanted happiness in this world. The bigger problem is that most men do not have the aptitude and will not be able to develop the skills necessary no matter how earnestly they try, and this is not their fault, but it is their responsibility to live with it and try to be as happy as they can. This is why I say Everything in your life is your responsibility and not like you Everything is your fault. Even if it is a man’s fault that he is in the predicament he is in, it is usually better to say that everything in your life is your responsibility so he accepts responsibility for himself, and I do not get into unnecessary fights. Ultimately, it often does not matter who is at fault, and it is usually useless to play the blame game as it does not help, rather it is better to say that I do not care whose fault it is because it is ultimately your responsibility and no one will love and care about you as much in this world as you love and care about yourself so be responsible and take care of yourself and this has a tendency to get me into less fights as well as get the other person to change his behavior than to say everything in your life is your fault.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:55 am, 29th January 2019Not can be, choose to be. Far more men than 10% could be Alpha 2.0s, they just don’t want to be. I regularly get guys on this blog who demonstrate this.
Irrelevant. That system doesn’t work anymore and hasn’t for about 30 years. I’m dealing in reality. You’re dealing in nostalgia and fantasy.
Under the current system as it is in real life right now, my system will make you long-term happy if you choose to adopt it. So far you’ve said nothing to the contrary.
Totally off-topic to the discussion and off-topic to your initial trollish comment in this thread. You challenged that my lifestyle would make men happy. I asked you to back up that statement and you didn’t and then changed the subject (unsurprisingly).
But thanks for playing.
Posted at 04:17 am, 30th January 2019@ Blackdragon
First, I never challenged your system in the first thread I made on this article. You have a good system and I have mostly been in agreement with you in the past and especially in my 1st thread on this article about how the 1st world works and even more so how the Western world works especially the USA. The only things I can remember challenging you on your views is living with women in your own home( Do not live with woman in your home in my opinion), prostitution( I am more pro prostitution than you) , OLTR marriage( I oppose OLTR marriage just like other forms of marriage in the 1st world especially the USA), and I am more forgiving of people by saying everything in this world is your responsibility rather than what you say in everything is your fault. I made a mistake by not responding to you challenging me to come up with a system just as good or better than yours, and am correcting for that now. I may have more later. Since you thanked me for playing, I say “Your Welcome!!!”
Posted at 06:20 am, 30th January 2019How to raise my kids to be like that instead of spineless beta cucks is something I’ll have to study pretty hard in a few years when I decide to have kids. It is not like there’s much room for error. Plus everybody around the kid, possibly including its own mother, will be pulling for the other side. It is a daunting challenge
Posted at 04:12 am, 31st January 2019@ Blackdragon,
What percentage of men could be Alpha2.os if they tried? I think only 10% can. Maybe 40% can be Alpha 1.0s and at least 50% will always be betas(and omegas). Do you really think nearly every individual man could be an Alpha2.0 if he tried and the rest of men did not? If you do, then I disagree. however, there is no way to prove this one way or the other so let me know your response. I may have more later.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:11 am, 31st January 2019If they really wanted it and tried hard, my rough estimate is about 30%, maybe 35% on the outside.
Posted at 05:47 am, 3rd February 2019Question isn’t really could be.. it’s want to be.. all my buddies are perfectly content with high drama relationships… getting run by women.. I have a buddy who blocks me (I send guy shit) when he goes to his girls house, he’s so scared of her. His girl takes his phone and reads his messages. this is guy has fucked easily over a 100 women.. he can message women on Monday online and be fucking 3 by the weekend.. but he’d rather just put up with the bullshit because that’s all he’s ever known.. he’s an ultra alpha with a thing for insanely dominate, controlling women.. just one example but I see a lot of men like this..
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:53 am, 3rd February 2019Correct.
There is a decent percentage of men who don’t want to be happy or don’t hold their personal happiness as a priority.
Posted at 04:19 am, 4th February 2019@ Blackdragon
Obviously I think your estimation of how many men could be Alpha2.0s is too high as I think only anywhere from 5% to 10% of men could be this, but you are still only saying a minority of men could be Alpha 2.0s so we agree in principle if not detail. That last response you made to me confirms that I was mostly if not entirely correct in my arguments against Jack Outside the Box’s postions. I would like to see him respond to this.
You accused me of liking Traditional Monogamous Marriage, TMM, and I do, but I fully know that it is a dead institution for anywhere between 65% to 85% of men because of divorce, adultery, lack of sex and other sorts of drama etc. meaning only 15% to 35% of men can be happy and make TMM work. I think only 25% off TMM works now especially for men. I know TMM worked fairly well for men in the 1950s and before for at least a 1000 years, but no longer does. It could work again for most men if they collectively wanted it and made it happen, but obviously that is not going to happen any time soon because most men in the West especially the USA are senseless White Knighting Mangina pansies who will not advocate for better marriages for themselves and will not have the sense to not marry like I have notmarried. This means that TMM will not be restored to its former glory within 50 years or more is my opinion and prediction.
TMM has not worked for at least 50 years and I think you are being overly generous by saying it hasn’t worked in at least 30 years. TMM has been on a long slow decline for centuries and took a very nasty downturn in the 1960s and 1970s from which it has not recovered. It started to decline in the 1500s with the Protestant revolt/ reformation by allowing divorce and took another downturn in the 1800s by letting women have the house and children and making men pay alimony and child support whereas before men got the house and children and women were forced out of the home without having to pay alimony and child support.
Posted at 08:47 am, 4th February 2019Or don’t have any idea what happiness is.. Your best articles are the ones that deal with happiness. Those are some great articles.. I hope you write more articles on happiness in the future.
Posted at 10:51 am, 5th February 2019“1. Traditional, lifetime marriage has been pretty much destroyed by Western society”
Libertarian thinking people who’ve changed the family laws, because they thought that the personal freedom of individuals is more important than traditional marriage destroyed traditional lifetime marriage.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 11:47 am, 5th February 2019Incorrect. Left-wingers changed the laws. Libertarians have no power in society and never will.